Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Pen Pals ❯ The Beginning of the End ( Chapter 14 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I don't own YYH or any songs I use.
Notes: I'm sorry I haven't updated much lately. I have a major writer's block. Well, at least I'm updating.
Pen Pals 14: The Beginning of the End
I sat in the living room. Tears streaked my face.
“Why is she going?” asked Hiei.
“She wants to,” I said, “And it's her choice, not ours.”
“But that would break up the band,” Bria said.
“Sarah can go to the Isle of Mann for two years if she wants to,” I said, “It's part of her heritage.”
“How?” asked Hiei, “You're not Scottish.”
“Yes I am,” I said, “I have ancestors from Scotland, England, Ireland, Germany, Iceland, the Isle of Mann, and Sweden.”
“You do?” asked Hiei. I nodded.
“My mom used to do geneology when I was a kid.”
“I don't want Sarah to leave,” said Hiei.
“Neither do I,” I said, “But it's her decision, not ours. She's not a little girl any more.” Sarah walked in.
“I'm ready to go,” she said. Bria hugged her.
Kadi hugged Sarah.
“I'll miss you,” she said.
“Same here,” said Sarah. Kyano walked up to her.
“I'm gonna miss you a lot,” he said. Sarah hugged him.
“I'll miss you too,” she said. Sarah walked over to Kayko and Yusuke. She hugged them and said goodbye. The same thing happened with Botan, Koenma, Caina, Yukina, and Terry. Sarah went up to Kuwabara and Sam.
“It's not gonna be the same without you,” said Sam.
“We're really gonna miss you,” said Kuwabara.
“I hope you come back soon,” said Kelly.
“She'll only be gone for two years,” said Kurama, “And in the meantime, we'll have no fun at all.” Sarah laughed.
“I don't want you to go,” said Bria.
“Me neither,” said Shiori.
“I'll come back soon,” said Sarah. I hugged her.
“Two years will seem like eternity without you,” I said. Hiei hugged Sarah.
“I miss you already,” he said.
“I'll miss you all,” said Sarah as she boarded the plane, “Goodbye!”
“The concert starts in five minutes,” said Kurama, “You three need to cheer up. It's not like Sarah will never come back.”
“We know,” said Hiei, “But it's not gonna be the same without her.”
“I miss my sister,” said Bria.
“We all do,” I said, “But Kurama's right, we need to cheer up. Besides, there're people waiting to hear us sing.”
`I close my eyes
And I can see
The day we met
Just one moment and I knew
You're my best friend
Do anything
For you
We've gone so far
And done so much
And I feel
Like we've always been together
Right by my side
Through thick and thin
You're the part of my life
I'll always remember
The time has come
It's for the best I know it
Who could've guessed that you and I …
Somehow, someday
We'd have to say goodbye
You've helped me find
The strength inside
And the courage
To make all my dreams come true
How will I find
Another friend
Like you
Two of a kind
That's what we are
And it seemed
Like we were always winning
But as our team
Is torn apart
I wish we could go
Back to the beginning
The time has come
It's for the best I know it
Who could've guessed that you and I …
Somehow, some way
We'd have to say goodbye
Somehow, today …
…we have to say goodbye'
`Your hearts beating around the clock
Time ticking away it doesn't stop
Evolution is taking place
The world is spinning and changing everyday
Anything you think of with a name
There isn't anything in life, that ever stays the same
Everything changes, changes
Things are changing constantly
Everything changes, changes
It's evolutionary
Everything changes, changes
Changing all the time
Playing with your mind
Modified of rearranged
Everything has gotta change
You take a chance, you throw the dice
You risk it all, it's just a part of life
You hold on tight, to what you know
You can't hold back, you gotta let it go
Every little step that you embrace
One road ends, another begins and
Takes you to a better place
Everything changes, changes
Things are changing constantly
Everything changes, changes
It's evolutionary
Everything changes, changes
Changing all the time
Playing with your mind
Modified of rearranged
Everything has gotta change'
`You've been such a good friend
I've known you since I don't know when
We've got a lot of friends,
But they come and go
Even though we've never said it,
There's something that the two of us both know
Together, forever no matter how long
From now, until the end of time
We'll be together, and you can be sure
That forever and a day
That's how long we'll stay
Together and forever more
Always gone that extra mile
Depended on you all the while
Even in the good and bad times
You will see
From now until our journey's end
You know you can always count on me
Together, forever no matter how long
From now, until the end of time
We'll be together, and you can be sure
That forever and a day
That's how long we'll stay
Together and forever more
No matter where our destiny leads
I'll be there for you, always come through
And that you can believe'
The audience roared with applause.
“I hope Sarah's watching this,” said Bria.
“Of course she is,” said Kelly, “She wouldn't miss this concert.”
“Sarah's absence will bring down our ratings,” said Kelly.
“Yeah,” I said, “But it's so hard to say no to that pout.”
“What pout?” asked Hiei.
“Yours,” I said. Hiei began pouting.
“What do you want?” I asked. Hiei hugged me.
“I have everything I want right here.”
“How cute,” said Sam, “He's back to not leaving you alone.”
“I know,” I said, “He was like that until we found out about Bria. Then he became a protective father.” Everyone started laughing.
“And now that Sarah's gone, I only have to worry about Bria,” said Hiei.
“Actually,” said Bria, “You won't have to worry about me anymore.”
“Why?” asked Hiei, “Did I miss something important?”
“Bria and Kyano are getting married,” said Kurama.
“Oh no,” said Hiei.
“You and Kurama are gonna be related,” I said.
“So will the two of us,” said Kelly.
“Yeah,” I said.
“When did they start dating?” asked Hiei.
“A year ago,” said Bria, “Where have you been?”
“When's the wedding?” asked Hiei.
“Two days from now,” said Sam.
It had been a week. Bria had moved in out.
“I always dreaded growing up,” I said, “I was always too scared to think about the future. But now Bria's married.” Hiei hugged me.
“No one likes to think about the future,” he said.
“I wish the girls hadn't left,” I said.
“So do I,” said Hiei.
AN: What do you think so far? If I get lots of nice reviews, then I might start putting in previews for the next chapters. I don't want to end this fic, but I have to. It'll be a while before it ends though. I'm just gonna mess with your minds for a while. R/R. Ja ne!