Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ People are Never Who They Appear to Be A Hanyou Story ❯ Christmas Party ( Chapter 23 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

“Talking” `Thought”
Chapter 23
Christmas Party
Neko was adjusting his fur minoaround his neck and flicked an ear in the direction of the bunks that he and Kichiro shared as Kichiro woke up. He heard the young boy ask, “Neko-kun . . . what are you wearing?”
“My furs that I wore in the pack,” he told the boy as the furs settled over his front.
“Why?” as Kichiro yawned.
“If you haven't noticed it's colder today because of the snow that fell last night.”
“. . . Warm . . .” as Kichiro went back to sleep.
Neko sighed as he chuckled while shaking his head and went downstairs where he began to arrange his gifts for everyone. The gifts weren't wrapped up that well but wrapped up enough so no one knew what their gift was.
He was about to set Yamakaza's gift down when he heard Yamakaza ask, “When do you get up?”
He yelped almost dropping the gift he looked at her over his shoulder and saw her wearing the strangest outfit he had ever seen. Without meaning to he placed the gift into his mino and turned to face her to ask, “What are you wearing?”
“This?” she gestured to her outfit. It was a beautiful green strapless dress with a small dark red jacket. “Minamino-san made it for me and I told her I'd wear it for Christmas.”
“That's the weirdest thing I have ever seen!”
“What about your outfit?” she asked back. “Now a day's people don't wear furs!”
“Really! I didn't get the memo!”
“Will you two shut up!” aunt Kudaku exclaimed as she came out in a robe. “Some people do sleep until the sun is high!”
“Sorry,” both teens told her.
Once Kudaku went back into her room Yamakaza turned to Neko and asked him, “Could you go pick up a few things for me for our little get together?”
“Sure, I have nothing else to do,” he answered.
“Thank you so much! Alright here's the list,” she handed him the list.
He looked over it as he held out his other hand for the money that she pulled out of her wallet.
“Please don't take too long getting the ingredients, Kurama said that he was coming to breakfast with his mother.”
“Alright, see you in a few,” as he walked out of the house.
Neko entered the house with the bag of ingredients that Yamakaza needed when his nose and ears informed him of the new guests in the house. He stepped into the kitchen and coughed to get their attention before he said, “Yamakaza-san, I bought the ingredients you needed.”
“Just put them in the fridge, will you?” she asked him.
“Of course,” as he made his way to the fridge.
“So this is Saigo Made-kun that Shuichi-kun told me about,” said an old woman with a sweet voice.
“Neko-kun this Shiori, Shuichi's mother,” Yamakaza told him.
Neko turned to her and bowed, “Yes, but you can call me Neko, it's easier.”
“Very well, Neko-kun. Yamakaza-san has told me that you go by a samurai code.”
Neko sat at the table as Kurama's face told him to go with the flow but he didn't need to be told that. “Yes, I do; a Daisho code in fact.”
“His code in fact has made him popular with the ladies,” Kurama told his mother.
“Oh, you're into civiler.”
“Only if the girl doesn't attack me.”
Shiori looked at him startled.
“It's only when they throw the first punch but that hasn't happened yet,” he explained quickly. “I grew up with wolves for part of my life and it was a kill or be killed world until my master took me in.”
She still looked shocked at him.
“I think I better wake up Kichiro-kun,” he told them to make his escape.
When he got to the stairs he heard Yamakaza tell Shiori, “Don't worry Minamino-san, he's quite civilized. I wouldn't have taken him in if he wasn't.”
“Are . . . are those really furs?” the other woman asked.
“Yes, but he doesn't go out and kill innocent creature just fun. He's very kind and understanding.”
“Why Yamakaza-san, do you have an interest for him?” the woman asked.
“What?” Yamakaza looked at her startled, “No!”
She just giggled and stood, “I think it's time to go, Shuichi, by the way you were great in the play.”
“Of course,” as Kurama stood, “I'll see you at your party.”
“Right, wait you saw it,” Yamakaza answered still a little off balance as the two walked out of the house.
“That was pleasant,” Neko told her.
“Shut up . . . you nearly give Minamino-san a heart-attack with you hitting a girl.”
“I told her that only if they threw the first punch.”
“You scared her not only that you also mentioned you grew up with wolves! Only youkai wolves live here in Japan!”
Neko just kept silent since he knew that she was right. Only a few wolf packs that still lived in Ningenkai out of view ningen of course. “Shouldn't we be getting ready for the party?”
“. . . of course,” not sure if she hurt his feeling or not
  
Yamakaza was just putting in Christmas music when she heard someone fall off the roof. She came out of the door and saw Neko face down in the snow with Hiei in front of him holding a pipe. In a flash Neko grabbed the pipe from Hiei and placed it into his mouth (A/N: What the fuck was I thinking? Neko shouldn't smoke! He's a neko youkai! Smoke like that is bad for any animal!). She couldn't believe it Neko smoked, “Neko-kun! Why are you smoking? It's extremely bad for you!”
Neko looked at her and said as he held the pipe in his hand, “I only fill my mouth with the smoke. It doesn't go into my lungs besides I only smoke when I really need to think hard for fresh ideas or need to clear my head.”
“Wow, that's impressive,” they heard Hiei sarcastically.
“I'm not even going to start to try to explain what I mean to you. Besides that it's at least once a year when I do smoke.”
“Shows how smart you are.”
Hiei didn't notice Neko place the pipe in his mouth and got on all fours and started to throw snow on top of him with his quick digging hands. Once he was done quickly jumped behind Yamakaza as he chuckled at Hiei unburying himself.
“Now you die hanyou!” Hiei yelled.
Neko held onto Yamakaza's shoulders as he used her as a ningen shield.
“Hey! Don't get me involved!” she exclaimed trying to escape from in between the two males. She was able to slip away from his grasp and duck just as a snowball was thrown from behind Hiei who disappeared. The snowball hit Neko right smack in the face as he stumbled back on impacted. Yamakaza looked up and saw her little brother giggling at them. She made a dash into the house to prevent her dress to be ruined.
It took a good twenty minutes for the party guests, Opal, Kurama, Hiei, Izu, and of course the people living in the house, to arrive and then the party started. The food was out ready to eat and present under the window in the living room. It was awkward for Yamakaza and Neko to at a party even if it was their friends they were around. Everyone was having a good time even Hiei who wouldn't admit it but that was until the phone ring.
Kudaku picked up and suddenly looked disturbed and shocked, “Yamakaza-san . . . it's for you . . .”
“Excuse me,” she said as she got up from her place on the floor where she was sitting with her friends opening their present. She took the phone from her aunt and asked, “Moshi Moshi?”
Neko looked over at her at the right moment to see her face turn from happy to shock beyond belief. It seemed everyone noticed since the room became quiet aside from the music in the background as Yamakaza listened to the person on the phone.
“I need to sit down . . .” she told the person before dropping the phone and fainting.
“Yamakaza-san!” Kurama exclaimed as Neko dashed to her aid.
Kudaku took the phone and went into the next room. Yamakaza came to and looked dazed. So Kurama suggested that Neko take her to her room. Neko agreed and easy picked her up and took her upstairs to her room with Opal in tow. He placed the poor emotionally wrecked Yamakaza on her bed. She just sat on her bed in a daze unable to move.
“What? What's wrong?” Opal asked desperately trying to find out what caused her friend to faint.
“. . . They got the man who actually started the race that caused the crash,” her voice was barely a whisper.
“What?” Opal looked at her in disbelief as did Neko.
“The crash that put my mother into a coma . . . Oh Gods,” Yamakaza began to choke, “I-I can't . . . breathe . . .”
Neko immediately grabbed her inhaler and handed it to her. Yamakaza took it hastily and did what she always did when she had an asthma attack. (A/N: don't take my word on this on how to use an inhaler but I do have two family members, two or three friends, and a few people I met that have asthma) Held to the mouth in her mouth, sprayed, pulled the piece away, held her breath, and let it out after a few moments. She did that two more times before lying back on her bed.
Neko took that as a cue to leave and closed the door behind him. He went down the stairs and asked Kurama, “When did this happen?”
“Months before you came back into this world,” Kurama told him.
“So what will they do to the guy?”
“They really can't do anything he wasn't the one that hit them.”
“Then what will Yamakaza-san want to do?”
“Nothing,” they heard Kudaku as she came out of her room. “It's best that she never meets the man who started this besides there's not many street races here so there's not much we can do.”
“You mean you're not going after him?” Kurama asked.
“No, my sister saw the accident and she could've prevented it but instead she let the events take course. This type of issue never crossed Yamakaza-san's mind before and she most likely wants it to pass.”
“How can you be so sure?” Neko asked.
“I brought her up with her brother so I should know a little more about her than her father does.”
Yamakaza came down with a cheerful mask on and asked, “Neko-kun, I couldn't find your present for me. Didn't you get me anything?”
Neko looked startled and then smacked his forehead before searching through his mino, “I must've put it back in here this morning right before you startled me.” He grinned when he found it and pulled out the small package. He held it out to her, “I knew I had it!”
Yamakaza took it and carefully opened the package. She just stared in amazement at the gift inside.
“Well, what is it?” Kichiro asked excitedly.
“It's a pendent,” as she pulled out a gold chain with a pendent that held pretty large deep sea blue sapphire, “This is the largest sapphire I've seen in my life.”
“Actually it's a locket,” that caught Hiei's and Kurama's attention and recognized it as Neko opened the side, “See.”
There was a picture of her parents on their wedding day and a group picture of them at the park. Once again Yamakaza's eyes filled with tears as she hugged Neko and whispered, “Thank you . . . thank you so much . . .”
“Here let me put that on for you,” as he took the necklace and clipped it around her neck.
“Neko-kun, may I have word with you?” Kurama asked as he motioned to the front door.
“Sure,” Neko followed Kurama outside not so sure what he wanted.
“May I ask where you got that necklace?”
“Found it an old jewelry box,” he simply answered as if answered everything.
“Where was the box?”
“In a sakura tree.”
“Where is this tree?”
“Where you guys found me except at the village.”
“Who did the box belong to?”
“Me, it had my name on it, though, I don't remember having it as a child . . . then again it might have been before I got amnesia,” he added thoughtfully.
“Neko-kun, sometimes . . .”
Mino is like a poncho and is usually made out of straw.
Opening presents for the Japanese they take their time, believe me my family hosted an intern from Japan.