Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Perspective ❯ Panic ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Well, I’m back! And with another chapter! Still not as many reviews as I could have hoped but The ONE that I got is all worth it! Well, on with the story!

Disclaimer: I do not own Yu Yu Hakusho or you.


Stepping into the airport, you headed straight for the bathroom. (Not that it’s suspicious or anything to walk around in public with your arm covered in someone else’s dried blood.) You thought to yourself sarcastically. You washed the blood off with warm, soapy water in the bathroom sink. You stepped out of the bathroom and you skipped slightly as you walked up to the Japan Air registration area. Working at a Starbucks for two years had earned you enough money to buy a ticket.

“Welcome to Japan Air! How may I help you?” said an all-too-perky woman behind the counter.

“When is the next flight to Tokyo?” you say calmly.

“The next flight leaves at 5:30 AM at gate 52C.” she said cheerfully.

“Good, I’d like to buy the cheapest seat on that flight, please.” you said while reaching into the pocket of your jeans for your money. You handed the money to her and her smile grew impossibly wider. You shuddered.

“May I see your luggage?”

“All I have is this carry-on bag.” You said jerking your thumb towards your backpack.

“Oh, well, enjoy your flight!” she said in a happy way that made you wish that you still had the scalpel. Your flight would leave in 3 hours. Slowly, you worked your way through the security checks and stepped onto the underground tram-rail to get to the international C gates. You looked to your right to see that you were alone, except for a man lying on the benches that looked completely stoned. (God, security sucks here.) The tram doors opened and you stepped out. A sudden slap on your ass surprised you and when you turned around to retaliate, the tram doors had already closed and the man’s face was pressed against the glass, breathing heavily.

“Fucking Pervert!” you yelled at the now distant train.

You trudged to the waiting area for your plane. There were still 45 minutes until your plane took off. It didn’t matter to you that you had to wait. You were finally free of your old life and it was impossible to turn back, not that you’d want to. You happily took out your MP3 player and a spiral notebook. You put on a repeat of your favorite song, “_(fav song)_”. You burned away the time by drawing multiple pictures of Hiei.

“Now boarding flight 52C to Tokyo, Japan!” a loudspeaker above you boomed.
Putting the notebook and the MP3 player away, you boarded the plane. The hair on the back of your neck stood up as if you were being watched. As soon as you sat down, the feeling stopped. (I must be really excited, that’s all.)

They started bussing the plane and you were surprised. You had expected the plane to be crowded. In fact, besides you, there were only about 10 people on this flight.

The plane took off and you enjoyed the sensation. As the plane straightened, for a brief moment, you felt weightless. After about 15 minutes of solid, uninterrupted air, you let out a wide yawn. You hadn’t realized how tired you were. (Of course I’m tired. I haven’t slept for more than a day.) And with that, you closed your eyes and fell asleep.


Everything was black. You could feel a heavy piece of fabric pressed against your eyes, as well as a VERY tight rope seemed to be binding you to a metal chair.

And that’s when you heard it, whispers. They were all around you, possibly talking to each other. Their tones were growing frantic. As time passed, the voices kept getting louder and louder, but strangely, you still couldn’t hear what they were saying. You soon couldn’t take the volume of their voices, almost as if your ears would explode. Then suddenly, all noise stopped. You became uneasy, still unable to see due to the fabric. A pinprick of white light appeared in your blocked vision. Steadily, the light grew larger and larger, swallowing you within it.


You woke up in the middle of the plane, drenched in sweat. You looked out the window to your right. It was dusk. (Damn, I slept for a long time!) That dream kept plucking at the back of your mind. There was something very familiar about those voices, but you couldn’t quite put your finger on it. It made you uncomfortable.

You HAD slept for a long time. There was only an hour left of your flight, which you restlessly spent trying to figure out the voices. [Do the math people!] The hairs on the back of you neck prickled steadily as you could feel someone’s eyes rest upon you. A gentle, forward sloping of the plane announced your arrival at Tokyo International Airport.

As soon as the plane had landed, you hurried out of the plane, gripping your bag tightly, to get away from whoever was watching you. You passed under a big sign, –Baggage Claim: 52C _(Your City)_– when you heard footsteps behind you, matching your pace. Suddenly, the person behind you broke into a run. Panicked, you ran as fast as you could, too afraid to look back. You could hear the person behind you easily catching up. They would get to you soon.

Thinking quickly, you took a sharp left down a deserted hallway. Then, standing just past the corner, you waited with your heavy backpack in hand. You listened for when your pursuer was just about to turn the corner, closed your eyes and swung your backpack as hard as you could to make it hit your stalker in the face.

You felt the backpack make contact and you heard a loud groan and an unmistakable collapse in front of you. You kept your eyes close, hoping that they wouldn’t get up. When you heard nothing stir from the direction of the person you had hit, you timidly started to open your eyes just when someone from behind you put their hands over your eyes and mouth. You tried to struggle away, but they were much stronger than you. As you were desperately trying to get free, you felt and heard a loud crack on your head. Then, you blacked out.


How did you all like it? Review plz or I will be sad. :( Unless I get more reviews, I refuse to continue with this story! See you next time! (Maybe...) LYL! Sayoonara!