Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Perspective ❯ Coming Back ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
I’m back! LOL! Well, I’m glad you all like my story. It’s up to 42 pages in my journal and I’m in the middle of writing up chapter 10! Thanks to all of my viewers and my co-authors, Kaomi and Tsunake! Well, on with the story!

Review: “text”= speech, (text)= thought, –text– = writing, ~text~ = change of scene, and anything in []’s are my useless author nonsense.

Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu Yu Hakusho, you, Kaomi, or Tsunake. But I do own this story!


“Why wasn’t someone watching her?!” Yusuke shouted. “If Tsunake causes any trouble, then we’ll get the punishment.”

“No, you, spirit detective, will get punished.” Hiei said.

“Thanks Hiei! Now I’m REALLY calm!”

“We should go find her, before she does anything serious.” Kurama said.

“Yeah, let’s go. Hiei, you stay and watch _(your name)_.”

Your heart melted and you took a glimpse of Hiei. He just ‘Hn’ed and walked outside. The others left to bring Tsunake back and you were left alone inside the temple. You went outside to find Hiei.

You found him outside practicing with his katana. He was amazingly fast, not that you’d expected any less.

“Can you teach me that?” you said as he completed a rather complex attack form. He didn’t say anything, but he threw you a spare katana.

“Position your hands like this and grip the sword tightly.” he said while demonstrating. You did as he showed and he turned to you. “Now for the hard part..” he said, turning his sword.

You and Hiei spent about three hours perfecting the fast-paced twists and curves that both the katana and its user had to perform. You were very surprised at how much patience he had for you.

You panted slightly as you completed the move without mistake for the first time. Exhausted, you sat down in the cool grass.

“Thanks for teaching me, Hiei.” you smiled up at him.

“Hn, it was nothing.”
“It wasn’t like you at all.”

“And what do you know about what I’m like.” he said as he took a seat next to you in the grass.

“I know a lot. I’ve seen some of your past and practically everything since you met Yusuke.” you looked at him.

He didn’t say anything, but he was staring up at the rapidly darkening sky. [How cute!] You searched his face for any sign of what he was thinking. Happy shouts from the temple entrance interrupted you.


Yusuke and the others hurried down the temple stairs, hoping that Tsunake hadn’t caused any trouble. Kaomi could come and go as she pleased, but Tsunake was undergoing punishment from the Spirit World and wasn’t allowed out of their sight.

They checked all of the highly populated areas of Tokyo, to make sure that they hadn’t decided to go on a killing spree.

“Ok, I’m all out of ideas!” Yusuke shouted in aggravation. “To find a demon, we have to think like demons.” he mumbled, pacing back and forth. Kurama cleared his throat next to him.

“Duh!” Yusuke said, slapping his forehead. “Kurama, if you were them, where would you go?”

“I’d try to find a quiet place.”

Yusuke thought for a moment with his hand on his chin, then he snapped his fingers.

“The park.” he grinned.

“Exactly.” Kurama said and they hurried off to the park.

As they approached the park, it became obvious that Kurama had been right. The girls were talking very loudly in the center of the park. When they came into view, they could see the girls happily running around and laughing. They stopped and stared as Yusuke came running towards them.

“What the hell were you thinking, Tsunake?!” he yelled.

Before she could answer, Kuwabara came up and started yelling as well. Kurama and Kaomi stayed back as Tsunake was pummeled with curses and insults from Kuwabara and Yusuke.

After they stopped yelling at her, they marched her towards the temple, positioning themselves on each side of her, as if she would try to escape. Kurama and Kaomi followed quietly behind. Tsunake just sulked to herself.

“We’re back!” Yusuke yelled happily as they neared the top of the stairs.


You and Hiei looked towards the stairs. Yusuke and Kuwabara appeared, grinning. Then, a smug-looking Tsunake, followed closely by Kurama and Kaomi.

“Let’s eat!” Yusuke said, running inside.

After everyone had gathered inside, you saw that Yukina had prepared another wonderful meal.

“I’m not hungry.” Tsunake mumbled and stepped into the darkness outside. Yusuke started to get up to stop her, but Kurama pushed him back down.

“Let her go. She won’t leave.” he said.

“I’m gonna go ask her what’s wrong.” you said and hurried out the door. Your eyes scanned the darkness, but you saw nothing.

Something almost like a whisper caught your ears. You turned to the source of the sound. It was Tsunake, sitting up on the roof, gazing up at the stars.

Sloppily, you climbed up on the roof to join her.

“What were you saying?” you asked her, sitting down next to her.

“Oh, it’s just a poem that I’ve known for as long as I can remember. It has always made me feel better.”

“Oh...Why are you up here?

“I just need some time to get away from it all, to think.”

“I’ve never seen this side of you before. Why are you showing it to me?”

She turned to face you and you could see a faint smile playing across her lips.

“Somehow, I know that I can trust you.” she said.


That’s all for now! I’ve got science homework and double karate class to do tonight. Make sure to read and review because it makes me know I’m loved. It gets a little funny in the next chapter, so until next time, sayoonara!