Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Pirates of the Shifting Tides: Curse of The Winged Toushin ❯ Two Survivors: Two skins ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hello! This is the story `Pirate's of the Caribbean' including the two anime's Yu Yu Hakusho and Yu-Gi-Oh. Don't worry! The story is still holding the same plot line as to the movies but with a few extra events, new twists and turns and characters (none of them are OC's. They are all played by the YYH and YGO cast.)
As far as I know, there are no pairings yet. I haven't decided on that. If I get people wanting a pairing I might add it. Don't know.
Also, in case if you're wondering, the story is not word for word with the `Pirate's of the Caribbean' movies. I made sure it wasn't even though there might be a few words or lines that I liked, that they had, so I added them. Not much though, hardly any. Please continue reading :D
Disclaimer: I do not own Yu Yu Hakusho and Yu-Gi-Oh along with their characters and I do not own `Pirate's of the Caribbean' plot line.
Please enjoy and review!
Full Summary:
Joey Wheeler is fascinated about the subject of pirates but his little sister, Serenity, isn't. Now that his curiosity has rubbed off on her, she takes a piece of something she shouldn't have, merging her, and her brother, into the link with pirates. Now they both have to brave the outcome of their lives and face some of their own fears and thought to be `Children's story tales', that every kid was told. They're not passing through an adventure filled with lied fairy tales but are actually in one themselves. How will they fare, along with many others, as they travel over the Shifting Tides with pirates? [Crossover with Yu-Gi-Oh, Yu Yu Hakusho and the `Pirate of the Caribbean movies.]
Pirates of the Shifting Tides: Curse of the Winged Toushin
Two Survivors: Two skins
“Joey!” Serenity Wheeler called, chasing after her big brother who was running wildly on the ships deck. “Wait up!”
Her brother, Joey Wheeler, laughed; looking behind before speeding up, running up to the ships wheel and placing his hands in between the knobs. The brown haired female child stopped running and giggled, slapping her knees gently and squatting like she was sick; save the huge smile plastered on her face.
“Joey!” she panted out, pointing at the snob boy. “You look so funny!”
“Ya think, sis?” he asked, not changing his face or posture.
He stood up tall behind the wheel, acting as if he was the Captain of the ship. His mouth was twisted up into a large grin, mainly of being so high and mighty.
Joey looked at Serenity, laughing like a Pirate as she nodded indefinitely.
“I'm da Captain of da ship! Look' a me!” he cooed loudly, stretching his head into the sky, trying to make the whole world hear; even if they didn't want to. “Heehee.”
A few passing sailors looked at them, thinking they were crazy kids.
The two siblings were playing on a docked ship on the harbour of Port Nether. It was one of the ships that were getting ready to head out for an overseas town, just to get supplies from allies. The Wheeler's mother was heading over for important business; just to see an old friend. They often left for the same place but the two children never really thought anything about it.
“Come on Joey,” Serenity begged, running up to her brother, hopping up the steps as she went. She latched onto his sleeve and curled her hands around his arm, hugging it like it was her own teddy bear back in their house. “Mother would be coming to get us soon.”
“Right sis,” Joey nodded, releasing his hold from the wooden wheel and lightly leading his sister the way off the ship and onto the dock.
It was dusk but the night was creeping over the Port quickly; in a few hours they would depart.
&&Later That Day&&
The ship was half way on its voyage when Joey started to get bored. He couldn't just stand staying back in his room doing nothing. He was restless and not even Serenity could calm him down from pacing the floor off.
It was night outside, probably in the early morning but neither of the two agreed to sleep. They never did sleep on the ship, whenever they sailed from one Port to another. The constant rocking of the wooden vessel or the splashing of waves against the lower sides of the ship was what made them lie awake or something similar.
Not to mention the whispers of pirate's throughout the crew members. Joey was fascinated with pirates and often sang a song because of it but Serenity feared them, always snuggling up close to Joey whenever some of the sailors had a gossip session.
But tonight, none of the sailors spoke anything about the `p' word. Normally, the two siblings would hear them from right outside their room but all they could listen to was the hustling and bustling of working men.
“Ma probably paid `em ta keep quiet,” Joey complained, pacing back and forth in their room.
He lightly kicked the leg of a chair before sitting on the nearest bed with a small twirl before landing. He landed right below his sister's feet.
“I'm glad they aren't talking. It scares me Joey,” Serenity cried, curling up in a little ball under her covers, hugging the remaining stuffing from her squishy doll.
“I know,” the blonde sighed, stretching over to his younger sibling and touching the nearest body part he could reach. “I'm just so darn bored!”
It was silent between the two; neither of them knew what to say.
Serenity wanted to have interest in pirates, just like her brother but found it difficult, especially when the whispers she heard were mainly about the terrible things they would and had done. Joey, on the other hand, was ready to walk out the doors and sit right with the crew, listening in on every detail that was uttered from every man's mouth.
The young female was sure that if he did, he would come back with eyes as large as saucers. She cried when she thought that and Joey just laughed it off when she told him.
“Ya know, I-“
“Cap'n! There's a boy in the water!” Joey was interrupted by a call of urgency and to arms.
He instantly sprang from his bed and sprinted out the door, slamming it shut behind him, forgetting a bit about Serenity. He was looking forward to anything that took his mind off how bored he was. All he heard from his younger sister was a scream of: “Joey!”
He ignored it. He didn't know why. He was just bored and excited to see anything new outside on deck. Joey sprinted near the starboard side but was pushed out of the way when a burly tall man was pulling a soaked boy from out over the sides.
“Out of the way, boy,” the man grunted, calling for someone to help him.
Another sailor grabbed the boy's legs, making sure that he didn't land on the wood with a loud `thump!'
Water was cascading from the boy's drenched clothes, splashing all over the deck and making another sailor slip over; but instantly recovered. The sound wouldn't stop.
The two men placed the boy down gently on the deck and bent down to check up on him; the rest of the crew was surrounding them in an instant, giving Joey a hard time to see.
He was standing nearby and quietly grunted as he turned around and climbed onto a standing barrel, so he could look over the crowd of squabbling sailors.
“Move aside!” called the Captain, pushing away a few of his men to clear a path to the unconscious boy.
He kneeled down beside the orphan and felt his pulse and temperature. He nodded to a nearby crew member, signalling for him to put the boy somewhere warmer.
Everything was going back to normal for a few minutes. The crew settled down and started dispersing from the scene, wandering over to their previous duties.
Joey plonked down onto the barrel and crossed his arms, grumbling to himself about `How he missed the whole thing.' He went back to his perky face when he was called over by the Captain, who was talking to one of the sailors about something that Joey didn't know of.
“Joey. Please follow me,” the leader ordered kindly, looking at Joey before turning to the man he was talking to before. “I'll talk to you later.”
The sailor nodded and hurried off, running to a coil of ropes that was on its lonesome and had to be put away.
The Captain smiled at Joey before leading the boy back to his room and inside. He closed the door behind them both.
Joey noticed that Serenity was sitting on her bed and watching the unconscious boy eagerly, like she was expecting him to spring to the land of the living that very second. She was sitting cross-legged and moving back and forth like she was impatient; with a determined look on her face.
“I would like the both of you to take care of the boy until we reach our destination,” the leader commanded, giving the two children quick glances before turning his gaze to the boy, whose chest was moving lightly up and down.
Serenity nodded, while Joey replied with a: “Yes, sir!” and a salute.
The Commander left, leaving the two siblings alone with a ship wrecked boy; possibly.
The blonde smiled weakly at Serenity's direction, even though she wasn't looking at him anyway. He strolled over to her bed and sat down next to her, pulling his legs up to his chin and resting his head on them.
“Sorry, sis,” he whispered, closing his eyes that were beginning to feel sore.
“Its fine, Joey,” she replied, shuffling up closer to him and resting her head on his shoulder tiredly.
Neither of them said a word, nor were there words from outside the door but just sounds of hard working.
Serenity felt a bit uneasy going to sleep with a stranger in the same room as her, even if he was unconscious. She felt as though there was something queer about him; like he wasn't as innocent as he looked. She was sure that Joey was the complete opposite. He was probably dying to get over to the boy and loot him or something like that. She didn't know what he would do but she knew that he was curious enough to just search him.
She stopped resting her head on his shoulder and looked at his face. His mouth was wavering and his eyes looked determined about something. Serenity giggled inside, definitely knowing that Joey wanted to study the boy.
“Go on,” she whispered into his ear and before she could explain why she let it, Joey whizzed from his perch and was by the boy's side within a second.
Serenity laughed and was watching Joey glare down the boy.
The unconscious male was short; reasonably short for his estimated age that Joey was covering his mouth whenever he measured how tall he was, mainly because he was trying to hold in his laugh. He had long hair, that was straight and had three different colours combined in it, making him look different compared to other people.
He had a coppery type of yellow as his fringe, which went down to his collar bone or a bit below. Next, his hair was mainly black and was around as long as his fringe but a bit shorter, with a magenta colour weaving into the black. The end of his hair was a darker magenta, very noticeable compared to the light streaks leading into the black.
He was dressed in rags; torn, ripped and damp. It looked like it was hugging his body.
Serenity smiled, looking down for just a second before Joey yelped and she stood up as fast as lightning on her bed; her teddy at hand like she was holding a sword.
“What?!” she asked, surprised at how brave she sounded. Her voice didn't waver at all.
She looked at Joey's back; which was as stiff as a board and that then soon shivered. Joey turned his head inch by inch, a look of total terror drawn on his face. His mouth open wide and eyes drooped low.
“What?” Serenity whispered; feeling scared all of a sudden.
“He… he… he grabbed me,” Joey stuttered, moving his body slightly to show that the boy's ice cold hand was wrapped tightly around Joey's wrist, with his hand in the boy's pocket.
“Joey!” Serenity cried softly, trying not to make anyone else come inside their room.
She hopped down from her bed and jogged to Joey's side; who was still shivering from shock.
“Joey, what did you -“
“Don't,” a raspy voice interrupted Serenity's question, making Joey hiccup and turn almost ice.
The brunette female looked down at the boy and noticed that his eyes were just barely open; she wondered how he could see through them. His breathing was getting better but was coming out in quick breaths; probably because of the rude awakening. His eyes were an uncommon colour of Violet; it was rather appealing, standing out against his large orbs.
“It's ok. We didn't mean to do any harm,” she whispered comfortingly, putting her hand on the boy's grasp on Joey's wrist. He softened, blinking.
Joey retracted his hand quickly and rubbed it, getting the feeling back to his wrist.
“What's the name?” the blonde asked the weak boy, whose head was resting on its side.
“Yugi Mutou” he replied, letting out a small gasp before falling into sleep again.
“Yugi,” Serenity whispered, trying out the name on her own tongue.
“Thanks sis, he really gave me a fright,” Joey laughed, scratching the back of his head and walking away to his own bed, which remained untouched.
He sat on it and drooped his shoulders, staring into his lap and fondling with the hem of his shirt.
Serenity was inspecting Yugi, but curiosity got the better of her. She eyed that pocket that Joey had his hand in and bit her lip, wondering whether or not she should put her hand in. It seemed safe but there's a chance the boy might wake up and not trust them later.
She sighed to herself and reached into the pouch carefully and gently, making sure she didn't make much sound to alert Joey. Her fingers ran over something ice cold and she flinched at the sudden contact. She placed her numb fingers back on the cold object and silently pulled it out.
Serenity sighed; glad that Yugi didn't spring up from his slumber and that Joey didn't get suspicious. `Joey's curiosity is rubbing off on me,' she thought, placing the small trinket into the palm of her hand and holding it close to her face. The gold glimmered in the lantern light nearby, shining small lights onto the wall in front of her.
The small object resembled a puzzle piece, due to its rectangular and smooth sides where other pieces could slide easily into. In the centre of the golden piece was an eye, it looked Egyptian and felt foreboding to the small girl.
Serenity jumped when another call of urgency alarmed the whole ship, sending crewmen back to excitement.
“A vessel ship is down!” yelled someone.
Joey reacted the same way as the sailors, springing from his seat and pounding for the exit of the small room.
Serenity shoved the piece into her pocket and followed after Joey but found that he was being forced back into the room by the Captain, who resorted to grabbing the blonde by the shoulder and leading him through. She hopped back a few steps giving room for Joey when he entered.
“Ack, Ow!” Joey groaned, slapping the Captain's hand that made his shoulder lose its feeling.
“Stay here you two. I do not want to be blamed for your meddling,” the Captain snapped, finally having enough of the wild boy who couldn't be kept back with a leash.
“Aw, but -“
The door slammed shut and the room fell silent. They could both hear the screams from the people outside on deck and the orders bellowed by the Captain. The two siblings knew that a ship had been destroyed and could possibly explain why they found the boy a few minutes back. They also knew that the sailors would go down in long boats and row across to the wreckage, in case of any survivors or valuables.
“Joey?” Serenity whispered, placing a hand on her brother's shoulder.
He didn't react; he seemed frozen.
A few minutes passed and Serenity was sitting on her bed with her teddy squished between her knees and chest. Her hand was in her pocket, fingering the gold that she found. Joey was sitting next to the boy, staring at him for no additional reason.
The doors flung open and the Captain and two sailors barged through, bringing in another body, one that looked in worse shape then the other boy.
Joey stood at attention, watching the movements of the people like a hawk and Serenity stayed where she was, doing the same as Joey.
“Found another survivor. Keep him here,” the Captain ordered, pointing to Joey's bed and watching the sailors place the other boy down.
He exited the room and closed the doors behind him, with a loud slam. He left silence behind.
Joey walked over to the newcomer, noticing that his skin was a dark shade of brown. His hair was black and kept in a loose bundle of locks on the side of his head. His clothes were similar to Yugi's but were finer in some details and styles.
Serenity gasped, noticing the burn marks printed on only the left side of the boy's face. It seemed like it just came from flickers of flames instead of total burning but it still looked serious.
“Joey,” Serenity cried, burying her face into her knees and sobbing her heart out.
Her brother ran to her, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder.
“It's `k, sis,” Joey smiled, sitting next to her and not moving an inch.
Serenity fell silent and lifted her head like she realised something or felt that something was near. Joey stared at her every movement, wandering what his little sister was doing.
“'Renity?” he queried, holding onto her waist protectively.
She didn't reply; she stared long and hard out a nearby window and out into the air behind the glass…
…and then… it flashed. A black flag, printed on it the symbol of the eye, the same one as the one she kept in her pocket.
Serenity gasped, leaning backwards and knocking Joey of the bed. She whipped out the piece and stared at it, trying to make sure that Joey doesn't see the bright gold amongst her hands.
The eye.
I hope you enjoyed reading the prologue! I already have the next few chapters written out for you but won't post them for a bit. I may, depending on how well my writing is going.
Please review before exiting the page!