Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Power of Persistence ❯ One-Shot

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: Power of Persistence

Author: Lady Miriamele

Reviews: Highly Appreciated :)

Notes & Warnings: "The Hypocrite Hunter" by Rose Thorne and Yamino Tora, as well as my own experience, inspired this fic.

It contains yaoi and reference to gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgenders. If you cannot handle that or if it bothers you, then please do not read it. Otherwise, enjoy!

This fic is dedicated to Jamie, with love. We are almost there and we will make it work! ^_^


It was a beautiful day. The weather was warm and welcoming and not a single cloud loomed in the sky. The wind was perfect---not too cool and not too strong. The trees swayed in the air, dancing to an ancient dance. Kurama hummed as he passed them. He was in the best of moods, for he knew it was going to be a great day. He had the perfect plan for celebrating, for it was his and Hiei's one-year anniversary. He smiled as he thought of spending the whole afternoon with his beloved lover.

When Kurama entered his school, he realized that he was earlier than usual. The hallway was bare and very few sounds could be heard. Nevertheless, he went to his locker and took out his books. He decided to go to the library and read until first period. As he walked away, though, something caught his attention. Not far from his locker, a group of four students stood, staring at a flyer that was posted on the wall. Intrigued, Kurama went to go find out what was so interesting.

What he read shocked him:


Gay-Straight Alliance

&A club for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender teens,

as well as their straight allies.

&Come to communicate, discuss issues surrounding sexual

orientation, participate in activities, share stories, and just hang out!

&Every Monday starting today in room D005

Wow! Kurama's mind exclaimed. Someone is finally doing something to end the discrimination in this school! It's about time! He made a mental note to drop by the club one day. With that, he turned to head to the library, but stopped when he head one of the kids talking.

"Dirty faggots!" he hollered, tearing down the sign. As he ripped it into pieces, he yelled, "They think they can run this school! We'll show them!" With an evil laugh, he tossed the pieces onto the floor.

"Come on," he said to his friends, who were cheering him on, "lets go take care of the other flyers." With that, he and his group walked away, laughing and call out obscenities.

It took all of Kurama's will power not to follow the kids and teach them a lesson. His youko side was begging for release, begging to be set free so that he could beat all the bigoted remarks out of them. Fortunately, he knew better. Violence would do nothing but make matters worse. Plus, he was in school. If he caused a fight, he could destroy his reputation and get suspended. He attempted to control the rage that slowly bubbled in his veins.

"Oh my God!" Kurama looked up to see a student whom he recognized as a freshman. She bent down and picked up a few of the pieces that were discarded on the floor. Sighing, she turned to her companion---Kurama knew him from the Unity club he was a part of---and said, "This is unbelievable. Look what they did to our flyers!"

"Assholes," her friend mumbled. The girl nodded and took out a GSA flyer. She held it to the wall as he taped it. "This is really pissing me off now," he stated as he finished placing a piece of tape on the bottom of the paper.

"I know," the girl responded, running a hand through her bangs. "At this rate, no one is going to see the flyers and no one is going to come. If no one comes, the S.O. office is going to deem it a failure and shut it down."

"I'm not going to let that happen," he said, looking up at the flyer.

"Its not going to happen," she replied, taking out another flyer. "We won't let it happen. We'll just keep putting them up. Someone has to come. We won't give up."

He smiled. "Come on, I have a feeling we have a lot of flyers to replace."

"Lo and behold the power of persistence!" the girl exclaimed, giggling. "Yeah, come on. We'll make this work." As they passed Kurama, her eyes fell upon him. Something unreadable was present in her gaze. It seemed as if she were mentally asking him to come to the club.

Don't be silly, Kurama told himself. There's no way she could know about you and Hiei. But her gaze was so insistent, he couldn't shake the feeling that she knew.

Finally she turned away from him, facing her companion. "Guess what," she whispered loudly.

"What?" her friend asked as they walked down the hall.

"GSA club today!" she yelled, the excitement echoing off the walls.

"Yeah I know," he responded. "I can't wait!"

Their voices soon faded out of Kurama's hearing range.


School seemed to take longer to end than usual. Kurama's good mood had dwindled to little more than a slight spark by the time he was on his way home. Rather than focusing on the afternoon he had ahead of him, he was too busy thinking about the club and those two dedicated students. He felt too idle, too useless. He couldn't help but think that he should be doing something to support the club and help them try and stop the closed-mindedness of the school.

But it was his anniversary. He wanted to make it so special for Hiei. He wanted to prove his love and let Hiei know that he'd never be alone again. Kurama couldn't keep that from Hiei just because he felt the need to go to a school club.

He was so lost in thought, he didn't even realize Hiei was behind him until the fire demon spoke. "Hn. When are you going to greet me?"

Kurama set his green eyes upon Hiei. "I'm sorry, itooshi," he said, attempting to smile. "I'm just kind of tired."

Hiei let out another "hn" and continued to walk beside Kurama. Finally, after a few minutes passed, he spoke up again. "What's bothering you, fox? With all the fun I am having, I might as well go visit Kuwabara."

Wincing involuntarily, Kurama took Hiei's hand in his own, uncaring of who might see them. "I'm sorry Hiei. Its just, I have this wonderful afternoon planned for us and something came up."

He felt Hiei freeze. "Does it have to do with your ningen mother?" the fire demon asked, closing in all emotions.

"Oh Hiei! I'm not canceling on you!" he stopped to hug him. "Please don't think I'd ever do that to you!" Once he felt Hiei's tension drain, he proceeded to explain. "In school, there were these flyers up for a new club. It was for a gay-straight alliance. There are two students working really hard on it, but a bunch of morons keep tearing them down. The students keep posting them back up."

He paused to remember the girl's intense eyes. "Hiei, I feel like I should be there, helping to support their cause. They are working so hard on it and they could use all the people they can get to support them. Besides, being that I am...well, seeing another male, I feel like I could go and participate some. It sounds like a great club."

He waited for Hiei's response. To his dismay, Hiei pulled away from him and began to speed away. Kurama could feel his heart breaking. "Hiei!" he called to the wind, "come back! I'm sorry, I---"

Before he could get another word out, Hiei was beside him again. "Baka kitsune! Let's go to the club before we are late!"

Kurama gaped. "Let's...What?"

Hiei rolled his eyes. "Do you want to go or not?"

"You want to go, Hiei?" Kurama asked, still not comprehending.

"If you ask me, it sounds like they could use us."

Kurama began to follow Hiei. "But what about our anniversary?"

"Hn. You worry too much. We have all night for that."


Quickly, Hiei and Kurama located room D005. They slipped quietly inside and took a seat. Kurama noticed that there were a good eleven people there. In the front of the room, the two students who had been hanging up the flyers stood. They paused in mid sentence and greeted the newcomers.

"Sorry I'm late," Kurama apologized, smiling happily. "I wanted to bring my partner along." He gestured to Hiei.

The girl smiled. "Thank you for coming." There was no doubt about it, her eyes reflected pure gratitude.

Kurama turned to Hiei. "Happy anniversary, itooshi," he whispered, taking Hiei's hand. He thought he could see the slightest hint of a smile on Hiei's face.

The End