Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Psychotic Weirdness ❯ Meet Chooch and BoBo ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


KM03: HI!! I know i havent updated mated in forever but i have a new story and here it is!! hope you like!!


(bold is what Courney wrote and the normal is what Kalyn wrote)

"Why am I here again?" Hiei growled.

The whole Yu Yu group was walking through a forest in the Makai. Koenma had sent them there, yet again, on another mission.

"Because, we could use your strength and abilities to catch the two demons Koenma wants," Kurama replied.

"Then why is the baka here?" Hiei indicated to Kuwabara.

"Hey!" The baka cried indignantly, "I could beat you up any day, shrimp!"

Hiei snorted and flickered off into a tree, away from view. Suddenly, there was a shriek and Hiei came tumbling out with two girls.

"Ow! God dammit, that hurt!" One of the girls cursed. She had sky blue hair with black streaks, gray eyes, and tan skin. She wore loose black pants with a tight, gray tanktop.

"What the hell just happened?" moaned the other girl. She had black hair with purple ends and blue bangs. She had tan skin, green eyes, and wore loose green pants with a tight, dark green tanktop.

"Who are you?" Hiei growled, his hand on his katana.

"I'm Someone!" The first girl said.

"And I'm Person!" piped the second girl.

Hiei's eye twitched slightly in annoyance.

"Who are you really?" Kurama asked, a big sweatdrop on his brow.

"I'm Kee-lee!" smiled Someone.

"I'm Meaningless!" exclaimed Person.

"Agh!" Yusuke hollered, "Let's just leave them."

"Urameshi! How could you say that! We can't leave these weak and powerless girls here in a world of demons!" Kuwabara cried.

Hiei snorted, "If this is a world of demons, wouldn't you consider the fact that they are demons too?"

"Weak?" growled Meaningless, eye twitching.

"Powerless?" growled Kee-lee, "I'll show you powerless! Meet BoBo!"

"And meet Chooch!"

Kee-lee suddenly pulled out a giant, spiked hammer from nowhere, while Meaningless pulled a giant, metal, spiked bat out of thin air.

"Woah!" Yusuke gasped, backing away from Kuwabara with Kurama. (Hiei would never be near the baka)

"It's hurt time!" Meaningless yelled.

Kurama stepped in between in between the three in hopes of making peace. But peace sucks so he shouldn't, but he does. What a baka. But he's a cute baka.

"Don't you think we should settle this in a-"

"Oh. My. God," Meaningless popped right in front of him scaring the outta him and the rest of the Yu Yu people. She just stood there staring at his face. And staring. And staring. And staring. And staring. And staring. And staring. Until finally.

"What are you doing?" Kurama asked.

"Green," She muttered.

"My eyes? She's staring at my eyes because they're green?"

"Great," Kee-lee mumbled, "She loves green and is very ob-obsket-obste-"

"Obsessive?" Hiei said, rolling his eyes at her stupidity.

"Yea! Obscussive," She repeated horribly, "She's very obscrossive of the color green!"

"Look at Yusuke, not me," Kurama turned her head towards Yusuke and she gasped.


"What?" Yusuke said.

"Take it off. Take your clothes off."


"Rae wants green. Gimme green. Gimme green NOW!"

"No way."

"Gimme green or meet Chooch," She readied her giant, metal, spiked bat for a swing.

"Meep," Yusuke took off his green shirt and gave it to her, leaving him in his green pants and black undershirt.

"Pants," Meaningless said warningly.

"No way. I need them."

"Me want pants. Rae wants pants."

"Who's Rae?"

"Rae is Rae."


"Rae is Rae, and Rae wants pants now!"

Before Yusuke could reply, a voice came from above them.

"What do you think you're doing?!"

They all looked up and saw Koenma floating in the air. Stupid toddler.

"Baby?" Rae bent her head to the side curiously.

"I'm not a baby! I'm the Prince of the Spirit World!"

"Aaaw! Such a cwute wittle baby! Me want!" Kee-lee squealed.

"I'm not a baby!"

"Denial is never good," Rae shook her finger at Koenma.

"Ah! Yusuke why didn't you bring them to me? These were the two demons I was talking about. Were you even listening when I briefed you?"


"Ah! Just bring them!"


"To my office, idiot! I'll send Botan for you."

Koenma poofed away, leaving Kee-lee and Rae gushing over him still, even though he wasn't there.

"Baby?" Meaningless piqued, "Where'd the baby go?"

"Away," Kurama said, annoyance on his face.

"Green!" Rae glomped Kurama around his torso, causing him to stumble slightly.

"H-hey!" Kurama cried, startled.

"My green!"


"AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Kee-lee laughed, "She's declared anuthing green hers, and since she can't take your green eyes then she'll take you!"

"No way!" Kurama exclaimed. In a flash of light, he turned into Youko.

"NO! Where's Green?!" Rae shrieked. She started hitting Youko on the head in hopes of finding Kurama. "Green! Where are you?! Gimme back my Green!"

"No," Youko said.

"Then meet Chooch!" She started chasing Youko with her giant spiked bat, "Chooch Smash! Chooch Smash you good! Chooch KILL GOLD! BWUAHAHAHAHAHA!"

Yusuke and Kuwabara stared at the two with wide, buggy eyes.

"What the h-" Before Hiei could finish, Kee-lee had popped up in front of him and was poking his headband.

"What poke are poke you poke doing? poke poke" He asked, his eye twitching.

"What's this? Why is it covered? Were you injured? What hurt you? Are you okay? Is this annoying? Can I see it? Is it bloody? Infected? Gorey? Pus? Tell me. Why are you twitching? Can I see your katana? Do you kill people with it? Cuz people who carry swords usually kill people. Are a samurai? Or maybe a ninja? Huh, tell me. Huh, huh. Huhhhhhhhhh."


Kee-le had a small tear running down her cheek. "You.. you,"She looked puzzled before she went crazy, "HOW DARE YOU MAKE ME SHED EVEN ONE TEAR! IT'S HAMMER TIME WITH BoBo!!"Hiei was so shocked that he forgot to dodge. BoBo came slamming into his side, sending him barreling into Youko. They both smashed up against the tree. But, Youko had it worse then Hiei. He acted as a pillow (though not intentional) for Hiei. Youko went face-first into the tree. Kee-lee ran over to Meaningless's side. They both stood there for a minute, exchanged glances, and started laughing their heads off.

"You got smashed!! You got smashed!!" They chanted, "Haha!"

Youko changed back into the human form. Meaningless ran over to his side saying "Green's back!"She dove and landed on him with a loud thud. "My Green! He's back! Yay!"

"I have a name."


"It's Kurama,"He said, pushing her off and sitting up.

"Green Kurama,"She lunged and hugged him, "My Green Kurama."

"Just Kurama will do. Who are you two?"

"I'm Rae,"She said running over to her friend, "And this is Chooch."She held up her giant bat to show them.

"I'm Kimura Lee, and this is BoBo!'She yelled with her giant hammer in her hand.

"Dude, these girls are weird,"Kuwabara stated.

"Yup!"The duo spun around and yelled. "Weird is strange and strange is good."

Everyone stood there in silence with buggy eyes and sweatdrops. The girls were frozen in place, holding up peace signs. Botan arrived on the scene wearing her pink kimono.

"What's going on?"She asked.

"These chicks are crazy!"Kuwabara pointed.

"Well, we might be crazy, but at least we're attractive."

"Yeah, ugly!"

Kuwabara stared at them with drool just falling everywhere. He ran towards them with outstretched arms. The duo screamed in terror.

"What'da we do Kee-lee?!"

"I don't know, just keep it away from me!"

Rae pulled out her bat and took her stance. When Kuwabara was close enough, she swung and sent him flying.

"Oh, yeah homerun!"She exclaimed while doing the Kirby dance. For those who don't know the Kirby dance, it consists of: 1 moonwalk, 1 backflip, a turn, front flip, another turn, and a peace sign.

"Ugly's gone,"Kimura cheered.

"Great now we have to go find him!"Yusuke yelled, sarcastically.

"Aren't those two the ones Koenma's looking for?"Botan asked.

"Yeah, that's them."

"So do something about them!"

So Kurama and Hiei, who'd finally woken up, grabbed the girls by their arms and forced them down. They were acting like police officers.

"Green, that hurts. Stop it."

"Yeah, samurai, officer, guy."


"Oh! That's your name?"

"Yusuke, find Kuwabara. I'll take these two to Koenma."

"Alright Botan, don't be so melo-dramatic."

Botan, along with the four other demons, were off to Koenma's. Yusuke was off to find the baka Kuwabara.


KM03: Hi, unfortunately the ff.net pplz won't let me keep this up on their site so now im gunna upload it on this site..hope u liked it!! R & R!!!