Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ pure love ❯ ch: 3 reunited ( Chapter 3 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
chibi hiei: i love cookies! <3
every one else: 0o
li: on to ch: 3
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
ch; 3 i miss u
li; were, if not here?
kurama: idk
li: how about the park?
kurama: the park?\
li: well u got any better idea?
kurama: haw abou tmy apt?
li: idk, its right next door and al could maybe hear...well i guess it will be fine
kurama: ok then lets go
li: ::smiles:: thanx
kurama: ::huggs li:: anything
both: ::gets to kurama's apt::
kurama: i have to go get the potion
li: ok
kurama: ::comes back with a pink bottle:: this is the fruit of past lives, its wat
can transform me into yoko 4 a while...half hr at the most
li: ...ok
kurama: :;drinks potion, pink mist forms::
li: yoko?
::blue jewel in li's necklace glows, pink mist dissapitates leaving yoko standing
li: yoko! ::runns up to yoko and huggs him tightly:: yoko!!!!
yoko: li!
li: ::tears:: i missed u soo much, y did it end like this?
yoko: shhh li its ok im here now
li: just promise u will always b with me
yoko: i will
li: ::crys more::
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(yoko's pov)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
as i stood there watching her cry i could think nothing but how much i missed her when
i was gone.i guess i...love her. i love her? i love her!
" i love u, li," i wisspereed to myself as i started to melt, standing there in the dim
moonlight.li, semmed to be, melting into my arms, she was still sobbing and it was
starting to make me feel guilty, like it was my fault that she was so depressed at the
present moment. i need to fix this, i thought, its all my fault.
i sat li down on the couch.
"li, im sorry for making you so sad," i said, " its all my fault." i turned away from her.
all of a sudden i herd li stop crying and laugh...laugh? she grabbed my face and said,
"im not rying because im sad, im crying because im so happy to see you again, i love you,
"i love you, too, li" i replied, finally, we confess our fealings for each other
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~`(normal pov)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"i love you too li" replied yoko.
there was nothing to do, now, but seal the moment with a hot and jucy kiss, li and yoko,
both knew this.
they both leaned in more and more untill they were 1 millameter away. and then. they
kissed. as they were kissing, yoko started to feel strange, btu was too into the moment
to care,then,it came, the transformation back. the pink mist once again formed around yoko, turning him
back into kurama.
when li opened her eyes, she found emerald ones staring back. both, then, blushed
15 shades of red. they then broke the kiss. li was the first to say something.
"thank you kurama" she said smileing
"anything for you" kurama said back, smileing, too.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~`
li: ok, ino it was sappy 'n crappy, but im watching emma and...i 4got the other guys name
al: wow
kurama: well i enjoyed the chapter
hiei: if course u did, lover boy
li: 0o so R+R or u wontr get another chappie!
al: U herd her!
every one else: 0o
li: on to ch: 3
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
ch; 3 i miss u
li; were, if not here?
kurama: idk
li: how about the park?
kurama: the park?\
li: well u got any better idea?
kurama: haw abou tmy apt?
li: idk, its right next door and al could maybe hear...well i guess it will be fine
kurama: ok then lets go
li: ::smiles:: thanx
kurama: ::huggs li:: anything
both: ::gets to kurama's apt::
kurama: i have to go get the potion
li: ok
kurama: ::comes back with a pink bottle:: this is the fruit of past lives, its wat
can transform me into yoko 4 a while...half hr at the most
li: ...ok
kurama: :;drinks potion, pink mist forms::
li: yoko?
::blue jewel in li's necklace glows, pink mist dissapitates leaving yoko standing
li: yoko! ::runns up to yoko and huggs him tightly:: yoko!!!!
yoko: li!
li: ::tears:: i missed u soo much, y did it end like this?
yoko: shhh li its ok im here now
li: just promise u will always b with me
yoko: i will
li: ::crys more::
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(yoko's pov)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
as i stood there watching her cry i could think nothing but how much i missed her when
i was gone.i guess i...love her. i love her? i love her!
" i love u, li," i wisspereed to myself as i started to melt, standing there in the dim
moonlight.li, semmed to be, melting into my arms, she was still sobbing and it was
starting to make me feel guilty, like it was my fault that she was so depressed at the
present moment. i need to fix this, i thought, its all my fault.
i sat li down on the couch.
"li, im sorry for making you so sad," i said, " its all my fault." i turned away from her.
all of a sudden i herd li stop crying and laugh...laugh? she grabbed my face and said,
"im not rying because im sad, im crying because im so happy to see you again, i love you,
"i love you, too, li" i replied, finally, we confess our fealings for each other
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~`(normal pov)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"i love you too li" replied yoko.
there was nothing to do, now, but seal the moment with a hot and jucy kiss, li and yoko,
both knew this.
they both leaned in more and more untill they were 1 millameter away. and then. they
kissed. as they were kissing, yoko started to feel strange, btu was too into the moment
to care,then,it came, the transformation back. the pink mist once again formed around yoko, turning him
back into kurama.
when li opened her eyes, she found emerald ones staring back. both, then, blushed
15 shades of red. they then broke the kiss. li was the first to say something.
"thank you kurama" she said smileing
"anything for you" kurama said back, smileing, too.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~`
li: ok, ino it was sappy 'n crappy, but im watching emma and...i 4got the other guys name
al: wow
kurama: well i enjoyed the chapter
hiei: if course u did, lover boy
li: 0o so R+R or u wontr get another chappie!
al: U herd her!