Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Rainy Days ❯ Rainy Days ( One-Shot )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

This must be one of the more bizarre pieces I've written, all things considered. One of my more successful attempts at humor, I believe. I actually wrote it at least six months ago for a fic contest another writer was having. This is the result.
Disclaimer: I don't own YYH, and I swear I don't belong in an insane asylum. Okay, so maybe I do, but when I start claiming I did invent YYH, thenyou can worry.
Please read my other story on mediaminer, "Yin and Yang: Reflections of Chaos".
Lightning flashed outside the second story window, a bright streak against the clouds that was soon answered by a growl of thunder. The tree outside Kurama's room whipped wildly about, looming overhead, raking its branches against the windowpane. The rain lashed the glass, making a rhythmic pitter-patter that was interrupted only by the clicking of buttons and the squeaking of bedsprings. And that annoying chant-like melody.
The boys inside were ordinary enough teenagers: one slightly feminine one diligently working on his homework; one sitting on the bed, eyes closed, hand twitching near the hilt of his katana; a third deeply enthralled by a video game, pausing only to make sure his hair was properly slicked back... and the last sitting in a bean bag chair in the same position he had been in for over an hour, softly singing some weird tune. The sound would be enough to make any music critic cry with awe: I'm sure they never imagined someone could have such an awful voice and be tone deaf and insist on singing regardless. Like I said, four ordinary high school boys.
It was the one on the bed who had spoken before, his lip now twisting into a snarl when the human rock ignored him. He reached once more for his sword, but was interrupted by the video game player.
“YES!” Yusuke Urameshi half-shouted, leaping to his feet as he thrust his fist into the air and threw the video game controller to the floor. “Perfect score and goin' on level eight! What do you think of that?” He grinned at Kurama, who paused from his homework long enough to smile back. Turning to frown at the darkness outside, he switched on a desk lamp and returned to his work. Disappointed at Kurama's lack of enthusiasm, Yusuke turned to Kuwabara in the corner closest to him.
“So, what do you think?” he asked again. Kuwabara did not respond, did not even give a sign that he had heard.
I think you're standing on the `Reset' button,” Hiei replied irritably without opening his eyes. He shifted again, oddly agitated, making the bed groan as he settled his weight. Yusuke turned to look at Hiei in the opposite corner from him, unbelieving, and then looked down to discover he was indeed stepping on the reset button.
“Aw, crap,” he muttered, switching the game back on and sitting down on the floor. Sighing in satisfaction, Kurama put his homework away and spun his chair around, looking curiously across the room at Hiei.
“What are you looking at, fox?” Hiei snapped almost instantly, eyes still closed.
Kurama smiled slightly and shook his head. There was no fooling the fire demon. “You seem on edge, Hiei. I merely wondered why.”
Hiei snorted, “You know.” He waved his hand at the window and repositioned himself so he was leaning against the wall. An awkward silence followed.
“The ningenkai is boring,” Hiei finally snorted. “No wonder all humans are so weak.”
“Anytime, firebug, anytime,” Yusuke called over his shoulder.
Ignoring him, Hiei opened one eye and fixed Kurama with a dubious stare. “You promised me sweet snow, fox.”
“So greedy,” Kurama picked some of his old stuffed animals from the shelf where his mother had arranged them and tossed them playfully at Hiei, who was soon buried in various bears, dogs, and other creatures. His eyes, focused at Kurama in a death glare, seemed incredibly out of place.
“If you were anyone else, I would kill you,” Hiei growled from under the pile.
Kurama smiled innocently, “If I were anyone else, you would already have killed me, and then who would you make death threats to?” he pointed out. Hiei flung the stuffed toys off himself, still glaring.
Yusuke, having only been giving a tiny fraction of his attention to the conversation, felt inclined to give his own opinion on what, in his mind, they should still be talking about. “Unless, of course, you're scared to fight me,” he added right before a large pink elephant struck him in the back of the head. “What the-?” He spun around just in time to be interrupted by an old beat up teddy bear that smacked him across the face. Hiei had, in the meantime, thrashed free of the toys only to find himself entangled in blankets. While Kurama did his best to stifle his laughter, Hiei slowly freed himself and solemnly resumed a sitting position, regaining his dignity as best he could. Much to his annoyance, a fluffy little fox fell into his lap, squeaking as its big brown eyes looked at him.
“Baka kitsune,” the demon grumbled, picking the toy up and squeezing it *squeak squeak*. With an evil grin, he imagined the fox as it would look well done and prepared to set the thing on fire.
“Damnit!” Yusuke exclaimed, interrupting Hiei's reverie as he turned to see `Game Over' flash across the TV screen. Fuming, he promptly decided it was Hiei's fault and then determined to take his anger out on him. “So are you scared or what?”
Hiei closed one eye, assuming a do-not-speak-to-me-you-worthless-human expression, “Hn.” He then went back to what he was doing, which was debating which would satisfy him more, frying the offending stuffed animal or decapitating it. Kurama took the initiative to steer this more-than-dangerous conversation back to peaceful terms.
“So... what do you think he's doing?” the fox inquired, motioning to the human rock.
Yusuke, having the short attention span he did, turned to his mumbling comrade, “Dunno... Oi, Kuwabara!” The Spirit Detective rapped his knuckles sharply on the taller boy's head. “What the hell are you singing?”
The tuneless melody paused for a moment. “It's a Yukina-summoning song.”
“Oh, a... wait... you lost me.”
A weary sigh. “I said a `Yukina-summoning song'.”
“Yeah... yeah, that's what I thought you said. So what's she gonna do? Pop up outta nowhere in the middle of Kurama's room?”
An offended look crossed Kuwabara's face. “Of course not, Urameshi. The love in my heart will call out to her undying love for me, and she will feel compelled to follow the link that binds us together, bringing her to me.”
Yusuke blinked. “So she's gonna walk all the way from Grandma's temple, through the mountains, then the forest, then the city, just to come here?! You're kidding me.”
“Shut up, Urameshi. I'm trying to focus,” With a disgruntled sniff, Kuwabara went back to singing while the other three stared at him, dumbstruck. Hiei was the first to recover, standing up and tossing the plush toy aside.
“Humans. Why do I bother?” the hi youkai gave a derisive snort and stalked out of the room, katana held tightly in its sheathe in his left hand.
“Where d'you think you're going?” Yusuke demanded.
“To find sweet snow,” Was the simple reply. Yusuke and Kurama exchanged glances, shrugged, and followed their partner out in hopes of preventing him from completely demolishing the kitchen in his search.
Another hour later found two of the boys lounging on the couch, a third washing the dishes, and the last still humming upstairs. The first two were, to say the least, fed up with the last's attempts; Kuwabara would definitely not be accepted to honor choir anytime soon.
“Kuwabara, give it a rest alrea-” Yusuke had to clamp his hands to his ears before he could finish, the two youkai following suit quickly. The song was obviously reaching its finale, or at least, hopefully, as Kuwabara's voice rose to a keening falsetto wail that echoed through the house several times magnified. As the final note died away, a roll of thunder accented it, making the walls shudder and the lights flicker out. A stunned silence penetrated the house.
“...It was a dramatic finish in any case,” Kurama offered tentatively as he rummaged around in the cabinet for a flashlight. Yusuke, however, was staring out the window at a small figure at the front door, momentarily illuminated by lightning.
“I don't freakin' believe it!” he muttered. “Oi, Kuwabara, you'd better get down here quick!” There was no need for this announcement, as the person in question was already bounding down the stairs. Without a second thought, he threw the door open and embraced the figure standing outside.
“Yukina! I, the great Kazuma Kuwabara, am so happy to see you!” he crowed, squeezing the bewildered person to him.
“I- it's nice to see you too, Kuwabara-san,” a voice stuttered, muffled by the fact that the owner's face was being shoved into the front of Kuwabara's shirt with considerable force. Hiei shook his head in disbelief, and Yusuke was already rolling on the floor, laughing hysterically when Kurama finally flipped on the flashlight and turned the beam on the cuddling couple.
“Kuwabara,” Kurama stated calmly, only a slight tremor of laughter giving him away, “I think you should let go now.” Kuwabara glanced at him questioningly, but the redhead had already had to look away to stifle his snickers.
“I... was walking home when the storm started... Kurama-san's house was closest... I wondered if he would let me stay here till the storm ends... the rain still makes me a bit nervous sometimes, seeing as...” The broken explanation trailed off, an uneasy shuffling of feet the only sound as Kuwabara released the person he had held captive in his arms.
“You sure... that was a Yukina-summoning song?” Yusuke managed to get out between fits of laughter. Hiei rolled his eyes and gave another grunt.
Another giggle-tinged voice came from the shadows just outside the door. “I toldja there was something weird about that big oaf. I knew it!” it chirped. Purple eyes turned gleefully to the fox. “I just came with him for a rematch. Figured we might as well play fair and square this time, ne?”
“Yes, yes... come in,” Kurama nodded slightly at the two outside, and they moved out of the rain. With a final burst of chuckles, the lights flared back into life, revealing an acutely disconcerted Mitarai and a certain smirking video game master.
Just your typical scene of boys on their day off. One disgusted by the entire situation, choosing instead to raid the freezer for more ice cream. One poking his rival and whispering teasingly, causing an all-out brawl to break out before long. One with a blush fading from his cheeks, trying to figure out what to do, then finally sitting down to watch the two fighting amusedly. One sensible enough to ignore them all, despite the damage they will probably inflict on the house and each other, heading eagerly up the stairs with the feminine one looking doubtfully behind before following, sighing as he begins forming possible excuses to give his mother when she discovers the mess. An average gathering. Nothing out of the ordinary at all.