Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Rakuen A Romance For A Kitsune ❯ A Kitsune's Heart ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 4: A Kitsune's Heart

Oh, this river, oh this river runs
Can't take my heart away from you
You are in my soul
Can't tame this love I feel for you
Can't escape what is meant to be

It's endless as the heavens
It's time less and it's strong
It's faithful as an angel
It's right there right or wrong
There's no end to this emotion
It goes on and on

This river runs, this river runs so true
This river runs, this river runs to you
This river's deep as the ocean
Runs on blind emotion
This river runs, oh yeah

You're every beat within my heart
You are in my blood
Nothing could keep me from your arms
Where you are is where I'll always be

As long as there are mountains
And stars still fill the sky
As long as there's forever
I'm right here by your side
There's no end to this emotion
Till the end of time


This river runs, oh so deep within my soul
And it flows forever
And for the rest of all time
Always be there


Last Time
The Spirit detective sat on his living room couch in disbelief.
He just couldn't believe what he saw on the DVD Hinageshi showed him.

Botan decided on fried rice with sweet and sour sauce,egg rolls and a diet coke.
Kurama dined on soba, sushi and a sprite. Over dinner the happy couple idly chatted and laughed about this and that.
They talked about music, art, their likes and dislikes.
Along the way they discovered things about each other that no else knew.
One thing was for sure, he noticed that she was a lot smarter then she let on.
Most of the time it was just an act to throw off the enemy, even he had to admit that he was fooled a little.
But one of the things that saddened Kurama was the fact that Botan never had any real friends until she was assigned as Yusuke's
assistant. He could definitely relate to that. Back in Makai his only friend was Kuronue later on it was
Hiei then Yusuke, Kuwabara and of course HER. He as he gazed into her lovely eyes he noticed that she was hiding something big from
him. Like how did she found out about his mother's reincarnation and was she even supposed to show him?
As a bandit, it was his expertise to seek out what was hidden but for the moment he would have to let it go for now.
One odd thing he wondered about was why didn't Botan have a mate?

His brain was good at multi tasking. The handsome renard listened to her chatter on while he pondered about
her. To him at least she was nothing short of beautiful. A beautiful, cheerful and loving woman.

*….. She is of age. Surely these fools must have noticed her beauty? Is it because of her job? Is she afraid to get close
to someone? Or are they just deaf, dumb and blind?*

He smiled to himself. She looked terribly cute as she popped another spoonful of rice in her mouth.

"Mmmmm Wow! The food here is really amazing!"

"Yes I know! That's why my mother and I liked it so much."

* Then again I must be a fool too. After all it took me fourteen years to notice her. Hm I think it's time
I rectify that mistake. She would make such a lovely mother to our kits.*

"Are you sure about this? I am able to pay for myself ya know."

"Ha he I already told you it's my treat!"


"But no!"

Another odd thought struck him.

* Kits?! Since when have I wanted children? Ah yes… at the hospital she looked absolutely radiant caring for those children.
I suppose I would love to have a few pups with her.*

"So umm what did you say to those girls?"

An almost evil glint sparkled in his eyes.

"Hm? Oh, I was merely saying hello and telling them to give my regards to the fan club."

At that she giggled.

"Ha ha It's about time you told them off!"

He smiled as he noticed that his pretty vixen wore the rose that he gave her in her hair right above her left ear.
As he gazed at the lovely creature before him, his mind once again shifted into a hazy day dream.
Her rounded belly teaming with precious life and her pretty face glowing with happiness. And him
standing behind her with his arms around her whispering sweet nothings in her ear. He could almost
smell the sweet change in her scent indicating that both mother and pups were happy and healthy.
Even though he used to be a harden criminal, a rogue fox you could say. He had no prior experience with children save for
his younger step brother and at the hospital, his natural kitsune instincts were still strong.
Kitsunes, normal and youkai ones take great care of their young. Members of the pack band together
to help the lead male and female feed and protect their pups. Normal foxes only have one breeding
pair but youkai kitsunes would get permission from the pack leaders to mate. Once they are mated,
they are mated for life. No one or anything save for death can break that bond. He would fight to the
death to protect his family, fight to the death for HER.

"And I'm sorry about the awful things they've said about you. They had no right."

At that Botan cringed a little.

"What's the point? I'm no super model."

"*Sigh* Who cares what they think! You know it's not true! You are beautiful! I told you already
that you just have to believe it!"

*………. It wouldn't even matter if our kits were hanyou, just as long as they are healthy and happy I'd be glad.
They might not be able to shape shift into a human form perfectly but a simple illusion spell should hide the ears, claws and eyes.
They would also loose their powers once every New Moon. Being a hanyou wouldn't make them weak.
I'd say Inu Yasha is living proof of that.*

A few years back the team was sent on a mission back 500 years into the past. The Edo period to be exact.
They were sent back to return the last three shards of the Jewel Of Four Souls and to defeat Naraku.
Inu Yasha may have been rude and crude but he defended his young Miko mate and his "pack" with honor and a vengeance!
Kurama had to respect that. After all he would do no less for his own.

But the "pack" Kurama and Botan were in was quite "unique" as well. One normal human, Keiko.
Two spiritual humans, Kuwabara and his sister Shizuru. One fire youkai, Hiei and his sister
Yukina an ice youkai. And their fearless leader Yusuke, a direct descendant of Raizen.
Her a spirited ferry girl, and him a kitsune youkai with a very human heart.

*………..I'm sure the others will support us but I honestly don’t care what King Enma or Koenma think.
I think both of us deserve this much. But wait…. Botan isn't really human, so that means our kits would be half Rei. Oh well
it still dosen't matter. They would be beautiful, perfect just like her.*

The diety looked at him in disbelief.

"Am I really?"

"Yes! Yes you are both inside and out! Well to me at least. Your warmth and gentle
heart reminds me so much of my mother."

Once again she blushed deeply.

"Uh um um th thanks."

With his head resting in his left hand the handsome renard in a human shell reached out for his vixen's hand. A small jolt of electricity flowed through their
fingers. He bit back a growl of pleasure when her already intoxicating scent spiked. The look of surprise
on her face was alluring and amusing.

*Sigh… Just being in her company tonight has made me feel……. well I don't think I've ever been
this happy.*

It made him ecstatic when he heard the thundering beat of her heart.
He winked at her. Now the tables have turned. The pursued has now become the pursuer.

*Ha! How ironic! Now I'm the one who's doing the flirting and the swooning !*

But sadly there was one tiny thing that kept bugging him. He frowned a bit.

*I have grown accustomed to my youkai form again would she accept that? Would she accept me as I truly am? Sigh.*

He had to bite back another growl as Botan licked the sweet and sour sauce off her egg roll.
Kurama had to shift in his seat slightly as the heat began to boil in his male body.

*Sigh My vixen what have you done to me?*

Little did the female know that the mating ritual had already begun. Youkai and ningen mating rituals wheren't all
that different. Both males and females would try to look their best to attract a potential mate.
Flirting would be done to let members of opposite sex know that the male or female was interested.
Gifts would be given to show affection and to show that the en tended would be well cared for.
The males would mark their females. Youkai males would mark females by placing their scent on them and by using a bite mark.
Ningen males would resort to using some type of jewelry like a ring, pin or an ID bracelet. Back in his high school days
he has seen the "jocks" give their girl friends, well girl friends who smart enough to give up on him,
their team jackets with their names or initials on them to wear around school.
He had already done a few of those things now all he had to do was wait and see if she was ready and willing before he can fallow through.

Every little thing she did conscious or subconscious, smiling,laughing or just plain looking at him, they where setting off his instincts.
Another thing that was setting them off was a few other males checking her out. Two of them were youkai,
a wolf and a spider. Kurama didn't have to worry about them too much because he knew that they could smell his scent on her.
Most youkai knew when to back off but if any of these males tried anything with her, he was confident enough to handle them.
In a civilized manner of course. The thick stench of their sexual arousal assaulted his nose.
He smirked. It seemed like a little display was in order.

*I wonder what she tastes like?*

The pretty female looked at him with concern. She could sense two male youkais close by.

"Are you Ok? Is it the two youkais?"

"I'm fine. I sense no ill intentions from them. But it seems like you have caught the attention of every man in this room!"

"Hunh?! Wha…."

Botan was completely caught off guard when Kurama leaned forward, cupped her face in his hands and captured her lips with his.
For a moment time just froze. At fist the kiss was light and gentle but grew deeper and bruising.
With out even thinking she began to kiss him back. His tongue slipped in and out, side to side mimicking the
kind of love making he en tended to give her. The sound of two heart beats thundered in Kurama's ears.
Her scent and taste filled his senses to the brink. He could feel his control slipping away so regretfully he broke off the kiss.
It was the most liberating, breathtaking and thrilling thing he had ever experienced! It was like falling then shooting up
and soaring through the sky. Not even the thrill of his greatest capers could compare to this nirvana, this rakuen, his Botan.
Just in case the two male youkais didn't get the message, he let a soft yet polite warning growl resonate in his throat.
As he regarded her with hooded eyes he sensed a pang of disappointment in her. He spoke to her in a husky breathless voice.

"And my vixen it seems that you've also captured my attention."

He smirked inwardly as the scent of arousal decreased and he heard comments like, "Damn that lucky bastard!" and
"Makes sense Minamano san would pick her." "Hm The kitsune made a fine choice!". The kitsune shivered slightly as her scent spiked yet again.
On the out side he appeared normal and his actions were well schooled. But on the inside was a completely
different matter. His heart ached for her, his body ached for hers. He loved her, he wanted her.

*Gasp! By the Gods! Her scent is driving me insane!*

Just then a little human boy wondered over to them. The little four year old was the cutest thing ever, with bright sapphire blue eyes,
cherry blonde hair and a pudgy little face. To top it all off he was dressed in a blue and white sailor suit with matching hat and shoes.
He looked comical when he gave the couple a happy go lucky grin. His two upper front teeth where missing and he spoke with a lisp.

"G lady yer awful purdy!"

At that Kurama chuckled. The expression on Botan's face was just priceless! Then the little guy
motioned for Kurama to lean closer to him so he can whisper something to him.

*Hm it's funny how human children can be so blunt and funny at the same time.*

"Hay Mista! Ya should marry her! An' then have lotsa kids!"

For a brief moment Kurama was so shocked he almost fell out of his chair. He stamped down the intense
urge to laugh. This child was truly a delight.

*I hope our kits will be as sweet and smart as he is. Sigh Why was I so foolish?! Why
didn't I do this sooner?*

The boy's mother came outta the ladies room. She dashed over and grabbed her son's tiny hand.
She gave the couple an apologetic and embarrassed look. Botan sweat dropped a little and Kurama
gave the boy a wink.

"Yugi! Oh my! I'm so sorry!"

Kurama smiled up at the lady.

"Think nothing of it! I just might take his advice! Your son seems wise beyond his years."

The lady beamed a little.

"Thank you kind sir. Now come along Yugi, lets let these nice people enjoy their meal hunh?"


A few minutes later the couple exited the restaurant with Kurama draping his right arm on Botan's shoulders
and flaring his youkai energy to keep her warm. There were too many people about to see Botan summon her oar
so once again they strolled down the streets. The electronic spy bugs resumed their pursuit.

Ever since Kurama kissed her, the ferry girl's mind and world went numb. It was heaven, it was perfect rakuen
yet it was as if her body was on remote control. She was too shocked to think that, Kurama, he of all
people would actually do THAT to her. To actually love her, a simple ferry girl. The ferry girl who
had shepard his mother's soul. At first she thought he was just being a good friend when he treated her to
dinner, gave her the rose and said all those things to her. This was more then she ever dared to dream of.

After all who would ever love a grim reaper?

Before she knew it they were already at the door of Kurama's spacious studio apartment.
Like his office it was decorated with various types of plants. It was furnished with a mix of
Western and Japanese furniture. There was wall to wall polished hard wood floors covered with
a few persian rugs. In the middle was a living room with a sofa, lay Z boy chair coffee table, tall floor
lamps, and an entertainment center. Right by the center was Kurama's musical instruments, a chuck berry red
fender guitar, black Yamaha keyboard and a standard chuck berry red drum kit all complete with mike, speakers and amplifiers.
On the right side of the apartment was the bath room and Kurama's personal quarters. On the left side was the kitchen and dining room.

The renard gently steered his vixen inside. Judging by her scent he could tell that she was nervous and excited at the same time.
He regarded her fondly with a warm smile. She looked absolutely beautiful tonight. He was truly happy and like magic
the plant life around them seemed to respond to their master's good mood and to her as well.
She jumped in surprise when a large potted Angel's Trumpet plant came to life and brushed up against her like a pussy cat.


"He he he he See even your beauty captivates my plants!"

Like servants the plants seemed to bow down to them. With a wave of his hand and a little flare of his youkai energy he
"dismissed" them.

Being the polite well mannered gentleman his human mother raised him to be he took Botan's purse and set it on the table
and offered her a seat on the couch. But when he took her purse he could sense her nervousness increase. Inside he frowned a bit
and almost hesitated.

"Botan if you don't mind me asking. How did you….?"

But before he could even finish the question he was practically attacked by his beloved.
Her female body pressed against his male body. Her delicate hands barred themselves in his long locks.
Her tongue and mouth mimicked the kiss he gave her earlier that evening. Red turned to silver, emerald
green turned to bright gold and cream turned to alabaster. Completely lost in passion Kurama transformed.
His long arms snaked around her trim form. His long silver tail swished back and forth in excitement as he felt
the harden buds of her buxom pressed against his chest. As he loosened his hold he stooped down a little
and nuzzled her neck. A jolt of electricity shot through him as Botan massaged his
fuzzy lobes.

But before he did some thing that he might or might not regret he removed him self from her.
He willed himself to calm down. Golden eyes connected with lavender eyes.