Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Rakuen A Romance For A Kitsune ❯ Matters of The heart ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
***Last Time***
"I pray The Lady will have mercy upon your black and cold heart! When I am free
I will see to it that you have a one way ticket straight to Hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Oh and by the way if you don't know who Hinageshi is, she's not a made up character she's from the movie :
Yu Yu Hakusho The Movie Poltergeist Report. (You guys should see it.) And her name means Poppy flower.

Chapter 6: Matters Of The Heart

*** Ningenkai: Tokyo East Side ***

Donning his long white trench coat Kuwabara Kazuma searched the East side for any clues
as to the whereabouts of his friends. He checked every low life dive and scanned every face of every
of every pretty girl he came across. But none of them matched Botan's features.

* Aw damn! How the hell can it be so hard to find one blue haired girl?*

Suddenly a flash of blue caught his eye.

*Hunh? Well FINALLY!*

The carrot top smirked to himself.

*I Kuwabara Kazuma, am the greatest spirit detective ever!*

There was a long line leading into a local night club called "Queenz". With a look of determination Kazuma marched over to a figure
wearing a light pink dress with matching pumps and purse. Her blue hair was done up in a pony tail
and she was wearing pink, so naturally he assumed it was Botan. All the while he failed to
notice some of the lustful and funny stares he had been receiving. Finally he reached his target and
tapped her on the shoulder.

"Hmn yes?"

"The girl" turned around and smiled sweetly up at Kazuma.

"Hey Botan we need to….."

Upon realizing that this person was NOT Botan, he sweat dropped, smiled impishly and nervously ran his right
hand through his short hair. "The girl" winked seductively and swayed closer to him.

"Oh heh! Sorry my apologies miss…."

For a moment he was captivated by her pretty face but then his eyes traveled down to her neck.

He blinked.

*Hey wait a minute, somethin's not right here.*

His face scrunched up in confusion.

"Mmm my my aren't you a tall one!"

"The girl" placed her hands on his broad chest.

"Ooh! And strong too! Ha ha!"

Kazuma blushed beat red but when he finally got a closer look at "the girl's" neck.

*Hmm she has a cute Adam's apple…….. Adam's…….. WAIT!!!! WHAT THE FUCK??????????!!!!!!!!!!*

"I may not be the one you're looking for, but will I do?"

"The girl" batted her eye lashes at him.

At that the tall spirit detective 's eyes bulged and he backed away quaking in horror.


He grimaced and his face turned a sickly purple. He comically turned around to see all men leering at him.
Kazuma then looked up at the sign in front of the club. He was shaking so bad you could hear his bones rattling.
This was drag queen central.

"QUEENZ?!!!!!!! OH SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Kazuma ran out of there like a bat out of Hell.

"*GASP!* *GASP!* *PANT* *PANT* DAMN! SHIT! I can deal with street thugs. YES! I can deal
my sister beating the shit outta me. YES! I can deal with weird shit, like evil spirits and demons wanting to
take over the world. YES! But this……. this shit NUH UNH!!!! NOOOOOOOO WAAAYYYYYYY!!!! AW MAN
if Yusuke gets wind of this, I'll NEVER hear the end of it!!"

He looked over his shoulder to see *HIM* chasing him.

"Yoo hoo luva boy wait! Don't go! Was it something I said?"

At that Kazuma screamed like a little girl.


*** Meanwhile : Tokyo West side ***

Against the moonlit sky two figures dance gracefully over roof tops. One leaping with the skill
of a warrior and the grace of a gazelle. The young female beside him gliding on her oar
like leaves on the Autumn wind. The thrill of the hunt was on. Through his calm and cool
exterior a fire burned within the fire demon's soul. Even though he acted as if he didn't care
and they searching for their friends, not hunting for prey, the primal demonic feeling
of hunting with a female, *HIS* female was intoxicating. Just being with Hinageshi was
surprisingly comfortable, she didn't irritate him like most girls did. He was even more
surprised when he found out the she was actually able to keep up with him. Well granted
he was moving a bit slower then he usually dose but still it was quite a feat even more
so for a female.

As he bounded off another roof top he took a quick side glance at his partner. Something
almost a kin to a smile appeared on his face. In determination her green eyes scanned the streets
below them and her senses where spread out to max trying to hone in on two individuals
and keeping track of her partner too. Her pretty red hair and clothes bellowed about her
as the wind coursed around her.

*Hn It looks as if her powers had grown since she aided us in the fight against King
Yakumo. She is……. how do ningens say it... "pretty"? But I still sense something oddly familiar about her.*

Even though the situation was pretty bad the ferry girl had to admit to herself that she
was actually enjoying this little mission. Hiei did freak her out at first but as she spent
time with him, she realized that he really wasn't so bad. She half expected him to yell and curse
or least grumble when Yusuke partnered them up, but to their surprise he actually accepted it.
He may be a youkai but he was an honorable one. And he may be a little ruff and tact less at times but
that was his way of showing that he cared and that he was honest.

With a short side glance to her right, her eyes scanned her partner as he skillfully vaulted
over yet another large building. She also noticed that he had grown a few inches over the years, coming up to Yusuke's shoulder. Black leather clothing adorned his body while his sword strapped to his
swayed back and forth with each super human leap. His where muscles toned to perfection from years of fighting
seemed ready and willing to spring into action at the sign of danger. But his face held
a look of determination, the same determination she had, but there was also something else
she couldn't quite put her finger on.

*Hmmn He really dose care after all. But G I wonder what he's thinking about now?
Oh well he is kinda cute….. I think.*

The petit ferry onna blushed pink at the thought while the fire demon sampled the air
for any signs of their friends. Hiei, for the first time in his life blinked in surprise
as he caught a whiff of Hinageshi's scent and the sight of her blushing and smiling at HIM!
The poor little red head was so embarrassed.

*Oh crap! Oh crap! He saw me! What do I do? What do I say?*

"Uh heh he ummmmm Wind burn kinda makes my cheeks pink."

*Great Hinageshi! Just great now he'll think I'm some stupid ditz!*

*Feh Little onna you are a terrible liar.*

Tasogare ni Se wo Mukete (Turn Your Back to the Twilight)

Hiei's song
Ah... machikado nagareru hitonami ni
ima sakarau you ni
aruite'ku hitori

Ah... Waves of people flow through the city streets.
Now, as if to defy them,
I walk alone.

tooi hibi miushinatta
taisetsu na ano egao wo
mune ni kizande

That precious smile
that I lost sight of long ago
is fading in my heart.

Never give up kanashimi ni
kokoro wo tamesarete mo
ikutsumono toki wo koe

Never give up, even when
your heart is tested by sorrow.
Overcome all those times.

Never give up kaze no naka
tasogare ni se wo mukete
doko made mo tadoru no sa

Lonely Way

Never give up. Amidst the wind,
Turn your back to the twilight.
It will take you anywhere.

Lonely way.

Ah... dareka no yasashisa ni omowazu
kooeta kimochi ga
yureta sono toki mo
hitomi toji tada tsubuyaku
nukumori wa sou ore ni wa
niawanai yo to

Ah... Even when your frozen feelings
are unexpectedly shaken
by someone's gentleness,
close your eyes and just mutter
that warmth
doesn't suit you.

Never give up yume dake wo
ima wa dakishime nagara
unmei ni michibikare

Never give up. Now, while holding
nothing but your dreams,
let fate guide you.

Never give up ate mo naku
tasogare ni se wo mukete
mirai e to arukidasu

Lonely Way

Never give up. Without expectation
turn your back to the twilight.
Walk towards the future.

Lonely Way.

Never give up kanashimi ni
kokoro wo tamesarete mo
ikutsumono toki wo koe

Never give up, even when
your heart is tested by sorrow.
Overcome all those times.

*…….. And I will……….. No more lonely way……...*

The fire demon thought to himself with a smirk.

Hiei closed his eyes and concentrated a little and sent his scent towards her. His youkai was blood a blaze with excitement.

Mean while his cute red headed partner was slightly confused as to why the scent
of a warm campfire suddenly got stronger and why was it doing up here.

She skillfully swerved right to avoid a large TV antenna. Hiei dodged to left.

*Sniff* *sniff*

"Oh Is somebody Barb B Q ing? Smells pretty good!"

His ruby eyes sparked in the moon light as he surprised her with a soft and very un characteristic
chuckle. In fact she was so surprised she nearly fell off her oar. The fire youkai surprised her yet
again when he quickly maneuvered to steady her. The brief contact of his ruff calloused hands on her shoulders
sent shivers of pleasure through their bodies. Un known to her not only did Hiei help her, he also
enhanced his claimed intent with his touch, because marking something or some one with your scent by touch is even stronger then just
flaring it on them. The scent mark wasn't permanent though, it would either fade away or be washed off. But it was a small step
towards fully claiming her as his mate. And causing her to stumble like that provided the absolute perfect opportunity.
He smirked again when he noticed how her body reacted to his touch.

With cat like grace he flipped through the air and balanced himself on the flat
end of her oar and crossed his arms. With a small grunt and a little wobble she struggled slightly to regain control
of her oar because of the sudden extra weight.

"Hn Don't fall off little onna."

At that Hinageshi's face flared red.

"Um thanks…."

Then upon realizing what he said the ferry girl looked over her shoulder and gave Hiei her most menacing death glare

"HAY!!!! DO *NOT* CALL ME LITTLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

If there was one thing she hated the most it was being called little, shorty or worse shrimp.


On the outside he merely appeared slightly be mused by her out burst. But on the inside it was a completely
different story. Her anger enhanced her lovely scent of wind and Poppy flowers. And the look on her pretty face
spiked his intrigue up a notch.

"Hn So the ferry onna has a back bone……… that's good to know."

Hinageshi looked at him and blinked. That odd compliment almost sounded like something he said before.

** Flash Back 1995: The Battle with Yakumo King Of The Neither World**

Kurama had defeated one of the tree the demon gods under King Yakumo that was impersonating his old friend and partner Karonue.
Physically and emotionally drained Kurama stands in a forest of Bamboo trees that he made to kill the demon.
Through the rain of bamboo leaves and the mist Hiei walks towards him with a solemn expression.

"So even some one as calm as you occasionally gets angry. Hn That's
good to know."

Kurama looks up at Hiei with a pained and haunted expression then back down again.

"Not being able to rescue Karonue that day ……."

Hiei cut him off.

"Kurama there no one that dose not carry scars on his heart. If there where some one in the world like that, he would be a shallow bastard."

** End Flash Back**

Hinageshi turned away from him.

*Now I get it. On the out side he acts cold and un caring because of his past and his heritage. But on the inside deep down
he's just like the rest of us, he dose care, he dose love! I bet he dose carry a lot of scars, deep and ugly ones too! Ones that have never healed
Oh! Hiei I'm so sorry!*

Tears fell from her Emerald eyes as she muttered to herself.


From behind, her partner could sense the sadness seeping into her aura and scent. The
scent of salt water told him she was crying. But what surprised him was how she uttered his
name. This small female was crying for HIM!

*But why?!*

Then suddenly out of no where a gang of Ryu-Kishin youkais appeared. Five gargoyle like creatures with
bat like wings, whip like tails, talons, horns, evil eyes, and scales. And not to mention an unbearable stench that seemed to emanate
from every pore of their gruesome bodies. From a distance they could smell Hinageshi's sweet arousal and
virginity, so they followed suit. One was a sickly pink color with a bald head,black stubby claws, and a lean frame and wearing
a black furry loin cloth. The one to his left was a lime green with large floppy ears, over sized neon pink talons,
and a slightly hunched over stature and also wearing a black furry loin cloth. His partner to the right of him was blue, fat, had white talons,
,had black hair done in a "Genie of the lamp" do and was wearing a brown leather loin cloth. On the other side where the other three
where one was blood red, had clear claws, a lean frame and a white horned "Mohawk" and wearing faded and torn blue jean shorts.
The orange one with the "devil" horns was missing his right arm. He had dark blue talons and was wearing baggy purple hip hop pants.
The tall one with the bulky "body builder" frame and apparently the ring leader, was black as night and had long blood red hair.
He wore platinum chains around his neck and wrists, at the tips of his fingers where long thin silver dagger like claws. And he was wearing a dirt drown
loin cloth that CLEARLY showed his intentions. Hiei grit ted his fangs cursed himself for not sensing them sooner.


Hiei used his youkai energy to leap up in front of Hinageshi and hover in mid air.
With a nasty glare he sent them a low warning growl. Unfortunately for them they where so hooked up
on the sweet pheromones Hinageshi was producing they didn't take him seriously.
Terrified and confused Hinageshi subconsciously moved closer to Hiei and tried to hide behind him.
With a vice like grip she clung to his black trench coat. The pissed off Jaganshi didn't need his Jagan to figure out what they wanted. He could see it in the
way they where leering at her. The way they smacked their lips. The way their tails swished back and forth.
And he could certainly SMELL it!

The Ryu-Kishin gang glided around them in circle like predators corner their prey.
The situation was bad. Very bad. Number one, they where out numbered. Number two, the enemy
where all horny as hell. Number three, horny demons where harder to fight because the insane
drive to mate enhanced their senses, speed and strength. Number four, he couldn't fight them with out risking her safety
because she clung so tightly to him, and their pack leader Yusuke put her in his care. AND she was going to be HIS mate.
Number five, they had a mission to complete. Number six, her touch was setting him off like fire works.

Hiei's instincts screamed at him that these baka son of a bitches where a threat to his potential mate.
They where invading HIS territory and they where also competition. Well he didn't live in this part of town but
Hinageshi was with him, therefore she was in his possession and marked with his scent. So technically she could be considered his territory.
To top it all off they scared his female, so therefore they had to DIE!

But then Hiei realized that this was a perfect opportunity for him to perform one of the steps in the mating ritual.
A slow and great full yet sinister smile spread upon his face as the moonlight reflected in his ruby eyes.
With lightning like speed he whipped around grabbed his mate to be and they disappeared in thin air!
If the female had more then one suitor there would be a competition of sorts. The males would fight each other.
The victor who is the best and the strongest would be given a chance, but the female will decide if she wants him or not.
Well that's how it was with most youkais. Some youkais like his sister don't really need to mate because they can reproduce asexual.
He wasn't too well informed on Human or Reikai "mating" rituals but he has seen other demons go through it. He has also seen
Yusuke and Kuwabara with Keiko and Yukina. At first he thought Love was just a weakness and youkai don't love. But he was wrong
and he understands it now. At times it can hurt but it can also be a force to reckon with!
In such a short time, with so little spoken between them, Hinageshi was slowly winning his heart and she dosen't
even realize it…… yet.

The fire demon hid his female on top of a local radio station by a big bill board advertising Pepsi cola.
The location was perfect because one, it was down wind so the Ryu-Kishin couldn't smell her. Two she could see the fight.
Ruby gazed into Emerald.


In a blink of an eye he was gone.


When the red head looked down his black trench coat and shirt and his white scarf and head band lay in her arms.
But unknown to her, the tear gem necklace Yukina had given him so long ago now adorned her pale neck.