Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Real Life Applications of The Bunny Hop ❯ A look into Hiro's past. ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

*Jo lies unconscious on the floor*

Feith: Jo, you know that the internet is my domain, so back off.

Kurama: *Glances at Jo twitching* Umm, I think that you've finally cracked, Feith.

Feith: Shut up, Kurama and do the disclaimer.

Kurama: Umm, why don't you let it sate itself?

Feith: Fine, Disclaimer, state yourself.

Disclaimer: Thank you, Kurama. Feith owns nothing, not even the clothes on her back.

Feith: *hits Disclaimer on head* I own Shapeshifting Pride and that's all that matters. I also own Hiro.


When we last left our heroes, Hiro had decided that Hiei needed a cancerous growth (Hiei: Thank you for putting it that way, Feith), and thusly attached herself to him until one of them fell asleep. Well, Hiei decided to fake falling asleep, so Hiro would unattach herself from him. Hiro unattached herself from Hiei and walked towards the nearby river. There she sat on a rock and cried softly. No one knew her horrible past and, she really didn't want to reveal it.


"Baka onna, why did you go and give birth to a girl?" shouted Hiro's father.

"I can't choose the gender of the child anymore than you can," replied her mother.

"Hn, so that's your excuse. Well, her name is going to be Hiro."

"You can't change her gender just by giving her a boy's name!"

"Doesn't matter, she'll be treated like any other boy."

~New Flashback~

Hiro slowly walked into her new school. She wore a boy's uniform. Keeping her head tucked low, she wandered the halls searching for her classrooms. Accidentally bumping into a redhead with green eyes, Hiro looked up and to her amazement, the boy apologized.

"It's okay. Really, it should be me apologizing instead of you; I was the one who wasn't looking where I was going," she hastily replied.

Noticing the feminine touch in her voice, the boy asked, "Umm, are you a boy or a girl?"

Hiro blushed and said, "Frankly, I don't know how to answer that one. I would like to say that I'm a girl, but my father refuses to acknowledge it. Funny thing is I could ask the same thing of you." (Feith: Yes, my lovely fans. Hiro is talking to Kurama.)

"Well, that's an interesting thing to say. I'm glad that the reason that I'm asked that question is because of a personal choice therefore I can reply without any hesitance. My name is Shuuichi, and yours is?"

"Hiro," she answered automatically.

"May I see your schedule?" asked Shuuichi. As she showed him her schedule, she realized that this would probably be the first friend that she ever had.

~End of all Flashbacks~

Hiei heard Hiro crying and wondered why. It was unusual enough for him to enjoy doing a stupid ningen dance with someone, but to be curious? Now, that was a new concept to him. Cautiously, Hiei snuck over to watch Hiro. What was even more surprising than Hiro crying was the song she was singing. (Feith: You can think of any sad song you want. If you can't think of one, then she's singing "Without A Sound" by SHeDAISY.) It was depressing yet inspirational. Hiei couldn't help but wonder why she sang such a song.


Feith: Okay, I'm getting a little carried away with the romance, but the adventure will be coming soon. Hiro is going to meet Koenma and explain everything. Also, those of you who read all of the previous chapters before I posted this up, I edited them so that they would fit with this one.