Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Revenge is Sweet ❯ The Beginning ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

He struck her with his hand.
Then when she sat up he pulled out his katana.
He placed it on her left cheek.
She stared up at him with her silver eyes.
They were empty, unafraid of the man before her.
“ Run child. While you still can.” He said dragging the sword across her cheek.
“ I do not run from those I do not fear.” She said as he placed his sword on her other cheek.
“ You will be afraid soon child.” He replied creating another line of blood on her cheek.
“ You can scar me all you want. I will get their and my revenge.” She said pointing to the bodies of her father, mother, sisters, and brothers. The only reason she was not dead is he was interested in her.
“ Why don't you fight me now?”
“ It would be an unfair advantage which I hold.” She said standing although she was still shorter than him.
He punched her down again. “ Fine. Meet me here in five years.”
“ Be ready to die, you sick bastard.” She spat up blood from being punched so much.
Then, he left and she blacked out.
The next day she met a boy named Yusuke Urameshi and found out she was part shadow and part fire wolf demon. After that she joined the team and made friends with everyone. Even Hiei.
That was four years ago. She started to train fast and hard in bother her human and wolf form. She was determined to have her sweet revenge. He was going to die. Thanks to him the only thing she had left of her parents was the silver cross necklace she wore around her neck that her mother gave her for her twelfth birthday which was exactly 3 years before He came.
She was in a clearing meditating when she felt someone watching her.
“ Hello Hiei.” She said calmly.
“ You are getting better onna.”
“ I have a name you know.”
“ I know I just don't feel like saying it.” He smirked.
“ Whatever. Well I'm heading inside. Want to come and help me batter the bakas?” She asked with an amused grin.
“ Of course.” They raced each other back to Genkai's temple where Genkai had given her permission to stay since she couldn't make herself return to the day to meet Him.
Surprisingly she beat Hiei there and opened the door to see Yusuke and Kuwabara already beating each other up. Genkai was away and she left Yukina in charge. Kurama was at home helping his mother clean so it was Yukina trying to settle the boys down.
“ Here Yukina, Allow me.” She said ushering Yukina to the side. “ KNOCK IT OFF NOW!” she yelled which got the boys' attention.
“Oi, Kina, you don't need to break my eardrum. Geez.” Yusuke said sitting on top of a bloody and bruised Kuwabaka.
“ Dinner is ready. You guys can eat while I heal Kuwabara.” Said an innocent Yukina.
“ It's alright Yukina. I'll bandage him while you eat. Go on. I insist.” she said pushing her gently in the direction of the dining room before she could argue.
She picked up the baka with ease and took him into his room and bandaged him quickly, testing her skills and walked out and down a different hallway that Hiei and she shared.
She entered her dim room and took a seat on the windowsill and looked around her beloved room. The walls were black with silver trim as was the ceiling. The bed had black sheets and comforters and silver pillows. The carpet was a lovely blood red that reminded me of the carpet spattered with her parents' blood at their old house. That's what she woke up to every day. The single reason she lived on. To get revenge.
She absentmindedly ran her fingers over one of the scars on her cheek. `Two days until I meet him again and you will have your revenge.' She told herself.
She looked up to see Hiei leaning on her doorway looking concerned. “ What's wrong Kina?” He asked walking over and sitting next to her on the windowsill.
“ Two more days until I meet him.” She said softly. Hiei is the only one she told about Him and what he did to her and her family. “ Hiei, what if I can't beat him? What if I die?” she asked visibly shaken.
“ Don't think like that Kina,” Hiei scolded, “ Your friends will be there for you. Kurama, The detective, the baka, and I will be there. Yukina, Genkai, Botan, and Keiko will be there spiritually.”
“ Thanks Hiei.” She said giving him a kiss on the cheek.
Hiei looked surprised but returned her kiss on the cheek with a passionate one on the lips. When they parted Kina looked at Hiei. “ I love you Hiei,” She said
He gave her another passionate kiss and replied, “ I love you too Kina.”
Kltp: I was bored so I decided to write this short story. Please R&R telling me if I should continue.