Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Rock My World ❯ To Reminisce ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Dc-chan: Yes, mosh pitting is uber fun as long as you don’t get trampled upon…and as long as you have an older sibling and his friends with you to beat the shit out of someone when they try to mess with you and your pals. Alas, this chapter is confusing too, but everything will be clear in time (hopefully)…I’ll have some explanations at the end of this chapter.


(A/N: insert text)= author’s notes

~*~= time change/ scene change

italics= thoughts


Chapter 5 Of Rock My World

To Reminisce


Kira didn’t get a wink of sleep. She had tossed and turned all night trying to make herself more comfortable, but it was useless. She lay quietly in bed for a few minutes on her back with her hands behind her head, her eyes half closed and frowning slightly. Her crimson bangs swept across her face as the rest of her raven black hair was draped over her shoulders.


Kira breathed in and out slowly while absentmindedly listening to the tinkling rain that had just started outside. She head it hit her window and the roof, outside her window dark clouds were in the sky and flashes of occasional lightning could be seen. It must have been at least seven in the morning for everything was still dark and dreary inside the house and out. She hadn’t heard her mother get up either so it must be still early in the morning.


She then remembered about last night and yawned. They hadn’t said when they were going to pick her up to take her to Genkai’s for pyschic training.


Kira propped herself up on her elbows and stared out her window for some silent minutes as the rain fell down. Her face was tranquil and her eyes appeared forlorn.


She didn’t want to get up, but she suddenly heard the doorbell ring and rolled her eyes, guessing who it was. She got up forgetting that she had her pajamas on still and that her hair was a complete mess. Kira made her way through the house occasionally bumping into objects and walls, she was so tired right now. She opened the door to see Kuwabara and Yusuke waiting for her, appearing unusually cheerful for so early in the morning. “What the hell? It’s so early…” She grumbled ruffling her hair unconsciously with her hand.


“Well Sleeping Beauty, we want to get there early to acquaint you to ba-san.” Yusuke explained suppressing a laugh at the sight of her.


Kira arched an eyebrow, “Sleeping Beauty?” She then realized her appearance and nearly slammed the door in their faces and she heard the sound of howls of laughter from Kuwabara and Yusuke behind it. “Shut up you nimrods!” She basically yelled at them. She went back to her room and quickly changed her clothes into something more proper.


Kira reopened the door five minutes later with her hair brushed and pulled back into a low ponytail and wearing a black hoodie sweatshirt with The Ramones logo on it in white and baggy jeans with black high top chucks. She glared at them, “Let’s get these two months over with.” She stepped out into the rain and put her hood over her head. “Where’s Kurama and Hiei?” Kira asked.


“Kurama has an exam today and Hiei’s just being Hiei,” Yusuke answered. “Did you tell your kaasan?”


“Tell her what?”


“That you’re going to be gone for two months baka,” Kuwabara said.


“Of course not, she would never allow me to go.” Kira replied in an irritated way.


“Don’t you think she’ll be worried?” Yusuke asked as they walked through the rain.


“No duh Sherlock, but it’s…best not to tell her.” Kira looked down at the ground quickly after she said that. Her mother would be extremely worried as a matter of fact, not just worried. “But it isn’t like I’m not coming back. It’ll just be a while before I see her again.” She wrapped her arms around herself to keep from shivering in the rain now wishing she had worn more layers.


“I guess so,” Yusuke said quietly.


She didn’t like his silent tone, “Quit being so melancholy, it makes you look stupid.”


“As opposed to you,” he countered angrily.


“There’s nothing wrong with me.” She boasted sarcastically. “I’m so perfect in every possible way.”


“Keep telling yourself that.”


She bit her lip to keep from laughing, “I was being sarcastic moron.”


“I knew that,” Yusuke chided. “It’s just funny when people are acting like snobs.”


“Funny?” Had she still been a five year-old she would have stuck out her tongue at him but, she did it anyway despite herself. “Kazuma, do you think egotistical jerks are amusing?”


“Call me Kuwabara,” he grunted.


“Fine, Kuwabara, do you think it’s funny?”


“Not really.”


“See Yusuke,” Kira smiled.


“Nani?” Yusuke blinked confused obviously. “What are we talking about?”


“I don’t know,” Kira replied shortly, her eyes glistening, “but random conversations are entertaining, aren‘t they?”


“Okay, you just lost me…” Yusuke muttered.


“Don’t worry Yusuke,” Kuwabara patted him benevolently on his back, “I’m lost too.”


“So…many…stairs…” Kira huffed as she slowly progressed up them with Kuwabara and Yusuke way ahead of her. This was ridiculous, somebody needed to install and escalator here or something. She felt like she was going to faint.


“Don’t die on us Kamiyama!” Kuwabara shouted down at her holding back a snicker.


“Har har,” she said sardonically. “Why do there have to be so many?”


“Don’t quit now, you’re halfway there.” Yusuke told her while waiting a few steps ahead of her.


Kira felt like she could have face vaulted (A/N: you know, face vaulting is when an anime character fall over in that funny way and their face hit’s the ground ^^‘) at this had that been possible. She sighed deeply as she trudged up the steps one at a time. “This is cruel and unusual punishment.” She complained loudly over the thunder rumbling overhead in the sky.


“It will get easier as you do this more,” Yusuke said as she finally reached where he was standing. He remembered when he had first climbed these steps to Genkai for the first time and how mad he was at Koenma for wasting his three day weekend at Genkai’s tournament to find an heir and he was still getting over the six months of torturing he was sentenced to for winning. He still had nightmares of Genkai chasing him even though he was almost over it.


Kira groaned, “This is going to be hell…” She shook her head in despair. It was just like her life to throw in some bizarre twist to torment her further. Although this entire thing was a stretch and she was still very skeptical of what was happening. It all seemed way too abnormal to be real, but it was. Shuichi-Kurama claiming to be a youkai along with that Hiei guy and Kuwabara helping Yusuke with being a Spirit Detective. Yep, life was getting stranger of the day. Or less and less normal. She then finally noticed the rain soaking through her clothes.


“C’mon,” Yusuke urged through gritted teeth, getting a tad impatient with her slow pace. “Sometime in this century, onegai.”


She flicked him off, “I’ll get there when I get there Yusuke, so shut up.” Her breathing became heavier as she grew more and more tired. It was like her energy was be drained from her with her every moment.


“You’ll live,” Yusuke scoffed.


Kira glowered, “A little encouragement would be nice.”


“Look on the bright side, you only have two months of this to endure, I had six.” Yusuke muttered.


That didn’t make Kira feel any better, “I’m touched by your concern.”


“Well whining isn’t going to get you there any faster.” Yusuke sneered.


“Take it easy Urameshi, she’s a girl and girls are-” Kuwabara started.


“I dare you to finish that.” Kira growled fiercely at the taller boy.


Kuwabara looked off into a different direction as they continued their climb up the steps.


After what seemed to be an eternity, they finally reached the top of the stairs where Genkai‘s temple was. Kira felt like she could have jumped around in joy, but her legs were aching and numb though she was relived they were going to get out of the rain for the time being. She was the type who liked to look trough a window at the pouring rain, not be in it.


“Finally,” a raspy voice said. A figure came out of the shadows of the temple. “You made it.” She smiled as she glanced at Kira who was trying to catch her breath. “Is this her?”


“Hai,” Yusuke nodded. “She’s a little cheeky though so watch out for that.”


“All teenagers are quite cheeky,” Genkai mumbled in response to him. She turned her attention to Kira, “You understand that I’m not going to baby you just because you’re my granddaughter, right?”


“Ano…nani?” Kira’s eyes darted back and forth between the old lady and Yusuke. “You never told me that I was her granddaughter.” She stated.


“So?” Yusuke tilted his head to one side at the girl’s surprised expression. “Does it matter?”


“Of course you baka!” She balled her fists, “I didn’t know I had any other relatives. My kaasan never talked about her family and my tousan left before I was born or he’s dead in a ditch somewhere!”


Yusuke shuffled his feet. “I didn’t know.” He knew what it was like to not have a father.


Genkai beckoned them inside her home, “Come in.” It was an effort to shift the conversation.


They followed her inside and through some rooms until they came upon one that had the sweet smell of tea floating around in the air.


“I’ve never here before,” Yusuke noted glumly.


“That’s because I don’t usually allow my students the pleasure to relax.” Genkai snorted, “But since we have a guest, exceptions can be made.”


“You wouldn’t have a kotatsu anywhere? Kira asked hopefully peering around the room.


“Nope and get used to it,” Genkai replied, “and get used to it. Anyways, the cold weather up here during winter will toughen you up.” Genkai poured some tea and handed the cup to Kira, “Drink this, it will help a little bit.”


Kira took the cup and realized how thirsty she was since she forgot to eat breakfast this morning before she came here and it was nearly noon. She sipped it and let the warm liquid slip down her throat. Her body instantly felt a warmth from inside as she took another sip. Kira handed them empty cup back to Genkai, “Arigatou, I needed that.”


“Don’t I get something to drink?” Yusuke asked.


“Yeah,” Kuwabara chimed in, “I’m thirsty too.”


“Iie. Idiot students don’t get tea.” Genkai said sternly. “Now I believe you two should leave, Kira and I need to get down to business as soon as possible.”


Kuwabara and Yusuke left the room grumbling something foul under their breathes while Kira watched them leave. She had wanted them to stay a little longer because she felt uncomfortable here, but now there was nothing she could do.


“I’m not going to bite your head off,” Genkai insisted. “And you do know why you’re here, right?”


Kira nodded firmly, “Demo…I’m afraid I don’t understand something.”


“What is it?” Genkai inquired.


“My relationship to you, they said you’re my tousan-”


Genkai put her hand up to stop Kira, “I will explain it to you if you be quiet.”


Kira clamped her mouth shut by putting her hands over it, waiting for Genkai to start with the story. They sat down at a low table on cushions. Kira was on the edge of her seat while Genkai poured two more cups of tea. She put one next to her and gave the other to Kira, but Kira was too anxious to drink anymore.


“Well, you see…” Genkai trailed off wondering what was the best way to begin the story, “I was young and foolish when I was a teenager…


The young pink haired Genkai smiled as she walked through the forest, taking in all of the forest’s melody’s as they echoed throughout the treetops. The soft breeze that managed to pass through the thick trees felt cool against her serene face as leaves dripped water globules from last night’s rain storm.


She walked, enjoying every that was around her, but she couldn’t help feeling a tense presence in the air. An evil wafting around….


It wasn’t long before she saw brunt trees ahead with smoke billowing up from them, being curios she dashed over to the spot to see a small clearing in the forest, a circle at least thirty feet in circumference and in the middle was laying an unconscious man.


She ventured closer and into the clearing and knelt down next to him letting curiosity getting the best of her.


The man had long silky orange red hair that was pulled back into a ponytail and a few stray wisps were framing his thin face. His skin was pale and looked like paper. All of his facial features were sharp and his ears were pointed at the tips. He was attired in a silver armor from head to toe and she saw a crack in his armor where blood was spilling out of.


She didn’t know what to do, being a fifteen -year old girl who almost just begun her own training a few months ago.


It was clear to her that he was a demon and she bent down to get a better look at him, which was a mistake.


Flaming red eyes snapped open and he snarled as he grabbed her around the throat, “Ningen, what do you think you’re doing?”


She tried to pry his hand off of her neck to no avail. “Let...go…” she choked out in pain.


He tightened his grip and smirked sadistically at the pain she was in.


Summoning her strength she put up a barrier that made him release her. She took a few steps backward once out of his grasp and rubbed her neck with her hands. It took her a moment to realize that just his grip had singed her skin, “A fire youkai…” she whispered.


“Not quite actually, but interesting…” he stood up and grimaced slightly in pain from his own wound, “For a ningen you’re not that weak.” He paused and his eyes pierced into hers, “I take it you are a psychic.”


“I guess not all youkai are stupid.” Genkai managed to say.


“Are you trying to pick a fight with me?” He mused, his eyes glinting in what little sunlight could make way through the tree branches overhead. “You are nowhere near my level.”


Genkai glared at him, “How do you know?”


“I’ve lived for centuries while you’ve only lived a decade and a half.” He explained simply, “I’m far more experienced in battle then you will ever be.”


“If that’s so, then why are you bleeding? Looks like you got into a pretty nasty brawl yourself.” Genkai commented crossly.


“It’s only a scratch, but I’ll do worse to you if you don’t leave me be.” He emitted a low growl from deep within himself at her. “You’re lucky that I’m giving you a chance to runaway ningen, it would be wise to take it.”


“I’m not a coward,” she said standing confidently in front of him.


“But you are indeed naïve,” he retorted, “and that will prove to be your downfall.”


Genkai clutched her fists, “Do you have a death wish?”


The demon chuckled darkly at her, his eyes flashing with amusement at her audacity. “You think you can fight me? Then I daresay…” a dark aura came off his body, “come try.”


She wasn’t sure what to do. Either he was being serious or it was a trap for her to fall into. She bit her bottom lip wondering what to do.


“I haven’t got all day,” he said irritably, straightening himself and his dark aura made the wind howl around them and the tree branches shake violently.


Beads of sweat formed on Genkai’s forehead, she hadn’t been trained properly to fight a youkai yet. Involuntarily she backed up again, completely unsure of herself. In the blink of an eye he disappeared right in front of her. Her eyes darted around the small clearing hoping to catch a glimpse of where he might have gone off it.


“I’m right behind you.” She heard his voice and felt two arms put her in a headlock, her eyes widened in fear. “Some pyschic you are.” He laughed cruelly at her helplessness as she struggled against him once more, truly in a state of panic. He loved it when he was installing heart racing fear into someone. “Are you frightened?” His warm breath against the crook of her neck.


She shuddered, “H-hai…”


“You’d be stupid not to be.” He rolled his tongue over the cartilage on her ear, tasting her flesh. “Your taste is so sensual.” Human flesh was a delicacy to demons like him.


Ack! This bastard is going to eat me! Genkai felt her heart pound within herself and she was sure he could hear it to. She tried again to pull away, but his grip was so strong on her.


Suddenly his grip loosened and he collapsed on the ground from weakness from his injury.


Genkai could hardly believe her luck as she stepped back sighing, wishing he was down for the count this time. She looked down at him, so much blood was pouring out of his wound. ‘Guess it really got to him’, she thought sourly. ‘He deserved it, that bastard wanted to eat me…’


She sat about ten feet away from him on a tree stump, “Now what do I do?” She folded her arms across her chest. She couldn’t just leave him there to recover and latter come back for her and she couldn’t kill him because she’d never killed a youkai before. Maybe sensei will know what to do with him. Genkai then pouted at that idea, he was gone and wouldn’t be back for a week or so. Just my luck. She could always take him back to the temple and lock him up so when sensei got back he could take care of the youkai, but how to get him there. He looked awfully heavy.


Genkai checked to make sure he was really unconscious this time by throwing a rock at him then poking him with a stick, just for precaution’s sake. Kami-sama knew she didn’t want to be strangled or have him tell her how delicious her flesh was again.


She took his arm and slung it over her shoulder and then wrapped her arm around his waist. It was going to be a long walk back that was for sure.


After an hour of walking and carrying him so made it back. She took her to a room in the back of the temple and carefully placed sutra all around the outside so he wouldn’t be able to get out once inside. Only she would be able to enter and leave whenever she pleased.


Genkai laid him down in the middle of the room and then sat down leaning her back against the wall away from him, “Now what?” She then saw the blood still bleeding from him and noticed that some of it had gotten onto her own clothes.


She quickly changed into a clean set then came back with a towel and bowl of hot water, he hadn’t moved an inch to her relief.


She knelt beside him and removed his armor carefully as not to wake him up, she was grateful he was wearing some clothing underneath though it wasn’t that much mind you, but enough to keep certain things from being seen.


Genkai saw that the wound was in his left side and to her surprise there was a kunai stuck in it which was the cause of the injury. While she removed it she wondered how a simple kunai could pierce armor. She shrugged it off though, his well being wasn’t much of her concern. She just didn’t want him bleeding to death. Even to a youkai, that was a pretty lame way to die.


Dipping the towel in the water, she wiped the blood away but withdrew when she saw his face wince in pain from the hot water on the towel being applied to his wound. “Gomen,” she muttered hastily then gulped. She didn’t want him to wake up and kill her.


When it wall cleaned she brought a blanket into the room and put it over him, it just seemed suitable to make sure he didn’t catch a cold or something, but could he catch a cold?


“Why am I worrying so much about him?” She answered that question in her mind, So sensei can take care of him when he returns obviously. Genkai then bandaged him the best she could now wishing that she had learned some healing techniques as she stared at her sloppily done wrappings that were around his torso.


She yawned and sat down in a corner of the room, through the windows of the room she could see the sun setting. The pink, purple and vivid orange colored sky darkening into black as the sun drifted downwards to hid until it was but half an orb over the horizon line then soon completely gone only to be replaced by stars and the full moon hanging beautifully in the sky.


She sank down and curled up into a ball and let her eyelids flutter close.


When she awoke she found she was clutching the blanket in her hands. She sat up slowly realizing it was the blanket she had put on the youkai, “Nani?” How did she get the blanket?


“You were shivering during the night, it seemed only logical that you were cold.”


Genkai saw him sitting somewhat in the shadows against the wall opposite of her, “Y-you’re awake…” she stuttered.


“Youkai heal quickly, but I have a feeling you won’t let me leave.” He said coolly. He then looked at her, “Tell me ningen, what’s your name.”


She cast her own eyes downward, “Genkai.”


“Mine’s Enshoku.”


“Oh,” she replied quietly.


“So why?” He asked.


She looked up, “Why what?”


“Don’t be idiotic,” he scolded incredulously, “Why did you save me? You could have left me to die out there and don’t tell me it was from the goodness of your heart or any bullshit like that.”


“So sensei could kill you when he came back.” She responded truthfully.


He furrowed his brows at that, “Then why bother healing me?”


“Because…ano…” Why did I heal him again? “So you wouldn’t bleed to death, that kind of death is too good for the likes of you.”


Enshoku grinned, “I thought it was because you had fallen in love with my good looks.”


“You wish!” Genkai barked, feeling her temper raise. She knew he was joking, but it just irked her to hear a youkai say that to her.


“One more question though.”




“You’re taking quite a risk by doing this, I can’t leave though, but how can you be sure that I won’t kill you when you come in to tend my wounds?” He showed his demonic fangs through his sinister smirk.


She sat in the position so her legs were beneath her and put her hands on her lap. She hadn’t realized that and she tilted her face to one side slightly so half of it was shrouded in darkness, “I’m sure because…you would have killed me last night while I was sleeping in here.”


He was taken aback by that, “Maybe I’m saving your death for latter.”


“And maybe also…because you are indebt to me because I saved your life.” She knew she was taking a chance when she said that, but that was a better reason then the last one.


His gleaming red eyes narrowed, “You think to much of it. I don’t feel indebt to you in anyway whatsoever.”


“Then why didn’t you kill me last night?” It was like he missed a golden opportunity to do away with her if he hated her.


“Because you did a halfway decent job bandaging me and I’m full as of the moment even though using my youki I can heal myself, but I’m too tired.” He stated stubbornly.


She smiled sweetly, he really wasn’t that bad. She stood up and went over to the door, but before opening it she asked, “Do you want anything for breakfast Enshoku?”


He stared angrily at her, his face clearly flustered, “I said I was full ningen!”


“I’ll get you something anyway just in case you change your mind.” And with that she shut the door behind her…


“And then?” Kira inquired, Genkai had her full attention now, she was basically sitting on the edge of her seat…cushion. She had five cups of tea while listening to the story and Genkai hadn’t even touched her own once until she went quiet.


“Then what?” Genkai acted like she didn’t know what Kira meant.


Kira could have fallen over like people often do in animes. (A/N: Wait! This is an anime!) Kira face vaulted and hit her head against the table. “You know what I mean!” She nearly yelled while flailing her arms in circles over her head. “What happened next? You can’t end it like that you evil, evil old woman!” It had been so intriguing up to the point where Genkai had stopped suddenly.


“Oh, you want to hear the rest, don’t you?” Genkai mused lightly.


“Hai! Please finish!” Kira pleaded frantically.


“You’re a sucker for romance, aren’t you?” Genkai asked.


Kira nodded, “Hai.”


“From what I heard you were a punk, but you don’t seem it right now,” she noted to the teenage girl.


Kira scratched the back of her neck, “I know but…it was getting really good.”


“Perhaps another time I’ll tell you the rest, but right now you need to focus on your training that starts tomorrow. It’s already pretty late.”


Genkai escorted Kira to her room and Kira’s eyes widened when she saw that her clothes and belongings were there. “How?”


“I had Kurama bring them over, but you were too engrossed in the story to notice.” She then left Kira in the room. It was like unpacking all over again, she put her clothes in the drawers and hung her jackets and sweaters in the closet.


When she finished she flung herself on the bed which was more cozy then she had expected. She remembered she didn’t get any sleep after last night at the club and that she was feeling so tired, her eyes fluttered closed and darkness became all she saw…


When her eyes opened, it wasn’t because it was morning it was because she felt a sharp pain rush through her body.


“What the hell?” There was darkness all around her, but someone was holding her. It was a cold embrace, but part of it felt so warm. She saw that her head was laying on someone’s chest and she looked up and gasped, “Kokuei…” But he appeared different somehow. He didn’t have a shirt on and his features seemed in the shadows, but looked truly demonic.


She felt his arms constrict around herself and she realized she wasn’t wearing any clothes herself.


“Kira…” he whispered into her ear ever so softly.


Her eyes widened when she saw large black feathery wings protruding from his back that were also wrapped around her. “Wings?” They felt so gentle against her skin, but everything seemed wrong. “Kokuei, please let me go.” She demanded weakly feeling so dizzy in his arms.


“Kira…I want to but… I can’t…” he nuzzled her neck ever so affectionately like she was his lover. His hands were on her back and to him fire was racing across his finger tips as he began stroking her spine.


“Stop…please…” her voice came out meekly and she doubted he had heard her. “What are you doing?”


“I don’t want to let go…” he insisted more forcefully this time. “I can’t let you go…I won‘t.”


“What are you talking about?” She felt hazy, shadows were all around them, surrounding them like hunters do to prey.


“Kira…my angel, my despair…” He dug his long nails into her back causing her to arch her back in shock.


She cried out in pain as his nails ripped through her tender skin as if it were tissue paper, “Stop it! Please, stop!” She grabbed onto his shoulders in pain as her eyes filled with water.


He dug his claw in deeper and dragged them down to her lower back, creating long bloody cuts into her flesh, “I can’t Kira…”


“Let me go!” She screamed, she couldn’t take the agony, it was all too much. “Please let me go!” He liquid filled eyes soon spilled tears down her cheeks.


“I’ve tried to already, but it caused me so much torment…you caused my despair…” He replied darkly, hiding his eyes under the shadow on his bangs. “My despair…” His body trembled every time he said ‘my despair.’


“Kokuei, onegai!” She yelled as he continued running his nails against her back. “Let go, it hurts!” She closed her eyes as more tears streamed down her face.


This only made him squeeze her tighter, showing his willingness not to let her go, “I don’t want to…I can’t…I won’t…” he repeated more gingerly this time despite her screams. His wings brushed her face, wiping away her globules of tears. “Don’t cry when you know nothing of pain and suffering Kira.” He ordered. “I will never let you go, never…”



Dc-chan: My friend read this chapter and said the dream crept the hell out of her. What do you think? Oh and some explanations about Genkai’s ‘past’:

-this part of her ‘past’ takes place before she meets Toguro

-she’s in training much like Kira is in now

-Enshoku has some significance obviously

- I put her past in ‘’ things because I made this part of her past up of course

If you have any questions, please ask. I want to clear certain things up now but if it’s a question that will be answered in a latter chapter I’ll answer it latter, but if it has something to do with this chapter I’ll answer it. ‘Remember there is no such thing as a stupid question, just stupid people.’ (or something like that, that quote isn’t exactly verbatim ^^’)

-Mr. Garrison from South Park, by the way, I LOVE SOUTH PARK!!! I’VE WATCHED IT SINCE I WAS SEVEN, meaning when it first came out…no wonder I’m so messed up.


And a big thanks to DivineSpirit00, DivineSpirit, Hieis_girlfriend120, Inuyasha is a total hottie and Kuranga108 for reviewing!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter as well!