Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Rose Murderer ❯ Makai ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own YYH. Shout outs to ma Crew love you all!

Ok Hi Again! My goal is to have Rm (Rose Murderer) done and a chapter of 'Life' up by mid January 2004 I am trying really hard not to rush this but tell me if I do! Hope you like. Sorry not time for long disclaimer

(My Notes) ::Telepathic communication::

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Botan stared at Hiei in shock. /Makai? But how?/

"The hole we fell through must have been a portal of some sort," Hiei observed.

"What, how- Hiei! It's rude to listen to people's thoughts without asking!"

"It seemed appropriate."

"But it's still wrong!" Botan lectured. "You can't just-"

"Shut up! I think I hear something!" Hiei placed a hand over Botan's mouth, silencing her, then walked towards the entrance of the cave, motioning for her to follow him.

"Maybe we should look around a bit…" Botan suggested, her voice hinting at curiosity. After all, this was her very first time in Makai, and she wanted to see what it was like. She was surprised at the beauty of their immediate surroundings. Flowers blossomed all around the trees and sunlight filtered lazily through the gently swaying branches. It seemed too peaceful to be 'The Feared Demon World'.

"Don't be fooled by what you see," Hiei warned, noticing the look on Botan's face. "Makai will bury you alive if you give it a chance. Follow me, but keep a safe distance- I need room if there's going to be a fight."

Hiei stepped outside and looked around. Makai hadn't changed in the years he had spent in Ningenkai. It really was his home, wasn't it? The world was as Hiei remembered it; the same trees, the same blossoms, the same great energy-... Hiei shook his head as if coming out of a dream. This didn't seem familiar at all!

Hiei stopped and Botan, who had been staring at the sky bumped into him. Hiei gave a low growl, spun around and swung his katana. Botan screamed and threw herself to the ground. Had Hiei lost his mind?! Something dripped onto her hair and she risked a glance up. Hiei's blade was buried deep into the chest of a youkai with bared fangs. If Hiei hadn't moved in time... The demon's body smoldered into an acidic puddle. Botan's eyes widened with shock.

"W-what the heck was THAT?" Botan demanded, shaking.

"Just a low class youkai. Come on keep moving" Hiei replied, turning and walking away. Botan hesitated, but followed the jaganshi.

"W-where are we going?" Hiei didn't answer, and Botan followed silently. They walked for a few more minutes. Hiei stopped at the edge of a forest.

"Follow me. If you see any other creature.... tell me." Botan trailed the jaganshi without question. She looked around nervously as they walked. Her attention was so focused on the trees and potential threats hiding in them that she failed to notice the one right in front of her- a pile of wet leaves. With a scream she found herself pitched forward, tripping right into- onto Hiei. They both fell to the ground with a flurry of limbs and leaves. Botan quickly stood up and reached a hand out to Hiei, shamefaced. He ignored her and rose, then dusted his cloak off. With a quick backwards glance he started walking again.

"S-sorry Hiei…"


A bird screeched and Botan jumped. Hiei glanced upwards. The jaganshi's eyes narrowed and he blurred off. Botan stood there, looking around for any sign of him. She walked forwards a little, maybe Hiei had gone further ahead to clear a path?

"Oh I hope so…" she sighed under her breath. A twig snapped behind her and Botan turned around. A dark-haired demon with beady eyes stood a few feet away. Seconds later more demons emerged, along with a human with raven hair and piercing lavender eyes. Botan took a step backwards. The human took a step forward. Botan sensed a strange energy emitting from his body. He was a demon, not a human…

"Looks like we've found ourselves a girl boss," said the demon with the beady eyes. The humanlike one, apparently the 'boss', smiled slowly.

"Not just any girl, boys. She's Koenma's top ferry girl. Aren't you?"

Botan gulped and shook her head.

"Get her!" he commanded.

"HIEI!" Botan screamed desperately. "HIEI, HELP ME!!!"

There wasn't time to wait for an answer- Botan broke into a run, the demons close behind her.

"You want to run? That's okay by me," the lavender eyed demon said, smirking.

Botan ran as fast as her legs could carry her. She risked a glance over her shoulder; no one was behind her. She stopped to catch her breath. Big mistake. The demons leapt down from high above, in the trees. Botan shrieked and started running again, deeper and deeper into the Makai forest. It was getting dark fast. Trees and underbrush blurred as Botan forced her legs to move faster. Where the Hell was Hiei? Botan knew Hiei didn't like her, but she never dreamed he would abandon her like this. She felt herself fall as she tripped over a over grown tree root. With a moan Botan pulled herself up from the ground and started to run again. The forest began to thin out. Botan's right knee hurt badly. Glancing down, the ferry girl saw blood, but she couldn't stop now. Her lungs were begging for air; she tried to take a deep breath as she jumped over another pile of wet leaves. There! She saw a ray of sunlight. There was a clearing up ahead. With one last burst of energy Botan dashed into the clearing. To her horror it was not a patch of grass- it was the edge of a cliff! She risked a peek over the edge. Far below, a deep, red river churned violently against jagged rocks. She was trapped! The gang of demons emerged, their leader in front, smirking.

"Well, well. No place to run?" he inquired, mocking.

Botan's heart raced and tears formed in her eyes. /Dear God, don't let this be the end/ she begged, but she knew it was no use.

Like lightning, the beady eyed demon leapt forward and pinned Botan's arms behind her back. She cried out as he twisted of them painfully. Her cries were answered with cruel mocking laughter.

"GET YOUR FILTHY HANDS OFF OF THE FERRY GIRL!" a voice yelled from overhead. A arrow came flying and went into the beady eyed demon's arm. He let go of Botan with a yelp. Botan looked skywards and saw two demons, wait or was it one demon and one angel? The 'Angel' had pure white wings on his back and he was preparing to land. His companion jumped onto the ground. He had brown hair and hazel eyes. He looked even more human than the lavender eyed demon.

"Boss! That's Yuki and Angel! I'm leaving!" one of the demons yelled running towards the forest.

"COWARD!" Yuki yelled firing another blazing arrow.

Angel landed gracefully besides Botan. His wings were folded, and he was at least seven feet tall. His blonde hair was blowing in the breeze. But what struck Botan the most were his eyes, they were emerald green. They were just like Shuiichi's eyes, yet so different. They were narrowed at 'boss'.

"Leave while you still have all of your limbs!" Angel told the remaining demons.

"Oh it's the feared Angel, I'm so scared! Get him boys!" the demon shouted.

The demons charged towards Yuki, Botan and Angel. Botan panicked, but with a wave of a Angel's hand the demons went flying into the trees. Two got up and ran, but rest didn't move. They were dead.

"Still wanna fight?" Yuki asked with a smirk.

The demon's lavender eyes glowed and became a royal blue. Horns grew out of his head.

"Of course I do!" he yelled, his nails turned into claws.

"Can I take care of him? Please? You got the last bunch!" Yuki told Angel.

"knock yourself out" Angel said approvingly. Yuki nodded and started chasing the other demon into the forest. Angel turned to Botan.

"We have to go now"

"NO! Stay away from me!" She yelled, now there were even stronger demons after her. Botan moved backwards. Angel was about to walk forwards but stopped.

"Lord Koenma sent us, please come with me"

"I'm sure he did!" Botan yelled back sarcastically "You know I'm a ferry girl…"

"You have to listen to me"

"I don't have to do anything!"

Angel sighed and held put a palm. A orb of energy formed on it. Seconds later Koenma's face was visible.

"Botan!!!" he yelled, his pacifier falling out of his mouth.

"Koenma-sama?" Botan asked.

"Yes Botan! Go with Angel! He'll take you to a portal where Hiei will meet you! Quick! You don't have a lot of time!"

"But who-what…what's going on?"

"Angel and Yuki are part of the 'Reikai Ferry Girl Rescue Team'" The demi-god yelled impatiently.

"Reikai Ferry Girl Rescue Team? Since when?"

"Since you needed help! Now bye!"

The orb disappeared and Angel chuckled.

"Are you ready now?"

"I-I guess so"

Angel gave her a small smile and walked towards her.

"Now, we're going to fly over. Are you ready?"

"Fly?" Botan gulped, "Ok…"

Angel put a arm around her waist and his great wings unfolded. The two rose into the air.

"What about Yuki?"

"He'll catch up, here we go!" They flew at lightening speed. Botan shut her eyes tight. If she wasn't so scared of flying this fast, she would have been enjoying her self. A few minutes passed and Angel began to slow down. Another minute passed and Angel landed gracefully.

"Botan? We're on the ground now" he said softly. Botan opened her eyes and looked around. She realized that she still had her arms around Angel's neck. She blushed a little and let go. Then there was a blur of black and Hiei was standing next to her.

"Hiei!" Botan yelled happily.

"Shhh! Keep your voice down!" he hissed in reply. He withdrew a blue green gem from the folds of his cloak. He handed it to Angel who examined it for a brief second. To Botan's surprise he threw it a few feet away.

"Why-" she began but was interrupted by a huge blast of light.

"Quickly! You only have a few minutes! Lord Koenma said this portal will either get you back to Ningenkai or destroy your soul. Yes even ours dear ferry girl. Let's just hope you get back home"

"I'll go first" Hiei said and he blurred into the portal. There was another flash of light and the portal reappeared.

"Your turn" Angel said to Botan.

"I just run into it, right?" she squeaked.

"Yes now hurry" With a deep breath Botan ran towards the portal. She looked back at Angel and jumped through.

"Let's hope they get back…" Angel said softly.

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TNG: Cliffhanger!! Will Hiei and Botan get back or perish? ^^ Yes I know Botan has been to Makai, but this is a fan fiction^^.

Dh: Yes we know^^ Thanks to Chrislea for editing! Check out chapter 16 for her fic KOMORI!

To: Dh, Chrislea, Soph, KoKitsune, the rest of crew, all my readers and reviewers, The YYH crew (Yes they exist for this^^) :