Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Ruler of Makai ❯ Invitations ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

“Alright, we're finally home at last. It's great to be back,” Yusuke said as he stretched his arms. They landed in a deserted park in the middle of the night near Yusuke home. Hiei looks as if he could care less if he returned or not, but Kurama was in deep thought.
“Hey, Kurama what ya thinking about?” asked a curious Yusuke.
“I was wondering who you were planning to invite to the ceremony. You know if you do bring who I think you're going to bring the other demons will only see food. You know that right Yusuke?” asked Kurama.
“He's right you know unless they have some kind of protection they will be in constant danger,” Hiei said in a matter of fact tone.
“Hey, you guys don't think I've thought this through? I asked my old man right before we left that he would have some sort of protection over them and he agreed. So that's one problem taking care of,” Yusuke said with a huge smile on his face. One thought went through the others' head, “He did think it through…” with a sweat dropping on the side of their head.
“Fine Detective than who are exactly planning to invite?” asked an annoyed Hiei.
“Okay lets see. I was going to ask Kuwabara, Shizuru, Keiko, Yukina, Genkai, and Boton,” Yusuke said as he was thinking.
“Alright then shall we contact everyone and meet them at Genkai's temple to tell them of the news?” said Kurama.
“Yes, and we all know that you are especially looking forward to see Keiko, aren't ya Shuichi?” Youko snidely remarked. “Hush Youko Keiko belongs with Yusuke besides she wouldn't see me that way.” Kurama said with a sigh.
He was tired of having this discussion with Youko. Every time Keiko's name would come up Youko with always have to say something to taunt him.
“Well, we can always change that. I can easily persuade a woman to come with us,” Youko said with a smirk. “Don't Youko,I don't want Yusuke coming after us and I don't want to make Keiko an item to just fight over,” Kurama said with a little impatience in his voice.
“Hey, earth to Kurama? Are you in there?” Yusuke asked with his hand waving in Kurama face.
“Oh, I'm sorry what did you say, Yusuke?” Kurama asked with an apologetic smile.
“We decided to meet the others at noon tomorrow to discuss the plan so don't be late, Kitsune,” Hiei said with a bored tone.
“So with that settled I'll see you later,” Yusuke said as he waved good bye and walked to his apartment.
“Well, I'll see you tomorrow then Hiei,” Kurama said as Hiei melted into the night and left.
Kurama then walked home alone thinking about the next excuse he's going to have to tell his mom for his absence.
At Genkai's Temple…
“Hey Urameshi why did you call us on such a short notice, after all of these years not telling us how you're doing?” yelled Kuwabara as he grabbed Yusuke by his shirt collar and about ready to punch him.
“Yeah, I missed you too Kuwabara,” Yusuke said with a smirk.
At that moment Kurama and Hiei had arrived. “So I take it everyone is here then Detective?” Hiei asked.
“Yep, everyone is here,” Boton said cheerily before Yusuke could reply. Personally she was glad Yusuke was back. She had missed him terriblely, but she just wasn't going to tell him quite yet.
“Sure everyone is here if you don't count Keiko,” Shizuru said with a glare at Yusuke.
“WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHE ISN'T HERE?!?!,” Yusuke yelled. It was so loud everyone had to cover their ears.
“Well she told me that she was leaving since you didn't need her anymore. So left to go somewhere and she said she won't be coming back. Although, she left me and Genkai with a really weird message,” Shizuru said with a confused face.
“She left without saying good-bye to us, but why would she do that?” Yukina asked. She looked like she was ready to cry.
At this Hiei was kind of angry at Keiko for doing this to her, but Kuwabara was already there trying to comfort her.
“So Yusuke, what did you do to make Keiko get up and go like that?” Boton yelled.
“I didn't do anything, well maybe except that I told her that I didn't like her as a girlfriend, but she said she understood and said she only saw me as a brother anyway,” Yusuke said as he was quick to defend himself.
“Hmm, that meansshe'sfree, so how about it Shuichi?” Youko asked. “It really wouldn't matter Youko.In case YOU didn't hear she isn't here anymore!” said an irritated Kurama. “So? That doesn't mean we can't find her. In case YOU don't know I happen to be good at finding things,” Youko said. You could practically hear the smugness in his voice.
“What was the message, Genkai, that she would only tell you two?” asked a curious Kurama. He thought it was better to ignore Youko for now and get back to the matter at hand.
“Well she left telling me to tell you that there will be a test coming soon, and that the three kings and their heir must become stronger. After that she just left without a single trace. Her house was vacated and everything. Shizuru couldn't even find her in the school database,” said a complexed Genkai.
Everybody's eyes were then turned to Yusuke. Yusuke's mouth dropped as he heard what Genkai just said. It seems that Kurama and Hiei was also in their own thought, but one single thought went through everyone's head, “What did she mean the three kings and their heir must get stronger ,”
“It seems our job isn't quite as done as we thought it would be, Detective,” said Hiei with one of his eyebrows raised.
“Yes, we will have to asked Yomi and the others if there is some kind of threat to the three crowns,” Kurama replied.
“Yeah, we'll get to that later, but here's the reason why we asked you to come here. Well, at the end of the week at my old man's place we're going to have an introduction ceremony for the kings' heirs. So we thought about inviting all of you guys to come along,” Yusuke said with a smile.
“Hey dimwit, have you thought that you might be as well inviting us to our grave. You mean to invite us to a place full of demons that might as well eat us for the main course,” Genkai said while looking at Yusuke intently.
“Don't worry about it I already thought of that. I asked my old man to place all of you under his protection. So if anything were to happen that certain demon that would be stupid enough to try to eat you he would be dead on the spot,” Yusuke said like he was proud of himself.
At that everyone, except Hiei and Kurama, stared at Yusuke. Yusuke actually thinking for once, is the world coming to an end soon?
“What? Why are you guys looking at me like that?” asked an annoyed Yusuke.
“Oh, nothing Yusuke. Nothing's wrong,” Boton said with a nervous laugh.
Yukina then spoke, “Um, how long do you think we shall be staying, Mr. Yusuke?”
“Actually I don't know. I guess you can stay as long as you want,” Yusuke said while he scratched the back of his head.
“Oh, how bout we stay for a month. We can think of it like a vacation. How about it Shizuru?” Kuwabara put in. One month vacation with Yukina this could be my chance to win her over.
Hiei happened to have heard that particular remark and was glaring at Kuwabara, but Kuwabara didn't seem to see it.
Shizuru thought about it for a moment, “I suppose it's alright, but I'll have to talk to your school and my work about days off.”
“I guess its fine with me too. Yukina and I could use a break from here,” Genkai said as Yukina nodded her head.
“Well since that's decided, let's say at the end of the week we'll meet at the park near Yusuke's house at midnight,” Kurama informed them.
“Seems like a good enough plan, Kitsune,” Hiei said.
“Okay then. Hey Kuwabara, how about we go to the arcade to catch up on old times,” asked Yusuke.
“Sounds good to me. Lets go, Urameshi,” Kuwabara said.
They left. Boton was the next to leave to go back to tell Koenma of her absence, Shizuru then left to take care of her business, and last to leave was Kurama and Hiei to do whatever demon guys do. (I couldn't think of anything important for them to do so bare with me) Genkai went to do some meditation and Yukina left for her garden with a sad face.
In Genkai's garden where Yukina is…
A shrouded figure hidden in the shadow on a tree branch was watching the sad ice maiden tend the garden. As she was planting some flowers a tear drop fell to the ground. She picked up and placed in her pocket. She then went into the temple in deep thought. As Yukina entered the temple one thing went through her mind, “Why Keiko? Why did you have to leave?”.
The figure saw the tear and it's heart clenched at not being able to be their to help her. “Soon, Yukina, I'll be able to reveal to you the real me and no secret between us so that I'll be able to protect you better.” After that thought the mysterious figure disappeared into the shadows.
As Genkai turned around the corner to the garden she managed to just barely sense the aura of a demon, but when she looked around there was no one there. At that she was deeply concerned about the warning Keiko gave her. “So Keiko, does that mean every one of us is in danger of being targeted?”
She then went into her room to mediate more for the upcoming headache she knew she was going to get soon.
<So what ya think. Who do you think the mysterious figure is? The person is probably not who you think it is? :p>