Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Ryuusei no Solitude ❯ Chapter 19

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A friend of mine helped me thought of this story and I'm writing it for her! So if you want to kill me and give me death threats go ahead but I shall continue it nonetheless. I like the story line and the idea, plus I'm a sucker for AUs. So this is my AU and I hope you like it. Even if you don't I'm still continuing it.

Ryuusei no Solitude
By: Koritsune Dragonrider

Rating: R

Warning: Bad language and death

Disclaimer: I do not own nothing that is relate to the YuYu Hakusho series.

Summery: Kurama was never shot by the hunter, Yusuke, Kuwabara, Keiko, and Shizuru are demons, and Hiei never left the Koorime Island, because Hiei's a girl! Here is an AU with a lot of twist!

Pairings: Kurama/Hiei Yusuke/Keiko Yukina/Kuwabara

Chapter 19

After explaining the challenge to the others and after many protests from Yusuke, Keiko, Kuwabara, and Shizuru, and a lot more from Hiei, Kurama convinced them not to help with the theft, and promising half the share. Kurama told them that only Kuronue had to be with him and that it was part of the challenge. Hiei muttered about stupid rules and challenges and swatted Kuwabara's hand away. The neko had been hitting on her since he had arrived and wouldn't leave her alone.

"Yeah, I should have told you he was a flirter, even if he isn't very handsome," said Kurama and walked away toward the cave, the others followed to rest for the night.

"Hey," yelled Kuwabara. "What's that supposed to mean!"

"It means what I've said," said Kurama and lay down. Hiei walked back outside to sleep on her perch when Kuwabara run up to her.

"Hiei, won't you sleep in with us," he asks.

"I sleep better alone," she said and started climbing the tree.

"But it's not safe for a girl out here," he yelled and Hiei glared down at him.

"I have a male form that will be happy to tear you to bits," she growled and Kuwabara blanched.

"You have a what?!" he yelled. Obviously someone forgot to tell him about that.

"Kuwabara," yelled Kurama from his bed. "Leave her alone! If she wants to sleep outside then let her!"

Kuwabara ran back to the cave and laid in his bed as Yusuke howled with laughter from Kuwabara's reaction to Hiei's threat.

"You should have seen your face," he howled and Kuwabara tackled him.

"You could have told me she was a guy too!" yelled Kuwabara as he grabbed Yusuke in a head lock.

"I did but you didn't pay attention!" yelled Yusuke getting out and returning the headlock. "You were too busy daydreaming meeting her as soon as I said her name!"

"I did not!" yelled Kuwabara, trying to get out of the head lock.

"Did too!"


A very big bolder landed on both demons and immediately knocked them out. Keiko and Shizuru grabbed the guys and threw them to their beds, where they hoped to sleep the rest of the night in peace. Hiei was back on sentry duty like every night and looked at the stars, Jagan open and scanning every five seconds to look for intruders.

I LIKE IT HERE, said Jagan.

Glad you do, said Hiei. The neko no baka's getting on my nerves.


Yeah, in a carnival.


You should know. You're in my skull, literally!


You should talk! Just leave me alone!


And what is that?


Up yours! And the Jagan left. Hiei growled as she settled back in her perch and looked out for other demons. The next morning Kurama and Kuronue set out for the heist, hoping to get there before Yomi.

"So, what's the story with your new slave girl," asked Kuronue as they walked toward the Makai Hall.

"I told you she's not my slave girl!" yelled Kurama. "She's my friend."

"I see," said Kuronue teasingly. "She just a girl who's your slave."

"Kuronue!" And Kurama tackled him to the ground. Kuronue kicked him off and pounced on him.

"Try and tackle me, huh?" yelled Kuronue and Kurama did something he hadn't done since he was a kit. He bitch slapped Kuronue and the chimera fell off him. Kurama flipped onto his feet and placed a foot on Kuronue's chest.

"Let's not do that again, shall we?" asked Kurama and Kuronue nodded. They gathered their things again and continued on. Soon they came to the Makai Hall and hid in the bamboo thicket.

"Okay," said Kurama. "We'll wait till dark, then we go in, steal the mirror and head out."

"Why do you always make the plan?" asked Kuronue.

"Cause I'm smarter," said Kurama and crawled to his spot. Kuronue flew into a tree and slept on his side. Kurama looked up at him and had a fleeting memory of Hiei sleeping in her tree. For some reason he missed the little fire demon. He never missed any of his friends when they were away but somehow Hiei made him feel different, through he doesn't know how. He felt sad when he's away from her a minute and wants to constantly watch her back. What was wrong with him?

He looked up to find Kuronue fingering his pendant again. Kurama had always wondered why that necklace was so important to him but the chimera pushed the subject away. Out of spite Kurama asked the question again.

"Kuronue, why do you wear that necklace all the time?" he asked. Kurama expected his friend to shove him away as usual but this time he didn't. Kuronue spoke.

"Once, when I was a child, my mother went to a trader's stand to look for a new cook pot. You knew about my father, right? Real bastard. All he did all day was drink and went out on mercenary jobs just so he could get some more. He went on a rampage when he caught my mother taking money just to feed me and her. Anyway, while looking for that cooking pot I noticed it. I couldn't help but look at it. I never had anything of my own and I suddenly wanted this, to wear it around my neck and show it off to everyone who looked at me. Mother saw me looking at it and she knew she couldn't afford a cooking pot and the necklace. She really wanted to give it to me. Why I don't know. She didn't buy the cook pot; even through we really needed it. We've been eating meat right off the bone; you know how tough that can be? She bought this instead.

My father found out and beat her half to death. Finally she got fed up with him and took the advice I've been telling her for years, we left. We made a living in taverns and inns, serving and cooking. Shitty money wages but it kept us fed. We never bought more then what we needed and had some money left over for savings. It was a crappy life but it was ours.

Then he found us. After we left he hunted us down, determined to get rid of us. No one got away from my father and lived. He wanted us put down, permanently. My mother somehow foresaw the attack and had me go to the market. Sent me off to look for some root or other that didn't exist. When I came home at sun down, I found the house unusually quiet. My mother was never a quiet person when she was working. She was always loud so she knew she was doing things right. I found her dead in the kitchen, supper burnt in the kennel. I hugged her for hours before the villagers pried me loose.

I spent fifty years training myself to hone my mind and body to be the best, because only the best defeated my father. When I next met him, I killed him."

Kuronue looked at Kurama and the kitsune saw something in the chimera's eyes he never did before. Sadness and guilt. Sadness for losing his mother and guilt for being the cause of it. Just because he wanted a stupid necklace. That's way it was so important to him. It was the last gift his mother had given him before his life turned into hell. Kurama nodded and turned to sleep.

That night they waited till late and headed toward the Hall. Stopping at the entrance they felt the wards and spell meant to keep them out. Kurama looked at the mechanical lock and chuckled softly. Kuronue, reached into his pockets and brought out a small compact computer and hooked it to the security system. Typing in a set of commands he grinned.

"Three . . . two . . . one . . ." and the door clicked. Kurama smirked at his friend and began working on the spells and wards. After a few minutes the work was done and they were inside. Walking down the hall the only stopped briefly at corners for a cost clear.

"Don't you find it odd there's no guards?" asked Kuronue and Kurama nodded.

"I don't like it," said the silver kitsune and walked down the hall toward the vault. As Kurama worked on the wards and Kuronue the lock, Kurama looked around.

"Now I really don't like it," he said and Kuronue looked at him. Kuronue nodded as the door opened and the vault opened up. Walking inside they headed toward the stand where the Mirror Preincognition stood. Kurama and Kuronue looked around to find it suspiciously quiet. No guards, no other wards then the flimsy ones attached to the door that Kurama already turned off. Nothing that suggested that this was an important artifact.

"Well, Yomi didn't get here first, that's for sure," said Kuronue as Kurama walked up to the mirror.

"That's the only good news," said Kurama and picked up the mirror. Immediately the rooms started to rumble and other ornaments fell from their stands. Both the kitsune and chimera tried to stay on their feet as a television screen appears and the ground stopped rumbling. Kurama picked himself and the mirror off the floor as Kuronue landed next to him. Apparently the chimera hovered in the air till the tremors subsided. They both looked at the screen as it turned on.

"Greetings Chimera Kuronue and the infamous Youko Kurama," said a demon on the TV. "I am the Lord of this Hall and if you are hearing this then you've just taken the Mirror of Preincognition. As you may have noticed there were no guards on your way in and the wards were less then perfect to keep you out."

"I did notice that," said Kurama as the demon continued.

"So you may have guessed it came to one conclusion, you were tricked." The screen wavered for a moment and cleared again to reveal a demon with long black hair and pink eyes. Seven horns stuck on his head like a crown and he grinned at the two thieves.

"Yomi," growled Kurama.

"Hello, Kurama," said Yomi. "As you've just figured out the challenge was a trap. I never really did like you, or Kuronue. I tried to think of ways to get rid of you, but I figured nothing would be better then a good heist, which is this one. Very good try, Kurama, but not good enough."

The screen went black and Kurama threw a vase at it, shattering both the television and the vase.

"Bastard!" yelled Kurama. "Mother fucking piece of shit! I'll rip out his stomach, fry it and serve it to him!"

Kuronue was already out the door and Kurama followed him a second later, the mirror under his arm. Kuronue looked back his friend and saw Kurama with the mirror.

"Kurama," he yelled back. "Get rid of it. It caused this trouble!"

"No way!" yelled back Kurama. "Do you know how much this is worth?"

"A lot less if we don't get out of here alive!" yelled Kuronue dodging a falling bolder and Kurama laughed as he jumped over it.

"Kuronue, you're no fun!"

"I like to stay alive!"

They reached the entrance as guards ran after them from behind them. Kuronue made a running jump, flying a little in the air as Kurama ran behind him. They paused a minute to smile in triumph and run again, guards after them.

It had seemed they had made it. That they had proven Yomi wrong. They were stronger then he and smarter. But something happened in an instant that they didn't plan on. They were running through the bamboo forest just outside the castle boundaries when Kuronue's pendant broke. The chimera, desperate to get his treasure back, jumped back down and ran after it. Kurama jumped back to the ground and turn to stop his friend.

"Kuronue, don't!" yelled Kurama as the chimera run after his necklace. Kuronue ignored him and bent to pick up the pendant. Kurama's ears flicked up at a slit rustling in the trees and he looked up to see bamboo spears flying down from the treetops and fell like a cage around his friend, one piercing through his best friends leg. Kuronue yelled in anguish and pain as he tried to wrench the bloody bamboo spear from his leg.

"Kuronue!" yelled Kurama and turned back to help his friend. Kuronue shook his head at Kurama as the silver kitsune ran toward him.

"No, Kurama! Run!" yelled Kuronue and Kurama shook his head.

"I can't leave you!" yelled back Kurama and grabbed one of the spears surrounding his friend, trying to set him free. Kuronue pushed him away with what strength he had left.

"No, Kurama, one of us has to prove Yomi wrong, and it's not me. Go!"

"But Kuronue . . ." started Kurama but Kuronue stopped him.

"I have nothing to live for anymore, but you do. You've found what you were looking for, now you have to see it."

"What have I been looking for?" asked Kurama then the world went black. Kuronue looked dup to find a small black figure collect the kitsune's body and move toward his. And Kuronue shook his head.

"Take care of Kurama," he said and the figure hesitated. Kuronue looked at Kurama's rescuer with deep determination and it nodded, disappearing in a whir of black. Kuronue clutched his pendant tightly in his hands and fell in a world of blackness.


-The taping with Yomi was before he became blind. He made a good villain for this chapter didn't he? I had to guess his eye color and figured they would be pink.

Now Kuronue fans are gonna hate me! I got this idea talking to my friend about the second movie and decided it would look good in the story.

Thankies to . . .



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