Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Shadow's Love ❯ Shadow's Love ( One-Shot )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
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Fireworks bang and crack in the sky as the fourth of July is ending. It may be pretty, but Yuske and Koowabara wonÀÀt shut©up long enough for me to enjoy it. Yukina had invited me to come and celebrate, and I really hadnÀÀt wanted to come, but she was my sister and IÀÀm never here for her. She gave me those puppy©dog eyes and I sighed not allowing myself to ruin her life anymore.

Right now Yuske is walking around the room, offering wine to the others. I avoid him walking behind my so©called friends quietly. IÀÀm almost to the back door when someone grabs my shoulder. I turn around angry that I grew enough to be seen leaving. BotanÀÀs sad face greets me, À ÀWhat do you want?ÀÀ I huffed.

À ÀCan I go with you? IÀÀve had enough of the fireworks for to night.ÀÀ

My eyes almost roll out of my head and onto the floor. This was way out of character for Botan; sheÀÀs normally ecstatic about these things. À ÀYou okay?ÀÀ I ask sarcastically, À ÀAre you sick or something?ÀÀ

À ÀIÀÀm fine, just a bit of a headache.ÀÀ She smiled bringing the brightness back into her eyes.

I turned around and lead her out of the door, just as Yuske had time to shove a glass of wine into my hand. I sigh and bring the drink outside. Yuske knew by giving that to me IÀÀd eventually have to come back and return the expensive piece of glasswork. À ÀDamn you Yuske.ÀÀ I mutter under my breath. I let out a long and heavy sigh; I used to never be seen doing ÃÃanythingÄÄ. I could walk up the stairs and jump into the closest tree, and no one would even budge, the party would just go and without anyone mentioning my name until the next day. They asked my where I went, I said Makuro ordered me back to the Makai and they believed me. Now they have to make a big stink about it.

Seeing that the party was at GenkaiÀÀs temple, we had a lot of time in between getting to ground from using the steps. À ÀDo you want me to take you through the trees?ÀÀ I asked unusually politely. She looked shocked at this comment, but she was hot not able to use her sonic boom.

À ÀIs it safe?ÀÀ She looked at me with worry in her eyes. À ÀCan those hold both of our weight?ÀÀ She stopped and looked up at the higher branches being thinner.

À ÀYeah itÀÀll be fine, and besides, if I fall it wonÀÀt matter at all.ÀÀ I stated under my breath.

She looked shocked at this statement.

À ÀYes it will! You could be killed!ÀÀ

À ÀNo body wants me to be around. IÀÀm a horrible person, and donÀÀt deserve a life.ÀÀ I looked at my feet, not wanting to see BotanÀÀs face.

À ÀYes you do! You have family and friends who care about you! Yukina would be heart©broken if anything happened to you.ÀÀ

À ÀHn. I donÀÀt have any real friends. How can you say that!?ÀÀ I was both angered and saddened hearing the truth from my own mouth.

À ÀWhy would we care enough to bring you back to this world time and time again? You know youÀÀre important to all of us. At least to me!ÀÀ she huffed, À ÀYou canÀÀt leave us again, and you know it! You donÀÀt have the strength to move on with no friends to be there for you anymore!ÀÀ

My jaw dropped never knowing she even thought of me as anything but a demon. À ÀYou actually like ÃÃmeÄÄ?ÀÀ I started to laugh hysterically at this, not even knowing why. À ÀHere I am. Hiei the fire demon, a total and complete mistake,ÃÃ ÄÄwith friends, family, and a social life?! This is ÃÃway ÄÄtoo much for me to handle!ÀÀ I brought a hand to my face almost in self©pity. Still laughing at myself I hear Botan giggling in the corner.

À ÀHey, look on the bright side, you still canÀÀt control your temper, and have amazing fighting skills. YouÀÀll always be the same tough guy though, and will eventually brake your shell enough for us to really talk to you. You have nothing to be ashamed of youÀÀve stayed the same all this time. Even if you have saved us countless times. You should be proud of that!ÀÀ She smiled at me, and I donÀÀt know if I should take that as a complement or a downfall. À ÀYes that is what you call a complement Hiei; youÀÀre probably not used to them.ÀÀ

À ÀOh my god, that glass of wine must have gone straight to my brain...ÀÀ

She smirked and sat down beside me on the steps. À ÀYou could have handled ÃÃa lot ÄÄmore before totally losing it, believe me.ÀÀ

À ÀHow do you know?ÀÀ I said my voice going back to its normal darker tone.

À ÀI had three, thatÀÀs how.ÀÀ She laughed and turned to look me in the eyes.

À ÀBesides the only time you actually had too much was at a new years eve party. We had bought your favorite kind of sake because you came.ÀÀ Her face flushed a bit trying her hardest to not tell him exactly what he did. ÀÀIÀÀll keep the dancing part to myself.ÀÀ she thought happily.

À ÀI WHAT?ÀÀ I shrieked nearly falling down a good few steps. À ÀAnd nobody stopped me?! What did I do!?ÀÀ

À ÀNothing to horrible, but IÀÀll just put it this way, it was actually kind of cute, you were really nice and laughed a lot. ThatÀÀs why you became my friend. We where sitting just about here actually here, and you decided for us to have a midnight swim. So Yuske, Kurama, Yukina, and me left the house for a lake you saw earlier. When we arriv©ÀÀ

À ÀI brought you guys to swim in the lake? The lake with ÃÃalligatorsÄÄ?!ÀÀ

À ÀYes, luckily none came, but anyways, I was saying, before I was so rudely interrupted, that we had gone for a swim. You, Kurama, and Yuske had gotten right in and swam, but it took a while for us to get in. The water was freezing but you didnÀÀt seem to mind. We swam until about three in the morning, and then fell asleep on the beach. I had gotten cold and you gave me your cloak. So, I had wondered since you only had on a tank top and pants, how you survived. Your pants where wet from the water, but you didnÀÀt even care. But, I guess you are a survivor.ÀÀ

I closed my eyes, trying hard to remember. À ÀYou leaned against a tree and talked to me all night. Yuske and Kurama had fell asleep. As for Yukina, she left to go home. That was really sweet of you.... I wish it was always like that.ÀÀ

I now remembered that day, and wished I had another. À ÀThank you. I feel as it was a good day, for both of us.ÀÀ I smiled and put a hand on her shoulder.

She looked up at me tears nipping at the corners of her eyes. À ÀThank you Hiei.ÀÀ She stood up and surprisingly hugged me. I had no clue what to do at that time, so I just put my head on her shoulder and laid my hands on her back, trying to comfort her, as she was now sobbing into my chest. I could feel my cloak getting wet, but I didnÀÀt say anything. I didnÀÀt really mind.

She then grabbed my wrists, pulling them towards me. À ÀDo you promise me to be there?ÀÀ

À ÀYes Botan, IÀÀll try......ÀÀ

I heard the door harshly slam against the walls of the Temple. Yuske barged out and started running down the steps. He stopped at the sight of us abruptly however and I knew that everyone was going to soon know that I actually did have a heart. I didnÀÀt move though, and let him watch.

À ÀHiei! It looks like youÀÀve got yourself a girl friend!ÀÀ He said loudly and laughed, apparently drunk off this rocker. À ÀFine choice to! Hahaha!! Now I can let the whole world know that you ÃÃdoÄÄ have a heart!ÀÀ He smiled largely and pointed.

Botan turned around, quickly wiping her tears. À ÀItÀÀs my fault Yuske, he was only here at the wrong time. I just needed someone to talk to.ÀÀ I was a bit saddened by her words, but I kept a large amount of respect for her being so brave.

À ÀYeah, but this is just too good! Hiei actually listened to you? Jeez Hiei, youÀÀve lost your touch!ÀÀ He was practically rolling on the ground now, and was about to be bloody if he came close enough to me.

À ÀI guess I have, but at least IÀÀm happy to say it.ÀÀ I turned to Botan who was simply beaming.

À ÀI guess you got something out of what I said.ÀÀ

À ÀI guess so...ÀÀ I bent down for a short kiss, and took her hand. Yuske had long since stopped laughing, and I knew that it was inevitable I would be poked fun of, but that no longer mattered. I finally had someone who loved me back.

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& yuml;ÿÿ
&Nti lde;A/N: no comment ^^
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ÑBotan, Yukina, Yuske, and Hiei are copyright (ÓUS??ÓÀÀÓ??USÓ) of their respectful owner.