Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Shadowed Enigma ❯ Past and Present ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Author's Notes: Guess what? yup! Fifth chapter! Faster than

usual. For now, my Inuyasha fic is going on hold until I can

figure out where I'm going with it. Don't understand? Me either

and I'm writin' it.

STORY SO FAR: The team has stayed over at Rena's house,

had dinner with her, met Shinji, a few of her animal friends,

and her older brother, Hatori. This morning, they're planning to head to

Makai after laying out the plan once more. They learned a

little bit about Rena and Shinji. An unknown person named Koryuu

was also brought up. We'll see who that is soon enough.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Shadowed Enigma : Chapter 5 - Past and Present

By Clow Angel

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Everyone had woken up bright and early that day. Botan and Yukina were in the kitchen preparing breakfast, Genkai was in the dojo meditating, Rena was outside tending to her garden and friends while the guys were in the living room talking.

Well actually, Yusuke and Kuwabara were arguing, Hiei and Kurama were having a quiet conversation while Hatori sat on the couch with his eyes closed. Shinji was also there. For the first time, you could see his eyes. They were a startling silver-blue. It matched his hair perfectly. He was quite handsome with those slightly narrow eyes that seemed to stare right through your very soul, short ice blue hair, and pale skin. Yusuke and Kuwabara barely noticed the man sitting there. He was so quiet. Finally, Kuwabara saw him through the corner of his eye and abruptly stopped talking to stare at the blue-haired man only start again a few seconds later as he figured he should introduce himself. "Hey there! Name's Kuwabara!"

No reply except for a stare. Kuwabara sweatdrops. "Not very talkative, eh?"

"I'm Yusuke! Nice ta meetcha!"

"..." Yet again, a stare.

"Don't be offended. Shinji does not speak very often," Hatori said with eyes still closed as if he was asleep.

The redheaded fox stood. "I'm heading outside with Hiei here. We'd rather not be inside. It's quite a beautiful morning." The two left.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Once outside, Kurama sighed with relief.

"What's the matter fox?" Hiei asked, sending Kurama a blank stare.

"Being in the same room as Shinji is exhausting. He's quite intimidating and uncomfortable to be around."


"Let's take a walk. The air is clean and the trees are beautiful here. And there's Hikari and Hikage still sleeping." Kurama points to the pair of horses under a large tree who were peacefully asleep. Hiei shrugs but walks along with him.

"I see you're my mistress' guests!" A man dressed in black jumped out of the tree the two were walking by,

startling them. The man was tall and looked almost feminine with a ponytail, slightly ruffled hair and long wavy bangs that

reached his chin. His eyes were large and devious, colored a bright gold that danced with curiosity. He radiated

mischief and playfulness. He wore a black jacket over a black skin tight tank top and what seemed to be leather pants and

boots. He had a silver hooped earring on his left ear. The man appeared to be around Hatori's age and around the same height as well. "Name's Koryuu!" Koryuu grinned, revealing a fang.

"Nice to meet you, Koryuu-san. I'm Kurama." After a short pause, he realized Hiei wasn't going to introduce himself so he did it for him. "...and he's Hiei."


"Not much of a talker, are you?"

Hiei gives the man a pointed stare.

"This guy really doesn't talk much does he?"

"No, he doesn't." Kurama smiles. "Don't be offended by his behavior though. He's always like this." The fire demon glares

at the fox.

"I'm not. I'm already used to it. That guy Shinji is even worse. All he ever does is stare at you when you try to talk to him. Sheesh! That guy's gotta lighten up!" Koryuu crosses his arms and closes his eyes as he speaks.

"Well then, he seems kind of like Hiei, only Hiei makes snide comments and remarks. He's quite the rude fire demon."

"Hn... I have a question." Hiei's ruby-red eyes stare into Koryuu's golden ones. "Why do you and Shinji guard Rena so well?

According to Hatori, you even betrayed your friends." A pause. "I do not understand."

"Oh, so you heard, huh?" Koryuu grins and gestures toward the garden. "Shall we walk while I explain what I can?" The other

two demons nod.

"Okay, well to start with, we are very loyal to our mistress, Rena. Shinji and I don't get along but we agree on one thing:

Rena-sama. She's a kind mistress, albeit a bit cold, but hey, that's how she is." Koryuu smiles widely. "She loves us all and has put her life on the line to save ours many times. It is only natural we do the same."

"You love Rena-san very much don't you?"

"Of course I do! I've never met anyone like her in my life." Koryuu chuckles. "She's quite an interesting character! Always

full of mystery just like Hatori. However, Mistress Rena's older brother is more cheerful even if he's a tad bit sadistic."

"Sadistic?" Kurama inquired with a raised brow.

"Uh... yeah. You never knew?" The redhead shakes his head no. "You'll see what I mean when you get to know him better."

The three continue walking as Koryuu explains more.

"I, myself was injured at the time I met Rena-sama. She found me in Makai alongside a river. I was in a brutal battle several days before she found me and I lost. Managing to escape from the clutches of death, I had passed out by the river. At that time, I didn't have enough energy to remain in my humanoid form so I was merely a weak looking animal. Rena-sama, being the animal lover that she is, took me home."

"What kind of youkai are you exactly?"

"Perhaps a cat youkai, judging from your eyes," Hiei flatly said.

"Ah! The little one speaks." Hiei shoots a glare at the taller man.

"Do you wish for an early death?" Hiei placed his hand on the hilt of his katana.

"Hiei... Do you want to anger Rena-san by executing one of her


"Hn." Hiei relaxed although you can still see his annoyance etched into his red eyes.

"Anyway, Hiei-san here is partially correct. I'm half cat youkai and half raven youkai." Koryuu chuckles. "An odd mix isn't it?"

"Never heard of that mix before. Seems quite interesting."

"Heh, yeah. Well, at that time Rena-sama found me as a winged cat. What an embarrassment. When I woke up, I found myself in a room that was mostly decorated with black furniture. Even the curtains were black. Several minutes after waking, I saw a

black-haired young lady walk in with a basin of water and a wet towel. I felt so stupid and pathetic. Here I am, a youkai, being treated by a weak girl."

"Hn. Weren't you one arrogant youkai."

"Yes I was and still am. However, I soon found myself to be wrong. She was strong, very strong. Somehow, my enemy found his

way to ningenkai. I didn't even know I was in Ningenkai until Rena-sama told me. She defeated him with ease. I stared at her in surprise. So much power! And she was a GIRL! Later, I found out about her reputation in the other worlds." Koryuu laughs.

"Well, anyway. After I healed up under her care, I vowed to always protect her as a thanks to the times she have saved my

life during my stay here. She trained me as well. As time passed by, I grew to love my mistress more and more." A pause. "And well, that's my story."

"What of that odd blue-haired man?" Hiei asked as he walked alongside Kurama.

"Him? He's an odd one alright. Him and Rena-sama had a duel to the death. Following his friend and superior's orders he was to rid Rena-sama from existence. After having been defeated, Rena-sama took him here and healed him, after finding out why he challenged her. He told her, his superior ordered it after many of his plans failed due to her interference. Rena-sama took a liking to him and said he could stay and do as he pleases. For some weird reason, he stayed only to protect Rena-sama without much reason."

"You two are so loyal." Kurama awed. "I'm impressed."

"Well yes. Remember the superior guy I was talking about?"

The two demons nod.

"He was Shinji's best friend, Ayame. Ayame attacked Rena-sama one day while she was out in Makai on one of her jobs. Having

been low on power due to several A-class battles after having finished her job, the bastard managed to scratch Rena-sama up some. Shinji and I immediately went to aid her after hearing her scream in pain. Of course she was in Makai and we were here, but we can hear her from anywhere. We're closely connected to her as she donated some of her blood to us when were near death. Ayame noticed Shinji and asked if he was there to help him get rid of Rena-sama once and for all."


Ayame smirked, thinking Shinji was here to help him finish off the bitch who always managed to ruin his plans. "You finally

show up, Shinji. I thought you died. I was so worried." He was genuinely worried about his blue-haired friend. "Help me defeat this bitch and we can get on with our lives and finish what we started."

"Don't you dare call my mistress a bitch, Ayame-san." Shinji's voice was ice cold. It could've frozen hell over.

"What did you say?! You've sided with the enemy?" Glaring at the fallen girl, he marched over to her, ready to strike her again. "What did you do to him, bitch?"

Koryuu stood protectively over his mistress in a fighting stance. Shinji appeared before Koryuu, ready to attack his best

friend in defense of his mistress.

"I did nothing to him. He's protecting me of his own accord." Rena winced as her arm throbbed in pain. She didn't have enough energy to remain conscious for much longer.

"Rena-sama, are you alright?" Koryuu kneels before her. Taking her into his arms, he stands with one arm around her waist to hold her up while another is placed on her shoulder to steady her. "I'll hand Rena-sama to you while I take care of this



"Fine. Are you sure you can injure your own best friend though?" Koryuu questioned but decided to allow him to. There was no need to get on his bad side when he was obviously pissed off.

"I can and I will."

"Shinji, think it over… He is your best friend after all…" Rena tried to convince him.

"I've decided already, Rena-sama."

"As you wish, Shinji…" She said with a sigh. "Just don't regret this afterwards."

"I won't. Right now, I live to protect you." Rena smiles at him before she passes out.

"You're turning on me for this bitch?" Ayame glared at his

trusted friend and ally.

"No one hurts my mistress and gets away with it."

"What's happened to you?!"

"Nothing. I've grown attached to Rena-sama. She cared for me, helped me and trained me. You didn't even search for me assuming me dead. My feelings for her override whatever feelings I have for our friendship."

"Is that really true? Can you kill me, knowing me for so long and being my best friend?"

Before Ayame can blink, a sword went through his heart. "Yes I can," was the cold reply. The man dropped to the floor, no

longer breathing.

*End Flashback*

"A very interesting past." Kurama blinked, surprised anyone can do that.

"I'd have to agree with the fox."

"Shinji's a very intense guy. We always get into fights. I can't stand him and he can't stand me. There's only one thing we agree on and that's Rena-sama."

"Who was here first?" The fox looked to be in deep thought. "You and Shinji were there to protect her together and you know the story as to why Shinji's here."

"I was here first. However, I was only here for about four months before Shinji arrived."

"Sou ka."

"Interesting lives you lead." Hiei crossed his arms as he commented.

"We should get back to the living room. I'm sure breakfast is about to be served soon." Kurama said, finally remembering

breakfast. "Will you be coming, Koryuu-san?"

"Of course!" the pony tailed demon replied. "I never miss breakfast! Rena-sama is probably already in the living room

talking with Shinji," he said the ice-blue haired man's name as if it was cursed.

"Hn? That man talks?" Hiei raised a brow in amusement.

"..Well, yeah... He's not mute ya know."

"Feh. Sure seems to be mute." The two taller demons sweatdrop. Kurama shakes his head as he rolls his eyes.

"Let's get going." They turn back and walked back the way they came.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Rena has already returned from her morning ritual of feeding her friends, tending her gardens, and her morning exercises. She was sitting next to Shinji and having a quiet conversation with him which sounded like whispers. A few minutes later, Kurama, Hiei, and Koryuu enters the room.

Spotting his mistress, he went on one knee, with head bowed, and arms crossed over his chest. "Good morning Rena-sama!"

Rena stopped talking and looked over to the bowed man. "Why good morning to you too Koryuu-kun." She chuckles. "How many times do I have to tell you two that bowing isn't necessary. It's too much."

Koryuu bounces onto his feet and wrapped an arm around Rena from behind with his head placed on her shoulder, smiling seductively. "Well, it's our decision to do so."

Shinji rolled his eyes in disgust.

Rena rolls her eyes as well. "Yes, I know. Now stop your playing around. Join us for breakfast and meet the rest of the group." Gesturing towards Hiei and Kurama who has now taken a seat she said, "I'm sure you've met Hiei and Kurama."

"Why yes I have Rena-sama." His eyes twinkling with delight. "They're nice people although Hiei-san there isn't much of a


"You're going to meet the girls too."

"Girls eh? Are they as beautiful as you, Mistress Rena?" Koryuu drawled.

"Why, they're both pretty girls. Don't do anything to any of the girls." Hiei mentally thanked her. He did NOT want naughty demons around his sister.

Koryuu grinned. His eyes showed understanding to what she meant. "Yes, Mistress Rena. You know I wouldn't. You're the only one I'd dare to corrupt," he half-joked.

"BREAKFAST IS READY!!!" Botan's voice can be heard echoing through the halls and into the living room. The group filed into

the kitchen and each took a seat around the large dining table. Genkai was already there as the girls finished the setup.

"Ittadaikimasu!" the group chorused as they picked up the eating utensils and dug in. During breakfast, Hiei was wondering

something so he brought it up. "Where do you practice here? I did not see any suitable place for practice."

"There's a dojo that we have in this house," Hatori replied with a smile. "Are you interested in practicing there?"

"Hn." You can barely make out the audible nod of Hiei's head.

"Alright then. Why don't we have several sparring matches in the dojo several hours after breakfast?"

"That would be interesting, don't you think Hiei?" Kurama asked of the fire demon to his left.


Yusuke grinned once he heard of this. "Hey, I'd like to join in too! It should be fun, eh?"

"If Urameshi's in, so am I! The almighty Kuwabara Kazuma shall knock down any opponent in his way for the power of love!"

Everyone stopped eating and stared at the orange head as he announced it. "Did I say something wrong?"

"Hn. No, you just made a big fool of yourself, you stupid oaf." Hiei resumed eating.

"Why you stupid little shrimp! Wanna be beat into a bloody pulp?!"

"Feh, if you don't watch your mouth you ugly oaf, you're going to be missing one." Hiei placed his hand on the hilt of his

katana in a threatening posture.

"Both of you calm down before I decide to do something about your behavior in my home," Rena interrupted. It was an amusing

argument, but destroying her home does not bode well with her.

Hiei grunted defiantly and resumed eating while Kuwabara seemed like he would blow up in fury. Koryuu chuckled. 'My, what

interesting characters some of these people are.'

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Breakfast was finished and everyone took a seat on the couches except for Hatori. He said he was going to take a nap, so he

headed upstairs, leaving everyone to talk amongst themselves.

"Hey! How are we gonna explain ta our parents we're gonna be away for a while?" Yusuke asked. "Kuwabara aint gotta make any

excuses coz of his sister, but what about my mom and Kurama's mom?"

"Good point Urameshi." Kuwabara rubbed his chin while seemingly to be deep in thought.

"Why worry?" Hiei stood and leaned against a wall. "Let the ningens worry." He smirked. "After all, you might not be coming

back alive."

"Waddaya mean by that shrimp?!"

"You heard me or have you grown stupid enough not to understand the Japanese language?"

"Temme!!" Kuwabara raised his fist ready to smash it into the short demon's head.

"I'd appreciate it if you don't destroy my house." Rena stared levelly at Kuwabara. He sighed in defeat and sat back down.

"We can tell our mothers we have some sort of out of country studying trip our class is going to be going on."

"My mom aint gonna believe that."

"I wonder why that is, Detective." Amusement danced in the koorime's red eyes while is facial expression remained expressionless.

"Uh…" Yusuke laughs nervously.

Yukina eyes sparked as she got an idea. "Why not send someone who seems they can be trusted and are responsible to go talk

with your parents along with us all to make it seem believable?"

"That seems like a very good idea, Yukina-chan," Kurama commented with a smile.

"Why thank you, Kurama-san," Yukina smiled brightly.

"Weren't we supposed ta leave today?" Yusuke asked with a quirked brow. Obviously he was confused.

"I find it more convenient if we stay at my home here until tomorrow, then leave on Wednesday morning."

"Why is that?" Hiei snorted. "Is there something else we need to do?"

"It's to make the excuse more believable and Botan promised Yukina, Shizuru and Keiko they would all go shopping tomorrow."

"Mistress Rena, shall I inform your friends you will be staying another day?"

"That'd be nice. Thank you, Shinji." Shinji was gone in a flash. A few minutes later, he reappeared and took his seat again.

The orange head scratched his chin. "What about the sparring' matches?"

"We'll spar after we tell your family we're going to the United States to study the white house for foreign history," replied Rena.

"Why are we usin' such a weird excuse?" Kuwabara's eyes met Rena's for a second before he turned away. 'Damn, she has such

cold eyes, it's scary.' "Wait a minute! Didn't I meet you before?"

"Stupid, you probably did and your brain wasn't active," Hiei commented.

"Shut up short stuff!"

"Why don't you shut your big mouth first? Not many demons can stand your loud voice. They'd drop dead from your feminine


"You have met me," Rena interrupted with an amused glint in her eyes before Kuwabara could retort with an insult of his own. "Kurama-kun introduced me to you and Yusuke." Rena raises a brow when he didn't say

anything. "Now, do you remember?"

Kuwabara slowly nodded. "Yeah! I remember now! We were at school and you were walkin' with him!"

Yusuke's eyes widen. "Hey! I remember too!"

"How wonderful. Two stupid ningens in one room." Hiei closed his eyes and smirked.

Yusuke's left eye twitched. "Anyway, you were the suicide girl!"

"What?!" Shinji and Koryuu shot out of their seats. "Tell us you didn't try such a thing, Rena-sama!"

Rena slightly sweatdropped. "I did no such thing! I was eating lunch while sitting on top of the wire fence on the roof when suddenly he came onto the roof and yelled out NO! DON'T! or something of the like." A pause. "He apparently thought I was going to do something stupid like jump to my death."

The others sweatdropped. "Hn. That's how humans are. They're too stupid. They jump to conclusions before observing the situation clearly." The fire demon smirked. "However, it was quite amusing. I enjoyed the exchange."

Botan blinked and snapped out of her stupor. "You were at their school? Why?"

"That's none of your business." Botan winced at his cold tone.

"Oh! Our sneaky fire demon was talkin' with Rena! You should've seen 'em! They actually TALKED with each other and said more than three words each!" Yusuke grinned nearly ear to ear as he took in everyone's facial expressions.

"Yes, we were talking, Yusuke. Do you not talk? And I do talk. I talk to people I think are worthy of being spoken to." Hiei crossed his arms as he gave Yusuke a pointed stare.

"Hiei-kun and I were getting to know each other better. Is there something wrong with that?" There was a dangerous glint in the demoness' eyes. "In fact we were discussing different ways of killing humans in all the most slow and painful ways there possibly were." Yusuke backed away from the advancing demoness. "Would you like to be my first test subject?"

"No th-thanks..," Yusuke stammered. He gulped. 'Man is she freakin' scary when mad..!'

"Thought so." Rena smirked, satisfied with the outcome and sat back down. Hiei, Shinji and Kurama chuckled while Koryuu broke out in laughter. Genkai smiled approvingly, Botan and Kuwabara shrank back into the couch and Yukina sat there calmly with her usual smile plastered on her face.


"Yes, Yukina-chan?"

"Who should talk to the parents?"

Before Rena could speak up, Genkai spoke up. "Rena-sama and Kurama should speak to their families. I have to go close up my temple as I didn't exactly get the chance. In fact, I'll be leaving now to do just that." Genkai stood and headed towards the door. As the doors opened for her, she turned her head and called out, "Watch my good-for-nothing apprentice and his sidekick for me, Rena-sama!"

"Babysitting never was my specialty, but seeing as they're both full grown teens, they shouldn't be much of a problem."

"Feh! More like full grown human babies," Hiei said. The two bakas decided not to comment on it incase Rena got fired up


"Everyone get ready and we'll leave." Everyone got up and was about to head upstairs when she added, "…in human clothing." You can hear Hiei mutter a few curses along with Koryuu.

"I heard that."

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

The group is dressed and is already out the door. Everyone was there except for Hatori and Genkai. Hiei was actually wearing jeans and he also had on a white tank top. Amazing, isn't it? Everyone else was casually dressed. Rena was wearing the black dress Shiori bought her.

Anyway, their first stop was Yusuke's house. His mother seeing her son, hugged him while she bawled her eyes out asking where he has been. Rena decided to speak to the woman and try to calm her down.

"Mrs. Urameshi?"

"Yes?" She stopped bawling and looked the red-eyed girl over. "Are you Yusuke's new girlfriend?"

"Uh… No, I'm not. I'm actually just a school acquaintance of his." Rena smiles politely at the woman. The two shake hands. "Hello. Name's Chiwaru Rena."

"Hello." Mrs. Urameshi smiles. 'She's polite. So unlike my Yusuke. Oh well, that's how I like him.'

"I'm here to inform you that our class will be going on an overseas study trip. We're to study the White House in the United States for Foreign History. I'm sorry Urameshi Yusuke was unable to call you to inform you before. Our phone was having problems. Everyone stayed over at my house to get ready."

"Oh, I see. Thanks for telling me. My son needs to be more responsible though."

Rena smiles. "Will he be able to go on this class research trip?"

"Of course. One less mouth to feed." She grins playfully. "Take care of him for me and make sure he does the work."

"That I will, Mrs. Urameshi." Rena bows politely. "Take care and have a nice day, Mrs. Urameshi."

While the two were talking, Yusuke went up and packed some clothes and some other belongings and came back several minutes later.

"Wow, you handled my mom well. And man, can you act!"

Rena has returned to her stoic self now and was leading the group to Kurama's house. "Well, I guess I should say thank you."

"Mistress Rena, where to are we going next?"

"Kurama's house."

"Oh, okay."

They arrived at the front door to Kurama's house in about twenty minutes. Kurama fetched a set of keys from his pocket and opened the door for the group. Shiori must have heard the door, because she came running down the stairs. Once she saw Kurama, she enveloped him in a hug. Seeing everyone else, she welcomed them in. Seeming to finally spot Rena, she hugged the girl as well. "It's so good to see you, Rena-chan!"

"It's good to see you too Shiori-san." Rena smiles brightly. "I've missed talking with you."

"Why, same here."

Everyone else watched as the two females chattered excitedly about many things. Some of which were cooking, sewing, knitting, and gardening.

Leaning over, Yusuke whispered to Kurama, "Your mom and her know each other?"

Kurama nods. "Yes. Rena-san stayed over here for two days when me and Hiei accidentally injured her."

"How'd you do that?"

"We distracted her by barging into a scene with her fighting several demons."

"Oh…," he paused. After looking over at where the two females were chatting, he added, "She actually seems happy." Surprise was evident in his voice.

"You noticed, huh? She gets along very well with okaa-san."

Everyone else got comfortable while, Shinji and Koryuu stood over Rena. "Oh my, who are these two young gentlemen?"

"They're my bodyguards and friends."


"M hm. They protect me. They kind of hired themselves though."

Shiori smiles and chuckles. "Hired themselves? That's interesting. Is there something you want to tell me? Seeing as there's a whole bunch of people here today."

"Why yes there is. I almost forgot what I came here for. Thank you for reminding me." Rena smiles again.

"Our class will be going to the United States for a Foreign History lesson. The specific place is the White House. I was wondering will Shuichi-kun be allowed to attend this event."

"Why of course. Shuichi can take care of himself. I'm not worried about that. But who will pay for this?"

"Don't worry. The school handled that."

"Shuichi dear, go pack your stuff now. You're going to be leaving soon, I'm assuming?"

"Hai, Okaa-san. We're leaving on Wednesday." He went upstairs to start packing.

Returning to her conversation with the dark-haired girl, she smiled. "You will be there too, right?"

"Of course I will. I'm in charge of watching over some monkeys too."

"I know what you mean," Shiori laughed. "Some teens are a handful especially in groups. Oh! I almost forgot you were one."

"It's quite alright. I know how I am."

"Well, how have you been, living by yourself?"

"Oh, I don't live by myself. I have an older brother whom I love dearly and of course," gesturing towards her two guards, " Shinji and Koryuu are always there to keep me company."

Shiori nods. "That's good."

Right around then, Kurama comes down with a duffle bag.

"Well, we have to go now, Shiori-san. I'll visit you after I come back."

Shiori hugs the young girl. "I'll be looking forward to your visit, Rena-chan. Watch my Shuichi for me."

"That's exactly what Mrs. Urameshi said." Rena giggles. "Don't worry I will."

"Take care dear. You take care of yourself too, Rena-chan."

"We will!" Kurama and Rena shouted in unison as they walked down the sidewalk. Shiori waves and then heads inside. 'I hope my dear Shuichi and Rena-chan will grow closer.

"Do you have a gift with parents or somethin'?" Kuwabara asked as he scrunched up his face in wonder.

"No, I just happen to like Kurama's mother. However, I was acting when speaking with Mrs. Urameshi."

"Hn. Heading back to your place now right?"

"Why yes, Hiei-kun."

"Thought so."

Before anyone can utter another word, the group vanished into thin air.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Author's Notes: Past and Present just shows Shinji and Koryuu's background along with a little of Rena's ^^ It also serves as a chapter that pulls the other characters together. Next chapter: Ichiban no Shoubu.

In the next chapter:The group has their sparring match. On Wednesday, they head to Makai. Encountering a berserk cat youkai due the power fluctuations, they enter battle.