Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Shield Me From the Storm ❯ 8 ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
One day that week

"Hiei! Look out behind you!" Yelled Yusuke. The short boy turned and made short work of the demon coming for him. "Yusuke! Above you!!" Kuwabara called.

As the fight in the large stadium went on the boys began to become exhausted. Hiei was getting angry. Kurama should've been there, helping his team like the old days. There were demons everywhere coming FROM everywhere. The group of three was exhausted.

Suddenly Hiei Yusuke and Kuwabara found themselves being backed into one another. They were cornered and they were too weak to do a damn thing. It was then that Hiei looked up. The monsters before them were falling to the detectives' feet in small bloody pieces.

Kurama was there he had saved them! Yusuke was about to start talking, when Hiei growled. He sprinted forward and grabbed Kurama by his pink shirt. Using the momentum from running up to him, Hiei spun Kurama around so his back was to the wall and shoved him into it with unparalleled force.

The concrete wall around the pink haired boy dented inwards at the force of his body being flung into it. Kurama grimaced and tried to ignore the blood flowing down the back of his neck. He couldn't speak. Too much pain.

Before Kurama totally blacked out, he saw his son running at Hiei screaming. The tiny youko managed to knock Hiei to the ground and let go of his daddy. Arien was now sitting on Hiei hitting him with all his might, which wasn't much. "YOU KILLED HIM!! YOU KILLED HIM!" the boy yelled, being careful not to let the hat that concealed his ears fall off. Hiei just lay there, getting "beat up" by this half pint, laughing. Was this a joke? Was this little shrimp really trying to hurt him?

Suddenly in the blink of an eye, Arien found himself in the same position as Kurama. Hiei was slowly squeezing his neck harder and harder. The black haired teen stared into the eyes of the little boy. When they filled with tears Hiei threw his head back and laughed. It wasn't until he heard a familiar clink on the concrete floor several times, did he look up at Arien. Then he looked down to the floor. Several tear gems littered it.

With a gasp, Hiei let go of the boy and backed away in shock. Arien fell to the floor knocking off his hat in the process. Two silver ears popped up from the boy's mop of pink hair. In shock Hiei looked over at Kurama. Kuwabara and Yusuke were trying to wake him up.

Hiei was about to say something when a searing pain darted through his brain, a flash of his sword, and Kurama standing on his porch with a baby went through. Hiei grabbed his head in pain. Another flash showed itself in his head. He was holding the little baby now, entertaining it with a fireball. He looked up at Arien who was now sitting next to his dad.

Later that day Kurama was in the hospital with a serious concussion and was still unconscious.

Hiei was sitting in the waiting room, his elbows on his knees and his hands on his head. He couldn't believe what had happened today, he almost killed Kurama…. He almost killed his son….what was happening to him? Ever since Kurama left, he wasn't himself, and it was scaring him. It was then that Yusuke came up to him holding Arien. "He's awake."

When Hiei entered the hospital room he walked up to Kurama's bed. Kurama looked at him and turned his head the other direction. "Kurama, nothing I say can make what I did ok. And I'm sorry. Ever since you left I've been a mess. I don't know what to do without you. I really miss you. Please forgive me…" Hiei turned and walked out the door leaving Kurama to think.

When Kurama talked to Kuwabara late that night, He told the redhead that he missed Hiei too and was also miserable without him.

Kuwabara then got an idea. He told Yusuke what Kurama had said, and they set out to do what they should've done a long time ago.

At the end of the month, Kurama got to go home. For some reason Arien was giggling the entire ride home and the others all looked as if they were keeping something secret.

When they arrived home, Kurama went up the stairs to put his headache medicine away. When he entered his room, he flipped on the light, and there in the room was a second bed, a second dresser…a second everything….and it was all familiar. It was all Hiei's. With a smile Kurama went downstairs and hugged all his friends.

2 years later:

"DAAAAD!! Angelique is being bad!!!" yelled Arien, looking at his little sister. "That's MY wallet…and my MONEY!" said Yusuke snatching the wallet from the drooling baby. He wiped it off and put it back in his pocket. "Ok everyone! Time to eat!" yelled Kuwabara putting hot dogs and burgers on plates for everyone. Yusuke walked up to him and kissed him before helping pass out plates.

Yusuke Hiei and Kuwabara went on as spirit detectives for another year and quit to attend to their families. (Yes I know the monsters would reek havoc on the earth but in this story they don't...kay?? )

Yusuke and Kuwabara adopted a little boy named Olin and continued to live with Hiei and Kurama.

Kurama and Hiei continued taking care of their little ones, and also continued to live with Yusuke and Kuwabara.

Owari~ Talented Torture 2003