Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Shita and Kurama's little love song. ❯ Koenma's deal, and a new start. ( Chapter 8 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Kurama is gone and Shita has become enraged. She now wears black and has a lot of weapons with her.
Shita's going out to see if any one wants to fights her. So, she goes into town hopping for a fight for some reason. " Hey, miss are you looking for a fight?" With guy said to her.
" Why, yes I am, but you look to weak." Shita said and started to walk away.
" Why do you say that?" He asked.
" Because my boyfriend taught my how to fight without losing." She said with a dark cold look.
" How dare you mock me, and who is this boyfriend of yours?" He shouted at her.
" Yoko Kurama, who is not in this world any more, so if you fight me I will kill you." She said giving him the death glare.
" Yoko.... Kurama. People said he had a girlfriend that was better than he was." the guy said scared
" Are you going to take me offer or not." Shita said getting really annoyed
" Okay!" So, the two of you go to a field. "
“ A fight to the death." Shita said with a smile.
" Right "
So, you guys start to fight and within two minutes you have won. " I told you I would kill you." She said with a cold and evil smile.
Kurama didn't only teach her to fight, but also show her how to kill.
Shita killed 100 people in a week. Soon a few years came and went, and she had killed at least 2000 people humans and demons too. Shita is on the most wanted list. One-day koenma got the better of her, and now she's in the Spirit World jail.
" Well, I finally have you, Shita." He laughed in her face.
" I will kill you koenma if I ever get out, you hear me you son of a bitch!" Shita shouted at him.
" Do you know a guy named Kurama, Shita? Well, he's alive and well and he talks about you like there's no end." Koenma said.
" He's alive!" Shita said with a shocked look
" One second let me finish. Well, I'll make you a deal, if you work for me I won't kill you and you will be with Kurama again, deal or no deal" koenma said with a smile.
He knew she couldn't pass it up. " Deal!" She shouts.
So, he let's her out and she hug him. " Thank you koenma, I won't let you down."
He told her where she could find Kurama and that he would be with some friends.
Before Shita left she change her clothe, and made some cookies for them. * I'm 301 now and I haven't changed wonder if he has*
Shita got to apt.336 and she knocked on the door. A guy with red hair and green eyes answers. " Shita, is that you?" He said with a smile
" Kurama, you look different!" Shita said returning his smile
" That's because I had to turn human to regain my demon powers, so you're going to have to get use to it." You two smiled at each other and Kurama lend her in the apt.
" Shita this is...." Kurama started to say, but Shita cut him off.
" You with the black slick back is Yusuke, and the tall one is Kuwabara, and the short one is Hiei." She said pointing to them.
" So, this is your murder girlfriend huh, Kurama. She knows are names too." Yusuke said.
" Is it true that you murdered all those people Shita?" Kurama asked. She could see the hurt in his eyes.
" Yes, I'm sorry." She looked down at the ground.
" Um.... Miss. Shita what's in the bag?" Kuwabara asked.
" Cookies, oh Kurama chocolate chip cookies are the ones you like right? Sorry, does any one else want some!" Shita smiled.
" No, you might have put some thing in to kill us." Yusuke said.
" Same here" Hiei said and walked away.
" Well, I would like some, Shita." Kurama and Kuwabara said with a smile.
So, they sat down and had some milk and cookies. " Wow, these are the best cookies I've had!" Kuwabara said with a mouth full of cookies.
" Yes, their as good as the ones you use to make for me and Kuronue... I'm sorry" Kurama said seeing the hurt in your eyes.
" It's okay, Kurama. I'm happy no matter what" Shita smiled, and had some cookies along with them.