Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Shura's Quest - The forbidden Forest ❯ Scene 6 ( Chapter 6 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Scene 6 ------------------------------------------- Another Part Of The Forest
* Suzuki reaches the edge of a quiet stream of dark water. He feels Shishi somewhere close, but decides not to force the imp out of hiding. Instead, he moves to sit on a small boulder and contemplate the beauty of this grovelike area. In a tree across the stream, high up in the branches, Shishi watches the blonde demon. Now that he's had some time to gather himself he realizes the fear that drove him here for exactly what it was. Silently the imp closes his eyes and wraps his wings closer to himself as he gathers his senses. Slowly the effects of this dark forest loose their grip on him as he calms down and centers himself. When Shishi opens his eyes again he looks back across the stream, down at the demon that he knows is truly his friend. The more the samurai remembers about their friendship the more ashamed he becomes of his latest actions. Not only against Suzuki, but the others, also. This loyalty, he knows, is the proper emotion that he's felt toward Kurama and the others since his rescue from the situation a couple years earlier that sparked his whole frantic episode. Finally, the imp takes a deep breath, launches from the branch, and soars over the stream. Suzuki quietly watches him stop to hover a couple feet away, pensively. When the blonde calmly raises a hand to pat one of his shoulders Shishi floats over and settles onto it timidly. Suzuki sighs.
Suzuki- We don't even have to speak a word..
Shishi- No, but you need to tell me what a fool I was.
Suzuki- No, Shish, not a fool.. Your senses are advanced.. Moreso than even mine.. Even if I am stronger and more handsome.
* Shishi slaps the back of Suzuki's head with one of his wings.
Shishi- I see you're still delusioned.
* Suzuki rubs his head with a chuckle.
Suzuki- Seriously, I'm so over this place, Birdy.
* Shishiwakamaru sighs and lowers his eyes.
Shishi- I can't.. believe all those things I.. said.. Especially to him.
Suzuki- He's very worried about you, Shish.
* Shishi hops down onto the ground and poofs back into his normal form, seated on the ground in front of Suzuki. The blonde leans back on his arms and looks down at him.
Suzuki- Shishi, you know why we all stay with Kurama.
Shishi- Yeah.. It was rough for you all after the royal tournament.. It wasn't too easy for a lot of demons after Enki and Enma agreed to drop that d--- barrier..
Suzuki- What happened, Shish?
* Shishi looks up at Suzuki.
Suzuki- I mean, we know a little bit, but neither you nor Kurama ever told us the whole story..
* Shishi lowers his eyes, timid once more and raises one of his knees to hug it.
Suzuki- I don't mean to pry, but maybe if you get it all out of your system it won't bother you like that again.
Shishi- (Quietly) It's horrific, Suze.. I'll probably have nightmares about it for the rest of my existance.. I actually did think I was over it..
Suzuki- Trauma don't go away too easily.
* For several moments Suzuki watches his friend rock gently and sort out the best way to describe the events he'd prefer to never recall again, let alone speak. When Shishi begins Suzuki listens as quietly as he can.
Shishi- A couple months after my tour of guard duty started is when the barrier came down.. So I thought I would just go and take a peek at this Human World that was so precious.. All I seen the last time we were there was that d--- temple..
* Suzuki nods with a scowl.
Suzuki- I'm still trying to forget that experience.
* Shishi grins up at the blonde a moment, then sombers and continues.
Shishi- Well, for a couple days or so I managed to keep to myself.. Just observing things.. I thought Humans to be a bit strange.
Suzuki- Indeed.. Some of them.. But truthfully, they're not that much different from us.. There's good ones and bad ones..
Shishi- And then there are the.. sadistic ones..
* Shishi swallows hard and closes his eyes to try to restrain the lurch of his stomach.
Shishi- The ones that will do anything to hurt others.. Do anything for their own gain..
Suzuki- The kinds we now help Kurama track down and stop.
* Shishi nods and gathers himself again.
Shishi- I was.. about ready to return here when I.. I felt this.. pull.. It was.. overwhelming.. Like a magnet.. I.. I had to go along.. I was drawn into this old house.. down into the basement.. I found a man there.. He was chanting something.. The sound just.. It entranced me.. I had to go over and.. present myself to him..
* Shishi raises a hand to touch his neck.
Shishi- When my knees buckled and I fell before him he quickly put this.. necklace of some kind on me.. The last thing I consciously had my own control over was the screams of pain.. That necklace burned un..until I.. quit fighting it.. I don't even recall how long I tried to pry it off.. He just stood there.. that sick look of amusement.. of dominance on his face.. From that point, the next three or four months were nothing but.. terror.. I can recall quick blurs of things I was made to do.. Other humans that would.. use me.. I was only there for them to sate their lusts on.. They would place me in a large room with other demons and watch our orgies that they ordered us to perform.. Then there were.. fights.. I was made to kill other demons that were as helpless as I was.. I can remember seeing faces as they..
* Shishi swallows hard again.
Shishi- There was this one.. He reminded me of Rinku.. I-I killed him so easily..
* Suzuki calmly reaches down and grasps Shishi's shoulder, breaking the samurai's eerie concentration.
Suzuki- Easy, Shish.. You don't have to say anything else..
Shishi- Suze, I.. I was forced to do these things.. I didn't want to do it, any of it.. Only after it was all over and I'd been able to rest for several days was I able to understand that.. I could've been killed myself.. When Kurama and Touya rescued me they.. saved my life.. I don't even know how they found me.. Do you know?
* Suzuki nods thoughtfully.
Suzuki- Yeah.. I remember Kurama working that case. It was the last one he actually took from Koenma.. The reason why we all got moved to Tokyo in the first place.. He only allowed Touya to help him with that one because he was the only one strong enough to do it, then.. The rest of us weren't quite so used to the atmosphere over there, yet.. They broke up that gang real good, too.. They had permission from Koenma to use any force necessary because the alliance between him and Enki was so fragile at that point.. But it was a couple days before they brought you home, though..
Shishi- Touya froze the necklace and Kurama used his energy to break it.. I was in such poor condition that I had to be placed in a Spirit World hospital. I was in hibernation most of the time there.. The next thing I remember was waking up in a very nice room in a soft bed.
Suzuki- They explained to us that you'd been abused, but they never went into any details.. Even though Kurama and Touya had permission from Koenma they still had to lay low in Tokyo.. Koenma didn't want Yusuke or the others to know that Kurama had killed humans. So he hooked Kurama up with the Private Investigation deal there.. We were all very scared for you, buddy. Kurama stayed in your room beside you every moment he could.
* Again Shishi lowers his eyes.
Shishi- I can't believe I acted like I did back there.. Those awful things I said to him.
Suzuki- He understands. Hey, we'd better get back to them before it gets dark.. This place still gives me the creeps.
* Shishi nods and Suzuki stands to help him up. He watches the samurai carefully glance around.
Shishi- (Whisper) Suze, now that I'm settled..
Suzuki- (Whisper) You feel it, too?
Shishi- (Whisper) We're being watched..
Suzuki- (Whisper) Just stay calm and let's walk back to the others.. Stay casual.. I don't feel aggression, but we need to get back to the others.
* Shishi nods and goes along with Suzuki, chatting but both keeping alert.
* Suzuki reaches the edge of a quiet stream of dark water. He feels Shishi somewhere close, but decides not to force the imp out of hiding. Instead, he moves to sit on a small boulder and contemplate the beauty of this grovelike area. In a tree across the stream, high up in the branches, Shishi watches the blonde demon. Now that he's had some time to gather himself he realizes the fear that drove him here for exactly what it was. Silently the imp closes his eyes and wraps his wings closer to himself as he gathers his senses. Slowly the effects of this dark forest loose their grip on him as he calms down and centers himself. When Shishi opens his eyes again he looks back across the stream, down at the demon that he knows is truly his friend. The more the samurai remembers about their friendship the more ashamed he becomes of his latest actions. Not only against Suzuki, but the others, also. This loyalty, he knows, is the proper emotion that he's felt toward Kurama and the others since his rescue from the situation a couple years earlier that sparked his whole frantic episode. Finally, the imp takes a deep breath, launches from the branch, and soars over the stream. Suzuki quietly watches him stop to hover a couple feet away, pensively. When the blonde calmly raises a hand to pat one of his shoulders Shishi floats over and settles onto it timidly. Suzuki sighs.
Suzuki- We don't even have to speak a word..
Shishi- No, but you need to tell me what a fool I was.
Suzuki- No, Shish, not a fool.. Your senses are advanced.. Moreso than even mine.. Even if I am stronger and more handsome.
* Shishi slaps the back of Suzuki's head with one of his wings.
Shishi- I see you're still delusioned.
* Suzuki rubs his head with a chuckle.
Suzuki- Seriously, I'm so over this place, Birdy.
* Shishiwakamaru sighs and lowers his eyes.
Shishi- I can't.. believe all those things I.. said.. Especially to him.
Suzuki- He's very worried about you, Shish.
* Shishi hops down onto the ground and poofs back into his normal form, seated on the ground in front of Suzuki. The blonde leans back on his arms and looks down at him.
Suzuki- Shishi, you know why we all stay with Kurama.
Shishi- Yeah.. It was rough for you all after the royal tournament.. It wasn't too easy for a lot of demons after Enki and Enma agreed to drop that d--- barrier..
Suzuki- What happened, Shish?
* Shishi looks up at Suzuki.
Suzuki- I mean, we know a little bit, but neither you nor Kurama ever told us the whole story..
* Shishi lowers his eyes, timid once more and raises one of his knees to hug it.
Suzuki- I don't mean to pry, but maybe if you get it all out of your system it won't bother you like that again.
Shishi- (Quietly) It's horrific, Suze.. I'll probably have nightmares about it for the rest of my existance.. I actually did think I was over it..
Suzuki- Trauma don't go away too easily.
* For several moments Suzuki watches his friend rock gently and sort out the best way to describe the events he'd prefer to never recall again, let alone speak. When Shishi begins Suzuki listens as quietly as he can.
Shishi- A couple months after my tour of guard duty started is when the barrier came down.. So I thought I would just go and take a peek at this Human World that was so precious.. All I seen the last time we were there was that d--- temple..
* Suzuki nods with a scowl.
Suzuki- I'm still trying to forget that experience.
* Shishi grins up at the blonde a moment, then sombers and continues.
Shishi- Well, for a couple days or so I managed to keep to myself.. Just observing things.. I thought Humans to be a bit strange.
Suzuki- Indeed.. Some of them.. But truthfully, they're not that much different from us.. There's good ones and bad ones..
Shishi- And then there are the.. sadistic ones..
* Shishi swallows hard and closes his eyes to try to restrain the lurch of his stomach.
Shishi- The ones that will do anything to hurt others.. Do anything for their own gain..
Suzuki- The kinds we now help Kurama track down and stop.
* Shishi nods and gathers himself again.
Shishi- I was.. about ready to return here when I.. I felt this.. pull.. It was.. overwhelming.. Like a magnet.. I.. I had to go along.. I was drawn into this old house.. down into the basement.. I found a man there.. He was chanting something.. The sound just.. It entranced me.. I had to go over and.. present myself to him..
* Shishi raises a hand to touch his neck.
Shishi- When my knees buckled and I fell before him he quickly put this.. necklace of some kind on me.. The last thing I consciously had my own control over was the screams of pain.. That necklace burned un..until I.. quit fighting it.. I don't even recall how long I tried to pry it off.. He just stood there.. that sick look of amusement.. of dominance on his face.. From that point, the next three or four months were nothing but.. terror.. I can recall quick blurs of things I was made to do.. Other humans that would.. use me.. I was only there for them to sate their lusts on.. They would place me in a large room with other demons and watch our orgies that they ordered us to perform.. Then there were.. fights.. I was made to kill other demons that were as helpless as I was.. I can remember seeing faces as they..
* Shishi swallows hard again.
Shishi- There was this one.. He reminded me of Rinku.. I-I killed him so easily..
* Suzuki calmly reaches down and grasps Shishi's shoulder, breaking the samurai's eerie concentration.
Suzuki- Easy, Shish.. You don't have to say anything else..
Shishi- Suze, I.. I was forced to do these things.. I didn't want to do it, any of it.. Only after it was all over and I'd been able to rest for several days was I able to understand that.. I could've been killed myself.. When Kurama and Touya rescued me they.. saved my life.. I don't even know how they found me.. Do you know?
* Suzuki nods thoughtfully.
Suzuki- Yeah.. I remember Kurama working that case. It was the last one he actually took from Koenma.. The reason why we all got moved to Tokyo in the first place.. He only allowed Touya to help him with that one because he was the only one strong enough to do it, then.. The rest of us weren't quite so used to the atmosphere over there, yet.. They broke up that gang real good, too.. They had permission from Koenma to use any force necessary because the alliance between him and Enki was so fragile at that point.. But it was a couple days before they brought you home, though..
Shishi- Touya froze the necklace and Kurama used his energy to break it.. I was in such poor condition that I had to be placed in a Spirit World hospital. I was in hibernation most of the time there.. The next thing I remember was waking up in a very nice room in a soft bed.
Suzuki- They explained to us that you'd been abused, but they never went into any details.. Even though Kurama and Touya had permission from Koenma they still had to lay low in Tokyo.. Koenma didn't want Yusuke or the others to know that Kurama had killed humans. So he hooked Kurama up with the Private Investigation deal there.. We were all very scared for you, buddy. Kurama stayed in your room beside you every moment he could.
* Again Shishi lowers his eyes.
Shishi- I can't believe I acted like I did back there.. Those awful things I said to him.
Suzuki- He understands. Hey, we'd better get back to them before it gets dark.. This place still gives me the creeps.
* Shishi nods and Suzuki stands to help him up. He watches the samurai carefully glance around.
Shishi- (Whisper) Suze, now that I'm settled..
Suzuki- (Whisper) You feel it, too?
Shishi- (Whisper) We're being watched..
Suzuki- (Whisper) Just stay calm and let's walk back to the others.. Stay casual.. I don't feel aggression, but we need to get back to the others.
* Shishi nods and goes along with Suzuki, chatting but both keeping alert.