Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Shura's Quest ❯ Scene 25 ( Chapter 25 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Scene 25 ------------------------------------------- Gandera

* The mage Kandero enters his house and finds his apprentice looking into a glowing orb.

Kandero- What are you doing, Banashima?

* The shorter, younger-looking wizard looks up at his master as he comes over closer.

I believe, Master Kandero, that you have broken the small Koorime's mind.

* Banashima shows Kandero the orb. In it they watch Hiei seething death threats on Kurama repeatedly. Kandero chuckles, completely oblivious to the barely visible mist that begins to surround him.

What an interesting.. concept..

* Kandero goes quiet and continues staring into the orb.

(Quietly) This would eliminate two of Lord Shura's opponents in one stroke, Master.

* Kandero continues staring into the orb, but Banashima knows that he has the mighty mage's full attention now.

(Quietly) The only one that would be capable of killing the kitsune Kurama would be Lord Hiei.. and vice versa..

* Banashima smiles slightly when Kandero's eyes light upand he nods eagerly.

Yes... They would kill each other.. Just the end for them that Lord Shura craves!!

Banashima- Yes! What a wonderful idea you're scheming, Master!

Kandero- Yes.. Two demons that were once the best of allies.. killing each other...

Banashima- Brilliant!

Kandero- I shall send troops out to capture the kitsune and...

Banashima- No, no, no!!

* Kandero looks at his young apprentice with a scowl, but his eyes still glow under the subliminal spell that has been weaved around his mind.


Banashima- No. If you do that, then Kurama will be suspecious and be on guard..

* Kandero slowly nods and begins to rub his hairy chin as he looks back into the orb.

(Quietly) If you convince Lord Shura to release the small Koorime it will look as if he escaped.. He'll go straight for the kitsune..

* Kandero frowns a bit.

But we wouldn't be able to witness their glorious battle..

Banashima- I could follow the little mutt undetected and capture the battle in a viewing orb just like this one.

* Now a smirk forms on Kandero's face and he looks at Banashima, directly into his apprentice's eyes.

Yes! That is an excellent plan.. Then those two will be out of the picture and Lord Shura can concentrate on taking out the Mazoku..

Banashima- Excellent. Take this orb with you and show it to Lord Shura.. It will help you to convince him of your great plan, Master.

* Banashima breaks eye contact as he hald bows to the evil mage. Kandero grabs up the orb and leaves quickly. When Banashima is sure that Kandero is gone he closes his eyes and disappears in a flurry of rainbow-colored shimmers. With a quick flash he reappears outside of the guard post to the prison. Inside, General Mukakai stands at the window sipping at a mug of bubbling brew. When his eyes catch the flash of light he remains calm and meets Banashima's eyes as they exchange brief words mentally.

The seed has been planted. Kandero is on his way to Shura with the suggestion orb.

#Mukakai- I'll be ready.

* Banashima nods and disappears again. Mukakai half glances toward his sleeping fellow guard then continues sipping at the brew. Inside the inner prison, Hiei and Koenma look up when Banashima shimmers into solidity between them. The apprentice bows briefly to Koenma, then turns to crouch before Hiei. Before words are exchanged, Banashima holds out his hand and a small sphere forms. Hiei recognizes the man who had healed him when Lord Shura's torture, that he inflicted on him following his capture and arrival here, was completed.

You again..

Banashima- I don't have much time, Lord Hiei.. Your release is in the works.. Please keep this orb inside you until you are well away from here..

Hiei- They would be fools to release me!

* Banashima has no qualms about cuffing Hiei firmly on his head.

Listen to me, whelp! It is better for you now that you get as far away from here as possible..

* Hiei growls slightly, but decides to listen. Recognizing the seriousness of Banashima's voice.

The wards will only dissolve if you place enough distance between you and Kandero.. When the jagan is unwarded then you will be able to will this message orb out of you...

* Banashima shoves the orb into Hiei's bruised chest. Hiei refuses to moan from the slight discomfort.

What about him?

* Hiei darts his eyes toward Koenma. Banashima sighs.

He must stay here for now.. We must keep his Father angry at the little brat, Shura... When Kandero and Shura come you must convince them that you want the kitsune's blood..

* Now Hiei smirks.

That.. will be easy to do.. Seeing as how I am going to search out the one that killed Mukuro..

* Banashima shakes his head.

Things aren't as you think, young one..

* Hiei snarls.

How dare you.. speak to me in such a...?!!

* Banashima clamps his hand over Hiei's mouth boldly.

When you view the orb all will be revealed, boy! Now, trust me and listen! When you are released you must leave this city quickly.. Do not mention speaking to anyone.. Just leave declaring war on the kitsune.

Koenma- (Quietly) Kurama didn't kill Mukuro.. But.. you must do as this man asks, Hiei.. You have to go warn them to stay away from here!

* Banashima half glances toward Koenma.

It is destined that they come here, M'Lord.. In time all will be as it should be.. Fate always has her way.

* Banashima removes his hand and pats Hiei's shoulder in a gesture of placation as he turns his full attention back to him.

Your obedience to my words is important.. The orb will be more important than your revenge on these peons.. Promise me on your honor of fire that you will do as I ask.

* For a couple moments Hiei studies the stranger. Something about Banashima niggles to Hiei's instincts that he must submit to his authority. When the koorime finally nods Banashima relaxes.

The orb will answer your questions.

* When Banashima fades away Hiei looks across the cell at Koenma.

How would he know about the honor of fire?

Koenma- He did say the orb would answer your questions..

Hiei- When I go it will leave you at their mercy..

Koenma- Don't worry about me. I'm a big boy.. Something tells me that Shura's minions aren't as loyal as he thinks.

* Hiei nods slightly, then scowls.

(Quietly) You do know that probably niether Yusuke nor Kurama know that you're here.

Koenma- (Quietly) I would prefer that it stay that way.. But perhaps that's why they decided on getting you loose.. You can find the others quicker than I can move.

Hiei- Hn.

* Hiei finally drops his head to concentrate on reclaiming his anger toward Kurama as instructed.