Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Shura's Quest ❯ Scene 30 ( Chapter 30 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Long overdue update, I know, but it just took a short hiatus while I was finishing up my other YYH story. I assure you, I'm not going to drop this one.


Scene 30 ------------------------------------------- Outside of Gandera

* When Hiei finally crosses the border of Shura's territory he lands in a crouch and looks around heaving, then checks his still-intact wards, 'D---, aren't I.. far enough away.. yet?' When Hiei tries to touch the wards around his legs it sets off sizzles and sparks that annoy the koorime more than pain him now, 'They are.. weakening'. As old habits dictate, Hiei uses what little strength he does have to leap up the nearest tree a couple branches where he then leans against the trunk to catch his breath. He glances downward and begins to wonder if climbing was a smart thing to do since he's still warded. Although he's never been afraid of heights, due to being naturally gifted with good balance, a fall from even this height would be a little painful for the warded demon. Before he can fully decide on his next move, though, he hears his leg wraps begin to sizzle again. Hiei looks down and watches the wards finally, slowly disintegrate. /he grins impishly until he realizes that one of the wards is on his right arm.

Ahh, perfect..

* Hiei really scowls when the ward around his head begins to dissolve away next. As soon as it's completely gone Hiei feels anger building up within him with renewed force. For a moment he closes his eyes and revels in the power that begins to swirl around him, feeling so completely free once more.


* Then he feels his jagan beginning to open and his right arm beginning to tingle.


* Even this small burst of rage is amplified and the koorime feels the draagon inside him begin to stir to life.

No, stop.. D--- it!!

* Hiei quickly raises his left hand to cover his open jagan, 'Not now! If the Dragon is freed I'm dinner!' Hiei uses his speed to get back down on the ground. He leans against the base of the large tree and struggles to force his jagan to close once more. A new inner voice speaks up and reminds Hiei rather loudly about the message sphere that Banashima placed inside him. When he gets the jagan closed, Hiei centers himself and holds out his right hand. He speaks the words that the voice prompts him to.

Message orb.. to my hand..

* Now Hiei feels a brief burst of warmth inside him then watches the glowing orb pop out of his chest and settle onto his hand. He moves out away from the tree.

I.. don't take orders no more.. But if you are truly.. a mage.. I will need you to make new wards.. for me..

* With a quiet growl Hiei throws the orb against the wide trunk of the tree. It breaks and explodes a lot of smoke. Hiei waves it out of his face to find an image of Banashima showing in amazing detail before him. The image inclines his head amiably.

I am glad you chose to hear my message, Lord Hiei.. My name is Banashima.. Currently, I am Master Kandero's apprentice..

* Hiei moves a foot backward to get into an alert stance as he growls.

Is this some kind of a trick?!

Banashima- Please, you must trust me, Hiei. This is no trick. I may be under Kandero, seemingly, but I loathe the cretin and the little.. beast he serves.

Hiei- That makes two of us.

Banashima- (Nods) I was sure you would agree.

* Hiei smirks as he crosses his arms.

Get on with the d--- message! I don't have all day.. what's left of it..

Banashima- Oh, yes.. My message.. (Clears throat) Please meet me when the moon is full.

* The image holds up two strips of white cloth.

I have new wards for your jagan and right arm already prepared.

* Hiei tilts his head, becoming suspecious of the 'image'. He watches Banashima quiet with a slight look of alarm when he unsheathes the large sword he commandeered from Mukakai.

Please.. stay calm until you can get these wards in place.. If you release your Dragon...

* Quicker than Banashima can react, Hiei blurs forward and places the tip of the sword to his throat.

And what if I release this.. image.. of your head from off your shoulders, Old Man?!

* After a moment, the image fully solidifies and the mage jiggles the wards again.

Then these will disappear, Little Boy.

* The koorime growls a little more agitated and snatches the wards from Banashima. His jagan begins to open again.

Message orb my..

Banashima- Please.. Cover that eye.

* Hiei moves away a few feet, re-sheathes the sword, then begins to quickly put the wards on.

You're very perceptive for a young halfbreed..

* Hiei glances a glare at the mage. Banashima touches his own chest.

I am who I said I am.. What I didn't say, however, is that I am a full fire demon.

* Hiei looks toward Banashima again as he finishes wrapping his right arm.

Is that supposed to impress me?

Banashima- Hn.. You are a bitter little demon.. But then, I can't say that I blame you.. knowing everything that you've been through in your short lifespan.

* Hiei snorts and flexes his right arm to stretch the wards to make sure the cloth isn't too constricting.

And just how would you know..?

* Hiei looks back up at the taller, older demon.

I would say I've done quite well in my 250 years.

* Banashima sighs and shakes his head.

You have so much yet to learn, Boy.

* Since Hiei can now snarl without any restrictions, he does so with a vengeance.

I don't have time to waste! I have a fox to hunt down! A brat to kill..

* Hiei turns to blur away. Banashima holds up a hand calmly.


* When he is sure that Hiei's body obeys, Banashima chuckles at his chosen word.

Sorry about the pun.. Heat of the moment and all.. (Chuckles) But we still have much to discuss.. I can't have you blurring off just yet, whelp.

Hiei- Release me!

Banashima- If I do, will you stay and listen to me,.. son?

* Hiei's eyes widen a moment, then narrow as Banashima moves around into his sight.

How.. dare you.. call me that! I am a son.. to nobody!!

* Banashima's weathered features grow sad at these words, then he steps back some. Hiei watches as the mage raises his crossed arms over his face. The immense heat and flames that begin to erupt from the older demon cause Hiei to close his eyes. When he opens them again he stares at an older mirror image of himself. When Banashima speaks again his voice booms with gentle authority that reaches Hiei's demonic core.

I have every right to call you my son.. Now do I have your attention, Boy?

* When Hiei can't find the words to answer Banashima sighs and relaxes his dominant aura.

I know,.. Hiei.. I know all about the desire that once burned in your heart.. To find me.. and make me pay for your existance.

* Banashima raises a hand and releases the Halt spell. Hiei's legs immediately buckle and he collapses back onto his rear to stare up at the impressive figure before him.

You don't know it, but I have watched you from the time of your birth.. Your mother, Hina, was.. an unfortunate accident..

* Hiei leaps to his feet with a hiss.

Is that supposed to endeaar you to me?! - To know that my whole life was..!

Banashima- Sit back down, Little One.

* Banashima flicks a finger toward him and Hiei lands back on his rear again. The show of power does impress the koorime and he looks back up at the flame-haired demon.

Please, I have a lot of explaining to do and not much time.. Be quiet and listen.

* Banashima watches Hiei scowl again and sighs.

Don't do that.. It makes you look so ugly.

Hiei- If you've watched me my whole life then you would be an authority on ugly..

Banashima- You are really wanting to know why I'm making myself known to you now, after all these years.

* Hiei starts to stand again.

If I have to sit you down again I will not be so gentle!

* Hiei pauses, then decides to stay seated.

As I started to explain.. When I first met your mother Hina I was going through a very rough period.. You see, son, there are some demons who go through brief periods of time called Heats..

* Now Hiei rolls his eyes, crosses his arms, and looks away.

We're a little late for this talk,.. Father.

* Banashima reaches out a hand to make a squeezing gesture with his thumb and forefinger. When he pulls the hand closer to him it draws Hiei's face back toward him without actual contact. Another display of his power.

Pay attention and don't be so insolent, Hiei.

* Hiei jerks loose from the phantom hold.

Feh! Get on with it, then!

Banashima- Thank you.. Now, where was I? Oh yes.. It can be a very uncomfortable time.. Especially for fire demons..

Hiei- (Mumbled) Tell me about it.

Banashima- The desires that flood us during this time can really.. burn us up..

* Hiei looks up at his older image dumbfounded when he holds his middle as he laughs heartily. When Banashima sees that the humor is lost on Hiei he sobers and clears his throat.

You really should learn to laugh sometime, son.

Hiei- What has ever happened in my life that has given me a reason to laugh?! Created out of a raging accident, torn from my mother and sister by a bunch of frigid hags, thrown off my home in hopes that the fall would kill me..!

Banashima- Trust me, I nearly fried their world for that.. But I was more concerned at the time about saving my plunging heir at the time.

* Hiei falls quiet. Banashima sits down in front of Hiei indian-style.

Hiei, how did you survive those early years?

Hiei- You should know! - I was found by a gang of thieves.. When I was brought to their leader he tried to take my..

* Hiei falls silent once more when Banashima morphs into the form of Hiei's old gang leader.

I just wanted to get a closer look at it.. You were born with a nice pair of fangs, I must say.

* Banashima holds out his hand to show Hiei the scar on his finger with a proud smile.

Banashima- I cauderized the mark so that I would never forget my oldest son's first act of bonding with me.

* Hiei stares at the scar, lost in the early memory of biting the older demon, a moment. Then he slowly looks up at the mage.

First act of.. bonding? I bit you.

Banashima- It's an instinct among fire demons.. The children bite their parents to taste their blood and affirm their parentage.. I was very glad when that nature showed in you.. Bite me again.

* Hiei scowls again.

Excuse me?

* Banashima nods.

You still have your doubts.. If you bite me again it will remove all of them.

* Hiei considers Banashima's words a moment, then suddenly pulls the hand over and sinks one of his fangs into the finger again. At first he does it as an opportunity to hurt the older demon. But when he gets a small taste of Banashima's blood a pulse goes through him. The koorime can't explain it, but somehow he knows that this man is, indeed, his Father. Slowly he releases the hand and turns away as a myriad of mixed emotions floods through him. For the time being, revenge is the furtherest thing from his mind.

(Quietly) So.. that was you..

Banashima- Hn.. Fire demons can take many different forms.. We can change our shapes much like the flames we were born from.. Unfortunately, you didn't inherit that trait too strongly.. Or our stature, I'm afraid.

* Hiei shrugs, but still avoids Banashima's eyes as the demon returns to his normal form.

I've never had much problems with that.. or any aspect of my.. appearance.

Banashima- No. Your problems have always been external.

* Now Hiei looks back at Banashima.

Why didn't you ever tell me who you were?!

* It is Banashima's turn to take the defensive.

Hey, fire demons aren't exactly known for being very.. paternal.. I actually did more for you than I ever did for any of my other children.. Yes, you have more siblings than just Yukina.

* Hiei looks away again.

You have five half brothers and two half sisters.

Hiei- That's all?

* Banashima lowers his eyes.

- After the.. incident with your mother I was busy raising you as much as I could for the next 50 years.. When you finally became old enough and left the gang it was hard but I knew I had to allow you to make your own way.. I finally met and mated a full fire demoness from the home clan, reclaimed my position as it's leader and settled down to raise my other children.. Onasumi passed on while she was giving birth to our youngest.. twins.. A boy and a girl.. Rather ironic, huh?

* Hiei only grunts.

Hiei, if I hadn't had the experience I had in taking care of you I wouldn't have been able to raise my twins.

* Hiei looks away again, crossing his arms.

(Sarcastically) Hn.. Glad I was useful for something.

* The mage looks at Hiei again.

Hiei, I am proud of you.. Proud that you've survived the hard life you didn't really deserve.. Proud that you've finally risen above it.

Hiei- Peachy.

* Banashima tilts his head puzzled.


Hiei- Never mind.. It's a human term.. Fire demons don't care for humans..

* Now Banashima shrugs.

This is true.. We wish that we could burn them all away once and for all..

Hiei- (Snarls) They're not all bad, ya know!

* When Hiei looks back over his shoulder at his Father the man is grinning. Hiei shakes his head incredulously.

I know, son.. I also know why you can say that.

* After another couple moments, Hiei gets back to his feet.

Is your conscious clear now? I do have a fox to find.

Banashima- You asked why I'm making myself known to you now.

* Banashima raises a hand, but Hiei decides to sit back down on his own.

Do you enjoy your power?

Banashima- Do you wish to see my full power, Boy?

* Banashima's eyes flash with red flames. For perhaps the first time in his life Hiei cowers back away from the surge he feels, not fully understanding why.

No, I don't.

* Banashima relaxes with a smile.

This papa didn't raise no dummies.. Hiei, as I stated, I've never really let you out of my sight for very long.. I've seen you and sometimes even protected you and you never knew it.. I even had to make a deal with that pompous overlord, Enma, to keep his son from obliterating you for what you did which, by the way,..

* Banashima reaches over and clonks Hiei on his head, startling him.

What in the three worlds were you trying to prove breaking into Spirit World's vaults like that?!

Hiei- I.. Well, I...

Banashima- (Sighs) Yeah, I know.. Teenage rebellion is not just a human trait.. But you've more than paid for that.. And it has made you and the godling good friends after all was said and done.. It's good to keep friends in high places.

* Hiei glares at Banashima again.

You're the one that made me leave junior back in that dungeon!

Banashima- Koenma is safe there for now.. I doubt that Shura's stupid enough to remove his bait.

Hiei- Bait?

Banashima- It's Shura's desire to eliminate all of his competitors before the next Royal Tournament.. Trust me, Hiei. I will see to that little b------'s demise personally, if need be, for daring to lay his hands on my unborn grandchild!

* Hiei watches Banashima's eyes flame again.

But that will all be in good time.. And now that's he has laid his hands on King Enma's son he'll be sentenced to an eternity of oblivion when he gets sent on.. Yes, that will be delicious, indeed.

* Hiei nods with his own smirk.

So.. Kurama really wasn't the one that..

Banashima- No, son.. We have time, allow me to bring you up to date on everything that you do not know.

* Hiei nods.

Spill it, then.

* Banashima takes a deep breath and begins. Hiei settles down more comfortably and listens closer now to everything his Father has to say.