Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Silver dreams ❯ Trouble in Paradise? ( Chapter 11 )
Chapter 11 Trouble in Paridise?
Kurama's POV.
I was awoken abruptly from my sleep when Shiri cried out in absolute terror. "Shiri, what in the wor…" I stopped when I caught a glimpse of the object of her fright.
A tall lean figure with long jet-black hair tied back in a high ponytail; deep blue garments and black wings stood hovering over my young vixen.
"Oh so that's this beauty's name eh?" The dark figure spoke.
"Thanks a lot Kuronue! I needed about two more hours of sleep," I complained.
"So where'd you steal this jewel from?" He asked, completely disregarding my complaint.
I could see Shiri was about ready to kill him for that comment and before I could warn him she landed a solid right hook on his jaw.
Kuronue only rubbed his cheek and laughed it off. "Well Kurama, she certainly is a feisty little vixen isn't she?" He inquired.
"That's exactly what I thought my friend! She can put up quite the fight," I replied.
"You know this demon!?" Shiri shrieked.
"Of course, this is Kuronue. He's a partner of mine and a good friend," I responded.
She shook her head and sighed; "Wonderful…"
Kuronue laughed again." Nice to meet you too."
Shiri just glared and turned her back to him.
"Wonderful first impression Kuronue," I snickered.
"Hey shut up Kura-Chan! Besides, you know all to well that I can't resist a pretty face," he said enigmatically.
"Kuronue, I have told you a hundred times that I hate that nick name!" I snarled.
"Aw… but Kura-Chan…" He whined.
"Damn it Kuronue…" I groaned, tilting my head back. "Don't do this to me!"
Shiri looked between us with a baffled expression. "Um, is there something I should know about you two?" She asked.
"Yeah sweets, know how to back off! Kura-Chan is mine!" Kuronue grinned, clinging to my arm.
"Damn it Kuronue!" I snapped.
Shiri looked at me, then at Kuronue… Then fell to the floor in fits of giggles. I blinked a couple of times before letting out a long-suffering sigh. After a few moments she sat up and wiped away a couple of tears then said; " I am sorry, but I am finding all of this very entertaining… Oh and by the way Kura-Chan, you're blushing," she added mockingly before edging towards the exit.
"That's it, come here you!" I snarled, lunging for her.
Before I could get my claws on her Kuronue grabbed me by the tail and painfully pulled me back.
"Down boy," he commanded. "What are you thinking Kura-Chan? Attacking a poor innocent kit like that!" He chided.
"Innocent!?" I scoffed. "She is far from that."
Shiri rolled her eyes. "More than you Youko!"
"Great two annoying people out to get me… The gods must be laughing at me…" I sighed.
"Oh come on Kura-Chan! Don't be so mellow dramatic!" Kuronue insisted.
"Call me that one more time bat-boy and you'll be missing your fangs got it?" I snarled.
"Bring it on Kura-Chan!" He challenged.
I only growled at that and Kuronue laughed at my defeat.
"You could never hurt this pretty face could you Kura-Chan?" He asked innocently.
"If you two keep this up I'll give you both something to complain about, like a black eye," Shiri growled.
"She'll do it too," I confirmed.
"Oh? And you know this how?" He asked.
I pointed to the still visible bruise on my cheek. "What do you think?" I growled.
"You're telling me that Kurama, Youko Kurama, the great and powerful `King of Thieves,' was beaten by a girl!? Oh that's rich!" Kuronue crowed.
"Keep this up bat boy and I'll give you a fat lip to go with that big mouth of yours!" Shiri snapped.
"Yeah right," he laughed and looked over at her just in time to come face to face, or should I say face to fist with Shiri. The tall bat demon groaned and touched his fingers to his lower lip. When he saw them again they were covered in blood.
"Ow… Fuck that hurt like a bitch," he moaned.
I only snickered. "I tried to warn you but did you listen to me…No."
Shiri folded her arms and reverted in o a silent mode again.
"Ya know thanks a lot Kuronue… Just when we were getting somewhere you come along." I sighed.
"Define getting somewhere," he snickered. "Wait is that why I found her sleeping one your chest?"
"Is that where your mind constantly remains, in the gutter?" Shiri questioned before I managed to answer.
Kuronue giggled again. "Do you always think so low of people?" He asked.
"Only when they prove their stupidity as blatantly as you!" She retorted.
I rubbed my forehead and groaned… It was going to be a long night…
To be continued…