Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Simple Darkness ❯ Just When I Let My Guard Down... ( Chapter 3 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
I strode down the street, trying to ignore all of the things screaming out at me. There were the innocent street vendor sounds, and then there were things far more sinister.
"...Want some fresh fruit? Buy them here!" or "Every girl needs a chance at beauty, so why not give it a try?" and things like that were things I could easily ignore. But it was the hissing, barking, and moaning that I kept a look out for. A few people here could here it, but they hid it well. I knew exactly what was making the noise, and they were following me.
"Shhh, keep on going. If she sees you, then just act normal."
"I know that. Just shut up and keep out of sight. If she puts up a struggle, leave her to me."
"If you two idiots would stop talking, then we can get her." They were men's voices, but they jumped around (moved, perhaps?) like they were transporting themselves, or jumping around the buildings. Two could have been human, but the third was more like a monster, rough and reptilian. I knew what they wanted, and it was me.
What was I doing here while they were stalking me? Well, I was shopping. Yes, among all of the super important things that got me supernatural beings, it was shopping. Or, at least that's what I thought at first. I had just stepped out of a shop, and was looking for another, when they sprang. I'd gone on a short cut, and moved into an alley. As dumb as it may have seemed, I took the alley anyways. Hey, what can I say, I had a taste for adventure. And danger... Anyway, I completely thought that I could have taken them. I'd been killing demons for years, so an ambush wasn't that surprising.
I kept on walking, and waited for them to catch up. My pace slowed, and then I finally stopped.
"Well, aren't you slick. If you want to ambush some one, then it's best to be silent." I turned around, and smiled at the three, who were hiding.
"I told you two buffoons to stay silent, but you never listen. And you, why Koenma even bothered to make us take you along with us is beyond me." The voice was cold, and scornful, but it had a nice feel to it, full of danger and challenge.
There was a chuckle, and another man's voice called out.
"Well, you've caught us, so what now?" This one's was kind and caring. He might have been some nice guy that just wanted to help. He had so many layers in it that no one could even hope to understand him fully. The third wasn't speaking now, but I heard his heavy breath, so I figured that he was close by.
"If you guys aren't going to leave me alone, like I know you're not, then why don't we stop playing hide and seek? It won't be that easy to explain why a girl is talking to apparently no one in the middle of an alley and voices are talking back" I cocked my head, and suddenly whipped out a dagger, throwing it at a pile of crates, making a spurt of blood appear out of no where. Something yelped, and then one of the others called out.
"Quick, let's get her!" There was a thud, and I was grabbed around the middle. I kicked who ever it was that was attacking me, but he was like a rock. There was something cold on my neck, and it was the familiar touch of a sword blade. A man suddenly popped up on front of me, but so fast that I couldn't get his features. All I knew was that he punched me in the stomach, so many times that I couldn't even count. I noticed that the sword blade wasn't on my neck anymore, and then I blacked out.
I wasn't completely out; just barely awake enough to sense me flying up, in the arms of some one. It was strange, but I was completely at ease. But then, it was like I passed through another world. But hey, what could I expect? I'd just been kidnapped by demons.