Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Sit...Hiei?!? ❯ Plots for Revenge ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

HI! So…this story is gonna have my main character in it but I haven't written any other stories yet (this is my first) so I'm just gonna write it and go back later and write the stories that introduce her. I got this idea yesterday and I didn't want it to go out of my head so I decided that I'm gonna write it now and there's nothing any of you can do to stop me! MUWHAHAHAHA!


Anyway, Risika is my main OC. She's human but she's slightly (ahem) insane so can be very dangerous at times. Also she's probably gonna be bi-polar at times and she dabbles in magic stuff. I'll develop her character more as I go on, just know most of my stories are gonna be centered around Hiei as he's my favorites. He's probably gonna be out of character too so enjoy and I'll try to make it as unconfusing as possible! ^_^

Oh yeah, I almost forgot, I don't own YYH or any of the characters except Risika.

Chapter 1

Plots for Revenge

We join our heroes (and heroines) in the middle of a very troubling dispute at Genkai's…

Risika: KURAMA!!!!!

Kurama: What?

Risika: Hiei ate MY ice cream.

Kurama: Oh, um, I'm sorry, but there's nothing I can do about that now Risika.

Risika: Yes you can! Punish him! Use your rose whip and beat the hell outta him! I was saving that ice cream to eat in front of him when he pissed me off. Now, I'm pissed off and I have nothing to extract my revenge with.

Kurama: ^_^; Um, I'm sure he didn't eat it on purpose.

Risika: Of course he did! How can you not eat something on purpose?

Kurama: ^_^;; I mean he didn't realize it was yours.

Risika: -_- Kurama…

Kurama: Yes?

Risika: This is Hiei we're talking about.

Kurama: ^_^;;;

Risika: Well, you're obviously not gonna help.*mumble* stupid fox *mumble*

(Hiei enters)

Hiei: Why's Kurama stupid?

Risika: Because he won't help me give you what you justly deserve for eating my ice cream!!!

Hiei: And what do I deserve?

Risika: Death. To have your eyeballs gorged out and then be strung up by your feet so all the blood drains out of your body through your eye sockets.

Hiei & Kurama: O_O

Kurama: Um…Don't you think that's a little severe for ice cream?

Risika: No. If I had eaten Hiei's ice cream, he would have mangled me. So he should be mangled times 20 because I'm a girl.

Hiei: ¬_¬ What does that have to do with anything?

Risika: Being a girl makes me more defenseless and when someone takes advantage of me they should be should be punished accordingly.

Hiei: You're not defenseless, and if you were it would be because you're a ningen, not because you're a girl.

Risika: You're right.

Hiei: What???

Risika: You should be mangled times 40 because not only am I a girl but I'm human too, so you took double advantage of me!

Hiei: Grrrr. Look, YOUR ice cream was just sitting in the freezer. How was I supposed to know it was yours?!?!

Risika: Because it said "DO NOT EAT" on it!! Maybe I should have put a picture on it though since you obviously CAN"T READ!!!!

Hiei: I CAN READ!!! And the next thing I'll be reading is your tombstone!!

Risika: GRRRR


Kurama: ^_^; Why don't we all just go out and get some ice cream right now?

Hiei & Risika: NO!

Risika: That's it Hiei!! I'm soooooo gonna get you back for this! *storms out*

Hiei: Oh, I'm so scared. *walks away*

Kurama: *looking after both of them* God, its just ice cream.


Risika storms into the living room and plops down on the couch and grabs the remote. "God, Hiei is such a jerk." She turns on the TV and starts flipping channels. "Hey, Inuyasha's on!" She watches this for awhile while trying to think of a way to get back at Hiei. "Hmm, has to be something really good..."

"Sit boy!!" sounds from the TV. "Ah. Kagome, you don't know how lucky you....That's it!!!!!" Risika screamed as she jumped up from the couch.

"What's it?" Kurama asked, walking in.

"Ummm, nothing, I was just, umm, thinking that I have to go...do my laundry! Yeah, laundry!" Risika said as she ran out of the room. Kurama started after. "Since when does Risika clean anything?"


"Yes, this is gonna be soooooo awesome! But how am I gonna do it?"

Yeah!! The first chapter of my first story! Okay, so it wasn't that great but the plot and stuff will come in the next chapter. I hope this is okay. Please review and tell me and if you don't like it don't be too harsh but tell me what I can do to improve. I was never very good in English. T_T I get lots of ideas but the whole writing them down thing takes some effort. Anyway, review!!!