Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Sit...Hiei?!? ❯ The End ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

This gonna be the last chapter of this story. But don't fret my dear readers, right after I finish this, I'm gonna start on the story that'll introduce Risika and how she became a part of the group and everything and I have some good ideas for that so WOOHOO!

Botan pops up out of nowhere.

Botan: I'm gonna be in that story right? Cause I wasn't in this one at all!

Me: We'll see.

Botan: What?!? How could you not put me in? I was there you know!

Me: Yeah, but…well…you annoy Hiei. And I have enough trouble with him as it is. Sorry Botan, but the readers have to know so I have to make sacrifices. `please let her buy that!!'

Botan: Well…I guess I can understand that but I still think I should be in it. But, do I really annoy Hiei that much?

Hiei starts to walk over, sees Botan, and turns in the other direction. Botan looks all upset. I put an arm around her shoulder.

Me: Don't feel bad about it Botan. Everybody annoys him. Be glad he doesn't hate you with a fiery passion like he does Kuwabara.

Botan: I just have to try harder to make him like me!!!! *runs after him*

Me: Um, Botan, that's not such a good idea!!! Botan!!! Oh man, well I don't own YYH. You guys enjoy the story! [runs after Botan]

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Hiei, Risika, Yusuke, and Kuwabara were all huddled outside the entrance to the cave planning their attack.

"Okay, Yusuke, you and Kuwabara go in from the front, I'll take the rear. Risika you just grab Mono and get out of there. Once she's gone we all back off. Understand?"



"Yes." She pouts.

"Okay. Let's go."

And with that, the four ran out and jumped down to the mob waiting below. (Actually, Risika didn't jump. Hiei picked her up and then jumped.) Some of the demons didn't notice them right away, but they were soon alerted as the ones who did notice started yelling. The guys were taking their time to get through them all since they were only trying to distract them long enough for Risika to get Mono out.

"God, what's taking her so long?!?" Yusuke shouted as he punched another demon. Just as he said that though, he heard a Xena-like war-cry sound. Hiei heard this also and it distracted him from his killing spree. He looked for the source of the sound and when he found it his jaw dropped.

There was Risika, riding Mono like some crazy bull rider. The two of them were hopping around, smashing demons into the ground. She also had a club in her hand and as he smashed, she smacked. They were jumping around like they were playing leap-frog or something.

A lot of the demons were dumbstruck by this and simply stood there, open-mouthed till she started to head in their direction, then they screamed and ran away. The boys just watched as the massacre continued. When every demon was either a pancake or gone, they finally stopped.

Risika dismounted her living death machine and surveyed the damage. She seemed satisfied with herself. The guys were just standing there dumbfounded. Hiei finally snapped out of it and stomped over to her.

"What the HELL were you doing?!?" he screamed in her face.

Her head reared back a little. "Jeez, Hiei, it's not a big deal. We were just having a little fun."

Hiei's eye twitched. "Fun? FUN? You think it's gonna be fun when Koenma finds out about this? And then he's gonna wanna know everything else, INCLUDING the truth about why we're here!"

"Oh yeah…I forgot." She stated.

Hiei almost went into convulsions. Instead he sated himself by chopping up a couple of the nearby bodies. He took a couple of deep breaths and then just started to walk back to the cliff. He passed Yusuke and Kuwabara on the way. They were still dumbstruck. "Next time, we just let them kill her." He said as he walked by.

The boys looked over to Risika. She looked confused. "I don't see what the big deal is." The two gave her incredulous looks and then turned to follow Hiei. She shrugged her shoulders and started after them.

- - -

Back inside, Junichi was brewing the potion that would help end the charm. As Hiei walked back in, Youko looked at him curiously.

"Don't ask."

Youko just shrugged and went back to watching Junichi. She was stirring in different ingredients. Hiei walked up to her. "How long is this going to take?" he asked.

She didn't look at him but answered, "Once I finish mixing this, it needs to settle for about half a day, at the least. Then you drink it and perform the counter spell."

"Settle? For half a day?"

"Yes. I'll give you a bottle and you can just take it with you. By the time you get back it should be ready. I've written down the rest of it." she said as she grabbed a ladle and poured a good amount into a flagon. She then handed it to Hiei. "Here you go. Now, how were you planning on paying for this?"


She grabbed back the bottle. "You do have payment don't you. You don't think I just go around doing favors for people? No matter if they're old friends."

Risika came over. "Of course we have payment! It's just outside!" and she headed out toward the exit.

All the guys had no idea what she was talking about and everyone followed. When they were on the cliff ledge, she pointed down. "See! There it is!"

Junichi squinted and looked around. "What? I don't see it."

"That!" and Risika pointed down at Mono who was chewing on a bush.

The guys all looked shocked and gave Risika questioning looks. She gave them a look that said Don't-say-anything and turned her attention back to Junichi.

"He's very sweet and smart. We can't take him back with us, and since you seem to like animals, we thought it'd be a good idea. You'd have to take very good care of him though." She said.

Junichi looked like she was happy, but she was trying to hold it back. "Hm, well I guess he'll do. And don't worry, I take care of all my animals."

Risika beamed. "Great! Then I guess you can give us the spell and we can get going."

Junichi gave Hiei back the bottle and gave him a piece of paper that was rolled up. He put it in their pack (did you think they had just been pulling everything out of thin air?) and stood up. "Well, that's it. Thanks." He turned around and started down the cliff.

Risika gave an exasperated sigh. "Don't mind him, he's always grouchy. Thanks a lot for the help. And please take good care of Mono." She told Junichi. The old sorceress smiled and reassured her, "Don't worry, I'll take great care of him. Have a safe journey." "Thanks." Risika turned to follow Hiei. "Jeez, couldn't you wait for me? You know I'm not that good at climbing and…" the rest of her rant went unheard as she descended. Yusuke and Kuwabara said their thank-you's and began their climb. Youko was the only one left. "Well, I'd say it was nice to see you but that'd be a lie…" The old woman just smiled. "You too. Have fun." She teased. Youko snorted, "Yeah right. Anyway…thanks." And he jumped of the ledge (showoff -_-).

- - -

The group was back at the temple. They had used Yusuke's communicator and Botan (see! You were in this story…kinda) brought them back through a nearby portal. (you may ask why they didn't just do that in the first place but then we wouldn't of had all this fun now, would we?) They had gotten back late so they all just crashed. It was the next morning and Hiei was dragging Risika out of bed.

"Ugh, but why can't we just do it later? I'm tirrrrrrrrrrrred…" she whined as he lugged her into the kitchen.

"Shut up. I want this thing off me now! Then you can make breakfast or whatever."

"I'm not your cook! If you want breakfast, make it yourself!"

Hiei rubbed his temples. "FINE. Can we just do the spell please?"

Risika grumpily picked up the paper and unrolled it. "Okay first, drink that potion stuff."

Hiei drank it and almost gagged. "UGH, THAT'S DISGUSTING!" he yelled. Risika jumped about a foot in the air. "GOD, DON'T SCREAM!"

Kurama walked in. "What's all the noise?"

Risika skipped over to him. "Good morning! Hiei was screaming about that potion and how gross it was and then I told him not to scream. It nice to see you're back to you."

Hiei almost fell over. "How come you're nice to him?"

"Because he didn't drag me out of bed."

Hiei was back to rubbing his temples. "Let's just get back to the spell."

"Okay, jump up and down…"

"Are you serious?"

"No, I just wanted to see if you'd do it."


"Alright. Now, after you drink the potion you have to…oh."


"It says you have to implement the charm that is being removed."

"…so you have to…"

"You can't get mad at me for this….Chill Sparky."

Hiei flew backwards for what he hoped would be the last time. Kurama gave him a hand up. "What next?" he spat.

"Now, I just say this little part and that's it."

"So say it!"

"FINE…Let this imbalance be rectified and all be put into balance again."

"…that's it?"

"It should be." Risika walked over and grabbed the necklace. She pulled it over Hiei's head. They all just stared at it for a minute. Risika then held it out to Kurama. "Well, here you go!"

"I don't want it." He said.

Risika looked over at Hiei. "Do you want it?"

"Of course not!!"

"Well, then what are we going to do with it?"

- - -

Koenma walked (or floated. Whatever.) into his office to start his day. As he sat down he noticed something lying on top of all he paperwork. It was a large chain with a big S amulet. He picked it up and looked around. There was no one to be seen. He put it on and started to do the moonwalk across his desk. He did a few little dance moves and jumped back into his chair. He looked around again. He then tucked the necklace under his shirt and prepared himself to start another day of ruling the world.

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YEAH! I finished the story! I hope it was okay. I have to start on the next one now. Yesterday was my sister's birthday and my parents got her the Yu Yu Hakusho game for GameBoy Advanced! I have one too, so as soon as she opened it I stole it and played. It was okay, but they spelt Keiko wrong! They spelt it "Kayko" which is wrong! I'm gonna go play it some more now. I'm at the part where Yusuke is fighting Hiei for the Spirit Sword. YEAH HIEI!!! Adios amigos (or amigas)!!