Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ So Help Me? ❯ So Help Me? ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Joe Diffie owns the song. I do not own Yu Yu Hakusho. I do own this songfic.

So help me girl:

Yusuke and Keiko, YYH

You could've kissed me, like this wasn’t gonna last

Kept me from saying something I'll never take back

You could have held me like there was no chance

Of me waking up where I am

You could have stop short of every dream I've ever had

Yusuke flew into the room as Keiko kissed his lips, bringing him back from the dead from saving the little boy.

“Oh! Yusuke! Please! I need you!” Keiko began to cry.

Yusuke awoke a bit as Keiko looked at him in shock and happiness.

“Hey, nice kiss.” he smirked.

“Oh! Yusuke!” she jumped into his lap. He held her strangely and smiled. ‘She could have just let me die…I didn’t think I mattered so much. She could have stopped everything but she didn’t. Keiko…’ he smiled and hugged her back.


So help me girl

You've gone too far

It’s way too late

To save my heart

The way it feels

Each time we touch

I know I’ve never been so loved

And I can't help myself

So help me girl

Yusuke brushed against Keiko as they walked back to school. He loved Keiko so much. He had thrown his spirit egg into the fire to save her that time. He needed her. As they brushed shoulders, he looked at his angel.

‘What are you saying Yusuke? Weren’t you just telling Botan that you weren’t dating and she was just a friend?!’ he yelled at himself but as he looked at Keiko, he wanted to be more. And not just the pervert that flipped his skirt over.

Keiko looked at Yusuke strangely, “Something wrong Yusuke?”

“Hmmph.” Yusuke crossed his arms and turned away as they walked onto the campus.

You had to be there when that old sun came up

Making last night feel like a vision of things yet to come

You just had to hold me like nobody else

Now look what you've gone and done

You had to love me till I just can't get enough

Yusuke looked back over the years that he’d known Keiko. She always looked out for him, saved his life, loved him.

He wanted to give something back and when he finally did, it made her cry. “Keiko, no, don’t cry. You don’t have to…”

Keiko covered her eyes and cried more, “Oh Yusuke!”

He was about to be turned down in front of the entire gang! Team Urameshi and his other friends…everyone! God, he was a fool! Why’d he have to fall in love with her?

Why couldn’t she love him back?



And I cant help myself

So help me girl

“Sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you.” Yusuke said as he put the ring back in his pocket and turned to walk away. “I don’t like to see you cry Keiko, please st--”

Keiko hugged him from the back, “Please don’t go Yusuke.”

He turned in her arms and looked at her strangely as she looked up, tearstained face and all, “I…I wasn’t crying because I didn’t want to hurt you…”

Yusuke tensed up a bit as she continued, “I was crying because I was so happy.” she laughed some, “Kinda silly, huh?”

Yusuke brushed her tears away and smiled, “Yea. Silly.” he leaned down and gently kissed her lips. She was accepting the proposal. Everyone knew it.

He knew it.

And he LOVED it!

Victory was his! Muwahahaha!!!

He loved her so much. He wanted to just dance around on that thought. But thought it better if he just held her.