Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Tarnished Past ❯ Chapter Five ( Chapter 5 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
A.N. Here guys...the next chapter, i think that it sucks but i needed to get the infomation in before i wrote the next chapter which believe me will be more fun. Stick with me okay? I promise that i'll get better!
Chapter Five
Rivalry before the Heist
Kawazoe looked up to the sky, trying to see what Yoko was staring at, yet all she saw was a black blur against the blue sky. “Yoko what is that?” She whispered, watching as whatever it was dived to the ground at amazing speed, then right before it hit the ground swooped back up. It emitted another shrill cry, full of loss and yearning, it slowly circled the ground before diving again, but this time it didn't fly back to the sky. Kawazoe couldn't tell where it went down, or how far away it was, but she could sense that it didn't belong.
Yoko turned and looked down at her, his whole demeanor spoke of the challenges that he wanted to take on. “That Kitten was a peregrine falcon, rare in any place, unheard of here.” He stated calmly, his ears cocked for any oncoming sound, his body remained relaxed and at ease, but as always he refused to allow his guard to fall for any amount of time.
“You're excited about a bird? That's only a small bird of no apparent worth in the human realm, why the sudden amusement, that's unlike you Yoko.” She stated, feeling puzzled by his behavior she moved her head to the side and looked at him.
“That bird, Kawazoe, exists only in the human realm; it could not have come to this realm on its own. It had to be called upon, the forcibly brought here. A feat that requires not only an ancient language that can not be spoken out loud, but a well of power that could be called upon if needed.” Yoko explained briefly, his gaze searching the sky for any signs of the bird. “A couple of other thing, not only is that bird not supposed to be here, but unless the person who called him remains here, that bird and whatever birds that journeyed with them those birds will die. Lastly that bird that you saw has to be the strongest bird of the ones that were called. That bird is directly connected with whoever called them here.”
Kawazoe still looked confused, and her mannerisms voiced that better then she could. She looked around, trying to spot the light that was dancing on the ground. She looked at Yoko and made a soft purr in the back of her throat. Her eyes spoke of the confusion she felt. She mewed softly showing that she had no interest in understanding what Yoko was trying to say to her. Instead she looked behind him and smiled. “I have found Mayako.” She whispered in a soft sing-song voice, clearly enjoying the fact that Mayako had been silent enough to catch the both of them unawares.
Yoko turned around to face Mayako and saw that she was cradling the bird as one would cradle an infant child. His appraising gaze told Mayako nothing as he looked at the bird with a sudden, cold stare. “You've found the bird Mayako? Where was he?” he asked quietly, distrustful of the bird that he had initially wanted to have next to him.
Mayako looked a bit confused, but she stroked the feathers on the falcon reassuringly. “He fell; I caught him…that's it.” She stated defensive about the small bird that was crooning in her arms. “He would like to travel with me as we travel to the Human realm. He stated that he would like to fly once again in a blue sky, with what he hopes to be, others of his kind.”
Kawazoe sensed that something was going on, and jumped into the middle of the conversation and tried to pet the falcon. The falcon with a burst of speed and a small scream took the air and cried out his refusal of her touch. Kawazoe drew back abruptly, her cat eyes clouded with dislike, her tail twitched and she hissed towards the bird, her catlike instincts taking over. “I say that we cook him and then I say that we eat him. No good can come from a bird like that.”
Mayako hide her smile behind her hand, her eyes as emotionless as they ever were. “His name is Chayton, and you are some what of a cat Kawazoe…it's natural that he doesn't want you to touch him.” She said softly as she looked up to the sky. “He's a fast diver, not so much with the speed of flight. Peregrine Falcons can dive with speeds upwards to eighty miles an hour. He'd be perfect for a quick dive and steal, if the need ever calls for it.”
Yoko watched the bird as it continued to circle, before its shrill cry rang through the air and it dived again. A black spot against a blue sky, right before it hit the ground it swooped up and landed gracefully on Mayakos shoulder. “Chayton? Does he understand you or is it just wishful thinking on your part?”
Mayako looked at him then up at Chayton. “He understands me…or at least it seems like he does. I don't know you understand me, what's to say that he doesn't?” she questioned softly, her smile lessened.
“But Mayako you seem to forget, I'm no animal.” Yoko retorted briefly, his eyes sparking a golden fire.
Finally Mayako smiled, it was a smile that didn't seem to reach her eyes but it was a smile nevertheless. “Sensei he's only a bird, if you carry on in that fashion people may think that you are going a tiny bit crazy.” She said then changed the subject. “When do we have to leave and where are we going?”
“We have to go back to your area Mayako, the general area at least.” Yoko muttered as he looked at the bird on her shoulder. “That bird is too conspicuous; I think that you shouldn't take him with you.”
Mayako looked at Chayton, and then again her gaze shifted to Yoko. “I honestly think that he'll be alright. He'll stay sky-born if that would please you.”
“The Fox stated that he thought that the bird should stay here, and here the bird shall remain.” Michiyo declared haughtily, her golden eyes cold and hard. Her gaze landed on Michiyo and her bearing turned openly hostile.
Michiyo looked at Chayton; a secret conversation seemed to pass between them. She turned and looked at Yoko then she bowed deeply. “With the utmost respect, I must convey the wishes of Chayton. He seemed to say that since he cannot go I must remain here and hope that you can find his owner without him.”
Yoko raised a brow at this, “His owner? As in that bird is attached to someone else that we have yet to find?”
Mayako nodded at this, and then slowly realization came into her eyes. “You thought That Chayton was mine? That I was his owner and because I could speak to him you thought that some bond or something held us together? Sensei I have the sudden feeling that you are reading into this too much,” she whispered as she softly stroked the soft down on Chaytons chest. “What I meant to say is that its not that I understand what he is saying in the literal language sense. I can't explain how I know what he is saying, because he's not saying anything in any tongue or semblance of a language. What I hear is emotion, or perhaps pictures? It differs every time I talk to him.”
Michiyo gave a short bark of laughter, her eyes holding the disbelief that she couldn't voice. “Yoko I respect your authority as leader, but I must make my views clear on this matter. The girl-child cannot accompany us to the Human Realm she'd been a distraction to the mission at hand.”
“She'll go Michiyo as I've originally stated,” Yoko said his voice issuing command even as his words continued. “She may be of better use then you yourself; after all if she can speak to one of the followers, she may be able to speak to them all.”
Kawazoe made a face, uneasy at the thought that Michiyo and Mayako didn't get along. She knew that Michiyo and Yoko had a truce in effect that did not allow either of them to choose sides with an opposing force, but at that moment Kawazoe knew that Yoko had chosen Mayako over Michiyo. Not a good sign for the treaty that was in effect. “Yoko we should get going you know that we need to prepare, get all the necessary tools and the clothing.”
Yoko nodded at Kawazoe, knowing full well the implications of traveling to the human realm and the need to blend into the crowd that they had to steal from. “We'll need Mayako anyway; she knows the layout of the city that we are going to be in. After all this is not a typical heist, we have to acclimate ourselves to the society at large.”
Kawazoe felt confused, the feeling becoming more accustomed to her then when it was before Mayako came. “What does that mean?”
“It means,” Mayako said softly as she looked at Yoko, “That you guys need to act human for awhile before you start stealing these beings. They are too heavily guarded so you need to be able to act the part of a rich human down to the accent and the clothing. For you three it means disguising your ears, tails, and manner of dress for a couple of weeks minimum.”
Michiyo growled angrily, her tail swishing and her ears laid back. “I refuse to play the part of a human.”
Yoko opened his mouth to say something then opened a portal clearly telling all of them to go through. “We'll continue this discussion when we arrive at the hotel, for now go through and keep quiet. If you don't I'll leave you in the human realm to find your own way back.”
A.N. Thats it...it sucked but hey like i said i needed to put the stuff in now or i'd be lost. So i'll see you in the next chapter on Thursday! (If i get reviews)