Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ The Aura Tournament ❯ Chapter 1

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Koenma's office.
Yusuke, Kurama, Kuwabara, and Hiei were sitting in Koenma's office and were listening to the 'toddler'. "We are trying to find new members for our team so we can be able to enter the Aura Tournament, and you guys have to go out and find them, this is what they look like." He turned on the screen behind him and two young women that looked to be about sixteen appeared on the screen.
Koenma has been in his teenage form and all five guys had their mouths open when they saw the two girls. Just then a portal opened and out popped Boton and five other girls. One girl was sitting on the ground crying. “Rei, you can be Sooooooo mean!” ‘Rei’ retorted with,” You are such a cry-baby!”. Just then two girls that looked just like the two girls on Koenma’s screen ran over to Koenma’s desk with shocked expressions on their faces. “Why are we on your screen?!?!?!” “Well, erm, eh, you see…” was Koenma’s reply. “The toddler wants you two to join our team so we can fight in the Aura Tournament.” Hiei said while looking at the screen. Boton walked over to them hoping to end a fight before one had the chance to get started. “What Lord Koenma means to say is ‘Would you ladies like to join our team so that we can participate in the Aura Tournament?’” she looked at them and gave them her best puppy dog eyes she could pull off. "Well, before we say anything, I think that some introductions are in order here." Ami stated. The sd team went first, "I am The Lord Of The Spirit World, Koenma."Yo, I'm Yusuke."Suichi Minimino, it's my pleasure.*bows*"Hn."That's Hiei, and i'm Boton. *smiles*"(The sp team introductions ^.^ ). "I am Ami Mizuno.*bows*"Rei Hino*smirks*"Usagi Tuskino"Makoto Kino*wink/smile*"Minako Aino*wink/smirk*"(Senshi Team Intro+just gonna call their group the S team+ ^_^ ). After they all introduced themselves, they all bowed to one another. All of a sudden, Ogre(sp?) ran in the room, "Sir! Sir!" he stammered. "Sptit it out Ogre!!" Koenma yelled. "It's Kikyo!! She is attacking Spirit World!!!" "Sounds like fun!! I was itching for a fight!" Makoto stated bluntly. She ran into a random room where she felt alone and yelled "Jupiter Star Power!! Make Up!!!" Makoto was now wearing a green senshi fuku with two pink bows and was wearing dark green boots. She ran back into Koenma's office and asked "Well, what are we waiting for?" she then ran out of the room and now stood next tp Kikyo. "Why are you doing this?" There was no reply. Kikyo just stood there aiming and shooting arrows like crazy. She had breaken Super Sailor Jupiter's last nerve. "That's it! Say bye-bye. Jupiter Oak Evolution!!!" all of her attack hit Kikyo and she was now looking emotionlessly at Super Sailor Jupiter as she was going to attack Jupiter Venus appeared and gave Jupiter a simple suggestion. "You up for a tag-team match?" "Hai" was Jupiter's simple reply. They both shouted "Oak Evolution!!! Love And Beauty Shock!!!" at the same time.
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