Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ The Dancer, Mayuri ❯ They meet again ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Da: Thanks for reading my second chapter. I want to thank the following person for reviewing my story! ^_^!
Please read and review! Thanks.
Disclaimer: she don't own anything except Mayuri.
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Maya was startled when her alarm clock awoke her from the dream of her former life. She had waited a month for Hiei to come but he never did. Her sadness swallowed her heart and she had killed herself but her soul went to human world where she thought she would forget everything but sadly she didn't. She assumed the name of Maya Hitaki and lived in Japan by herself. She stood up and walked into her bathroom to take a shower. She paused in front of the mirror and stared at her reflection. Her hair was a soft dark brown of her human form but the thing she wished she didn't have was her haunting black eyes. She ripped her gaze away from the mirror and stepped into the shower. When she finished she put on her hideous pink uniform and walked downstairs, grabbing an apple and her bag before slipping on her shoes and leaving her near empty house and walking to the atrocious prison called school.
As she walked up the stairs of her school and went straight to her first class of the day and as soon as she entered the room the bell for school to start rang. A few minutes later a stampede in the hall was heard and Maya sighed in annoyance. The door to the classroom opened and slammed shut behind a certain popular red head who took a seat in front of her. Again she sighed and thought, `Yay, another long day.'
After school Maya walked home and threw her stuff on her bed and changed into a black tank top, black shorts with chains, and combat boots. She then threw open her window and jumped into the tree next to her window. She then climbed down and walked into the forest that was on the right side of her house. She instantly felt a presence in it and her instinct told her to destroy the person on her property. She felt the presence moving at a fast speed so she angled herself in between the presence and the direction it was going in. She waited a minute before she saw the person and pounced. She knocked the person off the oar they were flying on and she caught it as she glared down at the person. She had baby blue hair and pink eyes and wore a pink kimono. The person stared at her in shock.
“Who the hell are you and what are you doing on my territory?” Maya demanded in a harsh voice.
“You can see me?” She asked ignoring the question Maya had just asked.
“No, I am talking to the air, yes I can see you!” she grabbed the pink girl by her throat and lifted her into the air, “Now, tell me who the hell you are and what the hell you are doing in my territory!” Maya shouted and the girl shakily replied, “I am the Grim Reaper, Botan and to answer the second question, you will need to come with me.” Maya eyed the girl and took her as no threat so she nodded and followed the girl as she opened a portal.
They arrived in a room with a toddler that was sitting at a desk, stamping papers rapidly. Maya, being a demon, was not surprised at the sight.
“Lord Koenma.” Botan said and got the attention of the toddler, “I was investigating the area you had felt the demonic energy at and this girl knocked me off my oar and saw me.”
“So girl,” Koenma didn't notice Maya begin to growl, “Are you a demon?”
“To put it bluntly, yes.” Maya replied and Koenma turned to Botan, “I want Team Urameshi in here immediately.” Botan nodded, boarded the oar Maya had returned to her and left the room. “What type of demon are you?” Koenma asked Maya.
“Wouldn't you like to know.” Maya replied as she leaned back against the wall.
“Well, since you are an unauthorized demon in Ningenkai you are required to join my Spirit detectives.”
“Whatever.” Maya replied with a wave of her hand and the two heard a loud bang from down the hall and someone shouting. Suddenly the doors burst open and in walked four boys and Botan. The first boy had black hair that was gelled back and had brown eyes and Maya knew he had a cocky attitude. The next one was as ugly as hell. He had orange hair and beady black eyes. The next one made her eyes widen as she recognized none other than Shuichi Minamino from her school. The ugly one was shouting loudly, making Maya's ears hurt.
“Come say that to my face, shorty!”
“Shut up all of you!” Koenma roared and instantly all attention was on him. He cleared his throat and said, “Hello boys. I have brought you hear to tell you that the area we were investigating was inhabited by a demon…”
“It was? Then let's go kick its ass.” The one with gelled back hair said but Koenma's next words discouraged him.
“That won't be necessary, Yusuke. The demon has been apprehended and will be joining your team.”
“Well, where is he?” Yusuke asked as he looked around, not seeing Maya in the corner.
“She is right there.” Koenma said pointing to Maya who stepped from the shadows.
“Hitaki?” Shuichi asked and she nodded.
“Hello Minamino.” She replied.
“You know this girl, Kurama?” the ugly one asked.
“Yes, her name is Maya Hitaki, she goes to my school.”
“I am guessing Kurama is your demon name?” Maya guessed and Kurama looked at her in confusion. “You will learn about it later.” Maya said.
“Maya, this is Yusuke,” Koenma began to introduce everyone, “You know Kurama, that is Kuwabara, and last but not least Hiei.” Maya's head snapped to face the four boys and sure enough Hiei was standing there with the three other boys. Anger boiled deep inside Maya and she stalked forward. The other boys had instantly felt danger as soon as Maya's eyes turned pissed. They watched as she stalked forward and what happened next shocked everyone, even Hiei. Maya had slapped Hiei across the face so hard her hand stung but she was too pissed to care.
Hiei turned his head back to face her, his eyes narrowed and he placed his hand on his katana. In a flash of silver his katana slashed through the air where Maya's head would have been if she hadn't done a back flip. She flipped over and landed on the other side of the room.
“Who the hell do you think you are to strike me?” Hiei shouted at the female who was not frightened in the least by his glare.
“Want to find out Assassin?” She asked and Kurama turned to Hiei.
“Who did you kill that was related to her?” he asked and Hiei shrugged, still glaring at Maya.
“Want to know who he killed?” Maya asked directing all attention back to her, “He killed me.” She replied.
“I don't even know you!” Hiei spat.
“Not in this form.” Maya replied and raised her hands in the air, wrists together and palms down. She was surrounded by a red light. She was soon lost in the light and as soon as it appeared, it disappeared. In her place was a girl, crouched on the ground. She raised her head that was facing away from the guys and they noticed the furry Black Panther ears that were pierced twice with golden hoops and a black tail. She stood and turned to face the guys. She was wearing the outfit she had worn when she had first dance at the castle that she had met Hiei at and her makeup was the same as it was then. She smirked at the dropped jaws and bowed to them. “Hello, my name is Mayuri.”
She watched as Hiei's eyes widened as he recognized her. She grinned a malicious smile and turned to Hiei, “I see you recognize me now, Assassin.”
“Dancer.” Hiei whispered the first name he had called her.
“Yep.” Mayuri replied as she drew a dagger from a thigh sheath she had put on and disappeared to appear behind Hiei and attacked. Hiei barely turned around and blocked in time or he would have been headless. She backed of and disappeared again.
`Why is she doing this?' Hiei asked himself mentally as he again dodged Mayuri's attack.
“Stop!” Koenma shouted but neither fighter heard him. He signaled to an ogre to freeze them and he shot ice at the two. The ones shot at Hiei burst into flames and dropped to the floor as water. Mayuri smirked at the ice that headed at her. She sheathed her dagger and as soon as the ice was about to hit her she twirled and the ice followed, completely at her will. She twirled a few more times as the ice got longer. When she stopped she grabbed a hold of the ice which had turned into a whip. She raised the whip and smiled at Hiei before she attacked yet again. Hiei dodged the ice whip and punched her in the stomach with a flaming fist. Mayuri smirked but Hiei did not see as she flew backwards into the window that smashed and she flew out of it. Hiei's eyes widened in horror as did the others and they rushed to the window where they watched Mayuri fall from the tall building towards the lake below.
Mayuri smirked as she spread her arms wide and began twirling as she fell and suddenly the water from the lake shot up and met Mayuri half way. The water surrounded her completely and pushed her upwards. The water shot through the hole in the window and when it fell Mayuri was crouched on the ground, soaking wet, glaring up at Hiei who watched her, shocked. She slowly stood not breaking her gaze and suddenly collapsed to the ground, energy exhausted.
“That was amazing.” Yusuke stated as he watched the girl that was on the floor.
“I've never known a water and ice demon.” Kurama said as he watched Hiei walk forward and pick Mayuri up. He then left the room and walked into the one he used when stuck in Reikai. He laid her on the bed and brushed some wet bangs out of her face.
“You haven't changed a bit since I last saw you. I am sorry I never came for you. I just hope you will forgive me and we can get on with our lives.” Hiei said as the exhausted demon slept on. He smiled slightly as he stroked her hair once more before standing and leaving the room.
The next morning the panther demon woke up in her human form and sat up quickly, not recognizing where she was. She sniffed the air a few times and scrunched her nose at the scent of a familiar fire demon. She shot out of the bed and landed on the floor on all fours. She looked down at her still soaked clothes, her cold body temperature not being warm enough to dry them, and snarled as she walked towards the closet in the room and threw the doors open. She looked at its contents and pulled out a pair of black pants and a blue tank top. The tank top was too big so she tied it in the back and put a few belts on tight to hold the pants up. She grabbed her clothes and pulled on her boots that had been taken off before walking out of the door into a hallway. She was lucky enough not to run into anyone in the halls until she came near what she suspected was the kitchen. There Yusuke and Kuwabara walked out of the door and spotted Hiei's clothes and thought it was him.
“Hey Hiei, why weren't you at breakfast?” Kuwabara asked while Yusuke realized that it was not Hiei since they were glared at by dark eyes.
“Hey, you aren't Hiei. You're that Maya chick. Why are you wearing Hiei's clothes?” Yusuke asked but then grinned like the pervert he is, “You like the shorty, don't you?”
That was when Yusuke found himself against the wall with a dagger at his throat and a pissed raven eyed girl glaring death at him, “Say that again and I will not hesitate to chop off your head or maybe I'll cut out your tongue.” Yusuke did not like the tone that was in her voice that told him she was not afraid to act on her words. He raised his hands in defeat and the brunette backed off. “How do I get out of here?” She asked and waited for a reply that didn't come. “Well?” She snapped.
“Koenma might not want you to leave.” Yusuke replied and Maya smirked.
“You are correct. Koenma might not want me to leave but I want to.” Maya brought the tip of the dagger to her finger and began playing with the tip. “I guess I have to go find that blasted grim reaper.” Maya tossed the dagger up in the air.
“Good luck. She won't tell you willingly.” Yusuke smirked as he crossed him arms, cockily.
Maya was still walking away when the dagger came down and she caught it in-between her fingers, “Who said anything about me just asking? I am not a patient person.” With that Maya disappeared into the darkness.
“Oh Shit!” Kuwabara and Yusuke shouted and ran after the slightly insane panther demon.
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Da: Well. This chapter is done and the next one is on it's way. R&R