Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ the dissappearence... ❯ the capture of yusuke ( Chapter 2 )
Chapter two: The capture of Yusuke
Disclaimer: Well, since we girls do not feel like saying this dumb line we will have Hiei say it today!
Hiei: What! No, I do not think that I should listen to you ningen girls.
Narraraitors: But we are youkais, K&HGF, and akuma are kitsune's, and akai is a fire demon like you are Hiei *giggle*
Hiei: What!! I don't believe you, show me proof,
Akuma and K&HGF: White rosewhip!, FIRE RED rosewhip!!
Hiei: Okay okay, sigh… these people do not own yu yu hakusho and therefore, they cannot be sued so shut up all of you stupid ningens! *hops off and hides in a nearby tree*
AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! Shouts two girls nearby.
Kurama and Hiei run outside to see what all of the screaming was all about. "What is all of this screaming for? Huh? Botan? Keiko? What are you two doing an a bush outside of Kuwabara's house?" Kurama asks
"We saw something reach down and grab Yusuke!!! Keiko whimpered
"You saw what!" Kurama shouted.
"A big hand reached out of the tree and grabbed Yusuke, and then disappeared." Botan said.
"Well, Hiei can you go up there and checkout the tree?"
"Hn, fine!"
When Hiei came down he reported that he saw nothing up there. "Nothing, not even the slightest trace of Yusuke?" Botan asked.
"I said I saw nothing didn't I?"
"We should go inform Koenma" Kurama said.
After that the whole bunch had had a conversation about the disappearances. "Maybe this is the same thing that took Kuwabara also." Botan spoke up.
"Hmmm…. Good observation Botan." Kurama spoke up next.
Later at Koenma's office, "Lord Koenma, Kurama, Botan, Keiko, Hiei, Shizuru, and Yukina have come to see you!" Jorge had told the toddler.
"Let them enter Jorge." Koenma spoke
"Speak your matters with me."
"Koenma, Kuwabara and Yusuke have gone missing, and Botan, and Keiko have witnessed Yusuke's capturing." Kurama spoke first.
"WHAT?!?!?!" Koenma shouted at the top of his lungs.
"Go out and find them NOW!!!! And if you don't find them soon, I'll throw all of you in jail! EVEN YOU BOTAN!!!" Koenma demanded
They all scrambled out of the room as fast as possible not to waste any time in fear of the jail. After a day of searching, they all split up for the night. While Hiei was walking to the park to go to bed, he heard a soft voice call his name, "Hiei…"
Hiei swiftly turned around, only to find a mysterious man dressed in a black cloak holding Yukina, but there was something different about her, she wasn't moving, Hiei observed this and realized that she was unconscious. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO YUKINA!!!!!!" Hiei growled.
"Come quietly with me Hiei, or else I will hurt poor little Yukina." The man spoke.
He began to unsheathe his katana slowly hoping not to catch any attention, when a damp cloth was pulled over his face, there was a sweet smell, that slowly knocked out Hiei.
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*
that's the end of chapter two, were hoping to get more reviews in soon so plz send us ur comments plz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Were hoping to make this the best story ever, but we need ur comments 2 help us, and if u don't we'll rip out ur guts and use them for a new experiment to tame Hiei!! MUHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! (just joking lol had you fooled didn't we! lol)