Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ The Elementals Return ❯ Chapter 3: Fierce Determination ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Notes: Kurounue is alive. Kori never formally met Yoko or Kurounue; she only bumped into them, as any thief would have. Anything else I think of, I'll tell you.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Chapter 3: Fierce Determination

"We need to see how you fair in battle," Koenma stated.

"So you're going to sit there while we try and kill each other?" Violet asked, crossing her arms across her chest.

"I hope your speaking metaphorically," Jasmine murmured after hearing Violet's comment.

Kori had taken to sitting down on the ground as soon as she saw the training field and not saying much, finally replied, "Well, what do you expect of him? He can't get involved in anything dirty, now can he?"

Yoko, who had sitten on the rock behind her because he had to keep an eye on her since she would bolt in a few seconds, kicked her lightly in the back, “Stop being a bitch for five minutes," he stated. Kori just glared at him over her shoulder.

"So you'll fight with a member of my team and that way we can see how good you are," Koenma said, as if Kori and Yoko had never even said a word. "Violet... you fight against Kurounue."

"Huh???" Violet blinked. "Are you serious??? He's a thief! And at least a thousand years old! I'm a clumsy waitress with no talent in anything! I'm practically a baby compared to him! No offense to you, though."

"None taken," Kurounue stated. "But she is right. Are you sure you want us to go against each other?"

"Just fight why don't you," Yusuke muttered.

"The two koumories," Kori murmured. "This should be interesting."


'Please, please, please, please, don't let me die,' Violet screamed inside her head.

Another voiced echoed in her head, 'You smacked ass; you were trained as a ninja! Use some of those techniques.'

"Alright. Ready, begin!" Koenma shouted.

Kurounue swung his scythe at her and Violet let her wings fly her up to the sky. "I WASN'T READY!!!!!!" she screamed at Koenma. Everyone snickered at that. "Hmph."

"Is she gonna come back down?" Yusuke asked.

"I don't even see her," Jasmine admitted.

A gray bat fluttered in the air near Kurounue. Too bad that when it transformed back into Violet, he wasn't prepared for her to jump on his back. He jerked forward and Violet tightened her grip around his neck. (Kuro: O___O)

"Alright," Koenma stated, after a few minutes. "Let go of him now." Violet jumped off his back and they both took a seat on the sidelines. "And Kori, why don't you and Yoko go now."

Kori was about to say something but Yoko was already pulling her up and onto the field.

"Come on, the quicker we do this, the quicker you can sit down," Yoko stated.


Kori was obviously not in the mood to fight, anyone could have told that. But she would not let herself lose, purposely or accidentally.

So that’s why three seconds after Koenma yelled, "Begin!" Kori tackled Yoko, merely by surprise and Yoko's unawareness, to the ground and sent them tumbling.

"Well, that was interesting, Kori," Yoko muttered. He had somehow managed to land on top of Kori. (Kori: @___@)

"Yoko Kurama, get off me!" she shouted. "NOW!!!!!!"

"That was quick," Chi commented.


"Alright, Chi. you against Hiei."

"Hey!" shouted Kuwabara, as he appeared. "The two shrimps are gonna' go at it!"

Chi's silver eyes turned on him dangerously. Her wings spread out to their full length, probably taking up ten feet.

"So much weight for such a small girl. How does she do it?" Jasmine asked, quietly and mostly to herself.

Chi kept her eyes on Kuwabara for a few more seconds, and then realized what she was doing. Too bad it was too late to stop the transformation. The small body transformed into the huge purple body of a dragon, her height going to twenty feet, her wings spreading out twenty feet, and her tail growing the extra feet to twenty. Silver eyes stared down at them.

"Holy shit," Violet muttered, moving to stand behind Kuronue.

Even Kori found herself backing up and straight into Yoko. “Your friend is an idiot,” she stated calmly.

“Don’t remind me,” he muttered.

The purple dragon opened her mouth wide, revealing lots of sharp pointy fangs, and let out a growl, which was more of a roar.

“Ummm… Sorry,” Kuwabara managed to choke out. (Kuwabara: O__O)

She turned her head back to Hiei and detransformed. Landing on the ground, very quickly. If she didn’t realize when she did that it drained her almost instantly, and now Chi knew she couldn’t fight. She had lost. “Damn.”


Lord Malfrey paced around the room. There was no way to get to them. He needed to activate them so he could release the elementals.

Unless… Maybe there was a way.


“Jasmine and Yusuke. You’re turn,” was Koenma’s statement. He was still shocked with what had just happened. If Chi could be that scary without using her Guardian powers, imagine what she could do if she reached her full potential.

Yusuke was excited. Jasmine had already proven that she was skilled especially with big boomerangs. So that mean she had to be an opponent who could actually last against him for more than five seconds.

“Alright, begin.”

The boomerang was thrown as soon as the words were finished. Yusuke dodged to the right, smirking slightly.

“Better be careful,” Jasmine stated, quietly. “What goes around comes around.”

Yusuke looked, quite stupidly, at her. Wasn’t that karma? The boomerang smacked him down and Jasmine caught it.

“Too bad that won’t keep me down,” Yusuke said.

Jasmine began to through it again, and Yusuke used the chance to use his Spirit Gun. The spirit energy made its way towards Jasmine, who used her boomerang as a shield.

“Nice try.” The boomerang whipped towards him again, and he dodged.

“You’re pretty good,” Yusuke complemented.

“So are you,” Jasmine stated, as he managed not to get hit by the boomerang.


“I think those two are the only two who are having a right fight,” Koenma commented.

“And how would you know what a right fight is?” Kori asked, a little pissed.

“Kori,” Yoko growled from behind her. “Don’t say another word.”

“I didn’t even say one,” Kori asked, turning from a pissed off kitsune into an innocent kitsune in five seconds.

“What?” Yoko looked confused.

“You said don’t say another word, but how can I say another word when I didn’t even say one word?”

Yoko blinked. “Shut up, Kori.”


Yusuke had been hit down, again. But this time Jasmine was standing over him. “Need a hand?” she asked, holding out her right hand. Yusuke grabbed it and pulled himself up.


“Well, now that we got that over, you’re real training will begin tomorrow,” Koenma stated. “I’ll check on you in a week. Yusuke. Kuwabara. Genkai will be coming here sooner or later for your training. Make sure you learn something.”


They all got their own rooms, which everybody was thrilled with. Except for Kori.

“What the hell are you doing in here?” she asked Yoko, who was leaning against the door.

“Koenma still thinks you’ll run away. And considering we’re in Makai, we could lose you,” Yoko stated. “Don’t worry. As soon as Koenma thinks you’re trustworthy enough, I’ll never be in here again.”

“Great, I’m stuck with a pervert,” Kori muttered.

“Hold on. I’m not a pervert-“

“Yeah right, you’d do anything that had two legs and walked.”

“No I wouldn’t-“

“Oh that’s right. I’m sorry. You’d do anything that was of the female nature that had two legs and walked.”

Yoko grabbed Kori’s arm and yanked her towards him. “If you would let me have a conversation with you, you would know that I do not ‘do’ anything that walks and is of the female nature. It is called sex, Kori, and I would not have sex with you.” He let her go and she stumbled back.

“I wouldn’t want to have sex with you,” Kori snapped, rubbing her arm.

“Good. While I’m in here, I’ll avoid you and I know you’ll do the same thing. I’m not going to look through or at any of your stuff. And if you need anything, let me know before you trip over me.”

Kori watched as he transformed himself into a giant silver fox. Well… Not giant, but most kitsunes were smaller. He was four feet high on all his paws, which would make him at least nine feet high if he stood up on just his back ones. He still had his gold eyes and silver coat, but instead of one tail he had…NINE!!!!

Kori lay on the bed, not changing out of her clothes. Would he always be better than her? She turned around so she was laying on her side, the side that happened to face the window and away from Yoko, and sighed.

Yoko had curled up in a ball near the door, but he faced Kori. He couldn’t help it. As much as he kept telling himself to avoid her, ignore her, and don’t say anything to her, he couldn’t.

“Not changing?” he asked. It came out in kitsune, though.

It surprised Kori; she hadn’t heard foxes communicate since she was kid. Not many kitsunes did anymore. They thought it would be easier if they communicated in the universal demon language, as did every other demon.

“Not with you around,” she answered back in kitsune. It sounded like a bark or a yip, she could never actually tell, but it sounded nice.

“There is a bathroom, Kori,” Yoko replied.

“Yeah, and there is a small window in there too. You’d have to come in and watch so I didn’t sneak out.”

“I think I can trust you enough to change in the bathroom.”

“I don’t feel like it.”

It was silent for a few minutes and then out of the blue: “Do you speak to kitsunes regularly?”

“The last time I spoke to a kitsune I had to be around one hundred.”

“One hundred? That’s close to nine hundred years ago. And you manage to speak it perfectly?”

“No one does anything perfectly, Yoko. Especially not me.”


“This your room,” Kuronue said, holding the door open for her. She was amazed to see that everything she had was now in this room. And she didn’t even bring it with her.

“Wow,” she muttered.

“I’ll be right across the hall if you need me,” Kuronue stated. “Good night.”


She closed the door behind him and sighed. Maybe there were perks to being a Guardian, like having a hot bat right across the hall.