Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ The Kinda Strange and RomanticFunny Karaoke Party ❯ Somethings gonna happen ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Hello! I'm not Bishounen Chaser but her sister ^_^ anyway she started typing this chapter and didn't finish it so I kinda finished it for her and posted it pleaz send in reviews so she doesn't kill me for posting this

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Matiko: *music playing* Hiei are you ready?

Hiei: -_- lets just get this over with!

Matiko: ^_^ okay, //Tell me babe, how many do I shed my tears? Every heart, every heart is not a gentle yet\\

Hiei: //Shall I do? I can never say my loneliness, Every Heart doesn't know so what to say oh what to do\\

Matiko: //was afraid of darkness cause I felt that I was left alone ,So I prayed for help to distant million stars

Both: //Round & Round the planets revolve round the sun, And we always seek after love and peace forever more, Growing growing woe baby we can work it out, look up at sky, Every Heart is shining all today\\

Matiko: //show me now, what kind of smile do I come at across, Every Heart, Every Heart can take a step towards the dreams\\ ^_^

Hiei: *Struggles with line * //All of us what to take a lasting happiness, whenever you feel sad, I wanna hold you & give you a sound sleep\\

Matiko: *dramatically* //someday every heart gonna free and easy, we have peace of mind, Someday all the people find the way to love! \\

Botan & Yukina: *sniff* It's so beautiful! T_T

Yusuke: *rolls eyes* Please

Keiko: Yusuke don't ruin the beautiful moment! *Hits him in head*

Both:// Goes and Goes the time goes on we are not alone, we live on together and we will find some precious things, sometimes we will smile sometimes we will cry somehow, don't forget believing yourself- tomorrow's never die\\

Takura: *gagging motion*

W.G: aw it's so sweet! *Hits Takura with frying pan*

Takura: @_@

Matiko: // There is the warm heart places on my mind, in my earliest day's there and it's sweet\\

Hiei: //There are many stars they have to talk with me so kind; they say yes always time's a friend of mine so shine! \\

Both: ////Round & Round the planets revolve round the sun, And we always seek after love and peace forever more, Growing growing woe baby we can work it out, look up at sky, Every Heart is shining all today\\

Jaid: Kurama-Kun?

Kurama: yes?

Both :// Goes and Goes the time goes on we are not alone, we live on together and we will find some precious things, sometimes we will smile sometimes we will cry somehow, don't forget believing yourself- tomorrow's never die\\ *Matiko bows happily and Hiei runs off stage*

Jaid: ^_^' would you uh, sing with me next?

Kurama: *think for moment* sure, I'd like that

Jaid: Yay! *glomps*

Kurama: 0_0 Jaid *gasp* breath!

Jaid: ^_^ oh I can breath just fine thanks for caring!

Felina: um Jaid I don't think Kurama should be turning purple

Jaid: huh? *Looks* oh Kurama-kun sorry! *Releases*

Kurama: *breaths* ^_^' it's okay

Jaid: k c-ya Kurama

Kurama: -_-' huh anyway poor Hiei

Yusuke: why?

Hiei: *walks by twitching*

Kurama: he's scarred for life

Matiko: hey Hiei!

Hiei: *twitches* what? Haven't you done enough damage? *Reaching for katana*

Matiko: ^_^ no but now I want to give you your pay *pulls out a barrel of something*

Hiei: *Big ass grin* sweet snow!

Matiko: *takes a spoonful and eats it* yum! Enjoy!

Hiei: *runs off somewhere*

Yukina: Keiko would you like to sing a song with me?

Keiko: alright

Yukina: great, how about this one *holds up CD *

Keiko: ^_^' another one of Matiko's revised lyrics?

Yukina: yeah I really like it!

Keiko: * reads lyrics and smiles* perfect we'll do it

Shizuru: can I join?

Yukina & Keiko: sure!

Kuwabara: ladies and evil sister your up

Shizuru: *glare* baka brother *smacks him*

W.G: alright give it up to the three ladies! Keiko, Yukina, & Shizuru: *bow*

Botan: lets get this song started! *Push button*

Koenma: Botan may I have a word with you?

Botan: huh? Uh sure Koenma *they walk outside*

Yukina: *music start to play* //More and more and more, I'm becoming greedy and spoiled. From the way it's going, I want to lock you up tight. I made up my mind at the mere sight and thought of you\\

Keiko: // want to stay like this next to you for even just a bit longer

I wonder if there isn't a terrible traffic jam somewhere

I love you so much that the brakes won't work anymore\\

All three: //someone please read between my words. Because I am no match for you. Even just for now, even just for one moment, I want to keep your heart all to myself. \\

Shizuru: //I've always always always watched you, pushed myself to catch up with you, I love when you play jokes on me, but I'm not a child anymore. Even though I'm most easily scared, I have the strongest feelings for you\\

Yukina: //If you noticed, there would always be familiar scenery outside the window. Your favorite slope would be pushed against your back. The other side of me can no longer turn away from you! \\

Matiko: hey! I thought they were singing my revised lyrics to that one song!

R.H: they were but then they decided against it

Matiko: hmph *pouts*I don't see what's wrong with my songs?

Yusuke: 0_0 have you seen the titles of most of your songs on there? I'm almost afraid to read the lyrics

Matiko: what like what my titles are gold!

Kuwabara: yeah like a song called 'joy to the world I'm taking over' is going to attract people

Matiko: *smiles insanely* I'm just preparing the people for what will eventually happen

Everyone: *thinks* metal note prevent Matiko from taking over the world

Keiko: //This fragment is captured within the whole crowd, Courage is the power of love, Now this will is at the same speed As your beating hear\\

All three: //someone please read between my words. Because I am no match for you. Even just for now, even just for one moment, I want to keep your heart all to myself. \\

All Three: // I want to keep your heart all to my self\\

Everyone: yay!

W.G: great song guys!

R.H: yeah!

Keiko: *looks around* hey has anyone seen Botan?

Yusuke: *smirk* her and the toddler went outside for a private conversation

Shizuru: finally those two are getting together

Yukina: * blinks* huh? What do you mean?

Yusuke: *drapes arm around her shoulder* Yukina it's like this

Kuwabara: *hits Yusuke* Urameshi don't dirty my Yukina's mind with you perverted ideas

Yusuke: *rubs head * whatever you explain smarty

Kuwabara: gladly! *Goes off to tell Yukina about birds and bee's *

Shizuru: *shakes head * poor Yukina

Everyone: *nods *

Matiko: hey Hiei

Hiei: *looks up from almost gone sweet snow * what?

Matiko: *fidgets* well uh um, I just wanted to apologize for bringing you here against your will, someone has brought it to my attention, I'm not going to mention any name *cough*Keiko *cough* that you don't like these kinda things

Hiei: Hn it took you that long to figure it out?

Matiko: well sor-ry

Hiei: whatever

Matiko: so we're cool?

Hiei: got any more sweet snow?

Matiko: yeah

Hiei: than your forgiven

Matiko: uhh gee thanks, I think?

Keiko: =^_^= time to play matchmaker! Shizuru you in

Shizuru: yeah whatever

~To be continued~