Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ The New Kid ❯ Revendge ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 10
Her long, dark robes swept the hallways as she hurried around and about the dark corridors. Her long, brown hair flew behind her as she hurried, brown eyes glittering. It was almost time. Soon dinner would be served and she could get her little revenge on that thickheaded jerk that turned her down. She quickly added the blood red strands of hair into the thick, pale paste she had made in her small, black cauldron. Oh this plan was beautiful! She brushed a lock of her hair over her shoulder.
Well, not as beautiful as myself but well…
She thought of the wondrous plan she had literally cooked up. Once that fool ate the condense I which she would slip into his dinner, he would be so sorry for turning her down. She grinned playfully. That was right. Elan Hunter would make that idiot pay for embarrassing her. The dinner bell rang as she took her seat. Everyone began eating; she calmly walked over to Harry and the others. Herminie glared and said,
“What are you doing here Elan?”
“Oh nothing,” said Elan innocently, secretly dumping a chunk of the gooey paste into the redheads plate, who had also turned.
“Get out of here,” growled Harry. Elan turned and went on her merry way back to the Slytherin table, with a satisfied smirk on her full, red lips. The four teens went back to eating. Kurama ate what appeared to be mash potatoes, before grunting in disgust. He looked over to Ron who was stuffing his face;
“Don't eat the mash potatoes Ron; disgusting.”
“Really? I thought they were good!” Ron replied; his face covered in the creamy substance smeared all over his face. Kurama shrugged.
“Must've been a bad dish.”
That night in the common room, all four were gathered around the fireplace studying.
“My head hurts!” complained Ron. “I think I'm too sick to do the potions test tomorrow!” Herminie rolled her eyes.
“Sure Ron.” About ten minutes later Ron complained again.
“My head still hurts!” Kurama, Herminie, and Harry all sighed at the same time.
“Honestly,” Herminie muttered as Kurama got up. He walked behind Ron and asked,
“Okay, where does it hurt?”
“On top,” came the reply. Kurama picked up a brush, which just happened to be sitting right there and parted Ron's hair to get a better look. Herminie stood up and looked over his shoulder.
“Wow, it looks like there really is some swelling there; especially in those two places,” she pointed. “Right there and there.” Kurama's eyes went wide as he stared at the two tiny lumps forming on his friends' head.
“That's not just swelling, Herminie. He's growing mouse ears!”