Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ The New Spirit Detectives ❯ A Strange Follower ( Chapter 12 )
Chapter 11: A Strange Follower
Author's Note: Sorry about my little outburst. I usually don't do that kind of thing. But… Never mind that. The important thing is that I'm back and ready to write. I also want to make a shout out to Sam0071, Jesse, and Rin. Thanks a lot you guys. Your suggestions and emails really helped me out a lot. I also want to say thanks to all the people who gave me such positive reviews. By the way, still don't own YYH.
Now that Christmas was over, everybody's lives went back to normal, again. Well, almost normal. There was a new guy that started going to Yuki's high school. His name was Kyo Takahashi and he was a complete jerk. Kuronue didn't like him because all the ladies now loved Kyo, Yuki didn't like him because he stalked her, and Elijah didn't like him because he stalked Yuki. Needless to say, he wasn't very liked by our high school Spirit Detectives.
Surprisingly, Kuronue had given up his girl chasing and decided to hang out with Yuki and Eiljah, while keeping one girlfriend. This girl was Bri, who was actually a very nice person and became very good friends with Yuki. While eating lunch one Friday, the four had discovered a certain spiky haired boy watching them.
"He's watching us again" growled Kuronue.
"Yuki, why don't you just tell to back off because you're not interested?" said Bri.
"It would be easier to make him back off." Mumbled Yuki. "But, I don't want to be mean to him. He is new after all and might just want to be our friend."
"He's already got the attention of almost every freshmen girl. And, all the cool guys are hanging around him too. Don't you think he's got enough friends? And besides, look at us. We're the outcasts. Only losers want to be friends with us." Said Kuronue.
"That's almost funny," giggled Bri. "Coming from the once most popular guy in the grade. I'm glad I gave it up too. At least now I have real friends that care about me."
"You know who he reminds me of?" said Elijah. "Kenji Urameshi, except with spiky hair."
The four laughed. Also not aware that along with Kyo watching them, they were also being watched by Koenma.
After school was over, the four went over to the Minamino house to do homework and hang out. But when they arrived, both Botan and Kurama were home. They were standing by the door, as if waiting for their children to arrive home.
"Bri, Elijah." Said Kurama. "We need to ask both of you to go home now. We need to talk to our children about something."
"Bye" said Bri as they waved and left.
Yuki and Kuronue walked upstairs to living room behind their parents. As they entered the room, they saw two familiar figures in the room. One was Koenma ans the was Kyo.
"What's he doing here?!" screeched Yuki. "Great, now he knows where I live. So he can stalk me twenty fours hours a day!"
"It seems you've made a mistake Yuki." Said Koenma. "Kyo works for me. He's a Spirit Detective who will be joining your group for the time being. I was actually going to give this assignment to a more qualified team. But, since there aren't any avalible at the moment, I'm going to use this one."
"What kind of assignment needs someone like him in it?" asked Kuronue.
"A tournament." Explained Koenma. "A very difficult one if you ask me. I was invited to this tournament and was allowed to bring a team to compete. Each team is composed of five members and they fight the other team until one team is left. That team, is obviously the champion and they win fabulous prizes!"
"But, why are you bringing in a sixth team member? Oh, I get it, you're actually going to replace Kenji with this guy? Yusuke's gonna be pretty mad." Said Kuronue.
"No. No. We're not going to replace Kenji. All that boy needs is an extra push to get him started. Now, I'm very sad to have to say this to you. But based upon your parents' request, Kyo will be taking Yuki's place in the tournament."
"What!" snarled the girl as her eyes started to change colors. "You can't replace me! I'm the strongest fighter on the team!"
"But, we're just doing I for your own safety baby." Said Botan.
"I know." She sniffed as her bottom lip began to quiver. "But. But. I wanna fight the bad guys!" She cried, using the Anime Cry That Gets Her Whatever She Wants.
"Don't try using that Anime Cry That Sometimes Gets You What You Want." Said Botan. "You're still not fighting in the tournament."
Yuki's mood changed and she went back to normal. "But, I still get to go right?"
"Of course you do." Said Kurama. "We're all going. Even the little ones will be coming."
"Well, now that everything's all nice and happy. I have to go tell everyone else and introduce them to Kyo. The tournament is in a month. So, prepare youselves well." He and Kyo disappeared.
The next day, Yusuke went over to the Minamino house to ask Kurama a favor.
"Kurama, I really need you to do this for me." Begged Yusuke. "If you don't want to do this for me, then do it for the sake of the tournament."
"Umm… Yusuke." Said Kurama. "You haven't even told me what the favor is yet."
"I want your daughter to train Kenji." He said. "Koenma told us that she won't be fighting. That really hurts the team. I know what Kenji's capable of, because I was the same way. All he needs is that push, and I think Yuki's the one to do it. I know that our children don't get along too well, but please."
"I don't see why not, because it is for the good of the team. But, I'll have to ask her first." Sighed Kurama. "I'll send her over in a few minutes." He closed the door and went upstairs. 'Oh, I know she isn't going to like this.' He thought.
Yuki was in her room, reading a copy of Mark Twain's The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, when she heard a knock. "Come in." she said, putting down her book. "Hi dad. I'm glad you're here. I was just looking for a reason to put this book down because it's so boring. I don't see why they make us read these boring 'American Classics' for English class."
"Yuki, I need to talk to you about something." He said, his voice very serious. "I'm going to ask you to do a big favor for me. I want you to go over to the Urameshi house an give Kenji some training advice."
"Are you forcing me to?" she asked.
"No. I was hoping you'd do this as a favor for me. Just teach him the basics about spirit energy and how to use it."
"That doesn't seem too hard. I guess so. I'll do anything at the moment to get out of reading this book." She got up off the bed and went to look for some comfortable clothes to wear. "Tell them I'll be over in ten minutes."
"Thanks Yuki." Said Kurama as he left the room.
Ten minutes later, Yuki arrived at the Urameshi house and rang the doorbell. "Hello Yuki." Said Keiko. "It nice to you see again."
"It's nice to see you too, Mrs. Urameshi." Said Yuki, in her polite voice.
"No, no dear. Just call me Keiko." She corrected. "Will you be staying for lunch?"
"Well, I forgot to eat breakfast, so… Sure Mrs… I mean Keiko. Do you know where Kenji is?"
"He's in the training room, I'm sure. Yusuke's probably telling him to be polite to you."
"Thanks." She waved and walked down into the basement where the training room was. There she found Kenji. "So, you want to learn the basics of spirit energy?"
"That's why I'm here, isn't it?" He asked back.
"Don't start that with me." She replied. "If you're not patient with this training, you'll never get it right. It might seem boring at first, but it helps a lot."
"So, what are we doing first? Punches, kicks, how about the spirit gun?"
"Meditation." She Yuki. "We're going to meditate."
"Meditate! Isn't that where you sit on the floor and breathe? I don't want to that stuff!" He yelled.
"Tough." She growled as she sat on the floor. "Sit." He sat. "Now, the first thing we're going to do is work on the counting. You're going to breathe in counts of seven." She explained. "How about this, I count and you breathe."
"Fine. I don't care. Ths sooner I get this breathing done, the sooner I can beat up more demons." He yelled.
"That's the spirit, sorta!" cheered Yuki. "Okay. Here we go. Inhale. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Exhale. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven."
They continued with the breathing for half an hour when Yuki stopped him. "Well, now that you have the breathing down. I want you to concentrate really hard on focusing your spirit energy into the center of your hands. I'll still count for you, but try to not concentrate so much on my voice and more on your energy."
After another hour of meditating, Kenji was worn out. "Hey. Can we eat lunch, then go back to medtating?"
"Sure. I'm getting hungry too. We'll eat lunch, then maybe we can start doing other things." They left the training room and went to eat lunch.
After lunch, they returned to the training room and began meditating again. An hour later, Yuki interrupted him again.
"What? I'm just starting to get really good and now you stop me?" he asked.
"Well, the lesson is pretty much over now. But, I want to see how far you've gotten. I want you to gather up all your spirit energy and make it into a ball in the palm of your hand."
Kenji took a deep breath and concentrated his spirit energy into his hand. The energy formed to create a ball about the size of a baseball. "What do I do with it now?" he asked.
"Just put it back." She said. "You've improved a lot today than I thought you would. I expected that energy ball to be the size of an orange, but you made it baseball size. I'll be back tomorrow afternoon. If you want to practice meditating. Then do it in this room and have someone, I suggest asking your father to monitor you while you do it."
He returned the energy back to his body and nearly collapsed. "Wow. That takes a lot outta you."
"It does. But, if you keep practicing, next time won't be so hard." She walked out the training room and left the Urameshi house to go back home. 'He might actually be able to do it.' She thought to herself.
Author's Note: Yes! This is finally done. Did you like the little twists I added? No Yuki fighting, a new guy, and Kenji getting stronger. I hope that these three things will improve the fighting parts of my story. Until next time! ^_^