Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ The Prospects of Housekeeping ❯ First Day ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own anything except the story plot and my own characters. (Gomen forgot to do that in first chapter)


Botan stood nervously looking up at the big house that she had seen only the day before. She had just taken Akira to school and took probably the longest route possible to get to this house but it had only stalled her for the inevitable. I mean sure, she had already gotten the job already but now she had to meet this mystery guy umm...err...

'Damnit! What was his name again?' The bluenette thought and slapped a hand to her head at her ignorance, 'Why do I have to be so frikin' forgetful!?' Botan's eyes then brightened in remberance, "Suichi!"



Kurama a few moments earlier.

'Hmm, I wonder when this girl will arrive.' Kurama thought and then with his excelent kitsune hearing, picked up a faint shuffling of footsteps from outside. Deciding to see who it was Kurama quietly stood up for he was sitting down and exited the house walking in the direction he heard the footsteps.

Arriving at his destination Kurama was quite suprised to see a pretty young woman with percurlier blue hair standing a bit away from the front door. She was wearing a black sort of worn out tee-shirt, a regular pair of jeans, a pair of skater shoes, and lastly was wearing a black bandana probably to keep the hair out of her face. It didn't take a genius to figure out she was the one her mother obviously hired.

He noticed she seemed to be pondering on something and looked on in amusement as she slapped a hand to her head. It was actually pretty funny she hadn't acknowledged his presence yet since he was standing only about six feet away from her.

"Suichi!" She had yelled. 'Why would she call my name?' Kurama thought curiously and decided to find out, "Yes?"


Back to Botan.

Botan quickly spun around, hair whipping at her face when doing so, 'Hmph, stupid bandana it's supposed to keep the hair OUT of my face..stupid, f-..' She was quickly knocked out of her thoughts after taking one glance at the young man in front of her. 'He's kind of cute.' Wait, who the hell was she kidding?

He was drop dead gorgeous!

He had silky red hair that hung to about his mid-back and beautiful forest green eyes that she could stare into forever. Botan quickly shook her head knocking herself out of her thoughts, 'No, can't think about my employer that way even if does have a well built body...NO! BAD BOTAN! NASTY PERVERTED BOTAN! Stop thinking things like that!'

She mentally slapped herself as she saw he was staring curiously at her. Well why wouldn't he be, she had been oggling him for the past five minutes! Botan pushed back the blush that came to her face (which took a lot of effort.) and gave him a nervous smile, "Oh gomen! I'm Botan and umm Shiori hired me to have the job type thing.."

"Oh I see, I'm Suichi." He gave her a charming smile before walking to the door and opening it, "Please come in." Botan glanced at him for a second before walking up the steps and entering the house, 'Such a gentlemen.' She thought with a smile as he closed the door.

Botan then inhaled a sharp breath as her beautiful amethyst eyes took in the inside splendors. Sure she had come into the house yesterday but she had gone in the back door with Shiori and didn't really get a good look at her surroundings but now...

The bluenette didn't realize she was gaping until she heard a soft chuckle from her left. Embarassed her cheeks colored sightly as she looked down trying to hide them and resisting the urge to cover her eyes with her hand. A moment passed and she decided to look up only to come into direct contact with those piercing green forest eyes, "Gah!"

Botan stumbled back, her face now as red as a tomatoe as she tried to regain her balance, however she failed. Botan felt herself falling before a strong arm gripped her little one breaking the fall and lifting her back up. Now any car probably stop thinking it was a stop sign if they saw how red Botan's face was."Umm hehe I'm so clumsy at times, sorry.." Botan laughed nervously and looked down once more before lifting it at hearing his angelic voice.

"It's fine but are you alright?" Kurama gave her a gentle smile. "Me? Yep! Didn't fall because of...erm you." She replied saying last part a little shyly which led to an awkard silence. And we all know Botan can't stand silences,ne?

"You have a beautiful home." Botan complemented breaking the silence. "Thank you." Kurama replied. He was about to say something else before a loud yell was heard-


Kurama sweatdropped and mumbled a quick apology while Botan looked curiously at him, "Kurama?"

She could see that he was a bit flustered at something but didn't know what, "Uh that's a nickname my friends sometimes call me." Botan gave a little 'oh' and visiibly started sweating.

"Is there a problem Miss Botan?" Kurama asked looking worriedly at Botan, "Was I supposed to be earlier? I'm very sorry if I was! I just had to take my brother to school and then I thought I was supposed to be here at seven. Oh I'm so sorry-wait did you just call me Miss Botan? Hey I might be 17 but I'm not that old! I don't look that old do I?" Botan ran to a nearby mirror and looked at her complexion as Kurama sweatdropped.

"No you don't look old Botan." Kurama said making sure not to say Miss this time. Botan looked at him, "Oh sorry, my temper flares sometimes at the littlest things." Botan scratched the back of her head sheepishly while Kurama gave a light chuckle, "It's alright and for your question before no you're not late."

Botan gave an inward sigh.

"KURAMA..." The voice said again pretty agrivated.

This time Botan gave a light laugh which Kurama noted he liked, "If you point me to kitchen I'll be happy to make you and your friend breakfast, it'll probably take about 10 minutes."

"Of course." He stated and started to lead her down the hallway. A moment later they arrived at their destination, Botan noting that this biggest kitchen she had every seen in her life.

Botan sweatdropped, "Okay, umm how about we make that 15 minutes so I can get aquainted with this humongous kitchen." Kurama gave another chuckle, "Take your time."

He turned to leave but Botan quickly stopped him realizing something, "Oh wait!" He turned his head blinking indicating to go on. "Uh hehe I was just wondering how I should address you because I'm pretty sure you don't want me to call you sir and how many mouths am I feeding?" Botan asked cheerfully which sort of suprised her since she thought she'd be a lot more nervous, 'Oh well.'

"You may call me Kurama and I believe it's only one mouth this morning." Botan nodded happily at the answer and then blinked hearing the insistent voice once more.


Kurama was now a bit mad at his friend for keep interrupting his conversation with the blue haired beauty, 'Wait beauty? Where did that come from? Oh well...' Botan's sweet voice interrupted his thoughts, "Maybe you should get back to your friend." She stated sweatdropping.

Kurama nodded before stopping after opening the door, "Tell me if you need anything." And with that he was gone.

Botan looked around now having the kitchen to herself, 'Well this certainly will be an interesting day.' Botan began to hum while looking around the gigantic kitchen pulling out random eatting utensils, plates, food, etc. She stared at the food for a moment before her eyes brightened deciding what to make...

Bad thing was Botan wasn't the best cook. "Ok how do you make this again.." She asked herself a loud. 'Oh well, looks like I'll have to figure it out myself.

Twenty minutes later Botan walked through the adjoining room of the kitchen and eatting area. She was trying to balance all the food, condiments, and drinks she was carrying. The bluenette peeked over one of the plates to see Kurama and a boy that she hadn't met, no doubt the one who was yelling for him earlier.

She studied his complexion for a few seconds while walking over there. He had slicked back black hair and brown eyes, 'Little to much gel for my taste.' Botan thought with an inward sweatdrop.

Kurama on the other hand quickly got up and walked over to Botan taking the plates. Botan blinked in suprise then gave him a grateful smile with a quick 'thank you'.

He gave a gentle smile of his own before putting the plates on the table and sitting down. Botan didn't see or rather ignored the suggestive look she got from the black haired boy as she set down the drinks and such on the table.

When finished she took a step back and bowed preparing to leave to go back to the kitchen, "Please enjoy and if there is anything else I may do for-"

Botan never finished her sentence for that moment her hand was grabbed by the black haired boy, "Well since you're offering there is something you could do for me..." He winked at her.

The amethyst eyed girl gave him an incredulous look,'What the hell is this guy suggesting...' She cast a glance in Kurama's direction and was suprised to see he was glaring at the other boy.

"Really Yusuke, I think that is quite enough."

The boy named Yusuke as she figured gave Kurama a sly look, "Now Kurama you didn't tell me the girl you were hiring was such a babe. Were you planning to keep her all to yourself?" He gave a 'tsk' and wagged a finger at him.

Botan on the other hand quickly snatched her hand away from Yusuke's grasp and punched him in the back of the head making his face go right into his food.

Kurama looked at Botan suprised, he could of swore he saw her eyes flash red. She was curently heaving a couple breaths probably trying to calm herself. He actually found the situation quite amusing...

Botan took one more deep breath closing her eyes and sighed. Now she felt much better but soon froze, 'Oh...Shit...' She thought and opened her eyes seeing Yusuke still face first in the food.

She quickly rushed over to him pulling his head up revealing him with basically everything that was once on his plate on his face. "Oh I'm sorry..I didn't mean to, I mean well I did but crap I'm really sorry!" Botan furiously started brushing all the food on his face onto the plate.

Oh how much Kurama wished he had a camera. Here the great spirit detective, Yusuke Urameshi face covered in all types of breakfast food. He actually had quite a hard time containing his laughter when Yusuke finally opened his eyes and glared at Kurama.

Then the handsome red head turned his attention to Botan who had finally got the last peice of bacon off Yusuke's face, still mumbling apologys. She quickly took off into the kitchen Yusuke's plate in hand. Both boys blinked and looked at the door.

Kurama was about to get up but just as quickly as she went Botan came back running over to Yusuke and putting the plate down in front of him now full of food.

Botan looked down trying to hide her blush as both boys stared at her, "Umm, I better go clean up the kitchen sorry once again." And with that she disappeared right back into the kitchen.

Yusuke glared at the kitsune, "What the hell are you smiling at Kurama?!"

"Oh me? Nothing...but I think you still have a peice of egg in your hair." The fox stood up and walked through the door from the kitchen but not before hearing "Damn you fox!" from no other than Yusuke.


Meanwhile, Botan had busied herself in the kitchen. She had cleaned up all the things she used for breakfast a few moments ago and was now had decided to acquaint herself with the rest of it. Soon Botan was interrupted by a hand on her shoulder scaring her half to death.

Well because of this Botan gave a yell while spinning around and brought the item she had in her hand down on the person's head; which happened to be a frying pan. Her eyes widened dramatically to see the person who in fact she had hit was no other than Kurama. (A/N she must really want to be fired -.-;;) "Holy crap, I'm soo sorry!"

Botan ran over to freezer getting some ice and put in a bag before putting it on his head. "Kami! I'm so sorry are you alright?" (A/N Damn she's saying sorry/gomen to much.)

"I'm quite alright." Kurama took the ice bag off his head calmly and gave her a reasuring smile at the look of uncertainty on her face. "Really I am and you don't need to apologize as much Botan, it's alright."

Botan blushed realizing she must looked like a complete baka apologizing so many times. "Was there something you needed?" She finally asked.

"Actually well um yes, I was just coming to give you a quick tour of the house. I have to leave in a bit and wanted to make sure you knew where everything was." The red head responded glancing at Botan.

"Oh okay!" Botan smiled cheerfully barely able to contain the excitement in her eyes.

She had secretly wanted to embark on a snooping mission ever since she first entered the house, but Botan thought it unwise since it was first day and all. So the bluenette had decided to wait until she was offered a tour.

Kurama noticed her excitement and inwardly grinned,"But...your not finished here I guess the tour could wait."

"No, I'm finished!" Botan exclaimed pulling off the apron she had put on prior when cooking, and hung it on the hook by the sink. She had been waiting long enough and was definitly not going to be prolonged any longer. Botan noticed Kurama's broad smile and crossed her arms over her chest.

"What?" She asked narrowing her eyes. 'Is he laughing at me?'

"Oh nothing, shall we begin the tour?" Kurama asked. Botan looked over at him suspiciously before nodding her head, "Lead away, don't worry I'll be right behind you."


Dark: Psht I know not a very good stopping point but oh well xP. This chapter actually took me a couple days to write though, kept getting side tracked...I was pretty pissed off this morning though because it snowed basically all day yesterday but we didn't get today off. It sucked but I got to stay home because I was er 'sick' Heh. Waah I know not all the guys showed this chapter Dark is sorry ;-;. But Yusuke showed up I get credit for that, ne?

Yusuke: No you don't because you made my face get shoved into food by that ditzy ferry girl!

Botan: Ditzy T.T? :grabs oar and beats the crap out of Yusuke:

Dark: Oh ouch thats gotta hurt.

Yusuke: Believe me it does :gets wacked again: Ow damnit Botan!

Botan: Hmph you deserve it :sticks tongue out:

Dark: Anyways -.-; Please Read and review :3! Bais.
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