Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ The Wavedancer ❯ Life sucks, so what else is new? ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The Wavedancer

Disclaimer: does it look like I own Yu Yu Hakusho? If I did, KURAMA WOULD BE MINE! Wait a sec, he is. But you own you!

Claimer: I own Kio. And the storyline. And Kurama's heart. -_~

By the way, I lied. There's only one path. Technically, it isn't a choose your own adventure now, is it?

Chapter one- Life Sucks, So what else is new?

You sighed as you walked outside on the sidewalk, alone, as usual. Hey, you liked being alone… NOT. You didn't really have any friends, the only person you could call a real friend was a strange girl name Kio (Yours truly!). For some reason, you felt safe with her; as if she were just like you. You both stuck together at the orphanage, and you always told each other everything. Anything you could remember, anyways.

Strangely enough, the only thing Kio wouldn't tell you about was her past. You shrugged it off; everyone had a scar no one could touch, right? Not that you could tell her about your past either. You knew nothing of it. The lady who ran the orphanage said that you had come to them with nothing but the blue shell around your neck.

Which brings me to another point: your necklace. It was an interesting one; it was all blue. Not the deep blue-almost-purple kind, but a sky blue. It hung on a rusted gold chain, and was the size of a quarter (Hiei: baka onna. TNM: hey! I stared at the screen for an hour trying to figure out what to put. Leave me alone; I'm slow on the uptake. T_T). You treasured it dearly; no one was allowed to touch it. If they did, well, let's just say they were as good as dead. You felt the ocean breeze on your face as you got off the sidewalk and gotten onto the sand.

You fingered it as you walked along the seashore. You had taken your shoes and socks off so you could wade in the water. You loved the feeling of the seawater between your toes. You had always had a certain connection with the ocean, reasons why were still a mystery to you. Daydreaming, you gazed up at the sky, unconsciously rubbing the ivory-smooth shell at your neck.

"_________! _________!" you heard a voice call your name, and break out of your reverie. You see Kio running towards you, braided black hair flying behind her. She seemed very excited, and never seemed fully human, for some reason. I mean, how many humans could tell what was for dinner half a mile away from home? You merely shrugged it off. She was your friend, who cares if she had super-natural sense?

She came up to you, panting slightly. Her face was pale, and under her left eye was a scar. You had asked her about it, and she had laughed and said she had gotten it in a fight. Highly doubtful. You had fought alongside her once. She was no pushover, in fact, she kicked butt, very different from how she looked. She had long black hair, which fell just past her waist, and her bangs were long enough to cover her bangs, which they usually did. And one would expect her eyes to be brown. I mean, come on. People with black hair USUALLY have brown eyes. But not her. Her eyes were piercing green, and seemed to be able to see into a person's past.

"You ok there, Kio? Looks like you just ran a mile," you say, laughing, for no apparent reason at all.

" Ha ha, very funny. Can I see your shell?" you glanced at her nervously. Why would she want to look at your shell? She must have seen the confusion in your face, for she smiled.

"What? It's not like I'm gonna steal it or anything. Don't you trust me?"

"Lemme think about that one…." You say, trying not to smile. She looked scandalized, and put her hands on her hips.

"Oh, I see how it is. I'm not wanted," she said, acting hurt, and began walking away.

You burst out laughing, and grabbed her shoulder.

"Oh, come on, Kio, you know I'm just kiddin'. I'd trust my life with you."

"YAY!!!" she shouted, before hugging you. You gasped for breath.

"Can't….. breathe!" you managed to get out.

"WHOOPS! My bad," she said, releasing you. You caught your breath, and gave her a wry smile.

"Ok, Kio. Tell me the truth. How many bags of sugar did you have today?"

"Uh… er…. None?" she said, shifty eyed.

"You're a horrible liar, you know that, right?" she grinned at you.

"Well, that's better than being a good liar, as the little purple leprechauns under my bed in the confounded orphanage always say!" you gave her a weird look.

"Uh… I'm not going to ask."

"Good, cause I wasn't going to tell you."

"Ok, now I'll ask, cause you said we'd tell each other everything."


Shaking your head at your friend's idiocy, you poke her.

"Well, why were you running towards me again?"

"What? I was running towards you?"

You rolled your eyes, figuring it was the short-term memory.

"No, you just randomly appeared here next to me," you say, voice dripping sarcasm.

"Oh…. I knew that magic was real!" she exclaimed, while you anime fell.

"Kio… you're hopeless. Anyways, what were you gonna show me?" she snapped her fingers.

"Oh yea!" she said, and then proceeded to dig something from her pockets, but stopped. She then looked at you with solemn eyes. You had never known her eyes could be that solemn.

"Er, Kio? Something wrong?" you say.

"_________, you're not human."

You blink at her comment.

"Wha? Of course I'm human! What else could I be? A ghost?" you say, laughing nervously. What was going on?

Sighing, Kio grabbed your hand, and lead you to a cave. She turned to you, eyes shining brightly. She took a deep breath.

"__________…. Please don't be afraid by what you see. The thing is….. I'm not human. I'm a demon. A fox, demon to be exact. Er, a fire-fox demon, to be exact." You stare disbelievingly at her.

"Uh, Kio, I don't know what you've been smoking, but there are no such things as demons." Kio smiled at you, but once again looked at you.

"If you don't believe me, I'll just have to show you….. Remember, I'm still me, and I will always be me. I will never be anyone else BUT me. So remember, I'm me." Your eyebrows furrowed at her confusing comment, but you nodded. In a few seconds, Kio would realize that her being a fox demon was all just a crazy dream.

Suddenly, white mist enclosed around Kio, breaking you from your thoughts. `Er…. Is it normal for white mist to encircle someone like that?' you thought nervously. Suddenly, you found yourself staring into Kio's eyes…. But she was different.

She still had long, braided black hair, but she also had black ears tipped red on top of her head. A black tail swished back and forth. A tiny fang peeped over her lips.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" you yell, jumping backwards. I mean, come on. It's not everyday you see your best friend suddenly get fox ears and a tail right in front of you. She jumped back too, surprised by your scream.

"AAAAAAAAAAH! What happened?" yup, same old clueless, senseless (TNM: HEY!!!), weird Kio. You blinked at her, still gasping for air.

"I thought I told you not to be shocked by what you see," she muttered under her breath.

"But I figured you were on another one of your daydreams," you say. You frowned. Were those ears even real? You had a sudden urge to squeeze them; they were after all, VERY cute. Well, you must have had an evil grin on, because Kio began backing away from you.

"Er…. _______, what are you doing?…" and then you pounced. You grabbed her ears, expecting them to fall off at your touch. When they didn't, you then began pulling them.

"AAAAAAAAAH, THAT HURTS! AAH! ITAI, ITAI, ITAI, ITAIIII!!!!" you finally let go, after about 5 minutes of that, in which Kio screamed bloody murder down your ears. You winced as you felt your own ears, watching Kio, teary-eyed, gently feel her ears.

"You didn't have to scream so loudly…." You mutter.

"Well," Kio remarked, "You never had to pull my ears out from the roots." You grin sheepishly at her comment, and quickly went up to her. She, however, scooted far away from you.

"I was just gonna pet them…." You murmur. "Anyways, sorry bout that. I just had to see if they were real."

"Hn, why wouldn't they be?" she exclaimed, still rubbing her ears. "Now they're probably too long. Now how'm I supposed to impress Kurama?" you heard her murmur.

"Who's this `Kurama'? Is he cute? Is he your mate or something?" you realized what you said. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Kio jumped 10 feet in the air. Her ears were probably more sensitive now.




"….Yes….for all I know, this could be some very, very, very messed up hallucination and I'm going to wake up any moment in my very, very bad bed, and find you in the bed next to me, wake you up, poke you, and tell you that you were a demon in my dreams, and watch you squeal about how cool it would be if you were the you in my dream." This merely got a weird stare from Kio. After a few minutes of THAT, she snapped her fingers.

"Oh, yea! I'm supposed to show you the shell's mate…" she murmured, and began feeling around in her pockets again.

"You're supposed to show me what?" you said, completely in the dark, figuratively and literally. I mean, YOU'RE IN A CAVE!!

"This…." She said, and held up a shell. But, like yours, it was unlike any shell you had ever seen. It was a dark blue. So dark, in fact, it could have been mistaken for black. It hung on a golden chain that shone brightly in the darkness. You gasped.

"How? Who? What? Where?" you asked, questions flooding your mind. It looked exactly like yours, except that the color was different. She merely smiled, and held a hand up.

"If I remember correctly, the sky blue one is from your mother…." She said, indicating the one around your neck, "while this one is from your father." You gasped again. Your mother and father? Kio had known them? Suddenly, an unspoken fury rose within you. Why had she never told you?

"Why didn't you ever tell me? I'm your best friend! We promised to tell each other everything! Our secrets, our hopes, our joy-"

"You forgot to mention tears," you just stared at her. She had calmly taken your verbal beating.

"Don't pretend like you don't know what I'm talking about. I was awake each time you cried to that shell," she said, voice very quiet now. You gazed down in shame. So much for that.

"Besides, ________…. I'm not the kind to break a promise. You know that. And I had promised your father to keep this shell until your fifteenth birthday, which is today. I also promised not to tell you anything of your past. I know, it seems strange to me too. But I bowed to your father's wishes, to honor him in death. So you were sent here, memories erased. You weren't to know you were the Wavedancer. If you had, you might think it over, and in your weak human form, someone who can read minds might read yours, find your power, and attack you. And because you had taken the form of a human, and were in a human body, you wouldn't be able to protect yourself. Do you see now? (a/n: that didn't make any sense whatsoever. ^gets hit by flying toaster^ x_x carry on.) Do you understand why I didn't tell you?" she asked, green eyes piercing into your very soul. You shifted uncomfortably under her unbreaking gaze.

"Yeah….. I do," you murmur. You knew not to underestimate Kio when she was being solemn, which was almost never. The few times she had, she had told the truth, no doubt about it. Suddenly, she smiled.

"Ok then! I'm eager to see where these keys lead to-"

"Key?" you were lost again. Kio heaved a giant sigh, and indicated the two shells.

"Keys! These two shells are from your parents. I remember your father saying something or another about the shells being a key. I wasn't paying much attention," she said, sweatdropping. You rolled your eyes, remembering her oh-so-short attention span. She caught you rolling your eyes, and shrugged.

"What? I was in the good part of Rurouni Kenshin!!" you fell anime style. She grabbed your hand, and put the dark blue shell in it.

"That's officially now yours. Now let's see where they go!!!" she uttered, getting impatient. You laughed at her, then held up both shells. And stared. And stared a bit more. Kio looked at your expectantly.

"Er…. What do I do now?" you asked, lost again. This time is was Kio's turn to do an anime fall. She took your hands, and glanced at you for permission to take the shell around your neck. You shook your head, and she shrugged. She grabbed your hand, again, and grinned.


"Than I'll ever be!" you cry, and you both shove your hands, the ones each holding a shell, to each other, so they were perfectly lined up.

Suddenly, a yellow light engulfed you and Kio. You felt warmth rise up from your toes, working its fingers slowly up you (a/n: that sounds so wrong… ^gets hit by flying oven^ x_x). you glanced at your friend, and saw her grinning.

"HERE WE GOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!" she shouted. And then it felt like something had grabbed your whole body, and was now pushing you forcefully forward, then back, then to the side. Well, in any direction. You began feeling nauseous; this roller coaster didn't seem like it was going to end anytime soon. Unable to take it any longer, you felt Kio's grip tighten, so you wouldn't get separated on the trip, and fall into darkness. You were out cold.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*

Hiei: baka onna. You end the chapter with the reader blacking out. That's how other fics end up.

TNM: well, sorry! I needed a way to end the chapter! Unless you WANT a 20 page chapter!!


TNM: didn't think so. Where'd Kurama?

Hiei: ^points^ running from fangirls.

TNM: where's yours?

Hiei: they can't find me here. No one wants to read your story.

TNM: ;_; you're so mean!

Hiei: Hn.

Kurama: be nice! ^runs for life^

TNM: anyways, thanks for all those who have reviewed! I got 5 in one day! ^beams^ that's the most I've ever gotten in a day!

Hiei: you mean you have other fics?

TNM: under another pen name. This is my real secretive one. MUAHAHAHAHA. ^ahem^ so I've probably reviewed all the CYOAs under that pen name. WHICH YOU SHALL NEVER KNOW!!! <.< >.>

Hiei: the baka onna has lost it….

Yusuke: she ever had sanity?

Hiei: highly doubt it.

TNM: someone remind me again WHY I'm writing romance for a cold bastard….?

Hiei: ^pulls out sword^ cause if you don't, you'll find yourself minus an arm….

TNM: o_o;;; anyways, answers to reviews! ^edges away from Hiei^

Litto Vicky- this fast enough for ya?

Ari and Kat- er…. Wassup?

Kylarkallana- it isn't abnormal to get into CYOAs…. In fact, I consider it abnormal NOT to get into them. Thanks! I hope this chapter is considered `good.' I got writers' block again….

Shadow fox2- HI!! I'm so honored! I've read all your fics (remember, I have another pen name, I reviewed them under that one.). well, at least all your choose your own adventures. Anyways, thanks! I do try to make my fics right and all, but it gets hard when your beta reader isn't around….

Ok people, this is my fastest update ever! In one day! Go me! Laughing out loud. Anyways, review. I might not post for awhile cause I've gotten writers' block…. But I have an idea for the next chapter, so never fear! REVIEW OR I WON'T UPDATE! 5 reviews at least!