Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ The Wavedancer ❯ Chimamire no Yume ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
The Wavedancer

disclaimer: still own nothing.

no author's notes this time... BUT YOU HAVE TO READ THE ONE'S AT THE END!



“You did well. Tomorrow, you’ll train with Kio and Hiei on your weapon. Good luck.” With that, she walked away. You began to feel dizzy. Damn, that training took a hell of a lot out of you. You took a step after her, and the world began to spin. Since when did the sky circle like that? You felt yourself begin make your descent to Earth, and right before you passed out, you felt a pair of warm arms catch you. You used your last bit of energy to look up, and saw red eyes swimming around your head. And then the blackness engulfed you, and you were out like a light to the world

Chapter Five- Chimamire no Yume (Bloody Dreams)<i>

Cold, like the harsh winters...Why was it so cold? You shudder, and open your eyes--at least you think you do. But all that greets your eyes is more darkness. Empty darkness....What was going on...? Where were you...?

Voices called out. It was frightening, quite frankly. Each voice echoed, and they all seemed so familiar, yet so distant...You felt like you were underwater, but since when was water so....dark? So black? Which way was up, which way was down? You curled into a ball....It was so cold....It didn't feel like you were wearing anything, but that was the least of your worries. Your body was wrenched out of it's curled up position; you tried to cry out, but your voice had been muted. Now you were beginning to get freaked out...Your feet touched...something? Was it ground? You didn't know. For all you knew, you could be touching a cloud...

The darkness lightened, and you found you were standing in a cut-off from an ocean. Reeds grew everywhere. "Wha...?' Yes, you were lost. A feeling of dread overtook you, and no matter what you did, you couldn't shake it off. It was fighting the inevitable....Something bad was going to happen. You took a step into the water....Sadly, you had lost all control of your body after you curled up.... You just hoped that whatever <i>was<i> leading your body wasn't suicidal. You nearly screamed when you looked down at the water. Red streaks were snaking out from where you had stepped. And it was warm....Your stomach convulsed sickeningly as you realized it was blood. It continued to snake out, and soon the waters rippled red. But you continued to move on.

It felt as if you were walking forever. When would this end? Was this water endless? And where was your body leading you? What the hell was<i> this? You looked back up, expecting darkness on the horizon....but you were horrified upon seeing flames. People were fighing each other........ Blood was spilling out, like floods. You feel sick, why were they fighting? Why?

Suddenly, you are pulled backwards by an unknown force. Closing your eyes instinctively, you open your mouth in a silent scream. Wind and hair whipped past your face. When you stopped, you slowly opened your eyes. What you saw made you gape.

You were in a lavish hall. Utterly confused, your head spun around. The walls, floors and columns were made of white marble, with the occasional black streaks. A giant red carpet made it's way down the center of the room, leading up some stairs, and towards a throne. On it sat a man dressed in a wild blue cape. He had amazingly deep blue eyes, and wild light blue hair. He himself looked very wild, and looked as if he had an eternal scowl on his face. On his head he wore a crown with many sapphires in them. In a throne next to his, though not so lavish, sat a girl who looked about fifteen. Her eyes were hidden by the shadows her dark blue--almost black--bangs, which contrasted with her pale skin. Her chin rested on the back of her hand, which in turn, led to her elbow which was rested upon the windowsill, which went out to the ocean. She was dressed in a simple light blue dress, but you swore you saw a pair of dark blue pants beneath them.

Before you could do anything else, you were compelled to say something... (TNM: I don't own the next line thingamabobber. I read it in a King Arthur legend, so...yeah. I don't own it, ok?!) Your mouth was working of its own accord.

"Hollow victory! Hollow cry! If you fight tomorrow, all will die!" Your voice sounded nothing like it normally did....It was hollow, and empty, devoid of anything. You felt your face furrow in confusion. But that was soon dismissed as the man, obviously the king, stood up. The girl did too. You suspected she was his daughter, due to the fact she looked so young. Perhaps he had a young wife; but something told you it was his daughter. Also, it might be because she wasn't wearing a crown like he was. Instead, she wore a thin silver chain with a large sapphire in the center on her forehead.

"Who's there?" The king's voice boomed around the room. Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion again. Could they not see you? But the girl, she was another story. You finally saw her eyes...piercing blue. They were almost glaring at you, but in...surprise? What was going on?

She said nothing, merely staring at you. Could she see you? Suddenly, the same feeling you had before took you again, but this time, you refused to close your eyes. It was as if someone had pressed "fast forward" on a nonexistent controller (TNM: i love nonexistent things....). You stopped at what you had seen earlier... the flames "Eh heh heh...where'm I now..?" You mumbled meekly to yourself. A lot of screams caught your attention, and you saw some silhouettes swinging weapons at each other. Figures. You dream of violence.

You were rushed forward towards two particular figures. They were both female, standing back-to-back. A tail swished, and a fox ear twitched...there was something familiar about one of the figures...She had a braid, while the other had flowing long hair...what colors, you couldn't see just yet...

"Dammit! There's too many of 'em!" The figure with the flowing hair growled. You register the hair was blue, for you had moved close enough to see. It was the same figure you had seen in the throne room, except much worse for wear. The jeweled chain was gone from her forehead, her clothes ripped, and blood, both dried and fresh, decorated her once light blue dress. A demon attacked them, and she crouched down, while her partner raised her hand in the air, and a rose appeared. It seemed to be on fire. She thrust it downwards, and it became a sword. The stem was the blade, and the petals melted downwards to the blade (TNM: so basically, it's the part above the hilt and below the blade.). Taking it, she raised it and slew him. The braided girl with fox ears turned her head towards you...You gasped. It was Kio! But what was she doing HERE?! But there was something...different. You couldn't quite place your finger on it...But something was weird. She had on a black thick-strapped tank top, with a pair of matching pants beneath a slit dress (TNM: like what Youko and Shuuichi wore in the last battle of the dark tournament...no, I'm not a goth...I just dress like one...^_________^) A golden ring glinted upon her left ear. (TNM: I just realized how many mistakes i have in all my chapters... damn me! T_T i'll try to do better, i promise! *bows a million times*) Blood streamed from a million wounds.

"Well, if we die, we'll go down together!" Kio said with a grin. Trust her to smile in the midst of battle.

"And what if I don't wanna die with YOU?" Blue-haired girl said, also grinning. Kio pouted.

"Meanie." She slashed an oncoming demon. "Well, look on the bright side. Least I won't have to eat any more of those fried vegetables thingies. Ugh! I hate that seaweed stew!" The grin widened on Kio's partner.

"Uh-huh. That also means you won't be able to eat any more vanilla-covered mochi." Kio stopped what she was doing to stare, horrified at the girl with blue hair. She stabbed an oncoming demon through the stomach behind her, all the while keeping her eyes on blue-haired girl.

"NOOOOOO! ANYTHING BUT THE MOCHI! IT'S MIIINE!!" You couldn't help it. You rolled your eyes. Yup. Any doubts that that wasn't Kio, left your mind. Only she could think of food in the midst of battle. (TNM: this is a bit random, but... I WANT A MINION/LACKEY!! Okay. Now back to your unscheduled chapter/fic. *bows*)

Well, they got back to fighting, and you watched in awe as the duo slashed, chopped and stabbed. Yup. Kio was soooooooooooooo teaching you. (TNM: *sigh* i have writer's block again. gomen ne.) You winced as you saw your best friend take a hit to the side. Yup. That looked bad. Very, very, very, very bad.

"Kio!" The vixen's partner paused to glance at her friend. Biiiig mistake. She soon found herself stabbed through the shoulder. She gasped a bit. That was her sword-arm. You didn't like the way this was playing out...It was obvious both were going to die, and you didn't think you wanted to see your best friend die, even if this WAS some bizarre dream. You felt a bit sick as you watched the blood run down the blue-haired girl's blade, and onto the ground, into a quickly-forming puddle of blood. Disturbing much? Your eyes widened in silent horror. All sound ceased to exist. You tried running towards the two, but as before, you had no control over your limbs. You could only gaze on as a silent spectator, as three arrows buried themselves into Kio's chest. She lurched backwards, but the blue-haired girl caught her, but was stabbed herself through the stomach. Their lips were moving, but you could only catch a few words...But before you could register them, you felt that now familiar feeling, but this time, backwards. You were back in the hall, but the blue-haired girl was gone. The king was speaking to Kio. Your body moved forward, again of it's own accord.

"Kio, listen to me." He held up two blue shells--the ones you now called your own. Your eyes widened. If this was going where you thought it was going...

"We are going to die in tomorrow's battle." Kio's usually soft features hardened, and she showed no emotion. Well, she hadn't ever seemed afraid of death... "These two shells contain my daughter's power over the ocean." Kio quirked an eyebrow. "Yes, I realize her powers lie within her, but they must remain dormant until fifteen years from now. These will do so." He handed her the dark blue one. "That is the one she will receive the day she turns fifteen. She will be born with the other. However, she will not die. I will send her soul to another body, after I remove it from her body. I have cast the spell already; this will happen when you die." Kio nodded. The king's face broke into a sad smile. "Please take care of her. And tomorrow, make sure you erase all of her memories. She is not to remember anything of her past...." A tear strode down his cheek before being brushed away. "Not even I. But please take care of her. I leave her life in your hands." Kio bowed, and then the scene slowly faded back to where you had left Kio and the blue-haired girl at.

Kio held up a hand. A white light engulfed it, and she closed her eyes. Taking her blindingly-bright hand, she brought it to her friend's forehead, and began making shapes in the air. Kio sang a few words, in a language that was so familiar, yet so..distant. Like a lullaby you had forgotten. The blue-haired girl's eyes shone blue as Kio's hand dropped. She looked exhausted, and watched on sadly as the dieing blue-haired girl had the blue light shine from her mouth, eyes and ears. Her mouth was wide in a silent scream, and you watched in silent horror as the lights streamed out and then combusted. Those were...

Her memories.

"See you...in...the..Ningen..kai..." With one last shuddering breath, her eyes closed. Suddenly, Kio's friend, shuddered, and a blue light appeared around her body. You assumed this was the spell. The blue-haired girl fell limp, next to Kio when the lights had faded from her. They looked so peaceful, lieing together, friends till the end... You watched as two orbs--A black one from Kio, and a blue one from you-know-who--rose out of the bodies, and flew upwards, and disappeared.

Everything faded, and you were back in the black water, wading. It was a swirling mass...Thinking about what you had seen...And then it hit you.

That was your past. Kio was your best friend, not only now, but in the past, the king was your father...

And the blue-haired girl was you.

But before you could elaborate, voices awoke you...

"Rude awakening much?" go to the next page.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~ ~*~*~*~*~*~*~

TNM: gomen ne! it's a short chapter, but a long...dream. O_o anyways, thanks for all the wonderful reviews! they really keep me goin'! anyways, I'm sorry I can't reply right now, cause i've been grounded from my computer, but i had to update. But thanks!

HIEI: onna, you had better hurry with this fic. It's dragging in many parts.

TNM: shut up Hiei. We all know you just want to be with the reader. SOMEONE'S GOT THE HOTS! *giggles*

HIEI: *unfazed* and what of you and Kurama?

KURAMA: *walks in* someone mention me?

TNM: ^_^x nope! *shoves sweet snow at Hiei to make him shut up, which he does* HI YOKEY!

KURAMA: o.o; "Yokey"...?

TNM: YUP! ^_^

KURAMA: o.o;;;;;;

REVIEW!! 10 reviews AT LEAST! so advertise my fic! XD