Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Thinking Of You ❯ Karoke and Lunch ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Thinking of You

I giggled as you once again cuddled up against my chest. It was so calm here. Too bad I'd have to get back to Mukuro soon. I really don't want to leave until you wake up.


As we got to the vendor I asked you what I would be eating. You just smiled, shook your head, and told me I would find out in a second. Then you proceeded to herd me over to where the girls were sitting. I sighed. Sometimes you were as stubborn and suspicious as I am.

"Got rid of you too, did they?" Shizuru asked as I sat next to Yukina.

"Yep. And I don't even know what I'm going to be eating," I told her. She smiled at me. Keiko hid a giggle behind her hand as she caught sight of Yusuke.

"Here you go milady," he intoned. She giggled even more as he gave her some dough covered in a white powder, and a cup of liquid.

"Thank you Yusuke," she said and gave him a peck on the cheek. Yusuke blushed intensely. Kuwabara came up and handed the same thing to Yukina and Shizuru. And sat down to munch on one himself. Then you appeared. To me you looked like a vision of a god. You were weaving your way around the rather large group of females that had surrounded you saying "Shuiichi". I sighed. Kuwabara nudged me in the side. Damn him.

"Here you go Hiei," you said as you plopped down beside me. You handed me a `funnel cake', a `Pepsi' and a bag of `cotton candy'. I shrugged as I bit into the `funnel cake'. It was delicious. Shortly after the `Pepsi' was gone also. I felt hyper.

"Uh oh Kurama," Yusuke said. "I think you got him sugar high. You should take away that cotton candy before he starts bouncing off walls."

"I want to get on his good side before we torture you three," you told him. You smiled sweetly at me. I barely stopped myself from gathering you in my arms for a longing kiss. Yusuke shook his head and muttered something to the effect of `it's your funeral'.

After a sugar filled lunch the girls and you manipulated us into the Karaoke tent. Some fool was on the makeshift stage making a fool out of himself by trying to sing a song. I covered my ears. You smiled down at me and whispered that he wasn't that bad. I told you he was. You laughed at me. I scowled back. Yusuke hit me on the head.

"You do know that that's what they're going to make us do, don't you?" Yusuke said. My eyes widened.

"Now I know," I told him. I turned around to look for an exit, but you wrapped your arms around me and forced me into a chair next to one you claimed for your own. I growled at you. You just smiled.

Keiko was the first of us to sing. She sang some sappy love song that actually got to Yusuke. Then he went up and sang another love song. She broke into tears. I figured if I heard another love song my brain would turn to rot and I'd hurl. I told as much to you. You laughed and told me he had ten bucks riding on the negative. I said you're on. I lost. Both Kuwabara and Yukina sang love songs and nothing I said happened. Shizuru got up and did some song by a group called "The Counting Crows." Then you got up and had Shizuru restrain me, in case I tried to leave. In truth I didn't want to because I wanted to hear you sing. You chose a song called "Hoochy-coochy Man" by "Eric Clapton".

You began. "Gypsy woman told my mother, `fore I was born,

Got a boy child comin', goin'a be a son of a gun.

Gonna make pretty womens, jump and shout,

Then the world wanna know, what this all about,

But cha know I hear, everybody knows I'm here,

When I'm the Hoochy-coochy man, everybody knows I'm here

Got the black cat bone, got a mojo too,

I got the jive no conqueroo, gonna mess with you.

Gonna make you girls, Lead me by my hand

Then the world will know, Hoochy-coochy man

But cha know I'm here, everybody knows I'm here,

When I'm a Hoochy-coochy man, everybody knows I'm here"

Female of all ages had long since crowded around the tent and were screaming as you pranced around the stage. They were all watching you, and hoping that they would choose them to be yours. When I suddenly realized I wanted you too.

"On the 7th hour, on the 7th day,

On the 7th month, 7 doctors say,

You were born for good luck that you'll see

I got 7 hundred dollars, don't you mess with me,

But cha know I'm here, everybody knows I'm here,

When I'm a Hoochy-coochy man, everybody knows I'm here."

The song ended. All the females screamed and clapped their hands. I joined in the collective clapping when you came for me. You grabbed my hand and pointed out a song for me to sing. Then proceeded to push me onto the stage. I looked stunned out into the crowd for a second and then realized I knew this song.

"Where do I take this pain of mine?

I run but it stays right by my side.

So tear me open, pour me out,

There's things inside that scream and shout,

And the pain still hates me,

So hold me, until it sleeps.

Just like the curse, just like the stray,

You feed it once and now its stays (now it stays).

So tear me open but beware

There's things inside without a care

And the dirt still stains me,

So wash me until I'm clean.

It grips you so bad

It stains you so bad

It hates you so bad

It holds you so bad,

Until it sleeps.

So tell me why you've chosen me,

Don't want your grip, don't want your greed (don't want it)

I'll tear me open, make you gone.

No more can you hurt anyone

And the fear still shakes me

So hold me until it sleeps.

It grips you so bad

It stains you so bad

It hates you so bad

It holds you (holds you holds you)

Until it sleeps."

I looked out over the crowd. I spotted you staring at me a few feet into the crowd. I poured out my heart into the song. I let the music, the words, and your eyes carry me away. I let them seduce me into letting out my feelings. I felt better.

"I don't want it (want it, want it, want it, want it, no)

So tear me open but beware

There's things inside without a care

And the dirt still stains me,

So wash me till I'm clean.

I'll tear me open, make you gone.

No longer will you hurt anyone,

And the fear still shakes me

So hold me until it sleeps."

I bowed my head and stepped off the stage to the roaring cheers and clapping. In a way I felt better than I had in years, if at all. I sought you out in the crowd. Finally bumping into you near the others, but far enough away for them not to see.

"Thank you," I murmured. You put your arm around my shoulders and kissed the top of my head.

"Anytime Hiei," you whispered. We rejoined the group.