Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Ties of Blood ❯ an arguement between old friends ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Hiei and Peliqua sat watching in disinterest as Yusuke and Maria began to play bloody knuckles. And both were drawing blood. Kurama wrinkled his nose as he watched the two.

"you realize that's on the list of many things that can get you aids." he said. Maria and Yusuke continued as though they hadn't noticed.

"I already got tested. WOuldn't want my 'partners' to get sick now would I?" Maria finally said as the two stopped. The boys, except Hiei gaped at her. She waved a hand at them.

"Just kidding! God, you're just as gullible as usual Kurama."she said, smirking. Kurama rubbed his head.

"It was believable, considering the fact you were already contemplating on how to get a mate quickly when you were 10!" he said. Maria growled.

"I was not! I had a crush on someone, I was not after every man that crossed my path, i never was. However, you went after every woman AND man that came across if they were attractive!"

"The second half of that statement is not true." Kurama replied, coffing slightly. Yusuke and Kuwabara grinned.

"You're bisexual!" they both said at the same time. Kurama shook his head, at the same time as Maria nodded.

"No/yes."the two said. They then glared at each other.

"At least i was succesful in that area Sakura." he growled, his eyes now had little specks of gold.

"At least I don't get turned on by a leaf!" Maria's purple irises were beginning to turn forset green.

"I do not fornicate myself with my plants." Kurama's eyes were now fully gold, and the three guys were beginning to back away.

"Oh then what was that I saw that one night I went to the hotsprings?" Maria hissed, her eyes having became a dark shade of green. Peliqua was now standing well behind Hiei.

"I believe it was the other way around." Yusuke could have sworn he saw a few strands of silver in Kurama's hair, as well as a few strands of red in Maria's.

"So you WERE spying on me!" Maria screeched, suddenly becoming taller and sprouting red and white fox ears and a red tail. Her hair turned completely red, her skin pale, and she was now dressed in a

short green kimono.

"In your dreams sakura! It's not like there was anything to see!" Kurama yelled back, now fully transformed. Sakura growled.

"That is it! Your going down fox-boy!" she yelled as she lunged at him. There was a large cloud of dust, and they could clearly hear both fox's punches making contact. However, within two minutes, sakura was sitting on top of

Yoko, who was unconscious and had swirly eyes. She grinned as they both began to change back.

"well, that was easy!" she said. Everyone blinked as they looked down at the unconscious boy on the ground.

"How'd you do that!"Kuwabara exclaimed. Maria grinned.

"I dodged mostly, he ended up hitting himself half the time. All I did wa kick him in the family jewels." The guys grimaced, Peliqua just scowled as she stepped out from behind Hiei.

'That is low even for you vixen."

"Oh come on lobo, you've done that plently of times to Jose." Peliqua stared.

"What is a lobo?"Maria scratched her nose.

"Whoops, sorry, I forgot you don't speak spanish. It means wolf." There was rustling in the bushes, and Jose walked out towards them, grinning broadly.

"Maria-chan, Mother wants to talk to you. I think it's about not checking in with her before running off with your friends." The boy smirked at the look of terror that was on Maria's face.

"A-are you s-sure?" Jose nodded, his smirk widening.

"Okay, see ya!" Maria said quickly and darted off with speed that Hiei could only dream of acheiving.The others blinked in the direction she ran off.

"Um, where did she run off to?" Kuwabara asked stupidly.

"Home, she didn't check in with my mom. She can stay out until 2 am if she wanted to, she just has to tell our mom where she'll be and when she'll be back."Jose said. Peliqua shook her head, then glared at him.

"Baka inu, why would vixen no baka be afriad of a human?" she spat. Jose grinned.

"You obviously haven't met my mom." They heard a soft groan and turned to where Kurama was slowly getting off the ground.

"Well, I have heard that detectives can be violent sometimes when they're angry." he looked at Yusuke. "There's an example right there."

"Yeah, yeah whatever. You said your mom's a detective? What unit? Special Victims, Homocide, Narcotics?" Everyone blinked at him.

"How'd you know all those?" Kuwabara asked. Yusuke scratched his nose and blushed.

"Law and Order." Kuwabara stared at him. Jose shook his head.

"My mom's in the homocide unit." he said. Yusuke scratched his nose.

"Maybe we should go tell her that she was too busy beating on some guy that had insulted her and was spying on her." he said, grinning as he looked towards Kurama, who just sighed and turned away.

"That may work, as long as you don't mention it was me." he said calmly. Yusuke's grin got wider.

" course not, wouldn't want to get on your girlfriend's parent's bad side, would ya?" he said. He was soon on the ground, a large lump on his head and Kurama's foot pushing his face into the dirt. The red head growled.

"That baka is not my girlfriend. Even if i did like her that way, which I don't, I would never take that risk. She'd just go off with someone else if she decided i wasn't good enough."he spat, his words dripping with venom. He then turned and walked away, leaving a stunned group of people behind him.

"That was a huge change from his attitude towards her earlier." Yusuke muttered as he stood. Jose shook his head.

'He's partially right." he said. The remaining spirit detectives turned to him.

'Partially?" Jose nodded.

"It's true that when she was Sakura, she had a habit of being with one man, but at the same time being woth several others at the same time if the guy didn't meet her standards. That's how she stole things from them too." he sighed.

"But my sister has changed a lot since then. She's not too proud about what she did. It's partially his fault though." he spat, glaring in the direction Kurama had walked off.

'How's it Kurama's fault? What he do?" Yusuke asked.

"My sister was a childhood friend of Yoko Kurama. They've known each other since they were five. When Sakura turned fifteen, she had already fallen for Yoko. but he only pushed her away, saying that he didn't want to be with someone as inexperienced as her. So she left and actually tried to kill herself.

She didn't though, instead she found comfort in another demon, but it turned out all he wanted from her was pleasure. That happened to her so many more times that eventually she picked that habit up too."

"When they finally met up again,"this time it was Peliqua who was talking,"she was making it a habit of being in one relationship, and another six or seven also. yoko didn't know at first, but the day he was shot he had found out. So he was angry with her and called her a whore. He was clueless to the fact he had been the cause."

Peliqua finished, and looked at the shocked looks on the faces of the others, minus hiei.

"Damn, i didn't think Kurama would do something like that!" Yusuke exclaimed. Jose shook his head and sighed.

"But here's the thing. She was still in love with him even after all that." Peliqua snorted.

'Baka vixen keeps saying it was her fault for admitting it to him. And for being decieved easily. And for becoming a whore. That list goes on." She then jumped in a tree, sitting on the dark side so they could see her.

"If you see her, tell her she's a baka." she said quietly.