Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ To Those I Will Miss... ❯ It's For The Best... ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Here I stand all alone
Who's fault is this by my own
I tried to hard to be this way'
Now I'm stuck, there's no helping ray...
Through a window in my room
I stare and watch the flowers bloom
They have hope, they have dreams
Or they did before plucked seam by seam...
I laugh at their silent cries
It's not like they would not soon die
Only they have family, they have friends
Even if they leave in the end...
I cast my eyes aside
I had family but they had died
I too had friends, but that soon ceased
Once I became nothing but a never-ending lease...
I sold my soul
So this is my toll
I lost my will
So now, life's no thrill...
I still watch my friends grow and laugh
It leaves a feeling of regret in it's behalf
I hid a smile as they pass me by
But I still frown when I see that guy...
Staring at me from the corner
wearing black like a mourner
He's soon joined by one more
They stare at me sadly, as I stare at the floor
They'll soon learn this is for the best
Even if I have to hid that I'm depressed
So, I miss that love they gave
But to stay with them, is to dig their graves
I helped them out, they now love the other
Soon they'll forget the `Earth's mother'
I disappear and it's because of this
They turn to each other and stare in sweet bliss