Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Triple R Ranch ❯ The Rebellion and Spin The Bottle conflict. ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Millie: I'm finally writing for you Black. Are you happy?
Black: Write.
Millie: SAY YOU'RE HAPPY!! >_<
Black: NO!
Millie: Grrrrr.
Kurama: Well she owns nothing but herself so enjoy.
I awoke the next morning to see Sarah lying on the floor of the room with Mr. Grey bear tucked under her arm and the sheets sloppily placed around her. I just looked at her for a moment and rolled my eyes.
“SARAH WAKE UP!!!” I called after I had showered and changed my clothes. I changed into my favorite jeans and a black tank-top with a short sleeve zip up jacket over it.
“Mmmmfmmm. Grrrrrrrrrrr.” I could hear nothing but mumbling from under the blanket she was so involved with. I had acquired a bored look on my face.
“Frankly Sarah Mack-Drury, I don't give a rats ass about what you just said. Get up so we can get to work.” I was so not feeling this morning. I didn't get a very good nights sleep and was not about to chase Sarah out of the room in just her pj's.
~hm. Actually.~ I thought to myself.
“SARAH THERE'S A FIRE IN THE BUILDING RUN!!!!!!” I yelled in her ear and poured water on her face. She rose up from the floor, anything but amused. She had an angry look on her face.
“You want to start running?” She asked me.
“Oh get over it. You need to take a shower anyway. Plus just think about Hiei in his swim trunks again.” I winked at her and she just rolled her eyes. As she got up and threw the blankets off of her we heard Kuwabara screaming at the top of his lungs and saw him run down the hall and outside in nothing but his underwear.
“FIIIIIRRRREEEEE!!! MELISSA SAW IT!!! THERE'S A FIRRREEE” We faintly but heard a huge thump and all the screaming had stopped.
“Kuwabara is a fucking idiot.” Sarah said after the incident. I sighed my longest.
“Let me go peel him off the wall as you get ready, seeing as how I am already ready. She just watched me leave and did her morning business.
“Kuwabara wake up. You have to canoe today.” Nothing worked. “Oh my god? Is that……..Yukina?” I added. He quickly got up with bug eyes.
“My beloved?!?!?!” He grinned goofily. My face fell flat.
“No.” And so did his. “EW KUWABARA!!!” I yelled. He looked down and realized he was still in his boxers and thinking about Yukina maybe made him wake up a little too much. I ran back up the steps, inside our room. I was traumatized forever.
“O_O” I just went and sat on Sarah's bed. She had changed into shredded jeans, a black tank-top and a stretchable black choker.
“Millie?” She asked. I just sat there on the bed looking past her and at the wall. Right then Kurama walked in and saw the expression on my face.
“Melissa?” He asked. “Are you ok?” I was still in a state of shock. He walked over to me and knelt down beside me with his hand on my shoulder.
“I….just saw…….the worst thing ever Kurama.” He chuckled a little and looked at me.
“Oh yeah? And what was that?” He insisted I tell him. How could I tell him what I saw? I mean it was so embarrassing.
“I…..I…I can't say it was so gross.”
“Sarah a little help please?” He looked over at Sarah, his hand still on my shoulder. She walked over.
“Dude what did you see?”
“I saw.” I whispered it into her ear and her eyes widened.
“Kurama I don't think you want to know.” This only made him want to know more.
“I'm sure I can handle. I am up to age you know.”
“Uh yeah you are, you're older than us but still.” I said.
“Please?” He smiled a little and I gave in.
“Fine, but don't say I didn't warn you. I saw…Kuwabara and he….had a……certain anatomy of his body……umm…..aroused.” His eyes widened.
“O_O You're right I don't want to know.” He replied.
“Yep. I'm still in shock but I think I can handle it….I just won't be able to look straight at him.” I later suggested that we go to breakfast. As we sat down to eat I could see Kuwabara was just staring at his food and out into space.
“Yo, what's wrong with you?” asked Yusuke eating his hash brown. I didn't look at him.
“Yeah I though you would've had fun hanging out in the arts and crafts cabin.” Sarah replied, laughing a little at me. He sighed.
“Yeah it was ok.”
Kuwabara sat in the art room on the floor in Indian style. He wore nothing but brown pants and a fake, torn up head dress. He made macaroni necklaces and had them placed around his neck and chest. He took the stain that he had mistaken for war paint and painted a large D on his stomach up to his chest.
“Chief Datchikatchidominay.” He said this as he pounded his chest with a balled up fist.
“You, you are my men. I shall lead you into war and you will fight like never before.” He spoke the most serious face and tone as best he could and then burst into a little laugh. “Haha I rhymed. Hehe.” He cleared his throat loudly. “-Ahem- Ok serious now. You have all the strength we need to take over the world.” All around him candles were lit to signify a camp out, sort of like a squad about to leave camp and ambush a group of cheerleaders walking down the street. Set around him in a circle were stencils of unicorns all colored to `perfection'.
“We shall go down in history as the greatest rulers in all the land and I shall be your ruler.” Just as he said this one of the stencils fell over with a slight smack to the floor.
“REBEL!!!!” He yelled and pointed at his fallen `soldier'. “You are a disgrace.” At that all of the other ones fell over as well as if giving up and trying to impeach him. He held his head in his hands.
“I have been defeated and no one wants to be my friend.” He started to cry. Only one pink and feathery unicorn stayed standing up to his power. He looked at it with hope in his eyes.
“You, you shall help me build a new army that I shall rule under once more and they shall love me.” The unicorn just fell over backwards at the sound of his voice.
“WAKE UP!!!!!! SNAP OUT OF IT YOU MORON!!!” Sarah yelled at him while waving her hand in his face. The whole camp began too turn there heads towards her, stopping what they were doing to find out what was going on. Kuwabara soon snapped out of it.
“Why is it so quiet in here? It's eerie and creepin' me out.” She looked up and saw what had happened. “O_O hehe.”
“Sorry everyone. No need to worry. Only practicing part of a play.” Kurama covered up for her. They all went back to what they were doing.
~That line is sooooooo over used in all of the movies.~ Sarah said to me telepathically.
~Oh shutup. He's trying to be nice.~ I said back. “Ok I guess we should leave now and go to our classes.” Sarah rolled her eyes as she said this and looked evilly at Kuwabara.
~I have to work with that dumbass. Grrrrr. In arts and crafts…hn. that glue lover. Uggh.~ Sarah thought.
~Hn. Onna you don't even have to work with that idiot for long. I have to `save people' from drowning. What load of shit.~
~Hn. Who else baka?~ He thought back to her. She just rolled her eyes and I knew something was going on.
“Hey guuuuuuuuuuys.” I said while walking, coming up behind them and putting my arms around their shoulders.
“Millie, don't touch me. >_<” Sarah said. I just rolled my eyes.
“You baka ningen get the hell off me.” Hiei growled. I just blew it off but took my arms off of him anyway, hell I'm not stupid. He wore his same black pants and a red muscle shirt under his cloak, the same white scarf wrapped around his neck. I let them walk ahead and started walking side by side with Kurama.
“I think we need to make a master plan on getting those two together.” He chuckled as I said this. “Dude I'm serious.” I had a straight face.
“Melissa you know it won't work. We've been trying to do this for a long time now.” He replied.
“You know we can do it. I am determined. >_<” I laughed a little.
“MILLIE, STOP THAT!!!” Sarah yelled from the front. “STOP SCHEMING!!!”
“Damn.” I said. We finally got to our classes and Sarah shot three bottles in a row.
“I fuckin' ROCK!!!” She yelled.
“Fuck yeah.” A little nine year old heard what she had said and repeated.
“See what your good aim did Onna?” Hiei growled but at the same time complimented her on her shooting and that was all that she heard as well.
“Hehe you given me a compliment Hiei?” She asked.
“YES!!!” I called over.
“>_<” She scrunched up her face in annoyance. I just sat there as the two continued to talk.
“Forget them then.” I said to Kurama. “They can handle themselves.” Kurama chuckled a little and started to pick up a bow.
“So are you going to show me your skills?” I asked with a laugh.
“Well I'm not as good as you but I'm sure I can cut it.” He smiled at me which made my face redden. He shot his arrows and got one bull's eye.
“Nice!” I said to him. He smiled and reached his arm out, handing me the bow. “Guess I'll put it up now. Class is almost over; almost time for lunch.” I added, taking the bow from him.
“No, I want to see you shoot.” He said with a smile. I blushed.
“Well…..I don't want to ruin how well you are.” I smirked evilly and took the bow from him.
“I think I can manage.” He said. I got into shooting stance and let go of the string, getting all five shots in as bull's eyes. Kurama smirked as well.
“That's great Melissa.” He replied. I nodded with a smile.
“Thank you.” I blushed. Just then there was a huge buzzer around the camp.
“LUNCH TIME!!!” Sarah yelled and ran down the pathway.
“YOU BAKA ONNA!! YOU OWE ME!!!!” I heard Hiei yell. I rolled my eyes as Kurama and I walked down to the lodge to eat. Lunch was over and we went to have free time. We swam in the pool and I BMX biked with Sparky. Kuwabara tried his best to even ride a bike but failed miserably. He fell over multiple times and cried when the ribbon on the bell tore off on accident. We had one of the counselors from the eight year old cabin deal with him. After that we went to dinner.
“Ah, mashed potatoes.” I said. Hiei didn't know what they were and just stared.
“Hiei, they are potatoes.” He just looked up at Sarah as she said this. Kuwabara was making a mountain of his, with gravy. He flung on Hiei's hair.
“Baka stop throwing it at me or you die!” He replied and smashed down the volcano he had been making.
“MY KINGDOM, NO!!!!” He yelled.
“SLEEPY TIME!!!” I yelled and Kuwabara was immediately out in unconsciousness as I hit him upside the head. We finished dinner and Kuwabara woke up.
“Hey guys I think we should do something fun tonight.” Yusuke said as we all left the lodge on our own before dismissal.
“Oh yeah? Like what?” Kuwabara asked as he claimed consciousness again. He rubbed his head on the bump that I gave him.
“Like play some games or something.” He replied.
“Like what?” Sparky asked.
~Spin the bottle. You and Hiei ooooooh!~ I invaded Sarah's mind and told her this telepathically. She only glared at me.
~I wish. And what about you and Foxboy? Oooooh!~ She mocked me.
“Spin the bottle?” Kuwabara grinned and stared at me and Sarah disgustingly.
“Yeah like that.” Yusuke replied. We reached the Virginia Hotel where we stayed and walked up the steps.
“You guys are retarded, but I guess we could play anyway.” Sarah said. She only allowed them to do this because she was hoping to have to kiss Hiei.
“Hn, you bakas, I'm not playing that idiotic game.” Hiei said.
~You know you want to kiss Sparky.~ I said telepathically to him, invading his thoughts. He only growled loudly at me.
“You're playing. Get over it.” I replied. We all changed clothes and invited the guys into our room. Kurama wore black sleeping pants and a dark green t-shirt. Yusuke came in with red pants and a yellow t-shirt. He went and sat down on the bean-bag chair I had brought from home. Kuwabara came in wearing orange, extra large sleeping pants and an extra, extra large matching shirt. Sarah began to laugh as she saw him come in with a brown bear under his arm.
“HAH! You look like a pumpkin!” She chuckled as she saw his green and brown sleeping cap. I turned from my desk to see what he looked like and laughed as well.
“I told you, you shouldn't have worn it.” Yusuke stated. Kuwabara only yawned.
“Well I like pumpkins.” He replied, “Especially the one on Charlie Brown!” His face perked up and we all sweat dropped.
“Of course you do baka.” Hiei commented as he walked in wearing only sleeping pants and exposing his chest. Sarah's eyes bugged out of her face. She was loving what she saw. Hiei turned his glare to hers and she quickly looked away, not wanting to show her true feelings about what he wasn't wearing. He looked her up and down for a quick moment as well noticing what she was wearing. She wore black, Sophie shorts and a very fitted black tank top.
~Wow~ He thought. He knew she looked good but only grunted as he took a seat on the floor.
“Millie, when can we play?” asked Sarah. I turned around and was wearing black sleeping pants with a blood red tank-top. I was drinking a bottle of coke in one of those old fashioned glass bottles. I put my hand up to tell her one minute. She sighed and rolled her eyes. I took in a deep breath as I pulled the bottle off of my lips.
“Now.” I answered her question with a smile. Sarah's face went blank and she glared a little as I placed the bottle in the middle of the circle. In the order we sat starting with me to the left it was me, Sarah, Yusuke, Kurama, Kuwabara, and Yusuke.
“Can we start now?” asked Yusuke.
“Yeah, I just said we could jeeze. Don't you listen to anything?” I replied to him and looked at him like he was an idiot.
“When?” asked Kuwabara. All the rest of us just rolled our eyes as he sat there still confused.
“I want to go first!” called out Yusuke. He leaned forward and spun the bottle. It continued to spin as he sat there praying it would be either me or Sparky. As it slowed down we all knew who it was going to and Sarah and I began to laugh as it landed on Kuwabara. Yusuke looked devastated.
“You have to. It's the rules.” Sarah replied through tears of laughter. She then stopped abruptly. “Do we really want to see that?” She asked me.
“Of course. I have a video camera! We can put it on myspace HA!” I replied through laughing. I pulled out a brand new camcorder and began recording.
“There is nothing that says I have to kiss him and go along with this game.” Yusuke added with anger in his face. Notice how Kuwabara says nothing during the whole thing. He only sat there and drooled at the look of Yusuke's lips as he spoke.
“EW BAKA I HEARD THAT!” Hiei yelled and growled at Kuwabara. We all looked at him confused.
“I can't believe you took the time to read his mind.” Sarah rolled her eyes. Hiei only glared at her.
“I didn't mean to read his mind baka onna. I meant to read…” He paused. I grinned when he stopped, knowing exactly what he was going to say.
“He wanted to read your mind and find out what you think of him.” I smirked at him and he growled but didn't say anything.
“Actually Yusuke, the rules say that if you spin the bottle you must kiss the person that it lands on and cannot pass.” Kurama said with a smile and a sweat drop.
“See, told you.” Sarah said with a twisted smirk. Yusuke's face turned a fire engine red and folded his arms over his chest. He sat Indian style as the rest of us did.
“Well?” Kuwabara asked. We all looked over at him. I glanced suspiciously at him. I narrowed my eyes at him.
“Kuwabara….do you want to kiss Urameshi?” I asked him. His face turned to that of a beet and he stuttered.
“Um um um. No! That's gross.” He finally answered. My eyes widened and so did the rest. I just smirked slyly at him.
“Ok well, let's get this show on the road. You have to kiss him.” I replied. Kuwabara looked down and they didn't move. Yusuke finally got up and walked over to him.
“If it lasts more than two minutes you're dead.” He whispered to Kuwabara. He nodded. Yusuke kneeled down in front of him and took his by the chin and reluctantly kissed him on the lips.
“Any tongue action?” I asked and laughed my head off. Hiei looked like he was about to be sick and Kurama just sat in utter confusion and disgust. Unknown to me there was tongue and Yusuke pulled away after approximately two minutes. He pulled away from him and ran to the other side of the room and pulled out a random bottle of Scope mouth freshener.
“HEY THAT'S MINE! >_<” I yelled and tore the bottle away from his mouth. He didn't bother to spit it out in a container and just swallowed it. His face contorted to a scared and disgusted look.
“Water! Water.” He gasped as he held his throat. Sarah went and got some water and poured it on him.
“-____- Thank you Sparks.” He said to her.
“^_^ You're welcome.” She replied with a grin. Kuwabara just sat with his mouth open and tongue out.
“What are you doing baka?” Hiei asked, his face green from what he had witnessed only moments before.
“I can't clothes my mouth” Kuwabara answered, “Or I'll get Yuthuke germths in my mouth.” His tongue was still hanging out of his mouth making it sound like he had a lisp. Sarah started to laugh even more.
“You look retarded.” She said while pointing at him.
“Whoever said he didn't all the time anyways Baka?” Hiei added. I turned to look at Kuwabara.
“I think you're way past Yusuke germs Kuwabara. You kissed him for Pete's sake.” I said. He only glared. His expression was funny, yes, but it was taking away from the game. I gave him something to drink and we all sat back down in our spots. I turned and looked at Kurama. He still sat there alarmed.
“Kurama?” I asked him. He looked up with the same expression on his face.
“Are you ok foxboy?” Sarah asked him. He only nodded.
“I've just never seen that before.” He shyly said and then shivered a little in sort of a cringing manner. I chuckled a little.
~He looks so cute ^_^~ I thought.
“Ok, well who's next?” asked Sarah. She looked around and was hoping it was either hers or Hiei's turn to go next. I caught on and threw the bottle to Hiei. His instincts told him to catch it, which he did.
“I refuse to play.” He growled.
“We are forcing you to so just spin the bottle and see who it lands on.” I replied. Sarah sat quietly as Hiei just glared at me and the others. Kurama still sat a little uneasily, thinking about the scene that he witnessed between Kuwabara and Yusuke. I leaned over and whispered,
“It's all over, don't think about it.” In his ear. His face turned a little red and he stopped thinking about it. Hiei finally spun the bottle and Sarah sat there mentally praying to the heavens that it would land on her. Hiei chuckled a little as he listened to her thoughts unknown to her. In some form of a miracle her prayers were noticed and granted. It landed on her and her face turned red as did Hiei's.
“KISS! KISS! YOU MUST KISS!” I called a laughed. Hiei gulped.
“I'm not kissing that baka.” He finally said. Sarah looked down a little disappointed but didn't show it.
“Yeah, I'm not kissing three eyes.” She replied and looked up. Hiei glared at her.
“YES YOU ARE!!!” I screamed and pushed her over next to him.
“GET OFF OF ME!” She called.
“NO!” I yelled and shoved her into Hiei's lap.
“Hi hehe.” She said nervously as she lay in his lap. She waved nervously at him and was a little embarrassed. He smirked at her.
“Make with the kissing.” I said. “KISSY KISSY SMOOCHY!” I called and laughed. Sarah growled at me.
“I'm only doing it because y'all are forcing me!” Sarah stated. I laughed even harder.
“Psh, yeah right.” I replied. Hiei looked down into Sarah's eyes and she looked up into his.
“Hn. I guess we have to follow the rules or they won't give up.” He said to her with a small glint in his eyes. He wanted to kiss her. Sarah nodded and Hiei leaned in to kiss her. They French kissed and she put her hand on his neck. Hiei parted after a while and Sarah looked like she enjoyed every minute of it, licking her lips and smiling like a retard. She eventually got up and went back to her seat. She said nothing the whole time.
~O_O Wow! She's a great kisser~ He thought to himself.
~You're not so bad yourself~ Sarah invaded his thoughts.
“HAH! I SMELL THE LOVE!” I called out and smiled jokingly.
“Hn. Now it's your turn.” Hiei smirked evilly and handed me the bottle. I sat there and spun it around quickly. It landed on Kurama and my cheeks warmed up and reddened.
“I…am a little tired. I think I'll take a little rest.” I said, trying to get out of it. I liked him no doubt and was afraid that he would find out is I was too eager to kiss him.
“He won't bite you.” Sarah said. “It's just a kiss and remember you have to. It's the rules.” She smiled. I wanted to punch her in the face. Kurama sat there with a nervous smile and red cheeks as well.
~But he doesn't like me.~ I told her in telepathy.
~Yes he does! I read his mind all the time. He does. Trust me!~ She replied.
“We don't have to if you don't want to Melissa.” He said a little disappointed and nervously. I loved it when he used my real full name.
“Yes she does!” Sparky replied and pushed me over to him. “He wants to kiss you I swear.” She added. Kurama's eyes widened and he chuckled a little embarrassed.
~Fox! Are you gonna kiss her?~ Hiei asked Kurama, invading his privacy. His eyes widened.
~I want to but she doesn't and I won't force her to.~ He answered the fire youkai. Hiei rolled his eyes.
~Baka fox. You're good at analyzing opponents but you are so dense when it comes to girls that like you.~ Hiei replied. He closed the connection and Kurama slightly glared at him. The whole time they were having their little conversation; Sarah had been arguing with me. I had gotten her to finally shut up when I inched closer to Kurama. He smirked a little. I put my hand around his neck and we both leaned into each other. We finally kissed each other for a little while.
“Ok.” Sarah said. We continued to kiss. “You can stop now.” She added. We continued to kiss, not hearing what she was saying. She rolled her eyes.
“Hellooooooooo?” Yusuke said. We each snapped out of it and pulled apart from each other. I grinned and he blushed a deep red and smiled a little as well. Sarah started to laugh at me. I didn't care what she was saying and continued to smile.
“Well I guess that about wraps up our night of spin the bottle.” Sarah finally said after a few moments of me taking in all the kissing me and Kurama had done.
“Yeah, pretty much. I mean everyone got to kiss someone.” I replied.
“That's not fair! I demand a re-spin!” Yusuke called. We all just looked at him confused and funnily. Kuwabara immediately jumped in as well.
“Yeah! I wanted to kiss a girl, not Urameshi!!” He called out. We all shrugged. Sarah, Kurama, even Hiei, and I were all happy with the out come.
“Too bad.” I said. Their mouths dropped open.
“Sorry for your loss.” Kurama joked with a smirk and looked over at me with a little smile. I blushed.
“Hn. Yeah…too bad bakas.” Hiei added as he looked over at Sarah with a sly smirk on his face.
“I demand it! A re-spin! I demand it!” Yusuke said with and small mad look on his face. We all sat in the same circle as before.
“Fine big shot, take another spin.” Sarah said, handing him the bottle once more.
“Good luck.” Kurama scoffed. Yusuke smirked and spun the bottle. We all anticipated the outcome. It slowly stopped in front of Kuwabara once more. We all started to laugh hysterically, even Hiei. Yusuke's eyes widened.
“Game over!” He called before he left the room. I got up and ran to the door.
“You have to come and finish you turn hahaha!” I yelled back through the hall. All I heard was a loud `no' and the door slam shut. The rest were all on the floor laughing and I was clutching my stomach, leaning on the door jam.
“Well I guess we should all get rested.” Kurama suggested. “I signed us up for paint ball tomorrow.” He smiled.
“Awesome!” I said and walked over to my bunk on the bottom and sat down Indian style and faced the rest of the crew that was left in the room.
“Sounds cool to me.” Sarah replied. “We can shoot Kuwabara.” She grinned. Hiei chuckled.
“Hn. Can't wait.” He stated referring to shooting Kuwabara multiple times.
“Yes, I thought you all would like it.” Kurama said. We all looked to Kuwabara to see what he would say about us all shooting him in the ass and head with painful paint pellets. He looked up at us.
“Huh? Sorry I saw a really interesting dust ball right here.” He grinned widely. We all sweat dropped, even Hiei. The boys eventually left and it was only me and Sarah alone in our rooms.
“So?” I asked. She only looked over to me from the desk. She was writing one of her many stories in one of her immense never ending supply of notebooks.
“What?” She asked. I exhaled and rolled my eyes. I had been laying in my bed listening to my ipod and reading a book that I once again borrowed from Kurama.
“What do you mean what?” I said quickly. “How was your kiss with Hiei?” I asked. She only smirked evilly and looked over to me.
“I don't kiss and tell Mils.” She answered. I only glared.
“Psh, whatever. You little liar. Tell me. Does he suck?” I asked. Her eyes widened at my supposedly idiotic question.
“HELL NO!” She called out. “He's a great kisser. I loved every minute of it.” She answered. I smiled and laughed a little. She only glared at me.
“And what about you and Kurama?” She asked me.
“Look at my face. Does it look like I had a bad kiss?” I asked with a huge grin and reddened cheeks. She only laughed at my goofyness.
“haha no.” She answered. She plopped her pen down and stretched, cracking her back. “Get some sleep Mils.” She said to me as she put away her notebook and crawled into her top bunk.
“Yeah yeah.” I sighed and put my things away. Finally the whole camp was sound except for the sounds of the crickets chirping and the goats rustling in the hay. I couldn't wait until the next morning.
Millie: DAMN! O_O That was LONG!
Black: Awe! I'm so proud of my little apprentice. ^_^ *big grin and ruffles Millie's hair*
Millie: >__________< Stop!
Black: *sticks out tongue.* No! ^_^
K/B/M/: Enjoy. R&R