Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Ultimate destiny ❯ Smart-- kitty? ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I own the ideas, the OC and... anything else you don't know?
Chapter 1: Smart—kitty?
“AAH!” screamed a girl somewhere in the depth of Makai. 'Damnit!' she silently cursed while clenching her teeth and fists. The plant growled and sank its sharp fangs deeper into her right leg. She could feel the large amount of blood flowing out of her, the sound of it splashing on the ground as if somebody took a bucket and dumped out its content.
“Stupid-- idiotic-- plant!” she snarled, creating a sword in her right hand while bending over it and thrusting the blade straight into the plant. A disgusting, gooey, green liquid spilled from the impact point, onto her and the ground. Snorting, the young girl used the force of her arms to pry the shut mouth open and managed, with difficulty, to slide her injured leg out.
“Damn!” she hissed through gritted teeth, one hand grazing her fresh wound. A hushed groan of pain escaped her sealed lips: her hand was burning, aching, itching. “Shit-- I can't give up now.” she whispered to herself, pushing her knee length wavy brown hair on her back again.
Limping, the crystal clear green eyed girl managed to keep walking through that jungle-like part of Makai, avoiding the rest of the carnivorous plants that tried to take more than one bite out of her. What can one say but that the smell of blood attracts all sort of unwanted attention?
After about forty minutes of searching through this horrific jungle, the girl demon smiled, relieved. “There you are.” she bit back a wince as she forced herself on the ground to gently grab the wolf cub that had been cowering under a giant leaf. “There, there.” she whispered soothingly, pushing herself up now. “It's alright... I'll get you back to them.” she smiled reassuringly.
The cub yipped and when he looked up again, he saw a wolf holding him in his powerful jaw. The yips died away and the cub closed his eyes, he knew he was safe as long as she carried him. He must have fallen asleep because, the next thing he heard was a loud howl and yips of enthusiasm. His parents! He licked them happily and noticed he was on the ground.
Where did that nice wolf lady go?
“Shit...” mumbled the same girl, her leg still bleeding heavily. Of course having to run on it for twenty minutes didn't help either, but now... it was worse, and it hurt. Really badly. Only one solution left if she wanted to heal without being bothered by other “missions”: Ningenkai.
Kuwabara was walking down the sidewalk, his cheek hurting from a last punch. “Damn. He hit me harder than last time.” he mumbled, rubbing his sore cheek. He would have kept mumbling if he didn't hear that lovely sound: meow!
He stopped walking and looked down and around him, no trace of a kitty anywhere. He took a step back and looked against that corner. And sure enough, there was a cute, brown with lighter patches of maroon, but well grown kitten. “Hey you.” smiled Kuwabara, kneeling down to gently grab the cat, “What is a lil fella like you doing here?” he asked softly, though more to himself than the cat itself.
A soft “meow” filled with pain and the touch of a liquid on the back of his hand made him realize the cat was injured on one hind leg. Without waiting any longer, Kuwabara made sure he was holding onto the kitty firmly yet gently and he rushed home to clean that nasty looking wound.
Another loud meow and hiss made Kuwabara look up, “I know it hurts but it has to. It means it's working.” said the orange haired teen to the cat. He noticed it wasn't scratching him or trying to get away, instead its claws were contracting in and out on the cushion under it.
“Smart guy.” mumbled Kuwabara, noticing the kitty had strange clear green eyes. “Wow... Your eyes are awesome.” slightly gawked the teen, not noticing the small wags of the tail.
“G'night sis.”
A muffled answer came from the living room before another laugh echoed down the hall. His sister was smoking and on the phone again, she'd probably be up late. As usual. Smiling, Kuwabara looked at the precious injured kitten on the cushion, it was sleeping. “Poor lil guy, must be exhausted from walking on that paw.” he whispered to himself and got into bed, falling asleep relatively quickly.
“Kuwabara, why the hell do you carry that stupid kitten around!? You'll never look tough with that in your arms.” snorted a Yusuke who couldn't help but snicker. “You do know Hiei will mock your stupidity no matter what you do, but if you bring that, you're sure to provoke him.” warned Yusuke, though he wouldn't mind.
Kuwabara just grunted and petted the small kitten's head, “Whatever Urameshi.” he mumbled and followed his friend to the park.
“I knew you were a weakling but to carry that around just proves you have no brain at all.” commented Hiei once he saw Kuwabara and the kitten, nearly asleep in his arms.
“Oh yeah? Well I don't want him to die. At least I take responsibilities!” retorted Kuwabara, glaring at Hiei furiously.
Kurama sighed, “Hiei, please, not now.” he said quietly before the fire demon could reply.
“Hn. Whatever.” replied Hiei shrugging, before he felt-- something. It wasn't really a feeling, it was a mix between smell and feeling. He smelled blood and could sense determination, but why the hell would a cat have that!? ... And certainly Kuwabara couldn't have that, so he's out of the question. 'No, I'm sure it's coming from the cat.' he narrowed his glare.
“Don't let what that shrimp says get to you kitty. You're more important than someone's pride.” said Kuwabara softly, patting the head once before clicking off his light and going to sleep. Soon, his house was filled with darkness and silence. Only two crimson eyes kept glaring into his room.
It was around three in the morning when Kuwabara woke up to get a glass of water—he was always so damn thirsty during the summer. He got out of bed, barely opening his eyes, and walked to the door, tripping on something on the floor. Mumbling something quietly, he looked down, blinking a few times.
Since Kuwabara didn't want to turn on the light—his eyes just adjusted to the dark—he opened the semi closed curtains and looked again on what he had tripped. His eyes instantly grew to the size of basketballs and his face became blood red.
There on the floor, wasn't a cat, but a girl. A naked girl. Without thinking why the hell she was here, he grabbed an extra sheet and draped it over her. His heart was pounding loudly, his face still hot and steaming, his fingers twitching.
He had never, well— seen a naked woman before! And all his days of parading as the toughest punk, only second to Urameshi though, were over in just a glimpse. That, is the power of women. Standing there dumbfounded, Kuwabara managed to hurry out of the room and got his glass of water. Maybe... maybe it was all a dream and when he'd come back—
No. She was still there. Her heavy breathing was the only sound he heard. Why hadn't he noticed before? “She's not normal.” said a sudden deep voice that he recognized as—
“Hiei!?” nearly shrieked Kuwabara but kept it quiet to avoid his sister's wrath.
“Hn.” he frowned. Something smelled. It smelled bad. Like burning flesh. So that was why, he couldn't place a finger on it. The determination... he could see now, that in the cat's form, the wound seemed normal even though it wasn't.
“Why the hell is the kitty a chick!?” asked Kuwabara, hoping to get answers from the only kind of shrimp he respected: the fire demon shrimp roasted in curry— I'll stop now. Hiei shrugged and melted back in the shadows of Kuwabara's room. “C-can you take her? I can keep a cat, but if my sister finds a chick... she'll behead me!”
Hiei snorted, “Fool. What use would I have of a wounded onna? Nothing but a burden.”
“B-but-- then... who?”
“Kuwa--” a loud yawn was heard, “bara! Are you out of your mind?” whined a tired voice through the phone. “Do you know what time it is? I'm hanging up.”
“Wait Urameshi! I need you to do something for me.” and, reluctantly, Kuwabara asked.
“... Did you bump your head or something?” inquired Yusuke's skeptical voice.
“I'm telling you Urameshi! The kitten is a chick! But she's hurt, and I can't keep her here because of my sister...”
“Why the hell would I take her!? I live with someone too ya know.”
“Yeah, but... we all know your mom doesn't care. She's too drunk.”
Silence. Kuwabara probably hit a vital point. “... Fine, whatever. I'll be there in half an hour.” and Yusuke hung up.
Yet another story... don't ask me why, or how... I just know I can write it-- so I do. >.> This was originally supposed to be a one shot, but I couldn't help it, I had to make it a story. ^^;;