Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Unjust Vengeance Defies All ❯ Aftermath of the War ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Hi guys!!!! Sorry this took so long. I had planed to end the story with “Silver Fox on the
War Path” but I've recently gotten reviews from people wanting more. So this one is for everyone who wanted this evil little fic to live on!
Muse Arethusa:
This story began by Hiei attacking Kurama in a madness of lust. After satiating his sexual cravings and leaving the Fox for dead, an infuriated Yoko desired revenge. Yoko summoned the power of ancient and forgotten Dark Lords. In exchange for their power, Yoko had to offer an adequate sacrifice for beings such as themselves. Other than Yoko the only other worthy sacrifice was Hiei. As the Fox prepared himself for the battle that awaited, Hiei did the same. He went into the Makai and found an extremely rare ward for Youkos. In the finally battle Hiei managed to get the ward around the Fox's neck, reducing his power to almost nothing. In the end Kurama won the fight, but was left physically and mentally maimed as he turned away from the burning body of his once friend and allay to find the way home.....
Kurama eventually got home. He found the road in the early light of dawn after hiking throughout the night. He was picked up by a passing trucker who gave more than a few sideway glances at a battered red head in gauzy white robes. Kurama had to sneak into his room when he got back because his mother was home. When he had gotten to his room, Kurama jumped into the shower and cleaned his wounds while tears ran down his face as he remembered everything that had happened to him. Soon his broken sobs were getting louder and he ran, jumping into his bed, using his pillow to muffle his pain ridden cries. Kurama soon cried himself to sleep as the night drew to an end.
“Uhhh..... it must be morning. I don't want to get up.....I just want to crawl under my bed and die! *Shut up you, idiot! I went through a lot of trouble to keep you alive and you better stay that way!* Kurama groaned as the Yoko yelled and scolded him, but Kurama no longer cared. He grabbed some clothes and stood in front of the mirror. He then realized that he still had the ward that Hiei left on his neck. Kurama twisted the ward around to unhook the clasp, but he didn't find one. Yoko growled in Kurama's head *That damn bastard!! There is no way you can get that off.* Maybe I can get Genkai or someone else to take if off. *That would be great!..... If THEY could GET IT OFF!!!* Kurama winced and was puzzled about what Yoko had said. What do you mean they can't get it off? *The only one who can take off that ward is the one who put it on. Youkos are hard to catch so wards have to be specially made. Because the Youkos themselves and the wards are rare, the wards are made so no one can steal a captured Yoko from it's master.* Kurama went pale. He was severally crippled by the ward. The power that it left him wasn't even enough to get a seed to grow a single leaf. There must be a way!! You're a Youko! There isn't a single lock you can't pick or a trap you can't escape. This is no different! *Sure I can.....but this ward was invented by a Youko.* Kurama suddenly felt dizzy. If a Youko invented the ward then that would mean there was no hope of him getting free. Why would a Youko created this damned thing?!! What could have possessed them to do it?!! *Simple.....revenge. The Youko that had invented the ward had a mate that he lost to another Youko. Since he was no match for the other Youko in a fight, he had to find a way to weaken him, hence he created the ward.* But why can only a Youko's master take it off? *Well if you went through the trouble of making this thing and manage to get it around someone's neck who could kill you, you don't want someone to get them out of it before you killed them.*
Kurama fell onto his bed. What was he going to do? How would he explain everything to the others? If he told them about the last fight between himself and Hiei, he would have to tell them about the rape. He didn't want anyone to know about that, not even Yoko. Soon it became too much for Kurama and he broke into moaning sobs as he pulled the sheets over his head and cried. What made matters worse was the fact that Yoko didn't say a single thing the whole time. Hours later, Kurama raised himself from the bed and stared at nothing. He had come to the conclusion that he would have to tell the others about the ward and Hiei, but he would lie about it. He would tell them that Hiei had been a traitor all along and he had attacked him as part of his plan to kill all of them. Besides, it won't be too far from the truth. If I hadn't killed Hiei, he would have gone after the others then raped and killed them once he was bored. Kurama got to his feet and dressed himself. As he was about to walk out the door, he called Genkai and asked that she gather everyone at the temple. As Kurama closed the front door behind him and stepped out onto the sidewalk, he composed himself and made his story during the walk and bus ride to the temple.
The bus came to a stop only a block away from the temple. As Kurama got off, OK, I've only got a few more minutes. Dose it all make sense? Yusuke and Kuwabara will be easy to fool, but Genkai is a different story. If they find one thing that's off, they can pick my lie apart. Kurama came to the foot of the stairs to the temple and paused to look up to the top. He was unsure of what he was about to do, but he didn't have much choice. As Kurama walked up the stairs, he steeled himself against the emotional turmoil that was to come. When he reached the final step, he sent out a final prayer to any god that would listen, Please, let this be the end!!!
Yeah I know. Not much happened in this chapter, but you never know about the next one……Hehehe.