Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Unpaid Vengeance ❯ A Surprising Twist ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Unpaid Vengeance

Part of the Relations series

Hiei: Oh hello. Give me a minute. (sticks head into a door that appeared out of nowhere) Kiru! They're here.

Me: (rumpled from sleep) Hn? (looks at you) Ahh! (door closes and rustling is heard) K'so! (door opens revealing a normal me) Hi.

Hiei: Ready? (hands her an envelope)

Me: Yeah. (opens it) Last chapter...( skims letter) Hey! This is YOUR job! (gives him the paper and mumbles) Waking me up... I need coffee... (angry mark)

Hiei: (Chuckling) Gomen, chibi-chan. Last chapter, those bastard youkai- Ryudo, Yoh, and Taki- started to torture poor Kiru. I really must kill Yoh because he raped her. (fizzles) MUST-KILL- HIM. (regains control) I felt her being tortured and obviously couldn't sleep. I was going to take over the watch from a tree, but Yukina stopped me and made me drink some chamomile tea. Then she decided that my dragon needed a name and named it Black. Soon I went to sleep and Yukina worried then also went to sleep.

Me: (holding coffee cup, takes a sip) Ahh…coffee. (looks at you) Enjoy and Review. Standard disclaimers…(looks at Hiei) Now let's discuss that little shrugging of your duties.


'There it is.'

Mukuro looked up from her map and said it again, 'That's it.'

Hiei shuffled and pushed down his growing anger. He couldn't sense her youki and guessed she was suppressing it. Not that that made him feel any better. He glanced towards the small compound.

It basically consisted of a central stone building. He guessed that it had a dungeon and that that was where Kiru was. His fist started to smoke.

Yusuke watched from nearby. He saw Hiei's eyes flicker with a multitude of emotions-from anger to sadness to, surprisingly, lack of control. Hiei was one of those people who could normally keep himself under control no matter what the circumstance. He took a couple steps back as he watched Hiei's bandaged arm start to smoke lightly.

Hiei regained some semblance of control, figuring that being crazy wouldn't help at all. Black, I know how you feel, but we really need to stay calm. Although it would make us feel better, raging around won't help.

Damn, Black responded.

Hiei chuckled, gaining a few concerned looks from his companions. He turned around and sweat dropped. 'Sorry,' he quickly explained, 'Black was being funny.'

'Black?' Mukuro asked, 'Who is that?'

Hiei gestured towards his arm, 'The Dragon.'

'Since when does it have a name?' Yusuke asked.

'Since last night,' Yukina answered, 'Hiei let me name him.' She smiled.

'Oh, Yukina-san!' Kuwabara says, coming forward and grabbing her hands, 'That is a lovely name!' Hiei started to glare daggers. He walked forward and tapped Kuwabara on the shoulder.

'What are you doing?' Hiei's fist was smoking even more now.

Kuwabara blanched, 'N-n-nothing!!!' He ran to stand near Mukuro.

'I thought so.'

Everyone (except the Idiot of course) started to laugh.

Suddenly Hiei stopped. Kiru's youki was rising in a summoning rate. A wave of cold panic rushed over him. She won't have enough energy.

'Kiru.' he whispered. He just knew that something was very wrong. He turned towards the compound and took off at lightning speed, leaving the others to rush and catch up.


Kiru fought back another scream as the hot knife ran over her arm again.

After their previous efforts had failed to bring so much as a squeak from her, they had turned to Ryudo's favorite 'game' - Turkish torture.

Her mind was filled with the urge to scream or faint or do something, anything, to make the pain stop. But she knew that if she fainted, they would just dump a bucket of ice water over her to bring her around.

She sighed as she endured yet another slash. At least I got some clothes back. She was forced to wear a white ceremonial dress. She knew that it was the same one from last time, but at least it had been washed. On the downside, she also knew that whenever she wore that dress, she would be getting this punishment.

She hoped that Hiei was far away from here, she had done her best to keep her energy masked in the hopes that he wouldn't be able to find her, but she really doubted that she could hide for long.

'Sir,' a servant entered the room and halted the punishment for a blessed minute.

'What is it?' Ryudo asked, peeved at the interruption. He put his knife down on the table next to her.

'We have just confirmed the approach of the Reikai Tantei,' the servant youkai said, 'Also with them is one of the Makai lords, Mukuro.'

Shit. Now she knew what she had to do, she couldn't let them come here and get hurt. She gathered all of her youki, disabling the wards. Ryudo turned as she felt her youki rising. She got up and looked him straight in the eyes, opening her Jagan. He blanched.

'Now, you have gone too far,' Kiru says, surrounding herself in Makai fire, 'I cannot allow this to continue.' She moves into a summoning stance, using all of her remaining youki to summon her phoenix. Ryudo scrambles to the door, which she quickly closes via telekinesis. Seeing his escape is impossible, he grabs his knife from the table.

'I know that I am going to die,' he says, threateningly, 'but I'm not going alone.'

Kiru looks down, her hair covering her eyes, 'I know,' she smiles. She looks up and Ryudo pales further as he watches the outline of the phoenix surround her.

The phoenix is a great, majestic creature of black and purple flames, similar colors to Hiei's dragon. It's eyes burn with an unholy light, sending chills down Ryudo's spine. It has long, shimmering tail feathers that are tipped in black spurts of flame. It raises its head and releases a cry of anger at its master's treatment, staring straight at Ryudo.

Kiru smiles she sets her target. Ryudo shakes in fear.

'Sayonara,' she sneers, 'Ryudo.'



Hiei: You just love being evil, don't you?

Me: Yes, besides, I just woke up! I'm always cranky!

Hiei: But you don't need to torture everyone!

Me: Yes, I do.

Hiei: Okay…Please forgive her crankiness and review.

Me: Ha ha ha! I am evil morning chicken!

Hiei: (sweat drop) Evil morning chicken? You need more coffee. Now. (drags her to the kitchen)