Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Unpaid Vengeance ❯ Synchronized Attack ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Unpaid Vengeance
A part of the Relations series

Me: Ahhg! I hate homework! Especially around midterms!!!! Stupid Algebra II!!!

Hiei: Man, am I glad I don't have to go to that stupid ningen school!

Me: Shut it and read! (Hands him envelope)

Hiei: Yes, dear. Last chapter, I finally met up with Kiru, who was alarmingly tattered and weak. I saw the bastard in the corner, being a coward, and went to Kiru. She freaked out and started to babble about running away, except she said it like it wasn't just babble. The rest of the team reunited in the hall, where the door had closed and locked. Then, the henchmen, Taki and Yoh, walked in and shook Ryudo out of his stupor. Ryudo proceeded to take out a dagger and say I'll never know what hit me.

Me: Same disclaimers as last time. Really, as if any of us owned the shows, then why would we write here, and not make episodes of it? (sigh)

Hiei: Enjoy!!!


'Taki, Yoh,' Ryudo said, a malevolent grin on his face, 'You know what to do.'

'Yes, sir!' The two started to prepare for the attack they had practiced thousands of times in the past. Taki moved into an offensive stance and built up his youki.

Hiei looked up at the sound of water. He saw that one of the other youkai had started to prepare for a battle. His rage was renewed once more as he recognized him as one of the demons in Kiru's memory.

'His name is Taki, a water youkai,' Kiru told him, 'He's just an A class, I can handle it! Now run!!' She was still panicked about his presence, but Hiei was just ignoring her warnings.

She hoped she could find a way to save him. She was running out of time, she noted, seeing that Ryudo had drawn his dagger. They were preparing their synchronized attack, one that she had suffered through many times in the past. Hiei didn't understand how horrible the effects of that attack were, and he just wouldn't listen to logic! Stubborn fool that he was, she would have to find a way around that big head of his to protect him from a fate she considered to be worse than death.

'Hiei is your name, correct?' Taki asked of him, a waterball in his hand.

'Yes, but it makes no difference to you since you are about to die,' Hiei returned, moving Kiru behind him and drawing his katana. Cocky as ever he smirked and told Kiru, 'This won't take long.'

Taki laughed, 'I seriously doubt that I'm going to be the one dying today, but you are right on one count- this won't take long. Yoh!'

At Taki's order, Yoh launched a spirit shield around both himself and Taki. 'This shield,' Yoh explained, 'makes us resistant to almost all attacks. Only Upper-S class attacks can reach us.'

'How unfortunate for you then,' Hiei said, focusing his youki, 'Since I far surpass the S class.'

Yoh laughed, 'We'll see, Hiei, we'll see.' With that, the battle launched. Hiei and Taki battled it out, while Yoh maintained the shield. This left Ryudo and Kiru unguarded.

Kiru warily watched Ryudo. He had his dagger out and she knew what his plan was. It'll never work, Daddy.

Heh. Says you. It worked last time, didn't it?

Yes, but now I know. I won't allow you to hurt him.

Heh. We'll see.

The two fighters now glared at each other from opposite sides of the room. Hiei obviously had the upper hand in his battle, and Taki was showing signs of exhaustion. He just couldn't keep up with the devastating speed and power that Hiei displayed. But Kiru knew all wasn't as it appeared.

Time's running out dear.

Shut it!

As you wish, dearest.

Taki flew across the room, knocking into the wall with a thud. He growled at Hiei, clutching at his bleeding shoulder. He was covered in slashes and bruises, and panting heavily from overexertion. 'Bastard!'

Hiei laughed.

'You'll get yours! Just wait and see!' Taki screeched as he charged Hiei.

Hiei easily dodged and countered with a fireball. It hit Taki in his already wounded left shoulder. Taki cried out and fell to his knees. Hiei walked up to him.

'Give me one good reason not to kill you,' he said, lifting his katana.

Taki laughed and coughed up blood. 'How about this? YOH! Now!!!'

'No!' Kiru cried, but it was too late.

Yoh had finished his chant. The shields had been a simple disguise to hide the true nature of his chant. It was a paralysis spell.

Hiei, realizing that he couldn't move his limbs, growled and bared his fangs at the now hysterically laughing Taki. 'K'so.' He tried to open his Jagan. Damn it!

Kiru started towards him, knowing she needed to prevent him from being hit by that dagger at all costs.

'Kiru, stay back!' Hiei called, sensing her energy approaching. At the rate that she was burning her youki, she would collapse within a few minutes. He had to find a way to escape this blasted spell before then.

'Restrain her!' Ryudo ordered, not wanting to allow her to interfere with his master plans.

'Oh no you don't!' Kiru called, now surrounded by Makai fires. She had never dismissed the phoenix, and was now calling on its power. She burned up Taki and Yoh in a single flare of power, decimating them into a pile of gray ashes with little more than a flick of her finger. She turned her gaze towards Ryudo, her eyes glowing with the ethereal light of the phoenix.

Ryudo simply laughed and moved his dagger so it gleamed in the light streaming in from the ceiling. He aimed towards the paralyzed fire demon.

'Don't you dare!' she threatened, lifting her hand, 'I'll melt it before it gets within ten feet of Hiei!'

Hiei felt cold sweat gather on his forehead. He could sense something bad was coming and cursed himself for being powerless to stop it. He concentrated his youki on breaking the spell, hoping he was quick enough to stop her.

Ryudo laughed, 'You wouldn't dare. You could no more damage this dagger than you could your lover, there, now could you?'

He could sense a change in her energy then. It seemed...hesitant? She's conflicted!? About what!!!?

Kiru lowered her arm to her side and bowed her head. 'Good girl, now watch as I make your life a living hell!!!' He threw the dagger towards Hiei.


Me: I wonder, I really do, if I could ever end without a cliffhanger. Oh well! (Hiei falls over)

Hiei: Sometimes I wonder why you aren't in a crazy house.

Me: Because they haven't caught me yet! (Hiei falls over again)

Hiei: Kami-sama, what have I gotten myself into this time?

Me: Ja until next time!!!!