Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Vampires, Demons, and Swimmers ... Oh My!!! ❯ Form ( Chapter -1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Ok so here is the deal. You fill out the form. I look over the ones submitted. You get to read the story with your character in it! WOOT everyone wins. There ARE only so many characters to be with, and I can only USE so many so hurry and this is a whine-free zone if not everything is as you want it. I am willing to work with you but you have to work with me. Good? Good…
Type: (demon *what kind*, vamp, human)
Physical Appearance:
***If Applicable*** Transformation Appearance:
Who you want to be with: (Yusuke, Kuwabara, Koenma, Kurama, Touya, Jin, Keiko, Shizuru, other character submitted ***if so please give the name -_-U***)
Past I should know: