Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ venomis spiders and a fire demons love ❯ the fight ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Yeah my first fic just to let you know I'm new at posting stories NOT new at writing them;) well this is just the prolog

Earlier that day Botan had been sent by Koenma to gather Yusuke, Kurama, Hiei, and Kuwabara. Two days before hand, a strong S class youkai had escaped from spirit world and into the ningenkai. This youkai resembled a gigantic black widow, with two long fangs jutting out of its mouth, perfect for piercing through any bone or flesh. In replacement of the red hourglass shape, common to the black widow, there was a white skull with snakes going through the eyes and out the mouth. The spider would easily be mistaken for a normal black widow had it not been about six feet tall and twelve feet long. The arachnid had already killed 20 ningens

"Yusuke! Do you have any idea how hard it is to track you down?!" the blue haired river sticks ferry girl screamed at the spirit detective. "Dammit Botan don't bite my head off!" the cocky teen yelled back, placing his arms behind his head. "I have Keiko for that" he added under his breath. "What is it this time Botan?"the red headed yoko inquired trying to hide a laugh as he heard Yusuke's mumble. "Why thank you Kurama, I'm glad that SOME people are taking this seriously." "Don't worry botan I Kazuma Kuwa.." "Shut up baka!" the little fire koorime snapped . "If I have to listen to another one of your pointless speeches I'll cut out your tongue," "shut up shrimp!" Before you could blink, the "baka" found a nice pointy sword in his face. "What was that?" the fire demon smirked "nothing nothing!" he yelped as he waved his hands frantically about. "That's what I thought" and hiei sheathed his kantana.

The kistune had to laugh at the scenario of the two of them. Hiei was normally a man of few words but quick to take action. Kurama's best friend was always acting tough on the outside but he still had a kind heart (sometimes). A good example would be how he would confide in the yoko ,at times, of his problems or, better yet, how he acted towards Yukina. Perhaps that is why the fox found himself in love with the fiery demon, that or his beautiful crimson eyes.

"THERE'S A GIANT SPIDER YOUKAI ON THE LOOSE KILLING NINGENS AND YOU NEED TO TRACK IT DOWN!!!!!!" The fed up ferry girl screamed "Why didn't you just say so then?" the green clad boy asked. "Argggg! I was trying to! But at least screaming got your attention". "Hn, where was it last seen?" Botan sighed thankfully that Hiei and Kurama were complying at least. "At the demon world border from the human world." "Ummmm which one?" the moron asked. "There's only one in the human world and it's in a nearby park," Kurama said. "How do you know this stuff Kurama?" "Simple Yusuke, I am a demon and its basic knowledge". "Will you guy's quit with your small talk and GET MOVING!" "Fine, fine, we're going, we're going don't blow your head off... come on guys!" And with that said Yusuke ran off in the direction of the park as the rest of th team following.
"So how are we gonna find this thing?" Kuwabara rasped as they inspected the youkai portal. Everything looked peaceful enough, the sun was shining down gently on the park and the only sounds to be heard were those of the birds singing and flitting from one tree to another. "Man where is this damn bug?! How hard can it be to find a giant spider!?" Just then Kurama felt a huge ki speeding their way. Hiei had felt it too because he had pulled his kantana out of its sheath and was in a fighting stance. "We won't have to find it Yusuke, it seems the demon has come looking for us," the yoko readied his famous rose whip, preparing for the battle. The ground shook as the skys blackened, birds rustling through the and cawing as they desperately ran away to find safety. The black haired boy turned to his companions and said in a serious tone "get ready" with a confirming nod they waited for the creature to appear. The shaking became more and more violent as the beast neared, louder and louder but still nowhere to be seen. "Dammit, which direction is it coming from?" Kuwabara growled.

Kurama's eyes widened slightly as he realized just what was happening, "MOVE!!" and with that warning everyone jumped out of the way just as the demon came shooting out of the ground, landing with a loud crash next to it's burrow. "It's seems I have some new prey" the widow like spider demon hissed out menacingly at the four boys standing in its path. "Damn, when Botan said a giant spider she meant a giant fucking spider!" With a hiss, the widow shot out some acid that Hiei had dodged with ease and the fight began.
"Spirit gun!"
"Rose whip!"
"Spirit sword!"
"Fist of the mortal flame!"
For such a large target it was shocking that each hit had missed, the large creature was indeed fast for its size. "Poison thread!" Long silver wisps of thread swam around the group cornering each of them in their own circle of silver poison. "Like this will trap me!" in a flash, Hiei's threads were cut by one swift movement of his sword, "like wise," a flash of green and short silver strands floated to the ground as Kurama broke free of his confinement. "Spirit sword!" "Spirit gun!" and as simple as that both fighters were freed from the silver prison. "Hmmm seems I'll have to try something else then, can't fight me if you can't see me." Thus the arachnid made good of its word and dug under ground. "Shit" the detective mumbled as their opponent disappeared from site. 'I can't sense its energy, did she run? No that is highly unlikely.' The kistunes thoughts were broken by a widow leaping out of the ground and on top of the unsuspecting fighter. In a surprised scream, Kurama lost hold of his whip as he was pinned on his back, four of the spiders long legs held the red heads arms and legs down on the ground. Unable to move. She moved into what looked like she was going to 'bite' Kurama, her venomous fangs poised over his shoulder "Kurama!" He heard the youkai hiss in pain as a silver flash was seen and the spider jumped off of the surprised fox. Blood was pouring from one of it's back legs but for some reason she was still smiling . "I have a feeling we'll see each other again very soon spirit detective." And with that she disappeared again.

"You all right Kurama?" Kuwabara asked while helping the yoko back onto his feet. "Yes, I'm fine.. Thank you Hiei for getting that thing off me." Dismissing the topic with his usual "hn" he flitted off 'I'd never let anything hurt you fox, never' with that last thought he continued to make his way to his favorite fox's house.

Meanwhile back at the fighting ground the three friends were discussing the battle, "Damn! I can't believe that thing got away." "Yes, it should have been a simple mission, we clearly underestimated the strength of this youkai." "Yeah well whatever we'll beat 'em next time, you sure he didn't bite you Kurama?" "Yes Kuwabara I'm sure," he laughed. Though the team nor Kurama himself knew what the spider had done, for it never had any intention of biting the youth in the first place. Before Hiei had slashed her, the youkai's fangs had shot two nearly 2' long pieces of poison thread into Kurama's shoulder it was a special attack, one that wouldn't cause any pain in the insertion but was deadly non the less.
The light turned on in one of the rooms of the Minamino household as the tired yoko walked into his bedroom only to be greeted by the fire youkai that had stolen his heart. "Hello Hiei, I wasn't expecting you tonight after that fight." "Hn, got a problem with it fox?" Kurama sat on his bed while he replied, "of course not Hiei." Hiei leaped off his current perch of the window sill to join his friend on the bed. "We're meeting in the park tomorrow to discuss what to do about the widow." "And how does that concern me fox? I have no intention of going, I don't know why you go to those stupid meetings yourself." Kurama let out a small chuckle, "I don't know, maybe its because we talk about missions and things that are important" Hiei gave Kurama a disbelieving look. " 'Important' and 'mission' are two words those morons don't even know," "huh, well yes, but when it's really important their brains tend to kick in." "That baka has a brain? Doubt it." Again he was referring to Kuwabara.. "Why don't you come this time Hiei, one meeting won't kill you." "And be in the same vicinity as that dimwit? Ha, I'll pass." "Please Hiei? I'll be there and it's not like you have to be near Kuwabara at all."Just as he was about to reject again he looked at his fox's hopeful look and melted... Hang On! Back Up! Did he really just think about Kurama as HIS fox! "Hiei?" the soft voice shook the koorime out of his thoughts and he replied with a "fine" and left the room to settle in the tree next to Kurama's house, 'only for you fox, only for you'. And with that the youkai fell asleep. The fox crawled into bed himself and fell asleep, completely unaware of what would happen the next day.
****************************************************************** ***************** Finally got down a story! :) *jumps up and down* I think it was a bit slow though.. Hmmmmm.. Well I'm posting the next chappie soon( have to finish it first) please r&r flames are welcome too. If you think I should do something differently then tell me !! Ok bye-bye